619 research outputs found

    Geiger-Mode Avalanche Photodiodes in Particle Detection

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    It is well known that avalanche photodiodes operated in the Geiger mode above the breakdown voltage offer a virtually infinite sensitivity and time accuracy in the picosecond range that can be used for single photon detection. However, their performance in particle detection remains still unexplored. In this contribution, we are going to expose the different steps that we have taken in order to prove the efficiency of Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes in the aforementioned field. In particular, we will present an array of pixels of 1mmx1mm fabricated with a standard CMOS technology for characterization in a test beam.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of LCWS1

    Diferencias sexuales en los primeros comportamientos coitales

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    [Resumen] Objetivos: Conocer las primeras prácticas sexuales no coita1es de la juventud y las diferencias en función del sexo

    High dynamic range diamond detector acquisition system for beam wire scanner applications

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    The CERN Beam Instrumentation group has been working during the last years on the beam wire scanners upgrade to cope up with the increasing requirements of CERN experiments. These devices are used to measure the beam profile by crossing a thin wire through a circulating beam, the resulting secondary particles produced from beam/wire interaction are detected and correlated with the wire position to reconstruct the beam profile. The upgraded secondary particles acquisition electronics will use polycrystalline chemical vapour deposition (pCVD) diamond detectors for particle shower measurements, with low noise acquisitions performed on the tunnel, near the detector. The digital data is transmitted to the surface through an optical link with the GBT protocol. Two integrator ASICs (ICECAL and QIE10) are being characterized and compared for detector readout with the complete acquisition chain prototype. This contribution presents the project status, the QIE10 front-end performance and the first measurements with the complete acquisition system prototype. In addition, diamond detector signals from particle showers generated by an operational beam wire scanner are analysed and compared with an operational system

    Long-term acute infections during a bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) outbreak in dairy farm from Galicia (NW Spain)

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    An observational study describes an outbreak of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in a dairy herd in Spain. The herd was subjected to a voluntary control program. In a sampling carried out in June 2020, bulk tank milk antibody levels increased compared to the previous sampling. Additionally, serum samples from 4 young heifers also tested positive for antibodies. Since the results were consistent with a recent infection, we proceeded to detect possible persistently infected (PI) animals using antigen ELISA (on serum/ear-notch samples), following the program guidelines. From this moment on, 42 animals tested positive for BVDV antigen, of which 17 were under typical acute infection (AI), 13 were deemed as PI, and eight died early on the farm before having information to determine their status. The remaining 4 showed intriguing test results consistent with a long-term AI since they tested BVDV positive in at least two antigen tests more than 3 weeks apart. Thus, one animal was positive until 80 days of age in serum, and others even for longer periods in ear-notch samples, until they finally tested negative for BVDV. Based on these results, longer follow-up may be necessary in BVDV positive animals to accurately confirm persistent infectionS

    Towards an automated analysis of video-microscopy images of fungal morphogenesis

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    7 páginas, 6 figuras.[EN] Fungal morphogenesis is an exciting field of cell biology and several mathematical models have been developed to describe it. These models require experimental evidences to be corroborated and, therefore, there is a continuous search for new microscopy and image analysis techniques. In this work, we have used a Canny-edge-detector based technique to automate the generation of hyphal profiles and calculation of morphogenetic parameters such as diameter, elongation rates and hyphoid fitness. The results show that the data obtained with this technique are similar to published data generated with manualbased tracing techniques and that have been carried out on the same species or genus. Thus, we show that application of edge detector-based technique to hyphal growth represents an efficient and accurate method to study hyphal morphogenesis. This represents the first step towards an automated analysis of videomicroscopy images of fungal morphogenesis.[ES] La morfogénesis de los hongos es un área de estudio de gran relevancia en la biología celular y en la que se han desarrollado varios modelos matemáticos. Los modelos matemáticos de procesos biológicos precisan de pruebas experimentales que apoyen y corroboren las predicciones teóricas y, por este motivo, existe una búsqueda continua de nuevas técnicas de microscopía y análisis de imágenes para su aplicación en el estudio del crecimiento celular. En este trabajo hemos utilizado una técnica basada en un detector de contornos llamado “Canny-edge-detector” con el objetivo de automatizar la generación de perfiles de hifas y el cálculo de parámetros morfogenéticos, tales como: el diámetro, la velocidad de elongación y el ajuste con el perfil hifoide, es decir, el perfil teórico de las hifas de los hongos. Los resultados obtenidos son similares a los datos publicados a partir de técnicas manuales de trazado de contornos, generados en la misma especie y género. De esta manera demostramos que la aplicación de esta técnica para el trazado de perfiles en hifas en crecimiento es un método eficaz y preciso para el estudio de la morfogénesis de hifas. Este trabajo representa el primer paso en la automatización de análisis de imágenes de video-microscopía de morfogénesis de hifas.This work was supported in part by the project Flora Micológica Ibérica V (REN2002-04068-C02-01GLO), Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain. Dr. Diéguez-Uribeondo was supported by a NATO postdoctoral fellowship.Peer reviewe

    The importance of meteorological scales to forecast air pollution scenarios on coastal complex terrain

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    Some of the meteorological approaches commonly considered in urban air pollution models do not take into account the importance of the smaller scales in the meteorology of complex-terrain coastal sites. The aim of this work is to estimate the impact of using the proper meteorological scales when simulating the behaviour of the pollutant concentrations emitted in the lower layers over coastal complex terrain areas. The availability of experimental measurements of a power plant plume near the Castellón conurbation (on the Spanish Mediterranean coast) has allowed us to use this plume as a tracer of opportunity of the lower atmosphere to check the results of a simulation exercise using the RAMS mesoscale model coupled to the HYPACT particle model. The results obtained show that in a complex-terrain coastal site, because of the strong effect of the meteorological interactions between the different scales on the integral advection and the turbulent dispersion of pollutants, using an inadequate scale to solve the meteorology can result in a very big gap in the simulation of lower-layer pollutant behaviour at urban scales

    Plastic deformation at high temperatures of pure and Mn-doped GaSb

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    In this work the plastic behavior of GaSb and Mn-doped GaSb at high temperature has been analyzed. Several experiments at different constant load and temperatures around 500 °C were carried out. The parameters used in the Haasen model have been obtained experimentally and compared with the ones obtained from simulations