18 research outputs found

    Speaking Anxiety of Preservice English Teachers at Tertiary Level

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    The objectives of this study were (1) to describe the preservice English teachers’ speaking anxiety; and (2) to find out the teachers’ perceptions towards the factors causing their speaking anxiety to emerge. This study employed a survey research design, involving 112 preservice English teachers taken by using convenience sampling method. The data were obtained using a ready-made questionnaire modified by Yaikhong and Usaha (2012). The results showed that most of the preservice English teachers (58.03%) experienced low level of anxiety in speaking English, while 26.78% of them experienced medium level, and the rest (15.17%) had high level of speaking anxiety. In addition, based on the result of the questionnaire, all participants experienced all the factors of speaking anxiety, namely test anxiety, fear of negative evaluation, and communication apprehension. Besides, not only those negative factors were found, but most of the participants also expressed their comfort in using English making the results found possible to emerge

    The Influence of Job Characteristics and Perceived Fairness Toward Psychological Empowerment Among Employees in PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, Indonesia

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    State-Owned Enterprises play a central role in the national economy. As they have moved towards a more global and competitive environment, in order to be successful in sustaining the competitive advantages in providing service to customer, employees play an important role in contributing to the success of organization. Therefore, organization should be able to increase motivation of its employees. Empowerment brings benefits to both employees and organizations. Employees offer advantages to contemporary organizations wanting to gain competitive advantage through adaptability, rapid response and innovation. However, this creates new challenges to organization to redesign the work and to consider the fairness determinants in order to successfully empowered employees. Thus,the purpose of this research is to examine the influence ofjob characteristics and perceived fairness toward psychological empowerment among employees in PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), Indonesia. This research is conducted based on quantitative method and questionnaire was established as the data collection tool based on several instruments adopted from previous research. Simple and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the correlation as well as the influence of job characteristics and perceived fairness as independent variables toward psychological empowerment as dependent variable. This research found considerable evidence about the influence of job characteristics and perceived fairness toward psychological empowerment. Furthermore, this research has a high expectation on the study of empowering employees in Indonesia perspective to provide more knowledge and suggestions contribute to the Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises sector development as a foundation to be succeeded in facing more competitive business environment


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    Teknologi Augmented Reality merupakan sebuah teknologi yang menggabungkan dunia nyata dengan dunia maya 2 dimensi dan 3 dimensi yang ditampilkan secara real time. Teknologi Augmented Realitty (AR) telah memasuki dunia pendidikan pada pembelajaran siswa di sekolah. Dengan teknologi AR diharapkan dapat memberi pengalaman proses belajar mengajar lebih menarik dan inovasi. Teknologi AR ini dikenalkan kepada siswa SDN 7 Kelapa Desa Kayu Arang Kabupaten Bangka Barat. Pembelajaran menggunakan teknologi AR yang terfokus pada pelajaran matematika dengan materi bangun ruang dan bangun datar. Aplikasi AR bangun ruang dan bangun datar ini dipraktekkan langsung oleh siswa yang didampingi oleh mahasiswa KKN Kedisinian Unmuhbabel. Para siswa diberikan gambar atau marker yang akan di pindai pada aplikasi AR bangun ruang dan bangun datar. Aplikasi AR akan menampilkan 2 dimensi dan 3 dimensi dari gambar yang ada pada siswa. Pelaksaan pengenalan teknologi AR ini membuat para siswa merasa senang dan mudah meyerap materi yang ada pada aplikasi. Dengan teknologi AR ini proses belajar mengajar menjadi lebih menarik dan interaktif


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    Permasalahan pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah penggunaan VCD pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan pemahaman konsep mata pelajaran IPA kelas IV SDN Karangmojo III. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan pemahaman konsep IPA dengan memanfaatkan media VCD pembelajaran pada matapelajaran IPA kelas IV SDN Karangmojo III. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SDN Karangmojo III dari bulan Februari sampai dengan Mei 2011. Subjek penelitian kelas IV SDN Karangmojo III. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, tes tertulis, dan angket motivasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif dengan model siklus melalui langkahlangkah : perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan pemahaman konsep IPA dengan menggunakan VCD pembelajaran ini adalah sebagai berikut:(1) Proses pembelajaran berjalan dengan kondusif dan motivasi siswa mengalami peningkatan dan masuk dalam kategori tinggi, sesuai hasil pengamatan dari aspek kuatnya kemauan berbuat, jumlah waktu dalam berlajar, kerelaan meninggalkan tugas lain, ketekunan mengerjakan tugas, ulet dalam menghadapi kesulitan, minat terhadap masalah, lebih senang bekerja mandiri, dan dapat mempertahkan pendapat. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan baik dalam hal motivasi, yaitu: motivasi rendah siklus I sebesar 6 orang siklus II menurun menjadi 3, sedangkan motivasi tinggi meningkat dari 17 menjadi 19, dan untuk motivasi sangat tinggi meningkat dari 2 orang menjadi 3 orang. (2) Hasil belajar siswa yang telah memenuhi target penelitian yaitu 7,0 pada siklus I sebesar 72%, dan pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 88 %, sehingga terjadi peningkatan sebesar 16 %. Hal ini berarti juga terjadi penurunan jumlah siswa yang belum tuntas KKM yaitu dari siklus I sebesar 18% menjadi 12 %. Hal ini tentu saja menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media VCD pembelajaran telah mampu menjadi tindakan yang dipilih untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan pemahaman konsep IPA siswa kelas IV SDN Karangmojo III pada tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Kata kunci : VCD Pembelajaran, Motivasi, Pemahaman Konsep IP


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    This study discusses politeness principle and typical speech-event types in BBC Learning English (The English We Speak) podcast to find out the kinds of maxim of politeness principle and the speech-event types in the utterances of the speakers in the podcast. The theory used in this research are politeness principle by Leech (2014) and speech-event by Searle (1979). This study is a descriptive qualitative study. The source of data in this research is 200 podcast transcription of BBC Learning English (The English We Speak) podcast retrieved from BBC Learning English website – University of Life until Cabin Fever episode (https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/features/the-english-we-speak). The data are the utterances in the form of dialog of two hosts in the podcast. The results of the study shows that all of the ten maxims of politeness principle are performed by the speakers. The maxim are generosity maxim, tact maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, obligation of S to O maxim, obligation of O to S maxim, agreement maxim, opinion-reticence maxim, sympathy maxim, and feeling-reticence maxim. From those ten maxims, the speakers concerned with giving high prominence to S‘s fault and obligation to O also expresses their gratitude for some favor H has done to S. The speech-event types that performed by the speaker are assertives, directives, commissives, and expressives. The utterances on assertives performative verbs describe about agreement, disagreement, suggest, and believe are found out. The utterances on directives performative verbs describe about request and ask are performed. The utterances on commissives performative verbs describe about offers are found out. The utterances on expressives performative verbs describe about compliment, praising, self-devaluation, thanks, apologize, response to thanks, response to apologize, congratulate, commiserate, and suppressing are found out. Since the podcast involved conversation in a natural setting between two speakers in English, thus, in this study how far politeness will occur, or whether it will occur at all, it depends on the situation in the conversation. Skripsi ini membahas tentang prinsip kesopanan dan tipe-tipe peristiwa tutur pada podcast dari BBC Learning English (The English We Speak) untuk menemukan jenis maksim prinsip kesopanan dan tipe peristiwa tutur yang terdapat pada ujaran pembawa acara pada podcast tersebut. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori prinsip kesopanan oleh Leech (2014) dan teori peristiwa tutur oleh Searle (1979). Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah 200 transkrip podcast dari BBC English Learning (The English We Speak) pada situs (https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/features/the-english-we-speak), dari episode University of Life sampai episode Cabin Fever. Data penelitian adalah ujaran dalam bentuk dialog percakapan antara dua pembawa acara pada podcast tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesepuluh maksim prinsip kesopanan diterapkan oleh penutur. Maksim tersebut adalah maksim kemurahan, maksim kebijaksanaan, maksim penghargaan, maksim kesederhanaan, maksim kewajiban S terhadap O, maksim kewajiban O terhadap S, maksim kesepakatan, maksim mengutarakan pendapat, maksim simpati, dan maksim tentang mengutarakan perasaan. Dari kesepuluh maksim tersebut, penutur memberikan perhatian lebih besar terhadap kesalahan penutur dan kewajiban terhadap pendengar dengan mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih atas bantuan yang dilakukan orang lain terhadap penutur. Jenis peristiwa tutur yang terdapat pada ujaran penutur adalah asertif, direktif, komisif, dan ekspresif. Ditemukan ujaran performatif asertif yang menjelaskan tentang persetujuan, ketidaksetujuan, saran, dan kepercayaan. Ditemukan ujaran performatif direktif yang menjelaskan tentang permintaan dan pertanyaan. Selain itu, ditemukan ujaran performatif komisif yang menjelaskan tentang penawaran. Pada performatif ekspresif ditemukan ujaran tentang pujian, sanjungan, devaluasi diri, ungkapan terima kasih, permohonan maaf, menanggapi ungkapan terima kasih, menanggapi permohonan maaf, ungkapan selamat, menaruh simpati, dan menahan perasaan. Karena podcast ini melibatkan percakapan dalam situasi alamiah antara dua penutur dalam bahasa Inggris, maka dalam penelitian ini seberapa jauh kesopanan akan terjadi, apakah akan terjadi dalam percakapan keseluruhan, hal ini tergantung situasi dalam percakapan tersebut


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    The challenges encountered by instructors while delivering English for Specific Purposes (ESP) instruction to midwifery students enrolled at STIKES Abdurahman Palembang, Indonesia. The research methodology utilized in this investigation was qualitative in nature, employing a case study approach. The present investigation involved a purposive sampling technique to select two English for Specific Purposes (ESP) instructors who teach D3 Midwifery students at STIKES Abdurahman Palembang as participants. The data were collected via interviews and subsequently analyzed and presented descriptively utilizing thematic analysis. The study's results revealed that instructors encountered various obstacles while teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP). These challenges encompassed the following: a) Improving the proficiency of students in midwifery owing to inadequate knowledge, b) administering the classroom, and c) instructing English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in accordance with the institution's syllabus


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    Writing is one of the important skills in learning English, writing can provide useful information for other people who need it. This study aimed to investigate the difficulties faced by eighth grade students in one of State Junior High school in Palembang in writing recount texts. It outlines the qualitative research approach, specifically a case study design, used to explore the difficulties faced by eighth farde students in writing recount texts. Homogenous sampling method was employed to select participants from the eighth grade class, four students were selected as participants who have difficulties in writing recount texts. Data collection involved interviews. Thematic analysis technique was used in analyzing the data. The result of this study showed that students encountered difficulties when writing recount texts such as lack of understanding of recount texts generic structure, lack of grammar mastery, lack of vocabulary, lack of undestanding mechanics use. Improvement from teachers and proactive efforts of students will help contribute to enhanced writing skills and solve students’ difficulties in writing recount texts

    The Language Attitude towards English Learning among EFL Learners: A Case at One Private Islamic Senior High School

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    Attitude is one of the considerable factors in learning and plays an essential role since it can influence language learning and performance. This study aimed at investigating students’ attitudes towards English language learning. Survey method was used in this study to describe the attitudes of the students at one Islamic private senior high school towards English language learning. The participants involved in this study were 217 students at one Islamic private senior high school in Indralaya. In collecting the data, we employed a Likert scale questionnaire consisting of 20 items which were divided into 5 components; (1) attitude towards native English speakers, (2) motivational orientation in learning English, (3) interest in English, (4) attitude towards English class, and (5) attitude towards English teachers. The result of this study indicated that the attitude of the students of one Islamic private senior high school in Indralaya South Sumatera towards English language learning was generally positive

    Students’ Demotivating Factors in English Language Learning at One State Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia

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    This research investigated students' demotivating factors in English language learning at MTsN 1 Palembang. The research was in the form of case study research design. The participants were the second-grade students at MTsN 1 Palembang. Based on their English achievement, there were 11 students being demotivated in learning English. The data were gained by using document review and face-to-face interviews. The data from document review and interview were analyzed by using thematic analysis. The findings showed that there were five demotivating factors in English language learning: (a) inadequate school facilities, (b) lack of teachers' competence and teaching styles, (c) learning content and materials, (d) classroom condition and classmates' attitudes, and (e) lack of self-confidence.   Keywords: demotivation, demotivating factors, English language learnin


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    English personal pronoun is one of difficult part of grammar English since it is different with Indonesian language. Each of personal pronoun has its own rules, so this case leads the students do some errors. The objectives of this research were to investigate the kinds of errors and the most dominant error on the use of personal pronouns in descriptive writing made by the eighth grade students of SMP Nurul Iman Palembang. This research designed as qualitative in the form of research. The subjects of this research were 37 eighth grade students which were chosen by using purposive sampling. To analyze the data, firstly, we collected the data from the students, and then we identified the errors by circling them, after that the researcher classified the errors by using Surface Strategy Taxonomy by Dulay, Burt and Krashen (1982), after that we calculated the data taken, and the last made the percentage in each category. The result showed that there were 128 items of errors found in student’s writing. The most dominant errors found in misformation with the percentage was 72.65% (93 errors). After that, omission errors found in students’ writing was 19.58% (25 errors), addition errors found was 7.81% (10 errors), and the last there was no error found in misordering