529 research outputs found

    FGF Signaling in Lung Development and Disease: Human Versus Mouse

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    Fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) plays an important role in mouse lung development, injury, and repair. It is considered the main morphogen driving lung branching morphogenesis in rodents. While many studies have found FGF10 SNPs associated with COPD and branch variants in COPD smokers, there is no evidence of a causative role for FGF10 or these SNPs in human lung development and pediatric lung diseases. We and others have shown divergent roles for FGF10 in mouse lung development and early human lung development. Herein, we only review the existing literature on FGF signaling in human lung development and pediatric human lung diseases, comparing what is known in mouse lung to that in human lung

    Preferential FGF18/FGFR activity in pseudoglandular versus canalicular stage human lung fibroblasts

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    Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling is necessary for proper lung branching morphogenesis, alveolarization, and vascular development. Dysregulation of FGF activity has been implicated in various lung diseases. Recently, we showed that FGF18 promotes human lung branching morphogenesis by regulating mesenchymal progenitor cells. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Thus, we aimed to determine the role of FGF18 and its receptors (FGFR) in regulating mesenchymal cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation from pseudoglandular to canalicular stage. We performed siRNA assays to identify the specific FGFR(s) associated with FGF18-induced biological processes. We found that FGF18 increased proliferation and migration in human fetal lung fibroblasts (HFLF) from both stages. FGFR2/FGFR4 played a significant role in pseudoglandular stage. HFLF proliferation, while FGFR3/FGFR4 were involved in canalicular stage. FGF18 enhanced HFLF migration through FGFR2 and FGFR4 in pseudoglandular and canalicular stage, respectively. Finally, we provide evidence that FGF18 treatment leads to reduced expression of myofibroblast markers (ACTA2 and COL1A1) and increased expression of lipofibroblast markers (ADRP and PPARγ) in both stages HFLF. However, the specific FGF18/FGFR complex involved in this process varies depending on the stage. Our findings suggest that in context of human lung development, FGF18 tends to associate with distinct FGFRs to initiate specific biological processes on mesenchymal cells

    Estudo comparativo da cadeia produtiva florestal das Regiões de Lages e de Pelotas: uma visão sistêmica do desenvolvimento regional

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    This paper aims to make a comparison of two South regions’ forest base in Brazil, the regions of Lages/SC and Pelotas/RS. The analysis focuses on the regional development inserted in the forest productive chain systemic context with the intention to visualize the perspectives of the Pelotas and Lages regions. The Lages region presents itself in the upstream and downstream of the forest productive chain, whilst the Pelotas region is in embryonic phase of development. The conclusion is that for the Pelotas region it is necessary to wait for the new positions in order to define the future scenes of the forest base sector. And for the Lages region, the forest sector is the main activity of last fifty years.Key words: forest productive chain, regional development, comparative study.Pretende-se comparar o setor de base florestal em duas regiões do Sul do Brasil: a de Lages/SC e a de Pelotas/RS. Nesse viés investigativo, busca-se analisar o desenvolvimento regional inserido no contexto sistêmico da cadeia produtiva florestal, com o intuito de visualizar as perspectivas das Regiões de Pelotas e de Lages. A Região de Lages apresenta-se instalada a montante e ajusante da cadeia produtiva florestal, enquanto a de Pelotas encontra-se em fase embrionária de desenvolvimento. Para a Região de Lages, o setor florestal é a principal atividade dos últimos cinquenta anos. No que tange à Região de Pelotas, é necessário aguardar os novos posicionamentos, a fim de poder definir os cenários futuros do setor de base florestal.Palavras-chave: cadeia produtiva florestal, desenvolvimento regional, estudo comparativo

    Estudo comparativo da cadeia produtiva florestal das regiões de lages e de Pelotas : uma visão sistêmica do desenvolvimento regional

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    Pretende-se comparar o setor de base florestal em duas regiões do Sul do Brasil: a de Lages/SC e a de Pelotas/RS. Nesse viés investigativo, busca-se analisar o desenvolvimento regional inserido no contexto sistêmico da cadeia produtiva florestal, com o intuito de visualizar as perspectivas das Regiões de Pelotas e de Lages. A Região de Lages apresenta-se instalada a montante e a jusante da cadeia produtiva florestal, enquanto a de Pelotas encontra-se em fase embrionária de desenvolvimento. Para a Região de Lages, o setor florestal é a principal atividade dos últimos cinquenta anos. No que tange à Região de Pelotas, é necessário aguardar os novos posicionamentos, a fim de poder definir os cenários futuros do setor de base florestal.This paper aims to make a comparison of two South regions’ forest base in Brazil, the regions of Lages/SC and Pelotas/RS. The analysis focuses on the regional development inserted in the forest productive chain systemic context with the intention to visualize the perspectives of the Pelotas and Lages regions. The Lages region presents itself in the upstream and downstream of the forest productive chain, whilst the Pelotas region is in embryonic phase of development. The conclusion is that for the Pelotas region it is necessary to wait for the new positions in order to define the future scenes of the forest base sector. And for the Lages region, the forest sector is the main activity of last fifty years

    SERCA directs cell migration and branching across species and germ layers

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    Branching morphogenesis underlies organogenesis in vertebrates and invertebrates, yet is incompletely understood. Here, we show that the sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ reuptake pump (SERCA) directs budding across germ layers and species. Clonal knockdown demonstrated a cell-autonomous role for SERCA in Drosophila air sac budding. Live imaging of Drosophila tracheogenesis revealed elevated Ca2+ levels in migratory tip cells as they form branches. SERCA blockade abolished this Ca2+ differential, aborting both cell migration and new branching. Activating protein kinase C (PKC) rescued Ca2+ in tip cells and restored cell migration and branching. Likewise, inhibiting SERCA abolished mammalian epithelial budding, PKC activation rescued budding, while morphogens did not. Mesoderm (zebrafish angiogenesis) and ectoderm (Drosophila nervous system) behaved similarly, suggesting a conserved requirement for cell-autonomous Ca2+ signaling, established by SERCA, in iterative budding

    Characterization of a Novel Fibroblast Growth Factor 10 (Fgf10) Knock-In Mouse Line to Target Mesenchymal Progenitors during Embryonic Development

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    Fibroblast growth factor 10 (Fgf10) is a key regulator of diverse organogenetic programs during mouse development, particularly branching morphogenesis. Fgf10-null mice suffer from lung and limb agenesis as well as cecal and colonic atresia and are thus not viable. To date, the Mlcv1v-nLacZ-24 transgenic mouse strain (referred to as Fgf10LacZ), which carries a LacZ insertion 114 kb upstream of exon 1 of Fgf10 gene, has been the only strain to allow transient lineage tracing of Fgf10-positive cells. Here, we describe a novel Fgf10Cre-ERT2 knock-in line (Fgf10iCre) in which a Cre-ERT2-IRES-YFP cassette has been introduced in frame with the ATG of exon 1 of Fgf10 gene. Our studies show that Cre-ERT2 insertion disrupts Fgf10 function. However, administration of tamoxifen to Fgf10iCre; Tomatoflox double transgenic embryos or adult mice results in specific labeling of Fgf10-positive cells, which can be lineage-traced temporally and spatially. Moreover, we show that the Fgf10iCre line can be used for conditional gene inactivation in an inducible fashion during early developmental stages. We also provide evidence that transcription factors located in the first intron of Fgf10 gene are critical for maintaining Fgf10 expression over time. Thus, the Fgf10iCre line should serve as a powerful tool to explore the functions of Fgf10 in a controlled and stage-specific manner

    Contrasting Expression of Canonical Wnt Signaling Reporters TOPGAL, BATGAL and Axin2LacZ during Murine Lung Development and Repair

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    Canonical Wnt signaling plays multiple roles in lung organogenesis and repair by regulating early progenitor cell fates: investigation has been enhanced by canonical Wnt reporter mice, TOPGAL, BATGAL and Axin2LacZ. Although widely used, it remains unclear whether these reporters convey the same information about canonical Wnt signaling. We therefore compared beta-galactosidase expression patterns in canonical Wnt signaling of these reporter mice in whole embryo versus isolated prenatal lungs. To determine if expression varied further during repair, we analyzed comparative pulmonary expression of beta-galactosidase after naphthalene injury. Our data show important differences between reporter mice. While TOPGAL and BATGAL lines demonstrate Wnt signaling well in early lung epithelium, BATGAL expression is markedly reduced in late embryonic and adult lungs. By contrast, Axin2LacZ expression is sustained in embryonic lung mesenchyme as well as epithelium. Three days into repair after naphthalene, BATGAL expression is induced in bronchial epithelium as well as TOPGAL expression (already strongly expressed without injury). Axin2LacZ expression is increased in bronchial epithelium of injured lungs. Interestingly, both TOPGAL and Axin2LacZ are up regulated in parabronchial smooth muscle cells during repair. Therefore the optimal choice of Wnt reporter line depends on whether up- or down-regulation of canonical Wnt signal reporting in either lung epithelium or mesenchyme is being compared

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2b Signaling on Epithelial Tip Progenitor Cells During Early Mouse Lung Branching Morphogenesis

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    This study demonstrates that FGF10/FGFR2b signaling on distal epithelial progenitor cells, via ß-catenin/EP300, controls, through a comprehensive set of developmental genes, morphogenesis, and differentiation. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 10 signaling through FGF receptor 2b (FGFR2b) is mandatory during early lung development as the deletion of either the ligand or the receptor leads to lung agenesis. However, this drastic phenotype previously hampered characterization of the primary biological activities, immediate downstream targets and mechanisms of action. Through the use of a dominant negative transgenic mouse model (Rosa26rtTA; tet(o)sFgfr2b), we conditionally inhibited FGF10 signaling in vivo in E12.5 embryonic lungs via doxycycline IP injection to pregnant females, and in vitro by culturing control and experimental lungs with doxycycline. The impact on branching morphogenesis 9 h after doxycycline administration was analyzed by morphometry, fluorescence and electron microscopy. Gene arrays at 6 and 9 h following doxycycline administration were carried out. The relationship between FGF10 and ß-catenin signaling was also analyzed through in vitro experiments using IQ1, a pharmacological inhibitor of ß-catenin/EP300 transcriptional activity. Loss of FGF10 signaling did not impact proliferation or survival, but affected both adherens junctions (up-regulation of E-cadherin), and basement membrane organization (increased laminin). Gene arrays identified multiple direct targets of FGF10, including main transcription factors. Immunofluorescence showed a down-regulation of the distal epithelial marker SOX9 and mis-expression distally of the proximal marker SOX2. Staining for the transcriptionally-active form of ß-catenin showed a reduction in experimental vs. control lungs. In vitro experiments using IQ1 phenocopied the impacts of blocking FGF10. This study demonstrates that FGF10/FGFR2b signaling on distal epithelial progenitor cells via ß-catenin/EP300 controls, through a comprehensive set of developmental genes, cell adhesion, and differentiation

    Suppression of the Nrf2-Dependent Antioxidant Response by Glucocorticoids and 11β-HSD1-Mediated Glucocorticoid Activation in Hepatic Cells

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    Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) is a key transcription factor regulating a plethora of detoxifying enzymes and antioxidant genes involved in drug metabolism and defence against oxidative stress. The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is a ligand-induced transcription factor involved in the regulation of energy supply for metabolic needs to cope with various stressors. GR activity is controlled by glucocorticoids, which are synthesized in the adrenal glands and regenerated mainly in the liver from inactive cortisone by 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 (11β-HSD1).; Using transfected HEK-293 cells and hepatic H4IIE cells we show that glucocorticoids, activated by 11β-HSD1 and acting through GR, suppress the Nrf2-dependent antioxidant response. The expression of the marker genes NQO1, HMOX1 and GST2A was suppressed upon treatment of 11β-HSD1 expressing cells with cortisone, an effect that was reversed by 11β-HSD1 inhibitors. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that elevated glucocorticoids lowered the ability of cells to detoxify H(2)O(2). Moreover, a comparison of gene expression in male and female rats revealed an opposite sexual dimorphism with an inverse relationship between 11β-HSD1 and Nrf2 target gene expression.; The results demonstrate a suppression of the cellular antioxidant defence capacity by glucocorticoids and suggest that elevated 11β-HSD1 activity may lead to impaired Nrf2-dependent antioxidant response. The gender-specific differences in hepatic expression levels of 11β-HSD1 and Nrf2 target genes and the impact of pharmacological inhibition of 11β-HSD1 on improving cellular capacity to cope with oxidative stress warrants further studies in vivo
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