499 research outputs found

    Hyper-velocity impact test and simulation of a double-wall shield concept for the Wide Field Monitor aboard LOFT

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    The space mission LOFT (Large Observatory For X-ray Timing) was selected in 2011 by ESA as one of the candidates for the M3 launch opportunity. LOFT is equipped with two instruments, the Large Area Detector (LAD) and the Wide Field Monitor (WFM), based on Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs). In orbit, they would be exposed to hyper-velocity impacts by environmental dust particles, which might alter the surface properties of the SDDs. In order to assess the risk posed by these events, we performed simulations in ESABASE2 and laboratory tests. Tests on SDD prototypes aimed at verifying to what extent the structural damages produced by impacts affect the SDD functionality have been performed at the Van de Graaff dust accelerator at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK) in Heidelberg. For the WFM, where we expect a rate of risky impacts notably higher than for the LAD, we designed, simulated and successfully tested at the plasma accelerator at the Technical University in Munich (TUM) a double-wall shielding configuration based on thin foils of Kapton and Polypropylene. In this paper we summarize all the assessment, focussing on the experimental test campaign at TUM.Comment: Proc. SPIE 9144, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 91446

    The XMM-Newton view of the Crab

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    Aims. We discuss the current X-ray view of the Crab Nebula and Pulsar, summarising our analysis of observations of the source with the EPIC-pn camera on board the XMM-Newton observatory. Different modes of EPIC-pn were combined in order to yield a complete scenario of the spectral properties of the Crab resolved in space and time (pulse phase). In addition we give a description of the special EPIC-pn Burst mode and guidance for data reduction in that mode. Methods. We analysed spectra for the nebula and pulsar separately in the 0.6−12.0 keV energy band. All data were processed with the SAS 6.0.0 XMM-Newton Scientific Analysis System package; models were fitted to the data with XSPEC 11. The high time resolution of EPIC-pn in its Burst mode (7 ÎŒs) was used for a phase resolved analysis of the pulsar spectrum, after determination of the period with epoch folding techniques. Data from the SmallWindow mode were processed and corrected for pile-up allowing for spectroscopy simultaneously resolved in space and time. Results. The spatial variation of the spectrum over the entire region of the Crab shows a gradual spectral softening from the inner pulsar region to the outer nebula region with a variation in photon index, Γ, from 2.0 to 2.4. Pulse phase resolved spectroscopy of the Crab Pulsar reveals a phase dependent modulation of the photon index in form of a significant hardening of the spectrum in the inter-peak phase from Γ = 1.7 during the pulse peak to Γ = 1.5

    First Light Measurements with the XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometers: Evidence for an Inverse First Ionisation Potential Effect and Anomalous Ne A bundance in the Coronae of HR 1099

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    The RS CVn binary system HR 1099 was extensively observed by the XMM-Newton observatory in February 2000 as its first-light target. A total of 570 ks of exposure time was accumulated with the Reflection Grating Spectrometers (RGS). The integrated X-ray spectrum between 5-35 Angstrom is of unprecedented quality and shows numerous features attributed to transitions of the elements C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Fe, and Ni. We perform an in-depth study of the elemental composition of the average corona of this system, and find that the elemental abundances strongly depend on the first ionisation potential (FIP) of the elements. But different from the solar coronal case, we find an inverse FIP effect, i.e., the abundances (relative to oxygen) increase with increasing FIP. Possible scenarios, e.g., selective enrichment due to Ne-rich flare-like events, are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted by A&A Letters, XMM issu

    The supersoft X-ray source in V5116 Sgr I. The high resolution spectra

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    Classical novae occur on the surface of an accreting white dwarf in a binary system. After ejection of a fraction of the envelope and when the expanding shell becomes optically thin to X-rays, a bright source of supersoft X-rays arises, powered by residual H burning on the surface of the white dwarf. While the general picture of the nova event is well established, the details and balance of accretion and ejection processes in classical novae are still full of unknowns. The long-term balance of accreted matter is of special interest for massive accreting white dwarfs, which may be promising supernova Ia progenitor candidates. V5116 Sgr was observed as a bright and variable supersoft X-ray source by XMM-Newton 610~days after outburst. The light curve showed a periodicity consistent with the orbital period. During one third of the orbit the luminosity was a factor of seven brighter than during the other two thirds of the orbital period. In the present work we aim to disentangle the X-ray spectral components of V5116 Sgr and their variability. We present the high resolution spectra obtained with XMM-Newton RGS and Chandra LETGS/HRC-S in March and August 2007. The grating spectrum during the periods of high-flux shows a typical hot white dwarf atmosphere dominated by absorption lines of N VI and N VII. During the low-flux periods, the spectrum is dominated by an atmosphere with the same temperature as during the high-flux period, but with several emission features superimposed. Some of the emission lines are well modeled with an optically thin plasma in collisional equilibrium, rich in C and N, which also explains some excess in the spectra of the high-flux period. No velocity shifts are observed in the absorption lines, with an upper limit set by the spectral resolution of 500 km/s, consistent with the expectation of a non-expanding atmosphere so late in the evolution of the post-nova.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Search for gamma‐ray emission from AGN with COMPTEL

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    The COMPTEL data (∌0.7–30 MeV) were searched for emission from AGN. Four sources have been detected so far: the quasars 3C 273, 3C 279, PKS 0528+134, and the radio galaxy Centaurus A. 3C 273 and 3C 279 were detected in CGRO observation period 3 with quite different spectral shapes. There is also evidence for 3C 273 at a weak flux level in observation period 11. The quasar PKS 0528+134 was detected above 3 MeV as part of a search for AGN already observed by EGRET. Cen A was seen up to 3 MeV by combining data from different observation periods

    Latest results on Jovian disk X-rays from XMM-Newton

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    We present the results of a spectral study of the soft X-ray emission (0.2-2.5 keV) from low-latitude (`disk') regions of Jupiter. The data were obtained during two observing campaigns with XMM-Newton in April and November 2003. While the level of the emission remained approximately the same between April and the first half of the November observation, the second part of the latter shows an enhancement by about 40% in the 0.2-2.5 keV flux. A very similar, and apparently correlated increase, in time and scale, was observed in the solar X-ray and EUV flux. The months of October and November 2003 saw a period of particularly intense solar activity, which appears reflected in the behaviour of the soft X-rays from Jupiter's disk. The X-ray spectra, from the XMM-Newton EPIC CCD cameras, are all well fitted by a coronal model with temperatures in the range 0.4-0.5 keV, with additional line emission from Mg XI (1.35 keV) and Si XIII (1.86 keV): these are characteristic lines of solar X-ray spectra at maximum activity and during flares. The XMM-Newton observations lend further support to the theory that Jupiter's disk X-ray emission is controlled by the Sun, and may be produced in large part by scattering, elastic and fluorescent, of solar X-rays in the upper atmosphere of the planet.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in a special issue of Planetary and Space Scienc

    COMPTEL observations of the inner galaxy

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    This paper presents a first global study of COMPTEL observations of the inner Galaxy in the energy range 0.75–10 MeV. Preliminary findings demonstrate COMPTEL’s capabilities for mapping the observed gamma radiation and disentangling the contributions from point sources and diffuse emission
