248 research outputs found

    Modelling of particulate matter concentrations and source contributions in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area in 2008 and 2010

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    We refined an urban-scale dispersion modelling system by adding a road dust suspension model, FORE. The deterministic modelling includes both vehicular exhaust emissions (including cold start and cold driving) and suspended road dust. The urban scale modelling system was used in combination with the regional scale chemical transport model LOTOSEUROS, for 2008, and the measured regional background concentrations, for 2010. The predictions were compared against measured concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10. PM2.5 concentrations were slightly and the PM10concentrations substantially under-predicted in 2008, mainly due to the under-predicted regional background concentration. Source contributions of suspended road dust varied from 2% to 8% and from 12% to 38% for PM2.5 and PM10, respectively. Long-range transported contributions at the urban traffic stations were 72% to 92% for PM2.5 and 50% to 83% for PM10. © 2016

    Сутність адміністративного права за новою класифікацією юриспруденції

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    На основі новітніх підходів до розумінні завдань, об’єктів і класифікації юридичних наук запропонована перспектива розвитку адміністративного права і процесу, які повинні трансформуватися в нові юридичні науки: базисноантиделыктне «Адміністра­тивне право України», процедурне «Админо­регламентное право України» та у низку регулятивних юридичних наук, а також розробити Адміністративний кодекс України, Адміно-регламентній кодекс України, відповідні регулятивні кодекси.На основе новейших подходов к понимании задач, объектов и классификации юридических наук предложена перспектива развития административного права и процес­са, которые должны трансформироваться в новые юридические науки: базисноанти­деликтное «Административное право Украины», процедурное «Админо­регламентное право Украины» и ряд регулятивных юридических наук, а также разработать Административный кодекс Украины, Админо-регламентный кодекс Украины, соответствую­щие регулятивные кодексы.On the basis of the newest fittings to for understanding of tasks, objects and classification of legal sciences the prospect of development of administrative law and process is offered, which must be transformed in new legal sciences: basisuntidelictical the «Administrative law of Ukraine», procedural «Administrative-reglamental law of Ukraine» and the row of regulative legal sciences, and also to develop the Administrative code of Ukraine, Administrative­-reglamental code of Ukraine, proper regulative codes

    Airborne cultivable microflora and microbial transfer in farm buildings and rural dwellings

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    Exposure to environments rich in microorganisms such as farms has been shown to protect against the development of childhood asthma and allergies. However, it remains unclear where, and how, farm and other rural children are exposed to microbes. Furthermore, the composition of the microbial flora is poorly characterised. We tested the hypothesis that farm children are exposed indoors to substantial levels of viable microbes originating from animal sheds and barns. We also expected that environmental microbial flora on farms and in farm homes would be more complex than in the homes of rural control children


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    Il mesotelioma pleurico maligno è un tumore aggressivo la cui prognosi, nella maggior parte dei casi, è infausta. Il ruolo che assume la diagnosi precoce è quindi fondamentale, poiché trattamenti chirurgici e farmacologici, in fase avanzata del tumore, non hanno dimostrato un prolungamento significativo della sopravvivenza. Affinchè si possano sviluppare nuove tecniche di diagnosi precoce è necessario avere a disposizione una vasta gamma di marcatori tumorali più selettivi e specifici. Studi effettuati con tecniche di proteomica su campioni bioptici randomizzati di pazienti con Mesotelioma Pleurico maligno, tumori polmonari benigni e carcinoma polmonare, all’interno del Dipartimento di Farmacia dell’Università di Pisa hanno aperto le porte per considerare nuove proteine come potenziali marcatori biologici per la differenziazione del MPM. Le proteine che hanno suscitato maggiore interesse sono: vimentina, desmina e prelamin A/C. La validazione in larga scala di queste proteine è stata effettuata su campioni di siero e plasma, in fase di diagnosi e in fase di terapia, utilizzando la tecnica del kit ELISA. La vimentina dimostra di essere differenzialmente espressa nei campioni di diagnosi quindi risulta essere un buon marcatore specifico e sensibile; minore sensibilità invece è dimostrata dalla desmina e prelamin A/C

    Land Use Regression Models for Ultrafine Particles in Six European Areas

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    Long-term ultrafine particle (UFP) exposure estimates at a fine spatial scale are needed for epidemiological studies. Land use regression (LUR) models were developed and evaluated for six European areas based on repeated 30 min monitoring following standardized protocols. In each area; Basel (Switzerland), Heraklion (Greece), Amsterdam, Maastricht, and Utrecht ("The Netherlands"), Norwich (United Kingdom), Sabadell (Spain), and Turin (Italy), 160-240 sites were monitored to develop LUR models by supervised stepwise selection of GIS predictors. For each area and all areas combined, 10 models were developed in stratified random selections of 90% of sites. UFP prediction robustness was evaluated with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) at 31-50 external sites per area. Models from Basel and The Netherlands were validated against repeated 24 h outdoor measurements. Structure and model R2 of local models were similar within, but varied between areas (e.g., 38-43% Turin; 25-31% Sabadell). Robustness of predictions within areas was high (ICC 0.73-0.98). External validation R2 was 53% in Basel and 50% in The Netherlands. Combined area models were robust (ICC 0.93-1.00) and explained UFP variation almost equally well as local models. In conclusion, robust UFP LUR models could be developed on short-term monitoring, explaining around 50% of spatial variance in longer-term measurements

    Long-term exposure to elemental constituents of particulate matter and cardiovascular mortality in 19 European cohorts: Results from the ESCAPE and TRANSPHORM projects

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    Особливості державного регулювання інвестиційно-інноваційної діяльності, в сфері екології

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    BACKGROUND: Particulate matter (PM) air pollution is a human lung carcinogen; however, the components responsible have not been identified. We assessed the associations between PM components and lung cancer incidence. METHODS: We used data from 14 cohort studies in eight European countries. We geocoded baseline addresses and assessed air pollution with land-use regression models for eight elements (Cu, Fe, K, Ni, S, Si, V and Zn) in size fractions of PM2.5 and PM10. We used Cox regression models with adjustment for potential confounders for cohort-specific analyses and random effect models for meta-analysis. RESULTS: The 245,782 cohort members contributed 3,229,220 person-years at risk. During follow-up (mean, 13.1 years), 1878 incident cases of lung cancer were diagnosed. In the meta-analyses, elevated hazard ratios (HRs) for lung cancer were associated with all elements except V; none was statistically significant. In analyses restricted to participants who did not change residence during follow-up, statistically significant associations were found for PM2.5 Cu (HR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.01-1.53 per 5 ng/m(3)), PM10 Zn (1.28; 1.02-1.59 per 20 ng/m(3)), PM10 S (1.58; 1.03-2.44 per 200 ng/m(3)), PM10 Ni (1.59; 1.12-2.26 per 2 ng/m(3)) and PM10 K (1.17; 1.02-1.33 per 100 ng/m(3)). In two-pollutant models, associations between PM10 and PM2.5 and lung cancer were largely explained by PM2.5 S. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that the association between PM in air pollution and lung cancer can be attributed to various PM components and sources. PM containing S and Ni might be particularly important

    Oxidative capacity and hemolytic activity of settled dust from moisture-damaged schools

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    Exposure to moisture-damaged indoor environments is associated with adverse respiratory health effects, but responsible factors remain unidentified. In order to explore possible mechanisms behind these effects, the oxidative capacity and hemolytic activity of settled dust samples (n = 25) collected from moisture-damaged and non-damaged schools in Spain, the Netherlands, and Finland were evaluated and matched against the microbial content of the sample. Oxidative capacity was determined with plasmid scission assay and hemolytic activity by assessing the damage to isolated human red blood cells. The microbial content of the samples was measured with quantitative PCR assays for selected microbial groups and by analyzing the cell wall markers ergosterol, muramic acid, endotoxins, and glucans. The moisture observations in the schools were associated with some of the microbial components in the dust, and microbial determinants grouped together increased the oxidative capacity. Oxidative capacity was also affected by particle concentration and country of origin. Two out of 14 studied dust samples from moisture-damaged schools demonstrated some hemolytic activity. The results indicate that the microbial component connected with moisture damage is associated with increased oxidative stress and that hemolysis should be studied further as one possible mechanism contributing to the adverse health effects of moisture-damaged buildings.Peer reviewe