111 research outputs found

    Developing Preservice Writing Teachers’ Professional Judgment: Design Conjectures for Supporting Equitable and Rigorous Writing Instruction

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    To meet the composition demands of the future, secondary students in the United States will need more rigorous and more equitable writing instruction. They will need opportunities to inquire into and frame authentic problems. They will need to communicate for a variety of audiences and purposes, and they will need access to a variety of linguistic and literary forms. In turn, secondary teachers will need improved preparation for teaching writing. This conceptual review outlines what intellectually rigorous and equitable writing instruction looks like, arguing that teaching writing in these ways requires that teachers deploy substantial professional judgment. I then rely on sociocultural ideas about concept development, as well as recent research on practice-based teacher education, to build a theoretical framework for thinking about how teacher educators—across disciplines—can support teachers in developing professional judgment, rather than technical skills, for rigorous and equitable instruction. Finally, I make this theoretical framework specific to writing by reviewing research on how secondary teachers learn to teach writing. The result is a set of design conjectures for how we, in the field of writing teacher education, might design activities capable of supporting preservice writing teachers in learning to teach writing rigorously, equitably, and with professional judgment

    Ustroj i funkcija ljubavnoga trokuta u Goetheovu romanu "Patnje mladoga Werthera"

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    Den Gegenstand dieser Arbeit bildet die Analyse des Liebesdreiecks aus dem Roman von Johann Wolfgang Goethe Die Leiden des jungen Werther. Einführend werden Informationen über den Autor, sein Leben und Wirken angeführt. Da der Roman zu Sturm und Drang gehört, wird auch diese Epoche dargestellt und der Begriff des Genies als Leitidee der damaligen literarischen Produktion erklärt. Anschließend wird der Inhalt des Romans als unmittelbarer Kontext des Liebesdreieck-Motivs wiedergegeben. Bei der Analyse des Liebesdreiecks werden drei verschiedene Beziehungen dargestellt. Die erste Beziehung, die analysiert wird, ist die zwischen Werther und Lotte. Danach folgt die zwischen den zwei Rivalen − Albert und Werther. Nicht zuletzt wird auch die Beziehung zwischen dem Liebes- und Ehepaar, zwischen Lotte und Albert, näher untersucht. In dieser Arbeit wird nicht nur die Präsenz des Liebesdreiecks im Roman erklärt, sondern auch die Tatsache besprochen, ob es sich hier wirklich um eine Liebesdreieckbeziehung handelt. Letztlich werden verschiedene Funktionen, die im Werther-Roman dem Liebesmotiv zugewiesen werden, interpretiert und durch Argumente belegt

    Possibilities of correlation between Croatian language and Art in fourth grade of primary school

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    Sposobnost je čitanja temeljno obrazovno sredstvo i sastavni je dio čovjekova života. U suvremenom svijetu nezamislivo je ne vladati tom vještinom jer predstavlja preduvjet za snalaženje u sve većem broju informacija. Vještinu čitanja potrebno je usvajati i razvijati od najranije dobi. Čitanje je vrlo važan dio nastave Hrvatskog jezika jer postavlja temelj za obrazovanje učenika u svim drugim područjima i na svim ostalim razinama. Učenici osnovne škole tek će u budućnosti postati izgrađeni čitatelji, a put prema tome zahtjevan je i dug. Sam proces usvajanja vještine čitanja za učenike predstavlja svojevrstan napor te je zadaća učitelja predstaviti čitanje kao važnu, ali i zanimljivu aktivnost. Učitelj tako treba stvoriti kvalitetno i motivirajuće čitateljsko ozračje razreda u kojem će učenici usvajati želju i ljubav prema čitanju u školi, ali i u slobodno vrijeme. U današnje vrijeme ubrzanog razvoja tehnologije i sve veće dostupnosti različitih tehnoloških izvora zabave posebno treba njegovati uz čitanje u funkcionalne svrhe i čitanje iz užitka. Učenicima tako treba omogućiti da dožive književnoumjetničke tekstove na što višoj razini, potaknuti njihovo promišljanje o tekstu i omogućiti im da izraze svoje vlastite doživljaje teksta na različite načine. Jedan od načina na koji učenici dodatno mogu nadograditi svoj književnoumjetnički doživljaj teksta je likovnim aktivnostima koje omogućuju učenicima da svoje razumijevanje izraze crtežom ili slikom. Postoji velik broj metoda kojima se može potaknuti učenike na prepričavanje priča, pričanje priča i smišljanje priča, a koje se mogu povezati s Likovnom kulturom u nastavi. Neke od njih su: knjižni pano, tuljac priča, svitak priča, slikovnica bez teksta, četiri slike – priča, priča na zemljovidu i mnoge druge. Njihovim se korištenjem omogućuje učeniku kreativno likovno izražavanje vlastitog doživljaja te kasnije korištenje vlastitog likovnog rada kao pomoći pri jezičnom izražavanju. Znanje koje učenici tako stječu dublje je, cjelovitije i trajnije. Također takvim oblicima rada razvijaju se kod učenika i likovna i jezična kreativnost, želja za aktivnim sudjelovanjem u nastavi, pripovjedne i jezične sposobnosti te sposobnosti likovnog izražavanja. Primjena je navedenih aktivnosti korisna i iz razloga što doprinosi dinamiziranju samog nastavnog procesa koji tada postaje zanimljiv i rado prihvaćen među učenicima.The ability to read is a fundamental educational tool and an integral part of man's life. It is unimaginable in the modern world to not own this skill as it is a prerequisite for dealing with an only increasing amount of information. Reading skills need to be developed from the earliest age. Reading is a very important part of education of the Croatian language as it sets the foundation for student education in all other areas and at all other levels. Primary school pupils will only become established readers after further education, making the path demanding and long. The process of acquiring reading skills is a great effort for students and the teacher's task is to present reading as an important or interesting activity. Therefore, the teacher should create a quality and motivating athmosphere in the classroom, in which students will develop love and passion towards reading both in school and in their free time. In today's time of rapid technology advancement and the increasing availability of various technological sources of entertainment, it is especially important to aim at creating an environment where students can read for functional purposes but also enjoy the process. Students should be allowed to experience literary texts at a higher level, encouraging their thinking about text and allowing them to express their own text experiences in different ways. One way that students can additionally develop their literary experience is through art activities which allow studends to show their understading through art or paintings. There is a wide range of methods with which students can be enouraged to think of their own stories and tell them to others – these methods can be related to art in education. Some of them are: picture books, stories on maps, scroll stories and many more. Using these allows the student to creatively express their own experience and using their own art to help them with linguistic expression. The knowledge students gain this way is deeper, more comprehensive and more lasting. This way the student develops not only linguistic creativity but also artistic creativity, the will to actively participate during the class, storytelling and speaking skill, and the ability to express him/herself artistically. Using these activities is also useful to create a more dynamic process of education which then becomes entertaining and accepted by the students

    Ustroj i funkcija ljubavnoga trokuta u Goetheovu romanu "Patnje mladoga Werthera"

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    Den Gegenstand dieser Arbeit bildet die Analyse des Liebesdreiecks aus dem Roman von Johann Wolfgang Goethe Die Leiden des jungen Werther. Einführend werden Informationen über den Autor, sein Leben und Wirken angeführt. Da der Roman zu Sturm und Drang gehört, wird auch diese Epoche dargestellt und der Begriff des Genies als Leitidee der damaligen literarischen Produktion erklärt. Anschließend wird der Inhalt des Romans als unmittelbarer Kontext des Liebesdreieck-Motivs wiedergegeben. Bei der Analyse des Liebesdreiecks werden drei verschiedene Beziehungen dargestellt. Die erste Beziehung, die analysiert wird, ist die zwischen Werther und Lotte. Danach folgt die zwischen den zwei Rivalen − Albert und Werther. Nicht zuletzt wird auch die Beziehung zwischen dem Liebes- und Ehepaar, zwischen Lotte und Albert, näher untersucht. In dieser Arbeit wird nicht nur die Präsenz des Liebesdreiecks im Roman erklärt, sondern auch die Tatsache besprochen, ob es sich hier wirklich um eine Liebesdreieckbeziehung handelt. Letztlich werden verschiedene Funktionen, die im Werther-Roman dem Liebesmotiv zugewiesen werden, interpretiert und durch Argumente belegt

    Operating system: memory managing

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    Računala sama po sebi beskorisna su u komercijalnoj upotrebi bez operativnog sustava. Također, osim operativnog sustava, računalo se sastoji od nekoliko dijelova koji zajedno čine funkcionalnu cjelinu koja se naziva računalni sustav. Operativni sustavi povezuju sve te dijelove te omogućuju jednostavan pristup čovjeka računalu, odnosno omogućava komunikaciju čovjeka i računala putem grafičkog sučelja. Prvi operacijski sustavi razvili su se 50-ih godina 20. stoljeća, a operativni sustavi kakve danas poznajemo razvili su se 80-ih godina 20. stoljeća te njihov razvoj traje još i danas, a najpoznatiji su Windows, Linux, Mac OS. Današnje računalo zasniva se na koncepcijskom modelu kojeg je 1945. godine opisao John Von Neumann, a prema tome modelu računalo se sastoji od ulaznog i izlaznog dijela, radnog spremnika, aritmetičko-logičke jedinice i upravljačke jedinice. Upravljanje memorijom funkcija je operativnog sustava koja upravlja primarnom memorijom i premješta procese naprijed natrag između glavne memorije i diska između izvođenja. Upravljanje memorijom prati svaku memorijsku lokaciju, neovisno o tome je li ona dodijeljena nekom procesu ili je slobodna. Upravljanje memorijom odlučuje koji proces će dobiti memoriju i u koje vrijeme te prati memoriju ne bi li ostala slobodna ili nedodijeljena te sukladno tome joj ažurira status. Postoji radna memorija te trajna memorija (tvrdi disk). Cilj rada je objasniti rad operativnih sustava unutar računalnog sustava te pobliže objasniti funkciju upravljanja memorijom unutar operativnog sustava. Detaljno su opisani principi osnovnog modela računala kako bi se postavio temelj za detaljnije analiziranje problematike upravljanja memorijom. Najvažnija poglavlja su: upravljanje memorijom, datotečni podsustav te višediskovni zalihosni spremnici.Computers in commercial use are useless without an operating system. Also, besides an operating system, a computer has a few parts which together make one unit called a computer system. An operating system connects all those parts together and allows for easy access to the computer, and allows communication between the user and the computer through the graphical interface. The first operating systems were developed during the 1950s, and the development of operating systems that we know today began in the 1980s and continues to this day the most popular ones are Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Today's computers are based on the concept model described by John Von Neumann in 1945. like the '45 model, a modern computer consists of input units and output units, an arithmetically-logical unit and a control unit. Controlling the memory is a function of the operating system that controls the primary memory and transfers processes back and forth between the main memory and the disk between execution. Controlling the memory tracks every memory location, regardless of it being used by a process or not. Controlling the memory determines which process will use the memory and at what time. It also tracks the memory to check whether it is used or not and accordingly update its status. Two memory types exist: Random Access Memory (RAM) and permanent memory. The goal of the paper is to explain how an operating system works inside a computer and give a detailed explanation of controlling the memory inside the operating system. The basic principles of the initial computer model from 1945 are described in detail to set ground for more detailed analysis of problems with controlling the memory. The most important chapters are: controlling the memory, file subsystem, and multi-disk redundant containers

    Factores sociodemográficos en el riesgo de parto prematuro en gestantes del Hospital Sergio Bernales en el período de 2019-2020

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    Introducción: A nivel global, la prematuridad viene a ser la primera de las causas de mortalidad en los menores de cinco años. 1 Las tasas de nacimientos prematuros están aumentando lo que conlleva a la necesidad de estudios de prevención e identificación temprana. Objetivo: Determinar la relación de los factores sociodemográficos y el riesgo de parto prematuro en gestantes del hospital Sergio Bernales en el periodo de 2019-2020 Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico, retrospectivo, y de casos-control, se buscó cuantificar la relación entre los factores sociodemográficos y el riesgo de parto prematuro. Se usó una revisión de historias clínicas correspondientes al servicio de Ginecología-Obstetricia del hospital Sergio Bernales. Los datos obtenidos se estudiaron mediante el programa SPSS y se buscó una asociación mediante análisis bivariado. Resultados: Del estudio de 300 gestantes, se realizó el análisis para 100 gestantes con diagnóstico de parto pretérmino que constituyeron los casos y 200 gestantes como grupo control. En el análisis bivariado se obtuvo que el parto pretérmino estuvo asociado a procedencia rural o extranjera (p<0.01); OR: 3.51 IC 95% = [ 2.03-6.06], edades extremas (p<0.01); OR: 2.72 con un IC 95% = [ 1.53-4.85], y no afiliada al SIS (p<0.03); OR: 2.59 con un IC 95% = [ 1.07-6.21]. Conclusiones: La procedencia rural o extranjera, edades extremas y no afiliada al SIS son factores asociados al riesgo de parto pretérmino

    A qualitative study of the Extended Care Permit dental hygienists in Kansas

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed on Aug. 1. 2011Thesis advisor: Cynthia C. Gadbury-AmyotVitaIncludes bibliographical references (p. 50-51)Thesis (M.S.)--School of Dentistry. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2011Currently, thirty-two states allow some type of alternative practice settings for dental hygienists. This qualitative study was designed to explore the experiences of the Extended Care Permit (ECP) dental hygienist in the state of Kansas. The snowball sampling method was used to obtain the study participants that involved 9 subjects, one ECP consultant and eight ECP providers. Interviews, document analysis and direct personal experience as a dental hygienist with the development of ECP legislation were utilized for data collection. Seven major categories emerged from the data analysis including entrepreneur registered dental hygienist, partnerships, funding, barriers, sustainability, models of care and the impact of the ECP. The findings of this study revealed that the ECP hygienist has an immense passion and determination for working with underserved and underserved populations and strives to increase access to oral health care within these populations to make a difference.Introduction -- Materials and methods -- Results -- Discussion -- Conclusions -- Literature cited -- Appendi

    Labor Union Organizing in the Archives

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    Unions are organized to advocate for workers' rights in the workplace, whether that be in a factory, an academic library, or a federal archives. Panelists spoke about their perspectives on unions in libraries and archives and the union history of their organizations. What is it like to be a union member during a time when there are actions to undermine national and international unions? How does this impact the ability of the union to effectively negotiate with management? Organizing efforts in the Bakers Union, a key labor collection at the University of Maryland, will be highlighted as an interesting example from the 1970s, before the Reagan administration, to show the differences in the labor situation when compared to now

    Factores sociodemográficos en el riesgo de parto prematuro en gestantes del hospital Sergio Bernales en el período de 2019-2020

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    Objective: To determine the relationship of sociodemographic factors and the risk of premature delivery in pregnant women of the Sergio Bernales hospital in the period of 2019-2020. Materials and methods: Observational, analytical, retrospective, and case-control study sought to quantify the relationship between sociodemographic factors and the risk of preterm birth. A review of medical records corresponding to the Gynecology-Obstetrics service of the Sergio Bernales Hospital was used. The data obtained were studied using the SPSS program and an association was sought using bivariate analysis. Results: From the study of 300 pregnant women, the analysis was carried out for 100 pregnant women with a diagnosis of preterm birth who constituted the cases and 200 pregnant women as the control group. In the bivariate analysis, it was found that preterm birth was associated with rural or foreign origin (p&lt;0.01); OR: 3.51, 95% CI = [2.03-6.06], extream ages (p&lt;0.01); OR: 2.72 with a 95% CI = [1.53-4.85], and unaffiliated to SIS (p&lt;0.03); OR: 2.59 with a 95% CI = [1.07-6.21]. Conclusions: Rural or foreign origin, extream ages and unaffiliated to SIS are factors associated with the risk of preterm birth.Objetivo. Determinar la relación de los factores sociodemográficos y el riesgo de parto prematuro en gestantes del hospital Sergio Bernales en el periodo de 2019-2020. Materiales y métodos. Estudio observacional, analítico, retrospectivo, y de casos-control, se buscará cuantificar la relación entre los factores sociodemográficos y el riesgo de parto prematuro. Se usará una revisión de historias clínicas correspondientes al servicio de Ginecología-Obstetricia del hospital Sergio Bernales. Los datos obtenidos se estudiarán mediante el programa SPSS y se buscará una asociación mediante análisis bivariado. Resultados. Del estudio de 300 gestantes, se realizó el análisis para 100 gestantes con diagnóstico de parto pretérmino que constituyeron los casos y 200 gestantes como grupo control. En el análisis bivariado se obtuvo que el parto pretérmino estuvo asociado a procedencia rural o extranjera (p&lt;0.01); OR: 3.51 IC 95% = [ 2.03-6.06], edades extremas (p&lt;0.01); OR: 2.72 con un IC 95% = [ 1.53-4.85], y no afiliada al SIS (p&lt;0.03); OR: 2.59 con un IC 95% = [ 1.07-6.21]. Conclusiones. La procedencia rural o extranjera, edades extremas y no afiliada al SIS son factores asociados al riesgo de parto pretérmino