295 research outputs found

    Femoral diaphysis fractures: treatment with unreamed intramedullary nailing and its results

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    Background: Femoral shaft fractures are an important cause of mortality and morbidity in the lower extremity injuries.Methods: 21 femoral body fractures of 19 adult patients were treated with the unreamed intramedullary nailing. Of 19 patients 14 were males and 5 were females.Results: All fractures healed. Deep infection was not encountered. According to the Thoresen criteria, the rate of excellent-good results was 78%. In two patients, who had also cranial trauma, development of excessive callus was observed. None of the patients required a secondary operation. Conclusions: Unreamed intramedullary nailing, if it can be implemented with closed technique and with double lock screw at the distal side, provides satisfactory results in the femoral shaft fractures.

    Resilience of rural settlement morphology dynamics: The case of Kargalı district (village)

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    In this study, the term resilience has been examined in terms of ecological, economic, and cultural parameters specific to residential areas. Recently, changing needs and increasing the speed of change due to developing technology are reflected as internal and external threats to residential areas. Change is inevitable for each parameter over time, but it can also pose a threat to the morphology and identity of residential areas. The buffer zone to be created by the residential areas against this threat reduces the severity of the incoming impact and revises it and provides the adaptation of identity and morphology dynamics to the new situation with its resilience. In the first part of the study, the identity of the settlements and the resilience factor against change/transformation threats are explained according to the definitions in the literature. In the second part, the dynamics of rural settlement morphology are defined and the effect of rural resistance on the dynamics is presented. In the last part, a stratification analysis is made according to certain year intervals over the Kargalı district (village) of the Polatlı District of Ankara. The sample was analyzed in terms of rural area, road traces, environmental location relations, structural boundaries, landmarks, and the changes/transformations of all these morphology dynamics over time, its resilience, and adaptation/mutation processes. The effects and possible results of the resilience of rural settlements for sustainable rural settlement, which are more affected by similar internal or external threats than urban, on the dynamics of settlement morphology and resident over time, constitute the desired findings of the study

    Zaman gecikmesi içeren üçüncü derece sistemler için kesir dereceli PD denetleyici tasarımı

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    Due to the lack of integral operator, proportional derivative controllers have difficulties in providing stability and robustness. This difficulty is especially felt in higher order systems. In this publication, analytical design method of fractional proportional derivative controllers is presented to ensure the stability of third order systems with time delay. In this method, it is aimed to achieve the frequency characteristics of a standard control system to ensure stability. It is aimed to provide the desired gain crossover frequency, phase crossover frequency and phase margin properties of the system. In this way, the stability and robustness of the system can be obtained by choosing the appropriate values. The reason for choosing a fractional order controller is that the controller parameters to provide these features can be tuned more accurately. In order for the obtained stability to be robust to unexpected external effects, it is aimed to flatten the system phase. In the literature, phase flattening is performed by setting the phase derivative to zero at a specified frequency value. This can lead to mathematical complexity. In this publication, the phase flattening process is provided graphically by correctly selecting the frequency characteristics given above. Thus, an accurate and reliable controller design method is presented, avoiding mathematical complexity. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been demonstrated on three different models selected from the literature. The positive contribution of the method to the system robustness has been proven by changing the system gain at certain rates.İntegral operatörünün eksikliğinden dolayı, oransal türev denetleyiciler kararlılık ve dayanıklılığı sağlama konularında zorlanabilmektedir. Bu zorluk, özellikle yüksek dereceli sistemlerde kendini daha çok hissettirmektedir. Bu yayında, zaman gecikmesi içeren üçüncü derece sistemlerin kararlılığının sağlanması için kesir dereceli oransal türev denetleyicilerin analitik tasarım yöntemi sunulmuştur. Bu yöntemde kararlılığın sağlanması için standart bir kontrol sisteminin sahip olduğu frekans özelliklerine ulaşılması hedeflenmiştir. Sistemin istenen kazanç kesim frekansı, faz kesim frekansı ve faz payı özelliklerini sağlaması hedeflenmiştir. Bu şekilde uygun değerler seçilerek sistemin kararlılığı ve dayanıklılığı elde edilebilecektir. Kesir dereceli bir denetleyicinin seçilme sebebi de bu özelikleri sağlayacak denetleyici parametrelerinin daha doğru şekilde ayarlanabilmesidir. Elde edilen kararlılığın beklenmeyen dış etkilere karşı dayanıklı olması için de sistem fazının düzleştirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Literatürde faz düzleştirme işlemi, faz türevinin belirlenen bir frekans değerinde sıfırlanması ile gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu da matematiksel karmaşıklığa yol açabilmektedir. Bu yayında ise faz düzleştirme işlemi yukarıda verilen frekans özelliklerinin doğru şekilde seçilmesi ile grafiksel olarak sağlanmaktadır. Böylece matematiksel karmaşıklıktan kaçınılarak, doğru ve güvenilir bir denetleyici tasarım yöntemi sunulmuştur. Önerilen yöntemin etkinliği literatürden seçilmiş üç farklı model üzerinde gösterilmiştir. Yöntemin sistem dayanıklılığına pozitif katkısı ise sisteme kazancının belli oranlarda değiştirilmesi ile ispatlanmıştır

    An inflation model for the Turkish economy 1950-1990

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    Ankara : The Department of Economics and the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences, Bilkent Univ., 1992.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1992.Includes bibliographical references leaves 40-41.This study investigates the inflationary aspects of Turkish Economy in the period 1950-1990 and presents a model to investigate quantitatively Turkish inflation experience in those years. The expectations are assumed to be formed adaptively and the levels of economic activity and prices are taken to be determined by the equilibrium of demand arising from the money market and a supply schedule which assumes that production respond positively to unexpected price increases. The model constructed in that line is tested. In addition to these, import pjrices are also i ncor p)or ated in the supply function because of the import dependence in the manufacturing sector of Turkey. Price expectations and import price changes are found to be significant in determining the price level, whereas the money growth is insignificant as its affect is captured by the expectations variable. The interest rate is also insignificant, but this is mainly due to that it was restricted before 1980, and a stability test on this variable show that interest rate is in fact influential after 1980 and insignificant before that year.Demiroğlu, UfukM.S

    Non-metallic brush seals for gas turbine bearings

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    A non-metallic brush seal has been developed as an oil seal for use in turbomachinary. Traditionally labyrinth-type seals with larger clearances have been used in such applications. Labyrinth seals have higher leakage rates and can undergo excessive wear in case of rotor instability. Brush seals reduce leakage by up to an order of magnitude and provide compliance against rotor instabilities. Brush seals are compact and are much less prone to degradation associated with oil sealing. This paper describes the benefits and development of the nonmetallic brush seals for oil sealing application

    The Reflections of Occupation and Withdrawal of Edirne to Russian Newspapers in Balkan Wars

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    DergiPark: 326041trakyasobedRussia that wanted to result to the 1908 Bosnia-Herzegovina crisis for its own political domination tried to establish different political unity on the region between the years 1908-1912. In this goal, it attituded that led to more discrimination to the region peoples, not in the Balkan unity. Russia supporting the Balkan Orthodox and Slavic peoples to form a union againt the Ottoman Empire achieved in this idea and caused the Balkan wars that was seen as proof of Great War. In the Russian magazine and newspapers, the articles were written in terms of making all kinds of material and spiritual assistance to the Balkan Orthodox and Slavic peoples during Balkan wars. Important Russian newspapers like Novoe Vremya, Peterburgskaya Gazeta, Moskovskie (Moskovskiya) Vedemosti, Peterburgskie (Peterburgskiya) Vedemosti, Den gave place to the cartoons in their columns with articles while the Balkan wars continuing. The fall of Edirne led to great happiness in Russian newspapers on 26th March 1913. In the other way, with the result of disagreement among the Balkan Orthodox and Slavic peoples, the Balkan Unity that Russia had imagined for two centuries and fought with European states for the realization of that idea collapsed. With the Second Balkan War, the retrieval of Edirne by Turkey (Due to that Turkey used in Russian newspapers, the term of Ottoman was not used) caused the bereavement in the Russian newspapers. In this study, it will be focused on how the occupation and withdrawal of Edirne was evaluated in Russian newspapers by means of cartoons1908 Bosna-Hersek krizini kendi siyasi tahakkümüne çevirmek isteyen Rusya, 1908-1912 yılları arasında bölge üzerinde değişik siyasi birlikler kurmaya çalışmış, bu yönde Balkanlarda birliğe değil de, bölge halklarını daha çok ayrımcılığa yönelten bir tutum sergilemiştir. Bilhassa Balkan Ortodoks ve Slav halklarını Osmanlı Devleti aleyhinde bir birlik oluşturması için destekleyen Rusya, bu fikrinde başarılı olmuş, Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nın provası olarak da görülen Balkan Savaşlarının fitilini ateşlemiştir. Balkan Savaşları sırasında Rus gazete ve dergilerinde Balkan Ortodoks ve Slavlarına her türlü maddi ve manevi yardımın yapılması yönünde yazılar kaleme alınmıştır. Rus gazeteler Novoe vremya, Peterburgskaya gazeta, Moskovskie (Moskovskiya) vedemosti, Peterburgskie (Peterburgskiya) vedemosti, Den gibi önemli gazeteler, Balkan Savaşları devam ederken yazıların yanında karikatürlere de sütunlarında yer vermişlerdir. 26 Mart 1913’te Edirne’nin düşmesi Rus gazetelerinde bayram havası estirmiştir. Diğer yönden I. Balkan Savaşları sonrası Balkan Ortodoks ve Slav devletlerinin kendi aralarında anlaşmazlığa düşmesi Rusya’nın iki asırdır hayal ettiği ve gerçekleşmesi için Avrupalı devletlerle savaşı dahi göze aldığı Balkan Birliği çökmüştür. II. Balkan Savaşı’nı iyi değerlendiren Türkiye’nin (Rus gazetelerinde bu şekilde geçtiği için Osmanlı Devleti ifadesi kullanılmamıştır) Edirne’yi geri alması, Rus gazetelerinin matem havasına bürünmesine sebep olmuştur. Çalışmada zikredilen bu yayın organlarının, Edirne’nin işgalini ve Türkiye’nin Edirne’yi geri alışını okuyucularına karikatürler yoluyla nasıl değerlendirdiği üzerinde durulacaktı

    The Political Impact of the Ulfet Newspaper on the Turks in the Idil-Ural Region

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    DergiPark: 326518trakyasobedIt is impossible to say that Idil-Ural Turks were ready for the new era which was established in Russia after the manifest of 1905 Russian revolution. However, Idil-Ural Turks adapted the manifest’s freedom atmosphere and especially geared up the mass media facilities. Ulfet Newspaper which is our study topic, began to publish in such an time. The first issue of the newspaper which belongs to Abdurresid Ibrahim who was a journalist and an author at the same time, met its readers on 11th December 1905. The newspaper determined its policy as “scientific and politic”, hence form the first issue until the last tried to be consistent with its policy in terms of its publications. The newspaper tried to find solutions to those problems by dealing with general problems of Muslims living in Russia/ teh newspaper which told the idea that Muslims should be in political unity could not resist the pressure so had to give an end to its publishinh period on the 7th 1907 at a time when censor ship of Russian goverment increased.1905 Rus ihtilali sonrası ilan edilen manifestonun akabinde Rusya’da oluşan yenilik ortamına İdil-Ural Türklerinin hazırlıklı yakalandıklarını söylemek imkânsızdır. Ancak kısa zamanda manifestonun getirdiği serbestlik ortamına ayak uyduran İdil-Ural Türkleri, özellikle basın-yayın faaliyetlerine önemli derecede hız verdiler. Çalışmamızın konusu olan Ülfet gazetesi de böyle bir zamanda yayın hayatına başladı. Gazeteci-yazar ve aynı zamanda seyyah olan Abdürreşid İbrahim tarafından çıkarılan gazetenin ilk sayısı 11 Aralık 1905 tarihinde okuyucuları ile buluştu. Gazete şiarını “ilmi ve siyasi” olarak belirleyerek, ilk sayısından son sayısına kadar da bu şiara paralel olarak yazı, makale ve haberler yayınlamaya gayret gösterdi. Gazete Rusya’da yaşayan Müslümanların genel sorunlarına eğilerek, bu sorunlara çözüm yolları aramaya çalışmıştır. Müslümanların siyasi yönden birlik ve beraberlik içinde olmaları gerektiği fikrini sayfalarında mutat olarak dile getiren gazete, Rusya hükümeti sansürünün giderek hızlandığı bir dönemde, yapılan baskılara daha fazla dayanamayarak 7 Haziran 1907 tarihinde yayın hayatına son vermek zorunda kald