60 research outputs found

    Urinary tract infections in the elderly. The effect of reducing the age criteria in a geriatric service

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    Introduction: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common community-acquired infections in older adults. Methodology: This was a retrospective and descriptive study carried out in a Mexican Geriatric Service from January 2013 to December 2015. Demographic characteristics of patients were recorded including age, gender, cause of disease, urine culture, microorganism identifi cation and antibiogram. The objective of this study was to describe the situational status of microbial antibiotic resistance in the elderly after reduction of the age criteria to be treated in a geriatric service. Results: One hundred and eighty-two geriatric patients (74 males mean age 81.5±13.5 years and 108 females mean age 81.5±11.5 years) with positive urine culture for one or more microbial identifi cation and antibiograms were included in the analysis. The most common isolations were positive for Escherichia coli BLEE, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris and Klebsiella pneumoniae. After widening of the age range to enter the geriatric service (in 2015), there was a reduction in total cases of Escherichia coli BLEE and an increase for Escherichia coli. Conclusion: In our study, a growing increase of E. coli BLEE was recorded, however, at the same time, it was possible to confi rm that the majority of cases of this bacterium showed resistance to β-lactams, cephalosporins of different generations, quinolones and sulfas, demonstrating that it is becoming a public health problem

    Potential role of aminoprocalcitonin in the pathogenesis of alzheimer disease

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    Increasing evidence suggests that inflammatory responses cause brain atrophy and play a prominent and early role in the progression of Alzheimer disease. Recent findings show that the neuroendocrine peptide aminoprocalcitonin (NPCT) plays a critical role in the development of systemic inflammatory response; however, the presence, possible function, regulation, and mechanisms by which NPCT may be involved in Alzheimer disease neuropathology remain unknown. We explored the expression of NPCT and its interaction with amyloid-b (Ab), and proinflammatory and neurogenic effects. By using brain samples of Alzheimer disease patients and APP/PS1 transgenic mice, we evaluated the potential role of NPCT on Ab-related pathology. We found that NPCT is expressed in hippocampal and cortical neurons and Ab-induced up-regulation of NPCT expression. Peripherally administered antibodies against NPCT decreased microglial activation, decreased circulating levels of proinflammatory cytokines, and prevented Ab-induced neurotoxicity in experimental models of Alzheimer disease. Remarkably, anti-NPTC therapy resulted in a significant improvement in the behavioral status of APP/PS1 mice. Our results indicate a central role of NPCT in Alzheimer disease pathogenesis and suggest NPCT as a potential biomarker and therapeutic target

    Determinación del balance hídrico y mapeo con sistemas de información geográfica de la microcuenca de la quebrada de Quillalli en el Cantón Ambato

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    La presente investigación propone determinar el balance hídrico en la microcuenca de la quebrada de Quillalli en el cantón Ambato, provincia de Tungurahua, mediante la ecuación que indica la relación entre precipitación, evapotranspiración, infiltración, escorrentía y caudal; conjuntamente con el uso de herramientas de Sistemas de Información Geográfica. La oferta hídrica se determinó mediante pluviómetros caseros en toda la microcuenca; para la demanda hídrica se utilizó la evaporación del tanque clase “A”, que sirvió para determinar el requerimiento hídrico de los cultivos. Además se realizó pruebas de infiltración con el cilindro infiltrómentro y la escorrentía mediante bandejas de escurrimiento. Al realizar los cálculos de las variables en estudio se obtuvo una precipitación media anual de 498.45 mm que representó un volumen de 13.88 hm3, la evapotranspiración anual de 525.62 mm que representó un volumen de 15.25 hm3, la escorrentía registró un volumen anual de 11.62 hm3, el volumen de infiltración fue 9.82 hm3 y el caudal afluente un volumen de 4.73 hm3, mismos que al ser representados en la ecuación de balance hídrico, indica que la microcuenca presenta un déficit de 27.54 hm3, por lo tanto la oferta no satisface la demanda, siendo necesario la implementación de estrategias que permitan suplir esta necesidad.&nbsp


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    Introduction: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common community-acquired infections in older adults. Methodology: This was a retrospective and descriptive study carried out in a Mexican Geriatric Service from January 2013 to December 2015. Demographic characteristics of patients were recorded including age, gender, cause of disease, urine culture, microorganism identifi cation and antibiogram. The objective of this study was to describe the situational status of microbial antibiotic resistance in the elderly after reduction of the age criteria to be treated in a geriatric service. Results: One hundred and eighty-two geriatric patients (74 males mean age 81.5±13.5 years and 108 females mean age 81.5±11.5 years) with positive urine culture for one or more microbial identifi cation and antibiograms were included in the analysis. The most common isolations were positive for Escherichia coli BLEE, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris and Klebsiella pneumoniae. After widening of the age range to enter the geriatric service (in 2015), there was a reduction in total cases of Escherichia coli BLEE and an increase for Escherichia coli. Conclusion: In our study, a growing increase of E. coli BLEE was recorded, however, at the same time, it was possible to confi rm that the majority of cases of this bacterium showed resistance to β-lactams, cephalosporins of different generations, quinolones and sulfas, demonstrating that it is becoming a public health problem.Uvod: Infekcije mokraćnog sustava (IMS) su jedna od najčešćih infekcija stečenih u zajednici kod starijih odraslih osoba. Metodologija: Ovo je retrospektivna i opisna studija provedena u meksičkoj gerijatrijskoj službi od siječnja 2013. do prosinca 2015. godine. Zabilježene su demografske karakteristike pacijenata, uključujući dob, spol, uzrok bolesti, kulturu urina, identifi kaciju mikroorganizama i antibiogram. Cilj ove studije bio je opisati situacijski status mikrobiološke rezistencije antibiotika kod starijih osoba nakon smanjenja dobnih kriterija za liječenje u gerijatrijskoj službi. Rezultati: U analizu su bila uključena 182 gerijatrijska pacijenta (74 muškarca prosječne dobi 81,5±13,5 godina i 108 žena prosječne dobi 81,5±11,5 godina) s pozitivnom kulturom urina za jednu ili više bakterijskih identifi kacija i antibiogramima. Najzastupljenije izolacije bile su pozitivne za Escherichia coli BLEE, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris i Klebsiella pneumoniae. Nakon širenja dobnog raspona za ulazak u gerijatrijsku službu (2015. godine) došlo je do smanjenja ukupnih slučajeva Escherichia coli BLEE i povećanja za Escherichia coli. Zaključak: U našem je istraživanju pronađeno sve veće povećanje E. coli BLEE. Istodobno je bilo moguće potvrditi da je u većini slučajeva ova bakterija pokazala otpornost na b-laktame, cefalosporine različitih generacija, kinolonske antibiotike i sulfa lijekove pokazujući da postaje problem javnog zdravstva

    La calidad de las pastas frente al arroz es determinante en el control del hambre y el apetito: Estudio comparativo de pasta y arroz

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    Introduction: The aim of the present study was to evaluate if the pasta quality is decisive in controlling hunger and satiety compared with rice.Material and methods: n=16 (8 men, 8 women). The effect on appetite and satiety of two different-quality pastas and also rice was determined by repeated measuring. Subjects came on fasting and were evaluated at different times after the intake of product under investigation for 240 min, eaten an ad libitum buffet and were evaluated again at minute 270. Aspects related to satiety (hunger, satiety, fullness, and desire to eat) were evaluated by visual analog scale (VAS), overall appetite score (OAS), area under curve (AUC) and satiety quotient (SQ).Results: The OAS reported by volunteers prior to the intake of products under investigation did not differ significantly, so baseline parameters did not bias later measurements. AUC after 60 minutes was higher after the intake of rice (2355 ±1556%/min) compared with both types of pasta. On the other hand, similar values were obtained between the two types of pasta (pasta A = 1808 ± 1329 % /min; pasta B = 1,774 ± 1,370%/min). Further, AUC reported by volunteers after 240 minutes was higher after the intake of rice (12,424 ± 6,187%/min) compared with both types of pastas (pasta A = 10,292 ± 5,410%/min; pasta B = 9,976 ± 5,589%/min). In addition, SQ was lower for rice (1.90 ± 4.29%/kcal) than for both pastas (pasta A = 4.73 ± 4.95%/kcal; pasta B = 4.40 ± 5.14%/kcal).Conclusions: Both varieties of pasta showed higher satiety results than rice, with no significant difference between them. In addition, the difference between rice and pasta was greater within 60 minutes after ingestion.Introducción: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar si la calidad de la pasta es decisiva para controlar el hambre y la saciedad en comparación con el arroz.Material y métodos: n = 16 (8 hombres, 8 mujeres). El efecto sobre el apetito y la saciedad de dos pastas de diferente calidad y también del arroz se determinó mediante mediciones repetidas. Los sujetos entraron en ayunas y fueron evaluados en diferentes momentos después de la ingesta del producto investigado durante 240 minutos, comieron un bufet ad libitum y fueron evaluados nuevamente en el minuto 270. Aspectos relacionados con la saciedad (hambre, saciedad, saciedad y deseo de comer) fueron evaluados por escala visual analógica (VAS), puntaje global de apetito (OAS), área bajo curva (AUC) y cociente de saciedad (SQ).Resultados: La OEA informada por los voluntarios antes de la ingesta de productos bajo investigación no difirió significativamente, por lo que los parámetros de referencia no sesgaron las mediciones posteriores. El AUC después de 60 minutos fue mayor después de la ingesta de arroz (2.355 ± 1.556%/min) en comparación con ambos tipos de pasta. Por otro lado, se obtuvieron valores similares entre los dos tipos de pasta (pasta A = 1.808 ± 1.329%/min; pasta B = 1.774 ± 1.370%/min). Además, el AUC informado por los voluntarios después de 240 minutos fue mayor después de la ingesta de arroz (12.424 ± 6.187%/min) en comparación con ambos tipos de pastas (pasta A = 10.292 ± 5.410%/min; pasta B = 9.976 ± 5.589%/min). Además, la SQ fue menor para el arroz (1,90 ± 4,29%/kcal) que para ambas pastas (pasta A = 4,73 ± 4,95%/kcal; pasta B = 4,40 ± 5,14%/kcal).Conclusiones: Ambas variedades de pasta mostraron resultados de saciedad más altos que el arroz, sin diferencias significativas entre ellos. Además, la diferencia entre arroz y pasta fue mayor dentro de los 60 minutos posteriores a la ingestión

    Mediterranean dietary patterns related to sleep duration and sleep-related problems among adolescents: The EHDLA study

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    Purpose: The aim of the present study was to examine the association of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MD) and its specific components with both sleep duration and sleep-related disorders in a sample of adolescents from the Valle de Ricote (Region of Murcia, Spain). Methods: This cross-sectional study included a sample of 847 Spanish adolescents (55.3% girls) aged 12–17 years. Adherence to the MD was assessed by the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index for Children and Teenagers. Sleep duration was reported by adolescents for weekdays and weekend days separately. The BEARS (Bedtime problems, Excessive daytime sleepiness, Awakenings during the night, Regularity and duration of sleep, and Sleep-disordered breathing) screening was used to evaluate issues related to sleep, which include difficulties at bedtime, excessive drowsiness during the day, waking up frequently during the night, irregularity, length of sleep, and breathing issues while sleeping. Results: Adolescents who presented a high adherence to the MD were more likely to meet the sleep recommendations (OR = 1.52, 95% CI 1.12–2.06, p = 0.008) and less likely to report at least one sleep-related problem (OR = 0.56, 95% CI 0.43–0.72, p < 0.001). These findings remained significant after adjusting for sex, age, socioeconomic status, waist circumference, energy intake, physical activity, and sedentary behavior, indicating a significant association of adherence to the MD with sleep outcomes (meeting sleep recommendations: OR = 1.40, 95% CI 1.00–1.96, p = 0.050; sleep-related problems: OR = 0.68, 95% CI 0.50–0.92, p = 0.012). Conclusions: Adolescents with high adherence to the MD were more likely to report optimal sleep duration and fewer sleep-related problems. This association was more clearly observed for specific MD components, such as fruits, pulses, fish, having breakfast, dairies, sweets, and baked goods/pastries

    Polarimetric imaging for the detection of synthetic models of SARS-CoV-2: A proof of concept

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    Objective: To conduct a proof-of-concept study of the detection of two synthetic models of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) using polarimetric imaging. Approach: Two SARS-CoV-2 models were prepared as engineered lentiviruses pseudotyped with the G protein of the vesicular stomatitis virus, and with the characteristic Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. Samples were prepared in two biofluids (saline solution and artificial saliva), in four concentrations, and deposited as 5-µL droplets on a supporting plate. The angles of maximal degree of linear polarization (DLP) of light diffusely scattered from dry residues were determined using Mueller polarimetry from87 samples at 405 nm and 514 nm. A polarimetric camera was used for imaging several samples under 380–420 nm illumination at angles similar to those of maximal DLP. Per-pixel image analysis included quantification and combination of polarization feature descriptors in 475 samples. Main results: The angles (from sample surface) of maximal DLP were 3° for 405 nm and 6° for 514 nm. Similar viral particles that differed only in the characteristic spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2, their corresponding negative controls, fluids, and the sample holder were discerned at 10-degree and 15-degree configurations. Significance: Polarimetric imaging in the visible spectrum may help improve fast, non-contact detection and identification of viral particles, and/or other microbes such as tuberculosis, in multiple dry fluid samples simultaneously, particularly when combined with other imaging modalities. Further analysis including realistic concentrations of real SARS-CoV-2 viral particles in relevant human fluids is required. Polarimetric imaging under visible light may contribute to a fast, cost-effective screening of SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens when combined with other imaging modalities.12 página

    Hyperspectral image processing for the identification and quantification of lentiviral particles in fluid samples

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    Optical spectroscopic techniques have been commonly used to detect the presence of biofilm-forming pathogens (bacteria and fungi) in the agro-food industry. Recently, near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy revealed that it is also possible to detect the presence of viruses in animal and vegetal tissues. Here we report a platform based on visible and NIR (VNIR) hyperspectral imaging for non-contact, reagent free detection and quantification of laboratory-engineered viral particles in fluid samples (liquid droplets and dry residue) using both partial least square-discriminant analysis and artificial feed-forward neural networks. The detection was successfully achieved in preparations of phosphate buffered solution and artificial saliva, with an equivalent pixel volume of 4 nL and lowest concentration of 800 TU.mu L-1. This method constitutes an innovative approach that could be potentially used at point of care for rapid mass screening of viral infectious diseases and monitoring of the SARS-CoV- 2 pandemic.This research was funded by grants number COV20-00080 and COV20-00173 of the 2020 Emergency Call for Research Projects about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 disease of the Institute of Health 'Carlos III', Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and by grant number EQC2019-006240-P of the 2019 Call for Acquisition of Scientific Equipment, FEDER Program, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. This work has been supported by the European Commission through the JRC HUMAINT project. ABR was supported by grant number RTI2018-094465-J funded by the Spanish National Agency of Research. The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the members of the EOD-CBRN Group of the Spanish National Police, whose identities cannot be disclosed, and who are represented here by JMNG. Authors thank continuous support from their institutions

    Predicting Major Adverse Events in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    Early and accurate detection of short-term major adverse cardiac events (MACE) in patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is an unmet clinical need.; The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that adding clinical judgment and electrocardiogram findings to the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) high-sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTn) measurement at presentation and after 1 h (ESC hs-cTn 0/1 h algorithm) would further improve its performance to predict MACE.; Patients presenting to an emergency department with suspected AMI were enrolled in a prospective, multicenter diagnostic study. The primary endpoint was MACE, including all-cause death, cardiac arrest, AMI, cardiogenic shock, sustained ventricular arrhythmia, and high-grade atrioventricular block within 30 days including index events. The secondary endpoint was MACE + unstable angina (UA) receiving early (≤24 h) revascularization.; Among 3,123 patients, the ESC hs-cTnT 0/1 h algorithm triaged significantly more patients toward rule-out compared with the extended algorithm (60%; 95% CI: 59% to 62% vs. 45%; 95% CI: 43% to 46%; p < 0.001), while maintaining similar 30-day MACE rates (0.6%; 95% CI: 0.3% to 1.1% vs. 0.4%; 95% CI: 0.1% to 0.9%; p = 0.429), resulting in a similar negative predictive value (99.4%; 95% CI: 98.9% to 99.6% vs. 99.6%; 95% CI: 99.2% to 99.8%; p = 0.097). The ESC hs-cTnT 0/1 h algorithm ruled-in fewer patients (16%; 95% CI: 14.9% to 17.5% vs. 26%; 95% CI: 24.2% to 27.2%; p < 0.001) compared with the extended algorithm, albeit with a higher positive predictive value (76.6%; 95% CI: 72.8% to 80.1% vs. 59%; 95% CI: 55.5% to 62.3%; p < 0.001). For 30-day MACE + UA, the ESC hs-cTnT 0/1 h algorithm had a higher positive predictive value for rule-in, whereas the extended algorithm had a higher negative predictive value for the rule-out. Similar findings emerged when using hs-cTnI.; The ESC hs-cTn 0/1 h algorithm better balanced efficacy and safety in the prediction of MACE, whereas the extended algorithm is the preferred option for the rule-out of 30-day MACE + UA. (Advantageous Predictors of Acute Coronary Syndromes Evaluation [APACE]; NCT00470587)

    Bone metabolism and inflammatory biomarkers in radiographic and non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis patients: a comprehensive evaluation

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    IntroductionAxial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) is a heterogeneous disease that can be represented by radiographic axSpA (r-axSpA) and non-radiographic axSpA (nr-axSpA). This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the markers of inflammation and bone turnover in r-axSpA patients and nr-axSpA patients.MethodsA cross-sectional study included 29 r-axSpA patients, 10 nr-axSpA patients, and 20 controls matched for age and sex. Plasma markers related to bone remodeling such as human procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide (P1NP), sclerostin, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b (TRACP5b), receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL), and osteoprotegerin (OPG) were measured by an ELISA kit. A panel of 92 inflammatory molecules was analyzed by proximity extension assay.ResultsR-axSpA patients had decreased plasma levels of P1NP, a marker of bone formation, compared to controls. In addition, r-axSpA patients exhibited decreased plasma levels of sclerostin, an anti-anabolic bone hormone, which would not explain the co-existence of decreased plasma P1NP concentration; however, sclerostin levels could also be influenced by inflammatory processes. Plasma markers of osteoclast activity were similar in all groups. Regarding inflammation-related molecules, nr-axSpA patients showed increased levels of serum interleukin 13 (IL13) as compared with both r-axSpA patients and controls, which may participate in the prevention of inflammation. On the other hand, r-axSpA patients had higher levels of pro-inflammatory molecules compared to controls (i.e., IL6, Oncostatin M, and TNF receptor superfamily member 9). Correlation analysis showed that sclerostin was inversely associated with IL6 and Oncostatin M among others.ConclusionAltogether, different inflammatory profiles may play a role in the development of the skeletal features in axSpA patients particularly related to decreased bone formation. The relationship between sclerostin and inflammation and the protective actions of IL13 could be of relevance in the axSpA pathology, which is a topic for further investigation