45 research outputs found

    Intrinsic Mean Square Displacements in Proteins

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    The thermal mean square displacement (MSD) of hydrogen in proteins and its associated hydration water is measured by neutron scattering experiments and used an indicator of protein function. The observed MSD as currently determined depends on the energy resolution width of the neutron scattering instrument employed. We propose a method for obtaining the intrinsic MSD of H in the proteins, one that is independent of the instrument resolution width. The intrinsic MSD is defined as the infinite time value of that appears in the Debye-Waller factor. The method consists of fitting a model to the resolution broadened elastic incoherent structure factor or to the resolution dependent MSD. The model contains the intrinsic MSD, the instrument resolution width and a rate constant characterizing the motions of H in the protein. The method is illustrated by obtaining the intrinsic MSD of heparan sulphate (HS-0.4), Ribonuclease A and Staphysloccal Nuclase (SNase) from data in the literature

    Fen etkinliklerinin okul öncesi dönem çocuklarında çevre bilinci kazandırılmasına etkisi

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    Çalışmada fen etkinliklerinin okul öncesi dönem çocuklarında çevre bilinci kazandırılmasına etkisini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Kontrol gruplu ön-test son test deneme modelinde gerçekleştirilen araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, resmi bir anaokuluna devam eden 48-60 ay arası olan 60 çocuk oluşturmaktadır. Çocuklara çevre bilinci kazandırmak için fen etkinliklerinin uygulandığı deney grubu ile MEB Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programında yer alan etkinliklerin uygulandığı kontrol grubundaki çocuklar seçkisiz olarak belirlenmiştir. Çocuklarının çevre bilinci düzeyini belirlemeye yönelik "Çocuklar için Çevre Bilinci Testi" çalışma grubuna ön test ve son test olarak uygulanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde çıkarımsal istatistikler için ortalama puanların karşılaştırılmasına dayanan t istatistiğinden faydalanılmıştır. Ön test ve son test puanları incelendiğinde deney ve kontrol gruplarında puan ortalamalarının uygulamalar sonrasında arttığı görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte son test puan ortalamaları arasında deney grubu lehine anlamlı ve yüksek düzeyde bir fark bulunmuştur. Bu durum okul öncesi dönem çocuklarına çevre bilinci kazandırmada fen etkinliklerinin, programda yer alan etkinliklerden daha başarılı sonuçlar verdiğini göstermektedir

    Disclosure Practices by Family Firms : Evidence from Swedish Publicly Listed Firms

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    I investigate the effect of family ownership on firms’ disclosure practices in their annual reports. In specific, I study Swedish publicly listed firms, which are typically characterized by controlling owners that have a strong influence in the corporate governance decisions of the firm, including corporate disclosures. To measure disclosure, I construct a comprehensive disclosure index covering information on (1) corporate governance, (2) strategic and financial targets and (3) notes to the financial statements. The results reveal that overall, family firms provide less disclosure in annual reports than non-family firms do. The finding is consistent with the premise that through their management positions, family owners can directly monitor managers and avoid costly public disclosures. Overall, the results suggest that ownership structure of firms is important to consider in understanding firms’ disclosure incentives, particularly in settings where controlling owners play a significant role in the governance of the firm

    Okul öncesi eğitim kurumuna devam eden 60-72 aylık çocuklarda görülen davranış problemleri ile çocukların iletişim becerileri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi

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    Bu araştırmada, 2016-2017 eğitim öğretim yılında okul öncesi eğitim kurumuna devam eden 60-72 aylık çocuklarda görülen davranış problemleri ile çocukların iletişim becerileri arasındaki ilişkinin; ayrıca çocuklarda görülen davranış problemlerinin ve çocukların iletişim becerilerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. İlişkisel tarama modeline uygun olarak düzenlenen araştırmada aşağıdaki sorulara cevap aranmıştır:1.60-72 aylık çocukların davranış problemleri ile iletişim becerileri arasında ilişki var mıdır?2.Çocukların davranış problemleri kendilerinin demografik özelliklerine göre (cinsiyet, yaş, kardeş sayısı ve okul öncesi eğitimi alma süresi ) farklılaşmakta mıdır?3.Çocukların davranış problemleri ebeveynlerinin demografik özelliklerine göre (yaş ve eğitim düzeyi ) farklılaşmakta mıdır?4.Çocukların iletişim becerileri kendilerinin demografik özelliklerine göre (cinsiyet, yaş, kardeş sayısı ve okul öncesi eğitimi alma süresi ) farklılaşmakta mıdır?5.Çocukların iletişim becerileri ebeveynlerinin demografik özelliklerine göre (yaş ve eğitim düzeyi ) farklılaşmakta mıdır? Araştırmanın örneklemi Kocaeli ili Gebze ilçesinde Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na bağlı orta sosyoekonomik düzeydeki okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarına devam eden 60-72 aylık çocuklardan basit seçkisiz örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 180 çocuk ve öğretmenlerinden oluşmaktadır. Verilerin toplanması amacıyla; araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen anne-babalara ve çocuğa yönelik bilgileri içeren “Kişisel Bilgi Formu”, çocuklarda görülen davranış problemlerini belirlemek amacıyla Şehirli (2007) tarafından geliştirilen “Çocuk Davranışlarını Değerlendirme Ölçeği” ve çocukların iletişim becerilerini ölçmek için Önder, Balaban Dağal ve Şallı (2015) tarafından geliştirilen “5 6 Yaş Çocukları İçin İletişim Becerileri Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada toplanan veriler SPSS 21.0 paket programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde okul öncesi çocuklarında görülen davranış problemleri ve çocukların iletişim becerileri arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla Sperman’s Korelasyon Katsayısı analiz tekniği kullanılmıştır. Çocukların davranış problemi ve iletişim becerileri çeşitli değişkenlere( yaş, cinsiyet, kardeş sayısı, okul öncesi eğitime devam süresi, anne yaş, anne eğitim durumu, baba yaş, baba eğitim durumu) göre incelenirken tanımlayıcı istatistikler (yüzde, frekans, ortalama ve standart sapma) ve fark testleri olarak, veriler normal dağılım göstermediğinden nonparametrik analiz teknikleri (Kruskal Wallis-H Testi, Mann Whitney-U Testi) kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, okul öncesi çocuklarında görülen davranış problemleri ile çocukların iletişim becerileri arasında orta düzeyde, negatif ve anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu bulunmuştur. Yani iletişim becerileri azalırken çocukların davranış problemlerinin arttığı ya da iletişim becerileri artarken davranış problemlerinin azaldığı söylenebilir. Ayrıca çocuklarda görülen davranış problemlerinin cinsiyet, kardeş sayısı, anne eğitim durumu değişkenlerine, çocukların iletişim becerilerinin ise anne eğitim durumu değişkenine göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılaştığı tespit edilmiştir. Babalar söz konusu olduğunda herhangi bir farklılaşma saptanmamıştır.--------------------In this study, the relationship between 60-72 months of children’s behavior problems and communication skills attending pre-school education institutions in 2016-2017 academic year was investigated. In addition, it was aimed to examine behavioral problems of children and children's communication skills in terms of various variables. In the research which was conducted in accordance with the relational screening model, the following questions were tried to be answered:1. Is there a relationship between behavior problems and communication skills of children aged 60-72 months?2. Do the children's behavioral problems differ according to their demographic characteristics (gender, age, number of siblings, and preschool education attendance time)?3. Do the children's behavioral problems differ according to their parents' demographic characteristics (age and level of education)?4. Do children's communication skills differ according to their demographic characteristics (gender, age, number of siblings, and preschool education attendance time)?5. Do children's communication skills differ according to their parents' demographic characteristics (age and level of education)? The sample of the study consists of 180, 60-72 months of children and their teachers who were selected by simple random sampling method. Children were attending pre-school education institutions from the middle socioeconomic level schools located in Gebze district in Kocaeli region. In order to collect data, the personel information form including information about the child and the parents which was prepared by the researcher and ‘Preschool Child Behavior Assessment Scale’ which was developed by Şehirli (2007) and ‘Communication Skills Scale for 5-6 year old children’ which was developed by Önder, Balaban Dağal and Şallı (2015) were used. The collected data in the study was analyzed by using SPSS 21.0 software program. In the analysis of the data, Sperman’s Correlation Factor technique was used to determine the relationship between the behavioral problems and the communication skills of the children. When this relationship was examined in terms of different variables such as age, gender, number of children in the family, education levels of the parents, descriptive statistics as frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations were used. Since the data was not indicated normal distributed, nonparametric analysis techniques (Kruskal Wallis-H Test, Mann Whitney-U Test) were used. As a result of the study, it was concluded that there was a midlevel, negative and meaningful relationship between the behavioral problems and the communication skills of the preschool children. In other words, it can be said that as the degree of communication skills decrease, children's behavioral problems increase or vice versa. In addition, it was determined that behavioral problems in children differ significantly according to gender, number of siblings, education level of the mother and communication skills of children significantly differ according to education level of their mothers rather than fathers

    Okul öncesi eğitim kurumuna devam eden 60-72 aylık çocuklarda görülen davranış problemleri ile çocukların iletişim becerileri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi

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    Bu araştırmada, 2016-2017 eğitim öğretim yılında okul öncesi eğitim kurumuna devam eden 60-72 aylık çocuklarda görülen davranış problemleri ile çocukların iletişim becerileri arasındaki ilişkinin; ayrıca çocuklarda görülen davranış problemlerinin ve çocukların iletişim becerilerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. İlişkisel tarama modeline uygun olarak düzenlenen araştırmada aşağıdaki sorulara cevap aranmıştır: 1. 60-72 aylık çocukların davranış problemleri ile iletişim becerileri arasında ilişki var mıdır? 2. Çocukların davranış problemleri kendilerinin demografik özelliklerine göre (cinsiyet, yaş, kardeş sayısı ve okul öncesi eğitimi alma süresi ) farklılaşmakta mıdır? 3. Çocukların davranış problemleri ebeveynlerinin demografik özelliklerine göre (yaş ve eğitim düzeyi ) farklılaşmakta mıdır? 4. Çocukların iletişim becerileri kendilerinin demografik özelliklerine göre (cinsiyet, yaş, kardeş sayısı ve okul öncesi eğitimi alma süresi ) farklılaşmakta mıdır? 5. Çocukların iletişim becerileri ebeveynlerinin demografik özelliklerine göre (yaş ve eğitim düzeyi ) farklılaşmakta mıdır? Araştırmanın örneklemi Kocaeli ili Gebze ilçesinde Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na bağlı orta sosyoekonomik düzeydeki okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarına devam eden 60-72 aylık çocuklardan basit seçkisiz örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 180 çocuk ve öğretmenlerinden oluşmaktadır. Verilerin toplanması amacıyla; araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen anne-babalara ve çocuğa yönelik bilgileri içeren “Kişisel Bilgi Formu”, çocuklarda görülen davranış problemlerini belirlemek amacıyla Şehirli (2007) tarafından geliştirilen “Çocuk Davranışlarını Değerlendirme Ölçeği” ve çocukların iletişim becerilerini ölçmek için Önder, Balaban Dağal ve Şallı (2015) tarafından geliştirilen “5 6 Yaş Çocukları İçin İletişim Becerileri Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada toplanan veriler SPSS 21.0 paket programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde okul öncesi çocuklarında görülen davranış problemleri ve çocukların iletişim becerileri arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla Sperman’s Korelasyon Katsayısı analiz tekniği kullanılmıştır. Çocukların davranış problemi ve iletişim becerileri çeşitli değişkenlere( yaş, cinsiyet, kardeş sayısı, okul öncesi eğitime devam süresi, anne yaş, anne eğitim durumu, baba yaş, baba eğitim durumu) göre incelenirken tanımlayıcı istatistikler (yüzde, frekans, ortalama ve standart sapma) ve fark testleri olarak, veriler normal dağılım göstermediğinden nonparametrik analiz teknikleri (Kruskal Wallis-H Testi, Mann Whitney-U Testi) kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, okul öncesi çocuklarında görülen davranış problemleri ile çocukların iletişim becerileri arasında orta düzeyde, negatif ve anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu bulunmuştur. Yani iletişim becerileri azalırken çocukların davranış problemlerinin arttığı ya da iletişim becerileri artarken davranış problemlerinin azaldığı söylenebilir. Ayrıca çocuklarda görülen davranış problemlerinin cinsiyet, kardeş sayısı, anne eğitim durumu değişkenlerine, çocukların iletişim becerilerinin ise anne eğitim durumu değişkenine göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılaştığı tespit edilmiştir. Babalar söz konusu olduğunda herhangi bir farklılaşma saptanmamıştır. -------------------- In this study, the relationship between 60-72 months of children’s behavior problems and communication skills attending pre-school education institutions in 2016-2017 academic year was investigated. In addition, it was aimed to examine behavioral problems of children and children's communication skills in terms of various variables. In the research which was conducted in accordance with the relational screening model, the following questions were tried to be answered: 1. Is there a relationship between behavior problems and communication skills of children aged 60-72 months? 2. Do the children's behavioral problems differ according to their demographic characteristics (gender, age, number of siblings, and preschool education attendance time)? 3. Do the children's behavioral problems differ according to their parents' demographic characteristics (age and level of education)? 4. Do children's communication skills differ according to their demographic characteristics (gender, age, number of siblings, and preschool education attendance time)? 5. Do children's communication skills differ according to their parents' demographic characteristics (age and level of education)? The sample of the study consists of 180, 60-72 months of children and their teachers who were selected by simple random sampling method. Children were attending pre-school education institutions from the middle socioeconomic level schools located in Gebze district in Kocaeli region. In order to collect data, the personel information form including information about the child and the parents which was prepared by the researcher and ‘Preschool Child Behavior Assessment Scale’ which was developed by Şehirli (2007) and ‘Communication Skills Scale for 5-6 year old children’ which was developed by Önder, Balaban Dağal and Şallı (2015) were used. The collected data in the study was analyzed by using SPSS 21.0 software program. In the analysis of the data, Sperman’s Correlation Factor technique was used to determine the relationship between the behavioral problems and the communication skills of the children. When this relationship was examined in terms of different variables such as age, gender, number of children in the family, education levels of the parents, descriptive statistics as frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations were used. Since the data was not indicated normal distributed, nonparametric analysis techniques (Kruskal Wallis-H Test, Mann Whitney-U Test) were used. As a result of the study, it was concluded that there was a midlevel, negative and meaningful relationship between the behavioral problems and the communication skills of the preschool children. In other words, it can be said that as the degree of communication skills decrease, children's behavioral problems increase or vice versa. In addition, it was determined that behavioral problems in children differ significantly according to gender, number of siblings, education level of the mother and communication skills of children significantly differ according to education level of their mothers rather than fathers

    Disclosing the Books : Evidence on Swedish publicly listed firms' accounting disclosure practices

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    Disclosure of accounting information is crucial in facilitating efficient contracts in the publicly listed firm and in reducing information asymmetries in capital markets. A well-known perception in disclosure literature is that, as the separation between managers and owners increases, so does the demand for publicly available disclosure. Many publicly listed firms around the world are controlled by a few large owners that obtain information through their insider positions in the firm. Thus, variations in ownership structures have a considerable effect on how firms’ disclosure practices are resolved. Despite the increased attention paid to the identity of controlling owners and their influence on financial reporting practices, little is known about how owner types and governance mechanisms influence corporate disclosures and capital-market effects. This thesis contributes to the disclosure literature by studying a context in which controlling owners have a large influence on the governance and disclosure practices of firms. This contrasts with the much-studied setting in which management influences the governance and reporting decisions of firms. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to examine the determinants and capital-market effects of Swedish listed firms’ annual report disclosure. This thesis uses a self-constructed disclosure index from manually gathered data from the annual reports of Swedish publicly listed firms during the years 2001 to 2013. This includes information on the notes to the financial statements, corporate governance and strategy. The findings of the four empirical studies show that the ownership structure of firms and the various contractual relationships that firms are engaged in, drive the disclosure practices. Additionally, the results indicate that higher levels of disclosure decrease information asymmetries between capital-market participants and increase trading activity. However, the findings also show that firms with controlling owners are less forthcoming with disclosure, even after a new disclosure reform. Considering the large influence of controlling owners in the studied context, these are important findings in the research field and in regulators’ processes of deriving disclosure regulation. The thesis concludes that the variety in firms’ disclosure incentives and local governance structures are important disclosure determinants to understand in framing international accounting standards

    Voluntary Disclosure of Financial Targets - Empirical Evidence from Manufacturing Firms Listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during 2001 to 2009

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    We examine 1041 annual reports individually, published by 149 manufacturing rms listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange from 2001 to 2009. The purpose is to explain which rm characteristics in uence voluntary disclosure of nancial targets. Previous studies have focused on general di¤erences in voluntary disclosure practices and on disclosure e¤ects. This paper, however, focuses on nancial targets, an uncharted research area in the eld of voluntary disclosure and contributes the existing research with extensive empirical evidence on the rst decade of the 2000s. The result, supported by agency theory, legitimacy- and signaling theory, indicate that rm size and industry sectors in uence the degree of voluntary disclosure. Additionally, economic cycles, international disclosure practices and management behavior are plausible explanations for variations in voluntary disclosure practices

    Executive compensation disclosure, ownership concentration and dual-class firms: An analysis of Swedish data

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    We study how executive compensation disclosure (ECD) is affected by the economic incentives of owners and managers in a Swedish setting where agency conflicts are not so much between managers and owners, but between controlling and non-controlling owners. In our sample, control is often enhanced through mechanisms such as dual share classes. The analysis relies on detailed hand-collected ECD data from 2837 annual reports. As expected, disclosure decreases with ownership concentration and the owner’s excess voting rights. In Sweden, overpaid Chief Executive Offices (CEOs) improve ECD quality, but this is not the case when the controlling owner has excess control rights. This suggests that when managers have a bond with controlling owners, ECD is part of the agency problem between controlling and non-controlling owners, and executive compensation plays a different role than in previously studied Anglo-Saxon settings

    Effects of Iodixanol on Respiratory Functions during Coronary Angiography and the Role of Body Composition

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    Purpose. The purposes of this study are to assess the acute effects of iodixanol, an iso-osmolar contrast media, on pulmonary functions and to evaluate the body composition in order to find out its role in causing this deterioration. Methods. 35 male and 25 female patients undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography (CA) were enrolled in the study. Before CA, all patients’ body compositions were evaluated by measuring their body mass indexes (BMIs) and waist-to-hip ratios (WHRs). Total body waters (TBWs), fat masses (FMs), fat-free masses (FFMs), and basal metabolism rates (BMRs) were measured via bioimpedance analysis. The CA was performed via radial artery route using iodixanol in every patient. The pulmonary function tests of these patients were performed before, during, and 2 hours after the CA. FEV1∆, FEF25–75%∆, and FVC∆ parameters were calculated by subtracting the measured baseline value from the measurement after the CA. Results. Angiography caused significant reduction in forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1, from 94.17 ± 18.83 to 84.45 ± 18.31, p<0.0001), forced vital capacity (FVC, from 96.57 ± 15.82 to 88.31 ± 17.96, p<0.0001), and forced expiratory flow at 25–75% (FEF25–75% from 82.54 ± 24.26 to 72.11 ± 25.41, p=0.001) and remained lower after 2 h after CA in male patients, respectively. FEV1 values were 103.40 ± 17.79 to 94.96 ± 17.063 (p=0.004); FVC values were 107.20 ± 19.03 to 99.08 ± 20.56 (p=0.009); and FEF25–75% values were 83.92 ± 24.30 to 73.24 ± 20.45 (p=0.005) before and after CA and remained lower after 2 h after CA in female patients, respectively. FEV1/FVC ratio remained unchanged. FEF25–75%∆ was statistically correlated with FFM, TBW, and WHR (p<0.05; r=−0.344, r=−0.347, and r=0.357, resp.), and FVC∆ was correlated with WHR in male patients (p=0.018, r=397). Conclusions. Our data suggested that diagnostic CA using iodixanol, an iso-osmolar contrast media, leads significant impairment in respiratory functions. Due to the persistence of these reductions even 2 hours after CA, ventilatory functions should be considered especially in patients whose body compositions or hydration levels are not within the desired physiological range