111 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Implementasi Quality Management System ISO 9001:2000 terhadap Kinerja Rumah Sakit Duren Sawit

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    The organization effort to improve health care service production through implementation of Quality Management System ISO 9001:2000 in a systematic, comprehensivelyand continuously should results in effective and efficient performance. This study objective is to observe the role of Quality Management System ISO 9001:2000 implementation on performance of Duren Sawit Hospital measured by Balance Scorecard strategic frame approach to analyze the readinessof the hospital to implement Balance Scorecard strategic management. The study results show that through understanding and consistent implementation of QMS ISO 9001:2000 Duren Sawit Hospital can produce effective and efficient organization performance. This study also provide analysis on the readiness of Duren Sawit Hospital to implement Balance Scorecard strategic management and identify the gaps of sources of information to measure indicators toachieve organization strategic objectives

    Affective Bibliotheraphy Untuk Meningkatkan Self Esteem Pada Anak Slow Learner Di SD Inklusi

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    AbstrackSelf-esteem is an important factor affecting the success of a child for a happier life. Have a high self esteem is a difficult thing for a slow learner child in elementary inclusive. This study aims to determine the level of self-esteem slow learner children in elementary inclusion school, and improving their self esteem with affective bibliotherapy techniques.The design of this study using randomized groups pre-test post-test design. This research involves with 9 slow learner children with 4 children as the experimental group and 5 children as a control group. The experimental group was given training bibliotherapy for 10 times.The study have two hypothesis, the first is “Affective bibliotherapy to increase self esteem slow learner children in inclusive elementary school”, and the second hypothesis is “There is an increase in self esteem between experimental group with the control group after the intervention with the experimental group was affective bibliotherapy.Research results show that affective bibliotherapy is effective for improving slow learner children's self esteem in primary inclusions with z value = -1,841 with 0.033 significansi level (p <0.05). It is also found that the affective bibliotherapy more effective in improving three aspects of self-esteem is significant, virtue, and competence, but the aspects of power increase is not to high

    Fresh Evidence on Technology Leadership and Technology Transformation at Schools in Five Different Continents: Moderating Role of Supply Chain

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    This paper aims to summarize the knowledge and understanding of technology leadership in educational context, that is still scarce, and gather the empirical evidence on organizational change due to technology transformation at schools in five continents. Further aimed where information sharing wide supply chain management significantly and positively inserts moderating effects among the relationship between simplified organizational structure   (SOS), collective decision making (CDM), adequate knowledge and skills (AKS), and organizational change (OC). The research revealed that simplified organizational structure, collective decision making and adequate knowledge and skills have positive association   with organzational change, and supply chain positively moderate   among the link between AKS and OC. The result also contribute to (1) a considerable variability of terms and definition of technology leadership in the era of industrial revolution 4.0  and (2) theoritical review on managerial practice for successsful technology transformation. From the study, leaders, teachers, and staffs in higher education and all parties involved in the world of education today are able to recognize the importance of adapting to rapid changes, which occur exponentially in the world of education as a result of technology development

    ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE IN AN INTER-ORGANISATIONAL CONTEXT: THE PERSPECTIVE OF TERRITORIALITY A study on the Office of Integrated Administration System (Satuan Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap – SAMSAT) Surabaya

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    This study investigates organisational change in an inter-organisational context, focusing on the dynamics of the changes, including different roles and functions of each contributing organisation and the relationship amongst these organisations. The issue of interorganisational change is considered important conceptually and contextually. Conceptually, whilst organisational change has been studied extensively, studies on the context of interorganisational changes are limited. Importantly, this study takes territoriality as a lens to frame the dynamics of the changes. Territoriality has been extensively studied in the field of anthropology, geography, political and also sociology; but there are limited studies on organisational territoriality. Most existing studies investigate territoriality as an expressed behaviour, to mark and defend territories. In light of this gap, this study offers a different perspective, by framing territoriality not only as an expressed behaviour, but also proposing it as a process in investigating changes in an interorganisational context. Contextually, this study takes the case of an office of an integrated administration system, which is responsible for managing vehicle registration, taxing and insurance. The role of this organisation has been under spotlight, considering its contributing organisations’ position in the post-reform Indonesia. Most reform lessons are further sourced from Western context or from developed countries; hence this study provides evidence on change from a rather different context, by presenting the case of a public organisation in a developing country and from Eastern, or Asian context. To help with the investigation, this study employed a qualitative method, by using an approach informed by grounded theory. In breaking down collected information and mapping the results, the method thus helped to ask questions on who, what actions, what context, what aims, how they did it and also how the conduct was. Data was collected through the use of semi-structured interviews with 16 informants, who were contacted through a snowballing mechanism. Supporting documents were also collected from the organisations involved, as well as publicly available documents, to help with the analysis. In summary, this study argues that territoriality can be seen as a process rather than only an expressed behaviour. In addition, organisational change involves a deterritorialisation process, which without it, a change cannot take place. This strengthens the notion that territoriality is a process. This study also deconstructed the notion of ‘sectorial-ego’, an Indonesian-specific term for silo mentality. This ego represents territoriality as an expressed behaviour and in order to change, public organisations need to be able to manage their territories, by deterritorialising vertical interests and at the same time, compromising their territories horizontally, in the context of interorganisational collaboration


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    Writing is one of important skill that must be mastered by students so that the students can express their ideas or feeling. In writing, students must make a text or essay with some components of writing, such as grammar, vocabulary, and etc. However, most of the students cannot do it in the same time because it causes their difficulty to write. In this case, using appropriate teaching strategy is very important procedure in giving instruction to the students that aims to increase student’s ability. For this reason the researcher conducted the research about teaching writing using Think Talk Write Strategy. Think Talk Write is a strategy that facilitating the exercises of language both oral and written fluently. This strategy asks the students to think the ideas, then talk or share the idea with their partners before the writing process. Thus, the purpose of this study is to know the teacher’s implementation of think talk write strategy in teaching writing descriptive text and to know the students’ responses toward the use of think talk write strategy. This study was descriptive qualitative research. The researcher described and analyzed the existing phenomena during the teaching learning process. The subject of this study was the English teacher and the students in Mts. Muhammadiyah 1 Dukun and Mts. YkuiMaskumambang. Moreover, there were two instruments used in this study. They were observation and depth interview. The result of this study were: Think stage the teacher shows a picture then asks the students to analyze and mention the characteristics of the picture, Talk stage the teacher divides the students into some groups to define the generic structure of descriptive text, and Write stage the teacher asks the students to write descriptive text based on the result of discussion individually. In the students depth interview gave clear visualization that the students interest and enthusiastic in learning writing descriptive text by using think talk write strategy. Based on the conclusion, the researcher may give some suggestions to the next researcher, think talk write strategy can be implemented in different skill like speaking to improve the students’ speaking ability. While, for the teacher, should apply think talk write strategy because the strategy could help the students to develop their ideas and improve their writing skill


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    Latar Belakang : Kader merupakan relawan yang berasal dari masyarakat, untuk membantu masyarakat dalam upaya melaksanakan pelayanan kesehatan di masyarakat, yang bekerja dengan sukarela dalam menjalankan kegiatan di Posyandu dan BKB. Kader harus trampil dan mampu mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan. Keterampilan membutuhkan pelatihan dan kemampuan dasar yang dimiliki setiap orang. Terutama saat melakukan pencatatan dan pelaporan termasuk saat mengisi Kartu Kembang Anak (KKA). Study pendahuluan masih ada 13 orang kader yang belum memahami cara mengisi KKA dan 18 orang kader menagalami kesulitan saat mengisi KKA, sehingga perlu pelatihan keterampilan kader cara mengisi Kartu Kembang Anak (KKA). Tujuan : Mengetahui perbedaan  keterampilan kader sebelum dan sesudah diberi pelatihan cara mengisi Kartu Kembang Anak (KKA) di BKB di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Telaga Arum Kabupaten Kayong Utara. Metode Penelitian : Desain rancangan praeksperimen one group pretest posttest Pada penelitian ini besar sampel yang digunakan adalah  jumlah seluruh populasi yaitu sebanyak 78 orang. cara pengambilan sampelnya adalah dengan mengambil seluruh sampel yaitu seluruh populasi. Hasil : Sebelum diberikan pelatihan keterampilan repsonden rendah, dimana nilai minimum adalah 0 dan nilai maksimum 9 dan nilai rata-rata hanya 1,90. Sesudah diberikan pelatihan keterampilan responden sangat baik, dimana nilai minimum adalah 6 dan nilai maksimum 10 serta nilai rata-ratanya 9,38. Berdasarkan analisis didapat nilai p = 0,000 < 0,005 menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan  keterampilan kader sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pelatihan tentang cara mengisi Kartu Kembang Anak (KKA) di BKB diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Telaga Arum Kabupaten Kayong Utara. Simpulan : Ada perbedaan keterampilan kader sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pelatihan tentang cara mengisi Kartu Kembang Anak (KKA) di BKB diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Telaga Aru

    Determination of flavonoid levels of Macaranga gigantea and its activity as antioxidants

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    One of the ways to prevent generative diseases is by using natural antioxidant compounds. The flavonoid compounds in the flower parts of M. gigantea have a role in antioxidants. Thus the study aimed to test the antioxidant activity and flavonoid levels of M. gigantea flowers. The antioxidant test was carried out by UV-vis spectrophotometry using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and flavonoid assay using 10% aluminum chloride and potassium acetate, both tests using quercetin as a comparison. The results of this test obtained IC50 antioxidants 145,725 ± 3.858 ppm, and flavonoids were 1,860 ± 0.007% w/w eq quercetin. The conclusion from the experiments that have been carried out is that M. gigantea flowers have moderate antioxidant abilities

    How Supply Chain Regulates the Innovations Study of Diffusion in Public Service Organizations? Recommendations of Reform

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    This investigation will examine the effect of innovation, innovation process and performance on public service organizations with the moderating effect of supply chain management (Information Sharing). Why is innovation important for public service organizations? Public service innovation is an important concern in bureaucratic reform efforts. The need for bureaucratic reform, especially in public services, in an effort to fulfil the right to obtain services provided by the government. This study will gather data by using questionnaires and PLS-SEM was used for analysis. This study will present a systematic framework and methodology based on the synthesis of the results of the review so that it can be used as a rationale and recommendation for public service reform and innovation in Indonesia. The results of a systematic framework and methodology can be used in the broader context of public service organizations


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    The purposes of study were to examine the agribusiness system implementation of the dairy cattle farms; the average productions of dairy cattle and to analyse the effect of agribusiness system implementation on dairy cattle farm productivity. The study used survey methods and as elementary units were the dairy cattle farmers. The sample was determined by the Purposive quota sampling method towards 69 dairy cattle farmers. Data collected were primary and secondary data. Data were analysed using qualitative descriptive, quantitative descriptive, and inferencial statistic methods (multiple linear regression). The result showed that: (i) the agribusiness implementation system was in good category with score 3.97; (ii) the average business scale of dairy cattle farms was 3.74 head/farmer with composition of lactation dairy cattle and non-lactation dairy cattle was 42.25% and 57.75% respectively, and the milk productivity was 9.05 lt/head/day; (iii) Simultaneously, agribusiness subsystem was significant influenced to cow's milk productivity, while in partial term, the preproduction subsystem, agribusiness support access subsystem, and agribusiness planning were a significant effect on the productivity of dairy cattle farms, while the livestock business management subsystem was no significant effect.


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    PENDAHULUAN Pembangunan peternakan mempunyai tujuan mewujudkan peternakan yang maju, efisien dan tangguh, dimana sumberdaya yang ada dimanfaatkan secara optimal dalam rangka untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar. Pembangunan peternakan esensinya untuk meningkatkan pendapatan/kesejahteraan peternak, meningkatkan konsumsi protein hewani asal ternak bagi masyarakat, menyediakan bahan baku industri dan ekspor, menciptakan lapangan usaha, meningkatkan peranan kelembagaan dan mewujudkan tercapainya keseimbangan antara pemanfaatan dan pelestarian sumberdaya alam. Langkah pembangunan yang ditempuh, salah satunya dengan mendekatkan aspek komoditas pada sistem agribisnis. Menurut Saragih (2001), bahwa pembangunan yang dapat memberikan peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat tani yang relatif tinggi dan menciptakan daya saing global, adalah pembangunan agribisnis berbasis peternakan. Sistem agribisnis peternakan pada esensinya mencakup empat subsistem, yaitu subsistem agribisnis peternakan hulu (upstream agribusiness), subsistem budi daya peternakan (on farm agribusiness), subsistem agribisnis peternakan hilir (downstream agribusiness), sub-sistem jasa penunjang (supporting institution). Kabupaten Semarang adalah sentra produksi susu sapi dan pengembangan sapi perah nomor dua di Jawa Tengah setelah Boyolali. Kondisi ini tercermin dari jumlah populasi ternak sapi perah pada 2013 sebanyak 22.308 ekor, tersebar pada seluruh kecamatan di Kabupaten Semarang (15 kecamatan) atau 21,49% dari populasi di Jawa tengah (Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Semarang, 2013). Ternak sapi perah pada umumnya dikembangkan dalam bentuk usaha ternak rakyat dengan skala usaha antara satu ekor sampai dengan enam ekor perpeternak (Prasetyo et al., 2004). Guna mengoptimalkan usaha ternak sapi perah rakyat, maka pengembangannya yang sedianya di titik beratkan pada pendekatan teknis sudah saatnya direformasi menggunakan manajemen secara intensif melalui pendekatan sistem agribisnis. Untuk itulah dibutuhkan tinjauan dan perencanaan yang komprehensif. Tujuan penelitian, ialah : (i) mengetahui kuantitas produksi dan penerapan sistem agribisnis; (ii) mengetahui pendapatan, dan (iii) menganalisis peranan kuantitas produksi dan penerapan sistem agribisnis terhadap pendapatan usaha ternak sapi perah rakyat di Kabupaten Semarang. Outcome hasil penelitian ini, adalah meningkatnya efisiensi usaha ternak sapi perah rakyat, serta meningkatknya produktivitas dan pendapatan usaha ternak sapi perah rakyat di Kabupaten Semaran