39 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Prisoners.

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    People involved with criminal justice frequently are exposed to violence and traumatic experiences. This may lead to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); however, no review, to our knowledge, has synthetized findings in this setting. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to estimate prevalence rates of PTSD in prison populations. Original studies in which prevalence rates of PTSD in unselected samples of incarcerated people were reported were systematically searched between 1980 and June 2017. Data were pooled using random-effects meta-analysis, and sources of heterogeneity for prespecified characteristics were assessed by meta-regression. We identified 56 samples comprising 21,099 imprisoned men and women from 20 countries. Point prevalence of PTSD ranged from 0.1% to 27% for male, and from 12% to 38% for female prisoner populations. The random-effects pooled point prevalence was 6.2% (95% confidence interval: 3.9, 9.0) in male prisoners and 21.1% (95% confidence interval: 16.9, 25.6) in female prisoners. The heterogeneity between the included studies was very high. Higher prevalence was reported in samples of female prisoners, smaller studies (n ≤ 200), and for investigations based in high-income countries. Existing evidence shows high levels of PTSD among imprisoned people, especially women. Psychosocial interventions to prevent violence, especially against children and women, and to mitigate its consequences in marginalized communities must be improved. Trauma-informed approaches for correctional programs and scalable PTSD treatments in prisons require further consideration.German National Academic Foundation (to G.B.), the Wellcome Trust (grant 202836/Z/16/Z to S.F.), and the Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research), Ministry of Education, of the Republic of Chile (Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development) Regular, grant 1160260 to A.P.M.)

    Urban blue: A global analysis of the factors shaping people's perceptions of the marine environment and ecological engineering in harbours.

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    Marine harbours are the focus of a diverse range of activities and subject to multiple anthropogenically induced pressures. Support for environmental management options aimed at improving degraded harbours depends on understanding the factors which influence people's perceptions of harbour environments. We used an online survey, across 12 harbours, to assess sources of variation people's perceptions of harbour health and ecological engineering. We tested the hypotheses: 1) people living near impacted harbours would consider their environment to be more unhealthy and degraded, be more concerned about the environment and supportive of and willing to pay for ecological engineering relative to those living by less impacted harbours, and 2) people with greater connectedness to the harbour would be more concerned about and have greater perceived knowledge of the environment, and be more supportive of, knowledgeable about and willing to pay for ecological engineering, than those with less connectedness. Across twelve locations, the levels of degradation and modification by artificial structures were lower and the concern and knowledge about the environment and ecological engineering were greater in the six Australasian and American than the six European and Asian harbours surveyed. We found that people's perception of harbours as healthy or degraded, but not their concern for the environment, reflected the degree to which harbours were impacted. There was a positive relationship between the percentage of shoreline modified and the extent of support for and people's willingness to pay indirect costs for ecological engineering. At the individual level, measures of connectedness to the harbour environment were good predictors of concern for and perceived knowledge about the environment but not support for and perceived knowledge about ecological engineering. To make informed decisions, it is important that people are empowered with sufficient knowledge of the environmental issues facing their harbour and ecological engineering options

    Kalfjes bij de koe : willen we 'terug naar de natuur'?

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    In de dierwelzijnsdiscussie staat verplicht ‘natuurlijk gedrag’ van kalfjes bij de koe naast het beeld van de boer als brute scheider van moeder en kalf. Dit laat weinig ruimte voor nuance, maar die is er wel degelijk: ‘Als veehouder ben ik co-ouder van het kalf en zorg ik goed voor haar.

    LONK – Leren Ondernemen op Nagele Kavel : nachtwerk

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    Zelf het moment van de oogst bepalen. Bellen bellen bellen. Samen overeenstemming bereiken. Fouten maken. Eigenwijs zijn. Dat hoort allemaal bij het ondernemerschap. In Nagele kunnen Warmonderhoffers daarmee oefenen

    Van één boerderij naar twee en van bio naar Demeter : maatschap Deinum Ensing Gerritsma Smink

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    Oude garde Sierd Deinum en Joke Ensing en nieuwe garde Sytse Gerritsma en Tiertsje Smink voeren samen en toch apart twee melkveebedrijven in Friesland. Van gangbaar naar biologisch en dan naar biologisch-dynamisch. En over hoe je als jong stel zonder boerderij toch kunt gaan boeren