32 research outputs found

    El patrimonio natural y cultural como factor de cohesión y arraigo en áreas de expansión urbana del sur de la RMBA

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    El presente trabajo forma parte de las líneas de Investigación del Proyecto “Procesos de Expansión Urbana Metropolitana en el Siglo XXI. Políticas Territoriales, Modos de Producción de Suelo, y Transformaciones Socio espaciales en el Área Sur de la RMBA”. El propósito es indagar en los procesos de expansión urbana del Área Sur de la RMBA, las transformaciones territoriales y las consecuencias socio espaciales y ambientales, a partir de reconocer los modos de producción de suelo, comprender y explicar las lógicas de los actores involucrados, así como los vínculos con las políticas sectoriales de tierra, vivienda e infraestructuras y de ordenamiento territorial. En este marco el patrimonio natural y cultural, se aborda como una oportunidad para establecer mecanismos de conciliación con los modos y calidad de vida, tales como el desarraigo y la pérdida de recursos naturales a la vez que rescata actitudes frente al patrimonio, evitando la obsolescencia, utilizando la valoración de los recursos patrimoniales al servicio de los problemas locales: locación habitacional, generación de centralidades y consolidación comunitaria como estrategia de desarrollo local. A partir del estudio de valores naturales y culturales combinados sobre la mancha de expansión urbana relevada en el periodo 2004 – 2017, el patrimonio tangible e intangible se interpreta en términos de oportunidades y amenazas consolidando una visión de dependencia del desarrollo local, configurando una nueva visión centro-periferia como instrumento de intervención para la integración. En esta búsqueda, el instrumento normativo existente no es suficiente y por esta razón, deberán considerarse otras lecturas del patrimonio desde la participación ciudadana y la difusión de sus valores y atractivos como rasgos de una construcción comunitaria. A partir de esta aproximación al tema de estudio surgen nuevos interrogantes que nos impulsan a mirar con mayor detenimiento cada caso en particular y proyectar desde la lectura del pasado, las posibilidades futuras de un patrimonio que es testigo de lo que este territorio quiso ser y es la mira hacia mejores oportunidades.Centro de Investigaciones Urbanas y Territoriale

    Thermochemical stability: A comparison between experimental and predicted data

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    The first step to be performed during the development of a new industrial process should be the assessment of all hazards associated to the involved compounds. Particularly, the knowledge of all substances thermochemical parameters is a primary feature for such a hazard evaluation. CHETAH (CHEmical Thermodynamic And Hazard evaluation) is a prediction software suitable for calculating potential hazards of chemicals, mixtures or a single reaction that, using only the structure of the involved molecules and Benson's group contribution method, is able to calculate heats of formation, entropies, Gibbs free energies and reaction enthalpies. Because of its ability to predict the potential hazards of a material or mixture, CHETAH is part of the so-called \u201cdesktop methods\u201d for early stage chemical safety analysis. In this work, CHETAH software has been used to compile a complete risk database reporting heats of decomposition and Energy Release Potential (ERP) for 342 common use chemicals. These compounds have been gathered into classes depending on their functional groups and similarities in their thermal behavior. Calculated decomposition enthalpies for each of the compounds have also been compared with experimental data obtained with either thermoanalytic or calorimetric techniques (Differential Scanning Calorimeter \u2013 DSC \u2013 and Accelerating Rate Calorimeter \u2013 ARC)

    Population of neutron-rich nuclei around 48ca with deep inelastic collisions

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    The deep inelastic reaction 48Ca+64Ni at 6 MeV/A has been studied using the CLARA–PRISMA setup. Angular distributions for pure elastic scattering and total cross-sections of the most relevant transfer channels have been measured. The experimental results are compared with predictions from a semiclassical model, showing good agreement for the presently analyzed few neutrons transfer channels. The decay of the most intense reaction products has also been studied, giving indications of the population of states with very short lifetimes.Gadea Raga, Andrés, [email protected]

    Highlights lecture EANM 2015: the search for nuclear medicine’s superheroes

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    The EANM 2015 Annual Congress, held from October 10th to 14th in Hamburg, Germany, was outstanding in many respects. With 5550 participants, this was by far the largest European congress concerning nuclear medicine. More than 1750 scientific presentations were submitted, with more than 250 abstracts from young scientists, indicating that the future success of our discipline is fuelled by a high number of young individuals becoming involved in a multitude of scientific activities. Significant improvements have been made in molecular imaging of cancer, particularly in prostate cancer. PSMA-directed PET/CT appears to become a new gold standard for staging and restaging purposes. Novel tumour specific compounds have shown their potential for target identification also in other solid neoplasms and further our understanding of tumour biology and heterogeneity. In addition, a variety of nuclear imaging techniques guiding surgical interventions have been introduced. A particular focus of the congress was put on targeted, radionuclide based therapies. Novel theranostic concepts addressing also tumour entities with high incidence rates such as prostate cancer, melanoma, and lymphoma, have shown effective anti-tumour activity. Strategies have been presented to improve further already established therapeutic regimens such as somatostatin receptor based radio receptor therapy for treating advanced neuroendocrine tumours. Significant contributions were presented also in the neurosciences track. An increasing number of target structures of high interest in neurology and psychiatry are now available for PET and SPECT imaging, facilitating specific imaging of different subtypes of dementia and movement disorders as well as neuroinflammation. Major contributions in the cardiovascular track focused on further optimization of cardiac perfusion imaging by reducing radiation exposure, reducing scanning time, and improving motion correction. Besides coronary artery disease, many contributions focused on cardiac inflammation, cardiac sarcoidosis, and specific imaging of large vessel vasculitis. The physics and instrumentation track included many highlights such as novel, high resolution scanners. The most noteworthy news and developments of this meeting were summarized in the highlights lecture. Only 55 scientific contributions were mentioned, and hence they represent only a brief summary, which is outlined in this article. For a more detailed view, all presentations can be accessed by the online version of the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (Volume 42, Supplement 1)