16 research outputs found

    An alternative to market-oriented energy models : Nexus patterns across hierarchical levels

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552From a biophysical perspective, energy is central to the behaviour of social-ecological systems. Its ubiquity means that energy is entangled with nexus elements, including water, land, emissions and labour. At the science-policy interface, large market-oriented energy models dominate as the tool to inform decision-making. The outputs of these models are used to shape policies, but strongly depend on sets of assumptions that are not available for deliberation and gloss over uncertainties. Taking an approach from complexity, we propose an alternative to market-oriented energy models, describing the behaviour of energy systems in relation to patterns of nexus elements across hierarchical levels. Three characteristics are central to the approach: (i) the distinction of the model's building blocks into functional and structural elements; (ii) their hierarchical organisation and (iii) the description of nexus patterns at each level, through the tool of the processor. To illustrate the model, it is applied to Catalonia's energy sector, linking production and consumption patterns. The framework may help inform stakeholder deliberation on pressing energy and nexus issues

    Complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity : Implications for European Union energy governance

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552Energy security is an ambiguous concept. Growing academic interest has aimed at defining, conceptualising and measuring energy security, often through indicators. Energy policy in the European Union (EU) is not concerned with energy security's ambiguous conceptualisation, nor does it use energy security indicators, but it refers consistently to security as one of its primary aims. In this paper, by analysing the use of energy security both in scientific publications and in EU policy, we argue that the ambiguity of the concept plays a function in the policy process and is only seen as a problem in the academic literature. Building on the uncertainty literature, we conceptualise ambiguity as the type of uncertainty that emerges from complexity. Complexity leads to the existence of multiple representations of a system, which may serve different purposes in the policy process, generating ambiguity. Uncertainty is mobilised to frame energy policy as a matter of security. This has implications for the science-policy interface: on one hand, the analysis suggests that science's aim of providing holistic assessments and clarifications may not serve its desired instrumental purpose in policymaking; on the other, ambiguity allows for materially ineffective policy measures to persist in the name of energy security

    Deep Decarbonisation from a Biophysical Perspective: GHG Emissions of a Renewable Electricity Transformation in the EU

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552In light of climate change and security concerns, decarbonisation has become a priority for industrialised countries. In the European Union (EU), decarbonisation scenarios used to support decision-making predict a steady decrease in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mostly driven by changes in production mixes and improvements in efficiency. In the EU's decarbonisation pathways, the power sector plays a large role, reaching zero emissions by 2050. From a biophysical perspective, decarbonisation becomes not just a matter of replacing carbon-intensive with carbon-neutral electricity flows, but also a matter of building and maintaining new infrastructure (funds) which, in turn, is associated with GHG emissions. By not accounting for the emissions associated with funds, particularly those required to increase grid flexibility, scenarios used to inform decarbonisation narratives in the EU are missing a key part of the picture. We show that a rapid and deep decarbonisation of the EU's power sector through a production-side transition between the years 2020 and 2050 leads to cumulative emissions of the order of 21-25 Gt of CO2 equivalent, within a range of approximately 35-45%. The results are obtained by modelling two decarbonisation pathways where grid flexibility increases either through storage or through curtailment. The analysis suggests that scenarios informing decarbonisation policies in the EU are optimistic and may lead to a narrow focus on sustainable production transformations. This minimises the perceived urgency of reducing overall energy consumption to stay within safe carbon budgets

    Energy systems are complex. Implications for science and for policy

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    Aquesta tesi investiga les implicacions de la complexitat per a la producció de models de sistemes social-ecològics i per a la interfície ciència-política. Em centre en la política energètica a la Unió Europea (UE), a través d'estudis de casos desenvolupats dins del projecte MAGIC d'Horitzó 2020. A través d'una sèrie d'estudis de casos, desenvolupo les eines necessàries per descriure els sistemes energètics a diverses escales, qüestiono si les narratives que sustenten la política energètica de la UE són adequades per atendre les seves preocupacions i inspecciono el paper que juga el món acadèmic en la configuració d'aquestes narratives. Les implicacions metodològiques de la modelització de sistemes energètics a la interfície ciència-política s'aborden mitjançant un estudi de cas del sector energètic de Catalunya. Basant-se en la teoria de la jerarquia, el sistema energètic de la regió es descriu en termes estructurals i en termes funcionals, mostrant com una descripció funcional és útil per guiar les qüestions de política. Mitjançant la cartografia de les dimensions del nexe entre nivells jeràrquics, aquest primer estudi de cas proporciona les eines per generar avaluacions de nexes de manera oberta i transparent. En el segon cas pràctic, en col·laboració amb Zora Kovacic, em centro en la seguretat energètica, un dels pilars de la Unió Energètica de la UE. Inspeccionant les múltiples definicions i dimensions relacionades amb la seguretat energètica a la literatura acadèmica, argumentem que l'ambigüitat del terme és funcional en la formulació de polítiques i no és una qüestió que s'hagi de resoldre amb una major claredat definicional. Més aviat, l'ambigüitat està incrustada en la complexitat. Això suggereix que la producció de definicions i indicadors de seguretat energètica en el món acadèmic pot no ser útil per a les polítiques. El tercer estudi de cas analitza les narratives que envolten els vehicles elèctrics a la UE. Les narratives de polítiques dels documents de la UE s'identifiquen mitjançant una anàlisi de text i s'assignen a nivells jeràrquics. S'introdueix una taxonomia per classificar les narratives polítiques, distingint entre narratives normatives, narratives de justificació i narratives explicatives. Mitjançant una revisió d'estudis i informes existents, s'inspecciona la qualitat de la constel·lació de narratives que envolten els vehicles elèctrics, centrant-se en la relació entre les narratives normatives i de justificació. Els resultats mostren com aquesta relació és incerta en el millor dels casos. Centrant-se en el paper que juga la ciència en la informació de les polítiques, assenyalen la necessitat de reconèixer la manera en què les narratives de polítiques afecten i són afectades per les acadèmiques. El quart i més recent estudi de cas és una ampliació del primer, presentat aquí com a treball exploratori en curs. Els metabolismes energètics d'Espanya, Suècia i la UE es descriuen a través d'holarquies, incloent cada branca del sistema energètic (electricitat, calor, gas i combustibles). Aquest mapatge a gran escala s'utilitza per debatre dos temes centrals en la política energètica de la UE: la descarbonització i l'externalització. Poso en dubte les narratives de descarbonització de la UE i subratllo el coneixement incòmode sobre la dependència del sector energètic de la UE en les importacions.Esta tesis investiga las implicaciones de la complejidad para la producción de modelos de sistemas social-ecológicos y para la interfaz ciencia-política. Me centro en la política energética en la Unión Europea (UE), a través de estudios de casos desarrollados dentro del proyecto MAGIC de Horizonte 2020. A través de una serie de estudios de casos, desarrollo las herramientas necesarias para describir los sistemas energéticos a diversas escalas, cuestiono si las narrativas que sustentan la política energética de la UE son adecuadas para atender sus preocupaciones e inspeccionar el papel que juega el mundo académico en la configuración de estas narrativas. Las implicaciones metodológicas de la modelización de sistemas energéticos en la interfaz ciencia-política se abordan mediante un estudio de caso del sector energético de Cataluña. Basándose en la teoría de la jerarquía, el sistema energético de la región se describe en términos estructurales y en términos funcionales, mostrando como una descripción funcional es útil para guiar las cuestiones de política. Mediante la cartografía de las dimensiones del nexo entre niveles jerárquicos, este primer estudio de caso proporciona las herramientas para generar evaluaciones de nexos de manera abierta y transparente. En el segundo caso práctico, en colaboración con Zora Kovacic, me centro en la seguridad energética, uno de los pilares de la Unión Energética de la UE. nspeccionando las múltiples definiciones y dimensiones relacionadas con la seguridad energética en la literatura académica, argumentamos que la ambigüedad del término es funcional en la formulación de políticas y no es una cuestión que deba resolver con una mayor claridad definicional. Más bien, la ambigüedad está incrustada en la complejidad. Esto sugiere que la producción de definiciones e indicadores de seguridad energética en el mundo académico puede no ser útil para las políticas. El tercer estudio de caso analiza las narrativas que rodean los vehículos eléctricos en la UE. Las narrativas de políticas de los documentos de la UE se identifican mediante un análisis de texto y se asignan a niveles jerárquicos. Se introduce una taxonomía para clasificar las narrativas políticas, distinguiendo entre narrativas normativas, narrativas de justificación y narrativas explicativas. Mediante una revisión de estudios e informes existentes, se inspecciona la calidad de la constelación de narrativas que rodean los vehículos eléctricos, centrándose en la relación entre las narrativas normativas y de justificación. Los resultados muestran cómo esta relación es incierta en el mejor de los casos. Centrándose en el papel que juega la ciencia en la información de las políticas, señalan la necesidad de reconocer la manera en que las narrativas de políticas afectan y son afectadas por las académicas. El cuarto y más reciente estudio de caso es una ampliación del primero, presentado aquí como trabajo exploratorio en curso. Los metabolismos energéticos de España, Suecia y la UE se describen a través de holarquies, incluyendo cada rama del sistema energético (electricidad, calor, gas y combustibles). Este mapeo a gran escala se utiliza para debatir dos temas centrales en la política energética de la UE: la descarbonización y la externalización. Pongo en duda las narrativas de descarbonización de la UE y subrayo el conocimiento incómodo sobre la dependencia del sector energético de la UE en las importaciones.This thesis investigates the implications of complexity for the production of models of social-ecological systems and for the science-policy interface. I focus on energy policy in the European Union (EU), through case studies developed within the Horizon 2020 project MAGIC. The way I refer to complexity builds on the work of Robert Rosen, who defined a complex system as one which can be described in non-equivalent and non-reducible ways. This powerful definition, which I refer to as Rosennian (or relational) complexity, calls for deep reflections on the way scientific knowledge is used to inform our image of the world and how we act upon that image. It focuses on the role played by observers in perceiving systems and in modelling them, through devices that I refer to as narratives. Narratives allow reducing the information space of complex reality into a manageable storyline which can be used to guide action, establishing causal patterns across impredicative processes operating at different scales. As such, they are central both to science and to policymaking. Narratives cannot be true or false, only adequate or obsolete with respect to the perception of a system. Through a series of case studies, I develop the tools needed to describe energy systems across multiple scales, question whether narratives underpinning EU energy policy are adequate in addressing their concerns and inspect the role played by academia in shaping those narratives. The methodological implications of modelling energy systems at the science-policy interface are addressed through a case study of Catalonia's energy sector. Building on hierarchy theory, the region's energy system is described in structural terms and in functional ones, showing how a functional description is useful in guiding policy questions. By mapping nexus dimensions across hierarchical levels, this first case study provides the tools to generate nexus assessments in open and transparent ways. In the second case study, a collaboration with Zora Kovacic, I focus on energy security, one of the pillars of the EU's Energy Union. Inspecting the multiple definitions and dimensions connected with energy security in the academic literature, we argue that the ambiguity of the term is functional in policymaking and is not a matter to be solved with increased definitional clarity. Rather, ambiguity is embedded in complexity. This suggests that the production of definitions and indicators of energy security in academia may not be useful to policy. The third case study analyses the narratives surrounding electric vehicles in the EU. Policy narratives in EU documents are identified through a text analysis and mapped across hierarchical levels. A taxonomy to classify policy narratives is introduced, making the distinction between normative narratives, justification narratives and explanation narratives. Through a review of existing studies and reports, the quality of the constellation of narratives surrounding electric vehicles is inspected, focusing on the relationship between normative and justification narratives. Results show how this relationship is uncertain at best. Focusing on the role played by science in informing policy, they point to the need of recognising the way in which policy narratives affect and are affected by academic ones. The fourth and most recent case study is an expansion of the first one, presented here as exploratory work in progress. The energy metabolisms of Spain, Sweden and the EU are described through holarchies, including each branch of the energy system (electricity, heat, gas and fuels). This multi-scale mapping is used to discuss two issues that are central to EU energy policy: decarbonisation and externalisation. I question EU decarbonisation narratives and highlight uncomfortable knowledge regarding the reliance of the EU's energy sector on imports.Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Ciència i Tecnologia Ambiental

    Complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity: Implications for European Union energy governance

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    Energy security is an ambiguous concept. Growing academic interest has aimed at defining, conceptualising and measuring energy security, often through indicators. Energy policy in the European Union (EU) is not concerned with energy security’s ambiguous conceptualisation, nor does it use energy security indicators, but it refers consistently to security as one of its primary aims. In this paper, by analysing the use of energy security both in scientific publications and in EU policy, we argue that the ambiguity of the concept plays a function in the policy process and is only seen as a problem in the academic literature. Building on the uncertainty literature, we conceptualise ambiguity as the type of uncertainty that emerges from complexity. Complexity leads to the existence of multiple representations of a system, which may serve different purposes in the policy process, generating ambiguity. Uncertainty is mobilised to frame energy policy as a matter of security. This has implications for the science-policy interface: on one hand, the analysis suggests that science’s aim of providing holistic assessments and clarifications may not serve its desired instrumental purpose in policymaking; on the other, ambiguity allows for materially ineffective policy measures to persist in the name of energy security

    Complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity : Implications for European Union energy governance

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552Energy security is an ambiguous concept. Growing academic interest has aimed at defining, conceptualising and measuring energy security, often through indicators. Energy policy in the European Union (EU) is not concerned with energy security's ambiguous conceptualisation, nor does it use energy security indicators, but it refers consistently to security as one of its primary aims. In this paper, by analysing the use of energy security both in scientific publications and in EU policy, we argue that the ambiguity of the concept plays a function in the policy process and is only seen as a problem in the academic literature. Building on the uncertainty literature, we conceptualise ambiguity as the type of uncertainty that emerges from complexity. Complexity leads to the existence of multiple representations of a system, which may serve different purposes in the policy process, generating ambiguity. Uncertainty is mobilised to frame energy policy as a matter of security. This has implications for the science-policy interface: on one hand, the analysis suggests that science's aim of providing holistic assessments and clarifications may not serve its desired instrumental purpose in policymaking; on the other, ambiguity allows for materially ineffective policy measures to persist in the name of energy security

    The metabolism of oil extraction : a bottom-up approach applied to the case of Ecuador

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552The global energy system is highly dependent on fossil fuels, which covered approximately 90% of primary energy sources in 2016. As the quality and quantity of oil extracted changes, in response to changes in end uses and in response to biophysical limitations, it is important to understand the metabolism of oil extraction - i.e. the relation between the inputs used and the output extracted. We formalize a methodology to describe oil extraction based on the distinction between functional and structural elements, using the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) to generate a diagnostic of the performance of oil extraction and to build scenarios. The analysis allows generating modular benchmarks which are applicable to other countries. It is shown that oil extraction in Ecuador consumes, per cubic meter of crude oil extracted, over 100 kWh of electricity and 1.5 GJ of fuels, requiring 3 kW of power capacity and 2 h of human activity. A scenario is developed to check the effects on Ecuador's metabolic pattern of an increase in oil production over the next five years. The strength of the proposed methodology is highlighted, focusing on the adaptability of the method for dealing with policy issues

    Deep Decarbonisation from a Biophysical Perspective: GHG Emissions of a Renewable Electricity Transformation in the EU

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552In light of climate change and security concerns, decarbonisation has become a priority for industrialised countries. In the European Union (EU), decarbonisation scenarios used to support decision-making predict a steady decrease in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mostly driven by changes in production mixes and improvements in efficiency. In the EU's decarbonisation pathways, the power sector plays a large role, reaching zero emissions by 2050. From a biophysical perspective, decarbonisation becomes not just a matter of replacing carbon-intensive with carbon-neutral electricity flows, but also a matter of building and maintaining new infrastructure (funds) which, in turn, is associated with GHG emissions. By not accounting for the emissions associated with funds, particularly those required to increase grid flexibility, scenarios used to inform decarbonisation narratives in the EU are missing a key part of the picture. We show that a rapid and deep decarbonisation of the EU's power sector through a production-side transition between the years 2020 and 2050 leads to cumulative emissions of the order of 21-25 Gt of CO2 equivalent, within a range of approximately 35-45%. The results are obtained by modelling two decarbonisation pathways where grid flexibility increases either through storage or through curtailment. The analysis suggests that scenarios informing decarbonisation policies in the EU are optimistic and may lead to a narrow focus on sustainable production transformations. This minimises the perceived urgency of reducing overall energy consumption to stay within safe carbon budgets