699 research outputs found

    Apadrinhamento civil

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    Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Direito na Especialidade em Ciências Jurídico-Forense

    Transversalidade e continuidade em educação: um olhar sobre os instrumentos de registo e observação na educação pré-escolar e no 1º ciclo do ensino básico

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    Tomar consciência do papel do educador de infância e do professor do 1º CEB manifesta-se uma tarefa essencial à prática, permitindo uma orientação da intervenção educativa, no sentido de ir ao encontro do que é esperado por parte destes profissionais. O trabalho espelha as experiências nos contextos de 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Educação Pré-Escolar, sendo que se encontram evidenciadas as especificidades, transversalidade e continuidade existentes em ambos os contextos. A abordagem do estudo apresenta um caráter misto. Isto é, por um lado um caráter qualitativo, na medida em que procuramos perceber mecanismos, comportamentos e atitudes, por outro lado um caráter quantitativo, na medida em que a informação, recolhida através dos questionários e entrevistas, pode espelhar uma perspetiva quantitativa. O trabalho, comum a ambas as valências, com vista a um incremento na melhoria da intervenção educativa, visa compreender as necessidades, motivações e comportamentos dos sujeitos de estudo. Este estudo tem caraterísticas próximas de uma investigação-ação que permitiram uma avaliação constante da intervenção com o objetivo de a tornar mais eficaz. Os instrumentos e técnicas de investigação utilizados foram a análise documental, as listas de verificação ou controlo, as grelhas de observação, a observação participante, os registos de observação, o inquérito por questionário, a entrevista, os instrumentos de avaliação das aprendizagens, o portfólio de criança, o registo de projeto lúdico e arede curricular. O conhecimento dos grupos de crianças permite atitudes adequadas, assim como uma planificação mais eficaz, na medida em que são promovidas atividades significativas e diferenciadas que vão de encontro às necessidades e interesses de cada um. Estes reguladores da prática educativa são instrumentos que permitem a reflexão, prática sine-qua-non para uma intervenção de qualidade, pois esta ação vai permitir uma avaliação dos acontecimentos e suas consequências e, ainda, a remodelação de práticas e atitudes.Abstract: The work of early childhood educators as well as primary school’s teachers is an essential practice, allowing the intervention to shows us what to be expected from these professionals. The work reflects the experiences in both these contexts especially in what concerns both transversal and continuity of pedagogies and methodologies with in each of them. This report is mainly characterized as being based on mixed study. On one hand has a qualitative nature, as we tried to understand mechanisms, behaviors and attitudes. On the other hand we used a quantitative approach, as the information gathered from questionnaires and interviews reveal a quantitative perspective. The study is aimed to understand the needs, motivations and behaviors of the subjects. It has features of an action-investigation that allowed a constant assessment of the intervention in order to make it more effective. The instruments and research techniques used to collect data were document analysis, checklists and control grids for register, participant observation, observation records, questionnaire survey, interview, child’s portfolio and childrens’s work. The knowledge both teachers and educators have of the group they work with allows appropriate intervention as well as more efficient planning. Significant activities related to children’s needs and interests

    Quatro bustos-relicários do Mosteiro da Madre de Deus: estudo e conservação

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    O presente artigo descreve os tratamentos de conservação e o estudo histórico e analítico realizado sobre quatro bustos-relicários pertencentes ao Mosteiro da Madre de Deus, em Lisboa, atualmente o Museu Nacional do Azulejo. Estes relicários pertencem a uma coleção composta por quarenta e cinco bustos-relicários, que representa um conjunto praticamente íntegro e único, e que contém bustos datados desde finais do século dezasseis até finais do século dezassete. Os resultados do estudo analítico sugerem que os quatro bustos terão sido produzidos de acordo com os tratados artísticos da época de produção, e os materiais identificados vão ao encontro dos que seriam utilizados naquele período.El presente artículo describe los tratamientos de conservación y el estudio histórico y analítico realizados sobre cuatro bustos-relicario pertenecientes al Monasterio de la Madre de Dios, en Lisboa, actualmente Museo Nacional del Azulejo. Estas piezas pertenecen a una colección compuesta por cuarenta y cinco bustos-relicario, conjunto prácticamente íntegro y único, y que contiene bustos datados desde finales del siglo dieciséis hasta finales del siglo diecisiete. Los resultados del estudio analítico sugieren que los cuatro bustos habrían sido realizados de acuerdo con los tratados artísticos de la época de producción y los materiales identificados en ellos coinciden con los utilizados en aquel período.This article describes the conservation and restoration treatments as well as the historical and analytical study carried out on four reliquary busts from the former Monastery of Madre de Deus, in Lisbon, currently the National Azulejo Museum. These reliquaries belong to a collection composed of forty-five reliquary busts, which represent a unique and practically intact set and has dated busts from the late 16th century until late 17th century. The analytical results obtained suggest that the four busts were produced according to the art treatises of the time and the identified materials meet the materials that would be used in that period

    Four reliquary busts from the former monastery of Madre de Deus: Study and conservation

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    This article describes the conservation and restoration treatments as well as the historical and analytical study carried out on four reliquary busts from the former Monastery of Madre de Deus, in Lisbon, currently the National Azulejo Museum. These reliquaries belong to a collection composed of forty-five reliquary busts, which represent a unique and practically intact set and has dated busts from the late 16th century until late 17th century. The analytical results obtained suggest that the four busts were produced according to the art treatises of the time and the identified materials meet the materials that would be used in that period.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The pathological gambler and his spouse: how do their narratives match?

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    This case study compares the narratives of a pathological gambler and his spouse concerning family, marital and individual matters. It does so through identifying each of the key players’ narratives individually (analysis of self-report questionnaires) and interactively (couples therapy sessions analysis). The results show that the gambler has a rather more positive view of gambling-related issues than does his spouse, and this fact is most apparent when it comes to marital and family issues. The gambler’s perspective is less positive when it comes to non-relationship issues (financial and professional issues). A few hypotheses are put forward to explain these results and these are summarized in three effects: denial, idealization/guilt relief, and disappointment/retaliation. Some implications for clinical practice are also identified, such as the need to set therapy objectives which are truly shared by both members of the couple, as well as guidelines for future research, such as studies focused on gender differences.Cette étude compare les récits d’un joueur pathologique et de sa conjointe concernant des questions familiales, conjugales et individuelles. La démarche a consisté à cerner chaque récit individuellement (analyse de questionnaires d’auto-évaluation) et en interaction avec l’autre (analyse de séances de thérapies de couple). Les résultats indiquent que le joueur a une perception plus positive des problèmes liés au jeu que sa conjointe et que cette caractéristique est plus marquée lorsqu’il est question des enjeux conjugaux et familiaux. La perception du joueur est cependant moins positive lorsqu’il est question d’enjeux non relationnels (enjeux financiers et professionnels). Les quelques hypothèses proposées pour expliquer ces résultats peuvent être résumées par les trois effets suivants : le déni, l’idéalisation/le soulagement de la culpabilité, la déception/les représailles. L’étude signale également les conséquences des résultats dégagés sur la pratique clinique, comme la nécessité d’établir des objectifs de thérapie qui sont véritablement partagés par les deux partenaires du couple, et dresse des lignes de conduite pour des recherches futures, par exemple sur les différences entre les hommes et les femmes

    Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Mathematics (AEQ-M) in Adolescents: Factorial structure, measurement invariance and convergent validity with personality

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    Published article at: European Journal of Developmental PsychologyAbstract: The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Mathematics (AEQ-M) is a self-report measure of emotions experienced in class, when self-studying, and during tests for the domain of mathematics. Our aim was to present a Portuguese version of this instrument for use with adolescents and to test its reliability, factorial structure, measurement invariance, and construct validity with personality dimensions. Our sample comprised 1,387 Portuguese students from the 7th, 8th and 9th grades (mean age = 13.2 years). Student responses to the AEQ-M were found to be reliable. Confirmatory factor analysis validated a seven-emotion × three-setting factorial structure. This model demonstrated measurement invariance across gender and grade. As a demonstration of construct validity, the emotions measured by the AEQ-M showed a pattern of associations with psychobiological personality dimensions that were in line with theoretical predictions. These results validate the AEQ-M as a suitable instrument for assessing adolescents’ mathematics-related achievement emotions and their associations with personality.Resumo: O Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Mathematics (AEQ-M) é uma medida de autorrelato de emoções experimentadas em sala de aula, quando se estuda sozinho e durante os testes para o domínio da matemática. Nosso objetivo foi apresentar uma versão em português deste instrumento para uso em adolescentes e testar sua confiabilidade, estrutura fatorial, invariância de medida e validade de construto com dimensões de personalidade. A nossa amostra foi composta por 1387 estudantes portugueses dos 7º, 8º e 9º anos (média de idade = 13,2 anos). As respostas dos alunos ao AEQ-M foram consideradas confiáveis. A análise fatorial confirmatória validou uma estrutura fatorial de sete emoções × três configurações. Este modelo demonstrou invariância de medição entre gênero e série. Como uma demonstração de validade de construto, as emoções medidas pelo AEQ-M mostraram um padrão de associações com dimensões de personalidade psicobiológica que estavam de acordo com as previsões teóricas. Estes resultados validam o AEQ-M como um instrumento adequado para avaliar as emoções de realização relacionadas à matemática dos adolescentes e suas associações com a personalidade

    Development of a Graphical Tool to integrate the Prometheus AEOlus methodology and Jason Platform

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    Software Engineering (SE) is an area that intends to build high-quality software in a systematic way. However, traditional software engineering techniques and methods do not support the demand for developing Multiagent Systems (MAS). Therefore a new subarea has been studied, called Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE). The AOSE area proposes solutions to issues related to the development of agent oriented systems. There is still no standardization in this subarea, resulting in several methodologies. Another issue of this subarea is that there are very few tools that are able to automatically generate code. In this work we propose a tool to support the Prometheus AEOlus Methodology because it provides modelling artifacts to all MAS dimensions: agents, environment, interaction, and organization. The tool supports all Prometheus AEOlus artifacts and can automatically generated code to the agent and interaction dimensions in the AgentSpeak Language, which is the language used in the Jason Platform. We have done some validations with the proposed tool and a case study is presented

    Theoretical approaches to elder abuse: a systematic review of the empirical evidence

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    There is supplementary material to this paper. You can found it at: http://hdl.handle.net/1822/73746Purpose: The study of theoretical models explaining elder abuse has been one of the main gaps in the literature of the field. The extent of support of each theory is not clear. This study aims to conduct a systematic review to examine research supporting or opposing six theories of elder abuse: caregiver stress theory, social exchange theory, social learning theory, bidirectional theory, dyadic discord theory and the psychopathology of the caregiver. Design/methodology/approach: This study conducts a systematic review of the literature. Seven databases were searched six times using different keywords about each theory. Findings: This paper finds 26,229 references and then organised and analysed these references using pre-established criteria. In total, 89 papers were selected, which contained 117 results of interest; these papers were summarised and assessed for conceptual, methodological and evidence quality. The results showed evidence in favour of all the explored theories, except for social learning theory, whose results indicate multiple interpretations of the theory. This study finishes this paper by proposing that each of these theories might explain different facets of elder abuse and that more research is necessary to understand how the predictions of these different theories interact. Originality/value: This paper presents an extensive review of the literature on theoretical explanations of elder abuse. The findings can be of value for selecting theories for prevention programmes or providing a summary of the evidence for researchers and practitioners interested in the theoretical explanation of elder abuse.This study was conducted at Psychology Research Centre (UID/PSI/01662/2013), University of Minho, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education through national funds and co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007653). João F. Fundinho was funded by a scholarship from the Portuguese Foundations for Science and Technology – FCT – (PD/BD/105965/2014

    Applying the transtheoretical model to adolescent academic performance using a person-centered approach : a latent cluster analysis.

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    This document is the authors’ version of the final accepted manuscript, published in 2020 by Learning and Individual Differences. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2019.101818 Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Prof. Paulo Moreira, Instituto de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade Lusíada, Rua de Moçambique 21 e 71, Porto 4100-348, Portugal. Email: [email protected] to the transtheoretical model (TTM), intentional behavioral change to improve academic performance at school is a process that involves a progression through five discrete stages: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. The current person-centered study assessed the emotional and sociocognitive characteristics of adolescent students (n = 343) with distinct academic performance stage of change profiles. Latent class analysis revealed five emergent groups. These groups mapped well onto the different academic performance stages of change: (1) students in a precontemplation stage; (2) students transitioning from precontemplation to contemplation; (3) students in a contemplation/preparation stage; (4) students in an action/maintenance stage; and (5) students outside the change process due to strong prior academic performances. In accordance with the TTM, group differences in personality, wellbeing, emotional/behavioral problems, learning approaches, and engagement with school indicated students in the more advanced stages of change had more adaptive psychological resources
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