20 research outputs found


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    Review: The Role of Nanoparticles in Inhibiting the Growth of the Plasmodium Parasite Causing Malarial Disease Malaria is a health problem in Indonesia with the most cases in eastern parts of Indonesia. This study provides an overview of the potential of nanoparticles in inhibiting malaria vectors and the growth of Plasmodium parasites that causes malaria based on the latest literature as reference materials and future research ideas. Nanoparticle can be synthesized using three methods i.e. physical, chemical and biological synthesis. The use of nanoparticles with biological method is highly recommended because they are practicable, environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and easy to reproduce compared to physico-chemically synthesized nanoparticles. Nanoparticles synthesized from several plants can inhibit the growth of Plasmodium parasites with IC50 3–78 g mL–1. This activity is classified as high to moderate in inhibiting the growth of the Plasmodium parasite that causes malaria. The mechanism of inhibition of Plasmodium growth is by increasing the pH of food vacuole due to the reaction of nanoparticles with Ferriprotoporphyrin IX. The high pH in the food vacuole will interfere with metabolic activity by inhibiting the activity of aspartate and cysteine ??protease enzymes so that the parasites will die. Malaria merupakan masalah kesehatan yang dihadapi Indonesia khususnya di beberapa wilayah timur Indonesia. Kajian ini memberikan gambaran potensi nanopartikel dalam menghambat vektor malaria maupun pertumbuhan parasit Plasmodium penyebab malaria berdasarkan literatur terbaru sebagai bahan acuan maupun ide-ide penelitian di masa mendatang. Nanopartikel dapat disintesis menggunakan tiga metode yaitu fisika, kimia dan biologi. Penggunaan nanopartikel dengan metode biologi sangat direkomendasikan karena lebih mudah diterapkan, ramah lingkungan, bersifat non-toksik, dan mudah diperbanyak dibandingkan dengan nanopartikel yang disintensis dari fisiko-kimia. Nanopartikel yang disintesis dari beberapa tanaman dapat menghambat pertumbuhan parasit Plasmodium dengan IC50 3–78 g mL–1. Aktivitas ini tergolong tinggi hingga sedang dalam menghambat pertumbuhan parasit Plasmodium penyebab malaria. Mekanisme penghambatan pertumbuhan Plasmodium dengan cara meningkatkan pH vakuola makanan akibat reaksi nanopartikel dengan feriprotoporpirin IX. Tingginya pH pada vakuola makanan akan mengganggu aktivitas metabolisme dengan cara menghambat aktivitas enzim aspartat dan sistein protease sehingga parasit akan mati


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    Nanopartikel disintesis melalui metode fisika, kimia, dan green synthesis. Kelemahan dari metode fisika adalah konsumsi energi yang tinggi, sedangkan metode kimia memiliki potensi bahaya yang tinggi dalam toksisitas atau produk samping dari reaksi. Penanganan nanomaterial yang tidak tepat merupakan hal yang harus diperhatikan karena dapat membahayakan ekosistem laut. Faktor bahaya dari nanopartikel logam oksida adalah disolusi, yaitu pelepasan ion logam dari logam oksida ke dalam media perairan dan penyerapan ion logam oleh organisme sekitar. Nanopartikel dapat teradsorpsi ke permukaan sel dan menyebabkan perubahan struktur membran lipid dari sel melalui reaksi peroksidasi. Penyebab pembentukan ion logam di air laut terjadi karena terdapat senyawa organik alami seperti asam fulvat dan sistein. Toksisitas nanopartikel terhadap biota laut tergantung pada sifat fisikokimia nanopartikel saat berada di dalam air. Pemakaian nanopartikel yang turut serta dalam pendistribusian nanopartikel sebagai bahan pencemar di ekosistem perairan akan dijelaskan. Selain itu, analisis implikasi dari sintesis nanopartikel terhadap efek toksik yang ditimbulkan juga akan dilakukan sebagai evaluasi efektivitas dari metode sintesis nanopartikel terhadap lingkungan


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    Moluska memiliki cara unik dalam mempertahankan dirinya pada daerah intertidal, selain itu moluska di daerah ini memiliki keanekaragaman yang berbeda dibandingkan zona lainnya. Oleh karena itu, perlu kajian mendalam terkait keanekaragaman dan cara adaptasi moluska pada daerah tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis dan keanekaragaman moluska, cara adaptasi moluska pada gelombang tinggi, potensi ekonomis moluska, serta menentukan klaster komunitas moluska di Pantai Pamengpeuk, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini berlokasi di Pantai Bubujung, Pantai Karang Paranje, Pantai Santolo Indah, Pantai Karang Papak, Pantai Taman Manalusu, Pantai Cicalobak, Pantai Karang Wangi, Pantai Ranca Buaya 2 dan Pantai Ranca Buaya 1 dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Hasil pengamatan ditemukan 37 spesies moluska yang terdiri dari 33 jenis gastropoda dan 4 jenis bivalvia. Moluska di daerah ini beradaptasi dengan cara bersembunyi pada bebatuan dan mencari daerah yang lembab untuk mempertahankan kadar air di dalam tubuhnya. Famili dengan jumlah individu dan penyebaran tertinggi adalah Nodilittorina, Trochoides, dan Littorinidae. Indeks keanekaragaman (H') moluska tertinggi yaitu Pantai Ranca Buaya 1 dengan indeks keanekaragaman 2,8, sedangkan indeks kemerataan tertinggi (e) yaitu Pantai Parenje (0,92). Moluska yang berpotensi ekonomis untuk dikembangkan di Pantai Pamengpeuk, Garut Selatan antara lain Planaxis sulcata, Nerita polita, Nerita picea, Cerithium eburneum, dan Turbo setosus. Pantai Pemengpeuk memiliki tingkat keanekaragaman yang tinggi sehingga berpotensi untuk dikembangkan dalam rangka meningkatkan kelestarian dan perekonomian masyarakat di wilayah tersebut.Mollusk in intertidal zone have a unique way for self-defend and have different spesies biodiversity than other zones. So we need to learn in-depth of the diversity and ways of their adaptation. The aim of this study were to determine the spesies and diversity of mollusk, to observe the adaptation and the economic benefits of mollusk, and determine of mollusk cluster community. This research were located in Pameungpeuk, Garut, West Java included Bubujung, Karang Paranje, Santolo Indah, Karang Papak, Taman Manalusu, Cicalobak, Karang Wangi, Ranca Buaya 2 and Ranca Buaya 1 Beach. The observation found 37 species of mollusks consist of 33 species gastropoda and 4 species bivalvia. Mollusks adapt by hiding in rocks and looking for moist areas to maintain water levels in their bodies. Species with a high number of individuals and distribution were Nodilittorina, Trochoides, and Littorinidae. The highest diversity index (H’) of mollusk is found in Ranca Buaya 1 (H’ 2.8) and the higest index of evenness (e) is found in Parenje beach (0.92). The mollusks that have potential economic to be developed in Pamengpeuk beach included Planaxis sulcata, Nerita polita, Nerita picea, Cerithium eburneum, and Turbo setosus. Pemengpeuk Beach has a high level of diversity and distribution of mollusks so that it potential to be developed in order to improve the sustainability and economy of the people in that region

    Struktur Komunitas dan Keanekaragaman Makrobentos di Perairan Teluk Jakarta

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    AbstrakTeluk Jakarta di perairan Laut Jawa terletak di sebelah utara Provinsi DKI Jakarta memiliki potensi sangat besar baik sumber daya perairannya maupun sebagai pusat aktivitas dan jasa-jasa lingkungan. Potensi pusat aktivitas meliputi sektor industri, perhubungan, perdagangan, perikanan, pariwisata, dan kependudukan. Namun kondisi perairan Teluk Jakarta semakin lama semakin kritis. Kondisi ini berpengaruh terhadap biota makrobentos seperti Mollusca, Crustacea, Echinodermata, dan Polychaeta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas makrobentos dan status pencemaran perairan Teluk Jakarta berdasarkan indikator biologis. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan Grab Smith McIntyre sebanyak tiga kali ulangan pada 9 lokasi yang berbeda. Sampel dianalisis untuk memperoleh keanekaragaman dan struktur komunitas makrobentos, indeks keanekaragaman (H’), indeks kemerataan jenis (J’), serta kualitas perairan Teluk Jakarta. Hasil menunjukkan perairan Teluk Jakarta didominasi oleh Polychaeta dengan persentase 53% (422 individu), Mollusca 33%, Crustacea 13%, dan Echinodermata 1% dengan total individu makrobentos, yaitu 793 individu. Kelimpahan makrobentos paling tinggi, yaitu Mollusca jenis Ennucula sp. (186 individu), Crustacea jenis Apseudes sp. (41 individu), dan Echinodermata jenis Aphiuridae (3 individu). Keanekaragaman jenis di perairan Teluk Jakarta termasuk kategori sedang dengan H indeks 1–2, kondisi perairan tercemar sedang, dan indeks kemerataan jenis (J’) makrobentos tinggi dengan nilai indeks >0,75 yang menunjukkan tidak adanya dominansi spesies. Abstract Jakarta Bay is located in the north of DKI Jakarta Province which has enormous potential in its water resources and as a center for environmental services. The center services include the industrial sector, transportation, trade, fisheries, tourism, and population. However, Jakarta Bay waters have suffered critical damage. This condition affects on macrobenthos such as Molluscs, Crustaceans, Echinoderms, Polychaete so the aims of this study is to determine the diversity pollution status of Jakarta Bay based on biological indicators. The sampling method use Grab Smith McIntyre with three replications in 9 different locations. Samples were analyzed to determine the diversity and structure community of macrobenthos, diversity index (H'), index of Evenness (J’) and the water quality of Jakarta Bay based on biological indicators. The results show that Jakarta Bay waters are dominated by Polychaete with a percentage of 53% (422 individuals), mollusks 33%, Crustaceans 13%, and Echinoderms 1% with a total of 793 individuals. Crustaceans consist of 23 species which are dominated by Apseudes sp. Mollusks consist of 265 individuals dominated by Ennucula sp and Echinoderms dominated by Amphiuridae. The level of species diversity in the waters of Jakarta Bay is included in the moderate category with H index 1–2, with moderate polluted waters, and the evenness index (J’) is in the high category with an index value >0,75. It indicate the absence of species dominance

    Liver histopathology of mice induced by paracetamol on administration of methanol extract of laban tree bark (Vitex pubescens Vahl.).

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    Paracetamol metabolism takes place in the liver mediated by CYP450 enzymes and generates NAPQI radicals. The NAPQI radical is highly electrophilic to hepatocyte biomolecules and is therefore capable of inducing liver damage. Laban tree bark (V. pubescens) methanol extract is known to contain antioxidant compounds of flavonoids, saponins, and tannins with an IC50 value of 19.83 g/ml. This study aims to determine the optimal dose of extract that can improve the liver microanatomy of mice induced by toxic dose of paracetamol (TDP). This study used 30 male Swiss strain mice with a body weight of 20-30 g. The treatments given consisted of negative control (paracetamol 105 mg kg-1), positive control (vitamin E 46.8 mg kg-1), and laban extract at a dose of 75; 150; 300; 600 mg kg-1 BW. Liver microanatomy parameters measured included hepatocyte diameter (19.50±0.21 µm), sinusoids (4.39±0.23 µm), and central vein (36.84 ± 1.79 µm). Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Test further test was then presented in the form of mean ± standard deviation. The results showed that extract at a dose of 600 mg kg-1 had hepatocyte, sinusoid, and central vein diameters that were not significantly different (p>0.05) with vitamin E


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    Long-term consumption or overdose of paracetamol can induce liver damage characterized by increased measure of liver malondialdehyde (MDA). The methanol extract of laban tree bark (Vitex pubescens Vahl) contains antioxidant compounds such as flavonoids, tannins, and saponins that have potential as hepatoprotectors. This study aims to determine the optimal dose of methanol extract of V. pubescens tree bark to reduce liver MDA levels of mice after being induced by toxic dose of paracetamol (TDP). This study uses a completely randomized design (CRD) and 35 male Swiss strain mice aged 2,5-3 months. The treatments given consisted of normal control (aquades); negative control (TDP 105 mg/kg weight); positive control (vitamin E 48.6 mg/kg weight) and methanol extract of V. pubescens tree bark (75 mg/kg weight; 150 mg/Kg weight; 300 mg/kg weight and 600 mg/kg weight). Based on the research results, mice that were given an extract dose of 600 mg/kg weight showed a liver MDA levels of 0.68±0.24 nmol/mL which was close to the liver MDA levels of positive control mice, which was 0.62±0.12 nmol/mL


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    Perairan Kepulauan Sangihe-Talaud merupakan wilayah pemijahan hewan laut, sehingga berbagai jenis larva hewan laut dapat ditemukan di wilayah ini. Identifikasi larva gastropoda secara morfologi sangat sulit dilakukan karena tingginya kesamaan morfologi antar spesies pada fase larva. DNA Barcoding dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi larva berbagai hewan laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi larva gastropoda dari Family Cymatiidae di Perairan Kepulauan Sangihe-Talaud. Sampel larva diambil dengan menggunakan alat Issaac Kid Midwater Tramp (IKMT) di kedalaman 1000 m di bawah permukaan laut pada siang dan malam hari. Barcoding DNA menggunakan primer universal LCO 1490 dan HCO 2198, pengeditan dan alignment sekuen DNA dalam Geneious ver. 9 dan identifikasi menggunakan BLAST di GenBank NCBI. Pohon filogenetik dikonstruksi menggunakan metode neighbor joining (NJ) dan model Kimura-2i dalam MEGA X. Sebanyak 39 spesimen larva Cymatiidae terdiri atas 6 genus yaitu Reticutriton, Monoplex, Turritriton, Cymatium, Gutturnium, dan Ranularia; lima spesies teridentifikasi: Reticutriton pfeifferianus, Monoplex aquatilus, Monoplex comptus, Cymatium cingulatum dan Gutturnium muricinum, dengan tingkat kesamaan 97,32-100%. Berdasarkan pohon filogenetik sebagian sekuen individu termasuk kelompok monofiletik sedangkan genus Monoplex bersifat polifiletik dan mengelompok dalam genus yang berbeda dengan nilai boostrap yang cukup tinggi. Jarak genetik antar spesies berkisar 0,0761-0,1737 dengan jarak genetik antar spesies terendah pada Monoplex comptus dan Reticutricon pfeifferianus. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan DNA barcoding dapat digunakan dalam mengidentifikasi larva Gastropoda khususnya family Cymatiidae. Identifikasi jenis hewan laut secara dini menjadi salah satu kunci penting dalam pengelolaan lestari jenis hewan laut. Identifikasi larva yang tepat akan berguna dalam pengelolaan konservasi suatu wilayah perairan.The seas around the Sangihe-Talaud Islands are a spawning ground for marine animals, so many marine animals' larva can be found in this area. Morphological identification of gastropod larvae is complicated because of the high morphological similarities between species in the larval stage. DNA Barcoding can be used to identify the larvae of various marine animals. This study aims to identify gastropod larvae, especially the family Cymatiidae, in the waters around the Sangihe-Talaud Islands. Larvae samples were collected using an Isaac Kid Midwater Tramp (IKMT) at a depth of 1000m below sea level day and night. DNA barcoding used the universal primers LCO 1490 and HCO 2198. DNA sequences were edited and aligned in Geneious ver nine and identified using the NCBI GenBank BLAST routine. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining (NJ) method with the Kimura-2 model. 39 Cymatiidae larvae were identified as belonging to 6 genera: Reticutriton, Monoplex, Turritriton, Cymatium, Gutturnium, and Ranularia; five species were identified: Reticutriton pfeifferianus, Monoplex aquariums, Monoplex computers, Cymatium cingulated and Gutturnium muricinum, with a similarity 97.32-100%. Based on the phylogenetic tree, some of the individual sequences belong to monophyletic groups, while the Monoplex genus is polyphyletic and grouped into several genera with relatively high bootstrap values. The genetic distance between species ranged from 0.0761-to 0.1737 with the lowest inter-species genetic distance between Monoplex computers and Reticutricon pfeifferianus. This study concludes that DNA barcoding can be used to identify gastropod larvae, in particular the family Cymatiidae. Early identification of marine animal species is an important key to the sustainable management of marine animals. Identification of gastropod larvae can support the conservation management of marine waters

    Phycocyanin Extraction from Spirulina platensis and Its Antimalarial Activity In-Vitro

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    Phycocyanin is a pigment-protein complex from the light-harvesting phycobiliprotein family which isoften found in cyanobacteria. The product phycocyanin produced by phanizomenon flos-aquae and Spirulinasp. The aim of this study were to determine the best solvents purification phycocanin from Spirulina platensisin three solvents, phosphate buffer, water and aceton ammonium sulphate and to evaluate the antimalarialactivity in vitro of phycocyanin in the best solvent extraction from S. platensis. The method of this study wasusing in-vitro antimalarial method. The result showed C- phycocyanin (C-PC), yield, and protein contentsof phycocyanin were 8 mg/mL, 20.22%, 1.88% extracted and purified by phosphate buffer, 6.63 mg/mL,16.58 %, 3.51% extracted and purified by water, 2.86 mg/mL, 7.15%, 8.4% extracted and purified by acetoneammonium sulphate respectively. Phosphate buffer was the best solvent of phycocyanin extraction from S.platensis. Antimalarial activity in vitro of phycocyanin in hosphate buffer against Plasmodium falciparumstrains 3D7 with IC50 was 158,489 μg/mL. The possible mechanism might be relied on the destruction ofpolymerization of Haemozoin by binding of C-PC with ferriprotoporphyrin-IX at the water surface of theplasma membrane

    Epileptic EEG signal classification using convolutional neural network based on multi-segment of EEG signal

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    High performance in the epileptic electroencephalogram (EEG) signal classification is an important step in diagnosing epilepsy. Furthermore, this classification is carried out to determine whether the EEG signal from a person's examination results is categorized as an epileptic signal or not (healthy). Several automated techniques have been proposed to assist neurologists in classifying these signals. In general, these techniques have yielded a high average accuracy in classification, but the performance still needs to be improved. Therefore, we propose a convolutional neural network based on multi-segment of EEG signals to classify epileptic EEG signals. This method is built to overcome data limitations in the convolutional neural network training process and add the ensemble combination process. The multi-segment of EEG signal is formed by splitting the signal without overlapping each channel and converting it into the spectrogram image based on the short-time Fourier transform value. The spectrogram image is then used as input for the convolutional neural network in in-depth training and testing. The convolutional neural network model of the training results is used to classify each EEG signal segment on each test channel before entering the ensemble combination stage for the final classification. To evaluate the performance of our proposed method, we used the Bonn EEG dataset. The dataset consists of five EEG records labelled as A, B, C, D, and E. The experiments on several datasets (AB-C, AB-D, AB-E, AB-CD, AB-CDE, and AB-CD-E) which were arranged from the dataset showed that our proposed method (with segment) performs better than without segment. Our proposed method yielded the best average of classification accuracy which is 99.33%, 100%, 100%, 99.5%, 99.8%, and 99.4% for the AB-C, AB-D, AB-E, AB-CD, AB-CDE, and AB-CD-E.By these results, the proposed method can outperform several other methods on the same dataset

    Pengaruh Defatting, Frekuensi Pencucian dan Penyimpanan Beku Terhadap Kualitas Surimi Ikan Lele

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    Catfish was a suitable alternative for the main raw material for making surimi, because it has a high protein content, easy to found and than has good prospective to be made surimi product. The aimed of this study to analyze effect of defatting, washing cycle, and frozen storage was add cryoprotectant. This research was conducted three step that is deffating, washing, and made surimi. The concentration of the selected for defatting processed was NaH2PO4 2% during 10 minutes and the result fat content was 0.15%. The best washing was one time of made kamaboko and has gel strength (510.35 g.cm), and the best quality (PLG : 0%; pH : 6.53; water content : 76.6%; folding test : 3.22; bite test : 3,77) when compared with washing cycle two times and three times. The best cryoprotectant addition was 4% trehalose and result of gel strength was 354.15 g.cm for three weeks of frozen storage