717 research outputs found
Analisis Kinerja Pegawai Pada Kelurahan Cigugur Tengah Kota Cimahi
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan kinerja pegawai Kelurahan Cigugur Tengah Kota Cimahi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan terdiri dari data primer dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik daftar wawancara dan data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi serta dokumentasi. Teknik pengumpulan data merupakan langkah-langkah dalam mendapatkan data, yaitu suatu cara pengumpulan data yang digunakan oleh peneliti untuk memperoleh informasi dengan tanya jawab secara lisan dan tatap muka dengan responden. Sementara teknik analisis data yang dipergunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang sangat relevan digunakan untuk mengkaji lebih dalam dari beberapa fenomena yang terjadi pada Kelurahan Cigugur Tengah Kota Cimahi terkait dengan kinerja karyawan. Hasil penelitian yaitu kinerja pegawai baik dari aspek kuantitas, kualitas dan waktu dapat dikategorikan sudah baik. Adapun saran yang disampaikan peneliti adalah pegawai Kelurahan Cigugur Tengah Kota Cimahi diharapkan untuk terus meningkatkan kinerja dalam memberikan pelayanan administrasi kepada masyarakat dengan cara meningkatkan aspek aspek baik kuantitas, kualitas maupun waktu
This study aims to analyze the effect of inflation and the rupiah exchange rate on the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) in the period leading up to and during the Covid-19 pandemic as measured using the Consumer Price Index (IHK), the exchange rate against the USD dollar. , the JCI average. The population in this study is all monthly time series data which includes the inflation rate, exchange rate and Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and Bank Indonesia (BI). The data analysis technique used is Multiple Linear Regression. This research hail shows that inflation has a positive effect on the JCI and the exchange rate has a negative effect on the JCI on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during and ahead of the Covid-19 pandemic. Keywords : Inflation, Exchange Rate and Composite Stock Price Index (JCI
Analisis faktor penentu keputusan pembelian konsumen pada online shop: peran penggunaan media sosial dan perilaku hedonis konsumen
The development of the e-commerce business is currently showing significant growth. In addition, there are many millennial generations who behave consumptively. This of course did not appear out of nowhere, but with the development of the internet and social media. The increasing use of social media has led to consumer purchasing decisions online. This study aims to determine the effect of using social media and hedonic behavior on online purchasing decisions. This study uses a quantitative approach using explanatory. The sample was selected as many as 105 respondents from the Bandung College of Administrative Sciences. The results showed that there was an influence between the two variables, namely the use of social media and hedonic behavior on online purchasing decisions. This research also has implications for companies to review advertising through social media, given that currently social media users are higher, especially in today's younger generation
Supporting information for National, regional, and worldwide estimates of low birthweight rates in 2015, with trends from 2000: a systematic analysis
Data produced by the World Health Organization, UNICEF, LSHTM and Johns Hopkins University to estimate national low birthweight (LBW) and numbers for 195 countries. LBW data was collated through a systematic review of national routine/registration systems, nationally representative surveys, and other data sources, and subsequently modelled using restricted maximum likelihood estimation with country-level random effects. Data includes a list of 1447 rate data points used as an input to the modelled estimates, yearly national-level covariates for each of the 195 countries studied from 2000 to 2015, and information on estimated low birthweight rates from 2000 to 2015 for 148 countries with data. Stata code used to generate these estimates is provided
Acceptorless Amine Dehydrogenation and Transamination Using Pd-Doped Hydrotalcites
The acceptorless dehydrogenation of acyclic secondary amines is a highly desirable but still elusive catalytic process. Here we report the synthesis, characterization, and activity of Pd-doped hydrotalcites (Pd-HTs) for acceptorless dehydrogenation of both primary and secondary amines (cyclic and acyclic). These multifunctional catalysts comprise Brønsted basic and Lewis acidic surface sites that stabilize Pd in 0, 2 + , and 4 + oxidation states. Pd speciation and corresponding catalytic performance is a strong function of metal loading. High activity is observed for the dehydrogenation of secondary aliphatic amines to imines, and N-heterocycles, such as indoline, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline, and piperidine, to aromatic compounds. Oxidative transamination of primary amines is achieved using low Pd loading (0.5 mol %), without the need for oxidants. The relative yields of secondary imines afforded are consistent with trends for calculated free energy of reaction, while yields for transamination products correspond to the electrophilicity of primary imine intermediates. Reversible amine dehydrogenation and imine hydrogenation determine the relative selectivity for secondary imine/amine products. Poisoning tests evidence that Pd-HTs operate heterogeneously, with negligible metal leaching. Catalysts retain over 90% of activity over six reuse cycles, but do suffer some selectivity loss, attributed to changes of Pd phases
Developing An English Digital Textbook Based On Tanimbar Local Wisdom And Its Contribution To English Curriculum
The existing book provided by the government did not meet student's background knowledge and conditions. It less of learning activities which does not engage the students to take a part in the learning process. To overcome this problem, this study aims to integrate the Tanimbar culture as a local wisdom in learning, by developing digital textbook as a learning resource. The research carried out of a Research and Development method by applying ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) model. The result of the developed of English Digital text book showed that: Expert’s validation result of the developed materials was at good level, visual design was at exemplary level. Teacher’s validation of result of the developed materials was at excellent level, visual design was at exemplary level. Small group try –out showed that majority of them stated that the materials were very helpful for them in learning English. The result of the effectiveness of an English Digital Textbook based on Tanimbar local wisdom was seven students get excellent score, twenty two students get good score, one student gets fair score. Thus, it can concluded that the textbook was useful as guidance to enhance students’ knowledge toward local materials of Tanimbar.
Buku yang disediakan pemerintah saat itu tidak sesuai dengan latar belakang pengetahuan dan kondisi siswa. Kurangnya kegiatan pembelajaran yang tidak melibatkan siswa untuk mengambil bagian dalam proses pembelajaran. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan budaya Tanimbar sebagai kearifan lokal dalam pembelajaran, dengan mengembangkan buku teks digital sebagai sumber belajar. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode Research and Development dengan menerapkan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation dan Evaluation). Hasil pengembangan buku teks Bahasa Inggris Digital menunjukkan bahwa: Hasil validasi ahli terhadap materi yang dikembangkan berada pada tingkat baik, desain visual berada pada tingkat keteladanan. Validasi guru terhadap hasil materi yang dikembangkan berada pada tingkat sangat baik, desain visual berada pada tingkat keteladanan. Uji coba kelompok kecil menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas dari mereka menyatakan bahwa materi tersebut sangat membantu mereka dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Hasil keefektifan Buku Teks Digital Bahasa Inggris berbasis kearifan lokal Tanimbar adalah tujuh siswa mendapat nilai sangat baik, dua puluh dua siswa mendapat nilai baik, dan satu siswa mendapat nilai cukup. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa buku ajar ini bermanfaat sebagai pedoman untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa terhadap materi lokal Tanimbar
Synergistic Role of Water and Oxygen Leads to Degradation in Formamidinium-Based Halide Perovskites
Mixed-cation metal halide perovskites have shown remarkable progress in photovoltaic applications with high power conversion efficiencies. However, to achieve large-scale deployment of this technology, efficiencies must be complemented by long-term durability. The latter is limited by external factors, such as exposure to humidity and air, which lead to the rapid degradation of the perovskite materials and devices. In this work, we study the mechanisms causing Cs and formamidinium (FA)-based halide perovskite phase transformations and stabilization during moisture and air exposure. We use in situ X-ray scattering, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and first-principles calculations to study these chemical interactions and their effects on structure. We unravel a surface reaction pathway involving the dissolution of FAI by water and iodide oxidation by oxygen, driving the Cs/FA ratio into thermodynamically unstable regions, leading to undesirable phase transformations. This work demonstrates the interplay of bulk phase transformations with surface chemical reactions, providing a detailed understanding of the degradation mechanism and strategies for designing durable and efficient perovskite materials
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