2,024 research outputs found

    Close Approaches of Debris to LARES Satellite During Its First Four Years of Operation

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    Since its launch in February 2012, the LAser RElativity Satellite (LARES) of the Italian Space Agency experienced four close approaches with space debris. LARES orbits at an altitude of 1450 km, in a region where the density of space debris has a peak. However, the probability of an impact with a debris during the operational life of the satellite was reasonably low. The analysis of the close approaches identified three of the objects, that are from two peculiar population of objects. This paper discusses the problem of space debris in low orbit, the approaches occurred with LARES, and some possible scenarios related to space regulations and space law in case of an impact

    Photoexcitation of Aldehyde derivatives to access chiral added value products

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    A renewed interest is recently experienced in synthetic photochemical processes thanks to the availability of different light sources and, above all, for they extraordinary potential for the sustainable preparation of chiral molecules. The short-lived electronically excited states generated by photostimulation of organic compounds, indeed, can resort to a manifold variety of mechanism reactions that are not available to conventional thermal pathways. In this thesis work, photostimulation of aldehyde derivatives are used for diastereoselective synthesis of strain cyclobutane rings and for enantioselective remote perfluoroalkylation. The cyclobutanol motif is of interest in organic synthesis as a prochiral unit, it is present in natural products and has been used as an intermediate in the total synthesis of some sesterpenoids. In medicinal chemistry, the established benefit of fluorine-containing fragments relies on their ability to alter the physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties of organic compounds. These aspects explain the importance of developing novel methods for the stereoselective incorporation of trifluoromethyl (CF3) and perfluoroalkyl (RF) units within organic molecules. However, only a few strategies are available for the installation of perfluoroalkyl-containing stereogenic centres. In the main part of the work, an efficient diastereoselective synthesis of cyclobutanol oximes (CBOs) has been achieved via Norrish-Yang photoisomerization of several 2-(hydroxyimino)-aldehydes (R1R2CHC(=NOH)CHO, HIAs) under LED UV light irradiation: The Norrish-Yang reaction is a photo-activated transformation of carbonyl compounds that leads to the formation of cyclobutanols, the only requirement being the presence of a -H in the substrate. The n-π* transition of a carbonyl group can lead, via intramolecular hydrogen abstraction, to the generation of an excited 1,4-biradical triplet state which then undergoes either a Norrish-type II fragmentation reaction or a Norrish-Yang cyclization with the formation of cyclobutanols. The synthetic methodology is generally applicable to a series of HIAs, affording the corresponding cyclobutanol oximes (CBOs) chemoselectively (i.e. without sizable fragmentation side-reactions), diastereoselectively (up to >99:1) and in good to excellent yields (up to 95%). CBO oxime ether derivatives can be purified and diastereomers isolated by standard column chromatography. Being the CBO moiety a confined small ring with many functional groups in proximal vicinity, the spectroscopic determination of the relative configuration of the obtained compounds was a key challenge. The assignment of cis/trans ring signals was determined by combination of spin-decoupled 1H, 13C, HSQC, and NOESY NMR spectroscopy. A detailed investigation combining experimental results, molecular dynamics calculations, spectroscopic data and DFT calculations was undertaken to complete the mechanistic and stereochemical picture of this photocyclization reaction. Moreover, molecular dynamics and NMR analyses were combined to study the observed post-cyclization E/Z isomerization of the CBO oxime double bond. In the second part of the work, carried out at Institut Català d'Investigació Química -ICIQ (Tarragona, Spain), a photochemical procedure for the asymmetric introduction of CF3 and perfluoroalkyl groups at the remote γ position of α-branched enals has been developed: Mechanistic investigations suggest that the stereocontrolled radical perfluoroalkylation of enals at the γ-carbon relies on the excitation of an electron donor acceptor EDA complex between the catalytic dienamine and the perfluoroalkyl iodide. Irradiation of the EDA complex by a blue light LED generates via a single electron transfer, the perfluoroalkyl radical. This radical is then intercepted by the chiral dienamine, in a regio- and stereoselective fashion affording the desired product. All perfluoroalkylated enals are obtained with complete γ-regioselectivity, good enantiomeric ratio (up to 93:7), and in good yield (up to 70%), depending on the structure of catalyst, enals and perfluoroalkyl iodides

    Tradução e ensino de língua estrangeira, um ponto de vista teórico e prático: o cenário italiano

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    In the course of the last century, translation employed as a tool for foreign language acquisition has suffered alternate fates. From being the approach, par excellence, employed in rote learning in the days of lexicogrammatical-translation methodology, it soon slipped into disuse (and disgrace) with the advent of progressive communicative educational theories. Though never wholly absent in actual classroom practice and always present in the work of some bold scholars, it has recently been rehabilitated on the wave of studies regarding the use of the learners’ own language within the classroom, against the theoretical backdrop of research in the field of cross-lingual teaching, translanguaging and intercomprehension; all activities which recognize the fundamental role of the interlinguistic and intercultural component in language learning. This paper focuses on the Italian scenario, it traces the role translation has played and currently plays in the Italian foreign language university curricula and outlines the many benefits which can derive from its inclusive use as a learning technique in the light of contemporary didactic methodologies.A lo largo del último siglo, la traducción usada como una herramienta para la adquisición de lengua extranjera pasó por diferentes proposiciones. Tras haber sido el abordaje por excelencia, habitualmente usado en los tiempos de la metodología lexicogramática-traducción, ella luego entró en desuso (y desgracia) con la llegada de las teorías educacionales comunicativas progresistas. Aunque nunca haya estado completamente ausente de la práctica actual en sala de clases y siempre haya estado presente en el trabajo de algunos investigadores de relieve, ella/la traducción está siendo recentemente reitegrada a la ola de estudios relacionados al uso de la lengua de los aprendices en sala de clases, y siendo considerada un telón de fondo teórico de la investigación en el campo de la enseñanza translingue, translinguismo e intercomprensión; actividades que reconocen el papel fundamental del componente interlinguístico e intercultural en el aprendizaje de lenguas. En este artículo se aborda el escenario italiano, delineando el papel que la traducción ocupó y ocupa actualmente en los currículos universitarios italianos en la enseñanza de lengua extranjera y esboza las muchas ventajas que pueden originarse de su uso inclusivo como una técnica de aprendizaje, a la luz de metodologías didácticas contemporáneas.Durante o último século, a tradução empregada como uma ferramenta para a aquisição de língua estrangeira passou por diferentes proposições. Depois de ser a abordagem por excelência, habitualmente utilizada nos tempos da metodologia lexicogramatica-tradução, ela logo entrou em desuso (e desgraça) com a chegada das teorias educacionais comunicativas progressistas. Embora nunca tenha estado completamente ausente da prática atual em sala de aula e sempre esteja presente no trabalho de alguns pesquisadores de destaque, ela foi recentemente reintegrada à onda dos estudos relacionados ao uso da língua dos aprendizes em sala de aula, considerando o pano de fundo teórico da pesquisa no campo do ensino translíngue, translinguismo e intercompreensão; atividades que reconhecem o papel fundamental do componente interlinguístico e intercultural na aprendizagem de línguas. Este artigo aborda o cenário italiano, traçando o papel que a tradução ocupou e ocupa atualmente nos currículos universitários italianos no ensino de língua estrangeira e esboça as muitas vantagens que podem se originar de seu uso inclusivo como uma técnica de aprendizagem, à luz de metodologias didáticas contemporâneas

    Management of cluster headache in the emergency department

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    Although cluster headache (CH) is considered one of the most distinctive and painful primary headache disorders in clinical practice because of the brevity of each attack, its management is not always ergonomic or possible in the Emergency Department. In case of a previously competent diagnosis, the Emergency Department's team should send the patient to a headache centre where specialists in the management of CH can handle the pathology in the best way. In our headache centre we treat patients with CH attacks with a hyperbaric chamber, confirming the effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen in CH patients. © Springer-Verlag Italia 2005

    Sviluppo di una procedura per la valutazione delle prestazioni di un motore termoacustico ad onda stazionaria basata sull’ottimizzazione delle proprietà fisico-strutturali di uno stack non convenzionale

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    L’attività di ricerca ed i risultati conseguiti hanno riguardato principalmente lo sviluppo e la validazione numerica di una procedura di calcolo, sviluppata in ambiente matlab, per la modellazione e la simulazione delle prestazioni di un motore termoacustico ad onda stazionaria che presenta uno “stack” caratterizzato da una conformazione geometrica non convenzionale. Solitamente gli stack dei motori termoacustici ad onda stazionaria sono realizzati con geometrie regolari come ad esempio stack a piastre parallele, pori circolari o rettangolari. Al fine di poter estendere la trattazione a stack a geometria complessa sono state riformulate le funzioni termiche e viscose introdotte dalla teoria di Rott mediante l’uso del modello di Johnson – Champoux – Allard che consente la modellazione della propagazione sonora in un materiale poroso a scheletro rigido. È stato pertanto sviluppato un algoritmo di calcolo per l’implementazione delle nuove espressioni delle funzioni termiche e viscose e delle equazioni necessarie all’analisi delle prestazioni di un motore termoacustico ad onda stazionaria. Infine è stata altresì, fissate delle condizioni operative di esercizio, è stata sviluppata una procedura di ottimizzazione delle proprietà fisico-strutturali finalizzato all’individuazione delle combinazioni di valori delle suddette grandezze in grado di migliorare le prestazioni del dispositivo termoacustico

    Current trends in management: a literature review

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    In a world so different from the one of last century, featured with uncertainty, quick changes in tastes and needs and industry paradigm shifts, companies are demanded fast adaptation and capability to assimilate knowledge and learning from both internal and external sources. This is the context in which modern management practices emerge. Novel routines and doing certain practices in different ways may be an opportunity for employees to learn something new and renew their excitements for their job. To adopt these trends, companies need to be fully committed to abandon traditional and out-of-dated practices, that is their organizational culture should allow to embrace novelties and to welcome and incorporate unfamiliar knowledge. The current work attempts at describing and reviewing what the current trends in management are. Because the scope of management is broad, trends are chosen according to our experience and knowledge. Particularly, the focus is on management trends are uncertainty, unforeseen events (e.g. COVID- 19) and sustainability. Opting for a literature review, it was possible to find these trends and observe a characteristic that they have in common: they reflect the need for agility, being flexible and be open to welcome flow of knowledge to the company’s organization. Among the trends found, transversal teams, open innovation, lean startup approach and risk management. In order to be fully working, it is argued that organizations should adopt a flat structure and simplify formalities

    Il risarcimento del danno nel trasporto aereo di persone

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    Nel nostro ordinamento si \ue8 assistito ad un notevole riassetto della disciplina interna che a seguito della Riforma del codice della navigazione nella parte aeronautica, si \ue8 adeguato alla disciplina internazionale. Ci\uf2 ha reso di fatto agevole l\u2019applicazione della relativa disciplina, lasciando tuttavia aperte talune questioni di preminente importanza. Il costante evolversi dei traffici aerei, in particolare, ha imposto al legislatore nazionale di prestare sempre maggior attenzione alla tutela del passeggero. File rouge nella trattazione dell\u2019elaborato sono state quindi le note pronunce delle Sezioni unite, che nel 2008, in tema di danno non patrimoniale, hanno contribuito ad un riassetto giurisprudenzial

    Puesta en marcha del CLIL en los centros educativos italianos: ¿Se puede dar una formación eficaz al docente con antigüedad en el oficio? La voz de los protagonistas italianos

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    Most Italian upper schools will have to offer at least one subject in a foreign language as part of the national curriculum starting next year. This paper aims to report the results of a survey we carried out between April and June 2011 in order to get the feel of the teachers’ expectations, fears and thoughts in the wake of the ‘CLIL revolution’ in our country. The overall aim of our research is to offer those in charge of the project the possibility to hear the voices of some of the teachers who are being asked to take on a task requiring considerable extra work in a very complex moment for our country, so as to at least attempt to finetune their decisions to actual reality. A partir del próximo año los institutos italianos estarán obligados a impartir una asignatura en un idioma estranjero como parte del curriculo nacional. Objetivo de esta ponencia es informar de los resultados de una encuesta realizada entre abril y junio de 2011 con el fin de sondear las expectativas de los profesores, sus temores y opiniones con vista a la revolución CLIL en Italia. El fin de la investigación es ofrecer a los responsables del proyecto la posibilidad de escuchar las voces de los docentes, a los que se le pedirá una gran mole de trabajo extra en un momento especialmente complejo para el país, con el fin de afinar las modalidades de realización del proyecto mismo con las exigencias de los profesores de instituto y la realidad actual.A partir del año 2012-2013, los institutos italianos estarán obligados a impartiruna asignatura en un idioma extranjero como parte del curriculo nacional. Objetivo de esta ponencia es informar de los resultados de una encuesta realizada entre abril y junio de 2011 con el fin de sondear las expectativas de los profesores, sus temores y opiniones con vista a la revolución CLIL en Italia. La finalidad de lainvestigación es ofrecer a los responsables del proyecto la posibilidad de escucharlas voces de los docentes, a los que se les está pidiendo una gran cantidad detrabajo extra en un momento especialmente complicado para el país, con el fin deafinar las modalidades de realización del proyecto mismo con las exigencias delos profesores de instituto y la realidad actual