72 research outputs found

    La erudición en Vera : ¿imitación o plagio?

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    El presente artículo destaca la importancia que Fernando de Vera y Mendoza concede a los clásicos grecolatinos en el Panegírico por la poesía (1627); si bien la mayoría de estas citas se encuentran en polianteas, misceláneas y otras obras que funcionan como verdaderas fuentes primarias del Panegírico, su autor evita la objetivación de este uso en el denso aparato erudito que acompaña al texto.This article highlights the importance that Fernando de Vera y Mendoza gives the Greek and Latin authors in the Panegírico por la poesía (1627), although most of these classical quotes are in miscellanies and polianteas, and other works which are the true primary sources for Fernando de Vera who don't quote these sources in his book notes because he doesn't want anybody to know where he got this information from

    La responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración Pública por daños derivados del acoso escolar y ciberacoso

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    In this article I am dealing with the study of the responsibility of educational institutions in cases of bullying and cyberbullying. Through a legal and jurisprudential analysis of some conflicts we are looking into this current problem because, although it has existed for a long time, today it has become more serious perhaps due to an increase of the violence in the present society. Bullying and cyberbullying are a difficult but priority problem for some centers because of the social and health consequences for the victims; Therefore, we will reflect on the preventive and protective function that the centers must do to avoid this type of situation, as well as the role of the educational inspection, as guarantor of the rights of the users of this public service, in the monitoring of the protocols Which must be applied against any violation of student rights.En el presente artículo abordamos el estudio de la responsabilidad de los centros docentes ante los casos de acoso escolar y ciberacoso. A través de un análisis legal y jurisprudencial de algunos conflictos profundizamos en este problema tan de actualidad que, si bien ha existido desde muchos años atrás, hoy en día se ha acuciado, quizá debido a un incremento de la violencia en la sociedad actual. El acoso escolar y el ciberacoso suponen para algunos centros un problema difícil pero prioritario, por las consecuencias sociales y de salud que acarrea para las víctimas; por ello, reflexionaremos sobre la función preventiva y protectora que deben realizar los centros para evitar este tipo de situaciones, así como el papel de la inspección educativa, como garante de los derechos de los usuarios de este servicio público, en el seguimiento de los protocolos que deben aplicarse ante cualquier vulneración de derechos del alumnado

    The patrimonial responsibility of the Public Administration in extracurricular and complementary activities: on the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court

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    The study examines the patrimonial responsibility of the Public Administration in non-higher education teaching centers during the development of extracurricular and complementary activities. After the amendment of the Civil Code of 1991, there is a transfer of responsibility from the teacher to the holders of non-university teaching centers for crimes or misdemeanors incurred by students under the age of eighteen during the periods in which they are under the control or supervision of the faculty in the center (during school activities, extracurricular or complementary activities); therefore, the articulation of that responsibility of the owners of the centers for the culpable or negligent actions from their agents will be studied. To do this, we review the responsibility of the teacher through the study of significant sentences, from which it is concluded that the motivating principle of this responsibility is the guilt. We will study the imputability of the damage to the Public Administration based on a normal or unusual operation of the service and we will analyze, after the study of certain Supreme Court decisions, cases in which it is considered that the diligence of a householder has not been used for the prevention of the damage (physical or psychic)

    Fernando de Vera y el Panegírico por la poesía: a propósito de paternidades

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    This article reviews Fernando de Vera y Mendoza’s biography and literary production. From the seventeenth century the authorship of a treatise on poetic theory titled Panegírico por la poesía which appeared in Montilla (Córdoba) the same year as Luis de Gongora’s death, was attributed to this writer. The difficult relations that he had with his father, a powerful figure in the political life of Spain at that moment in history, have been used as a starting point to justify the anonymity of a text marked from its origin by the ambiguity in its attribution.El presente artículo analiza la biografía y producción literaria de Fernando de Vera y Mendoza, autor al que ya desde el siglo XVII le fue atribuida la autoría de un tratado sobre teoría poética titulado Panegírico por la poesía, aparecido en Montilla (Córdoba) el mismo año de la muerte de Luis de Góngora; las difíciles relaciones que este autor mantuvo con su padre, un personaje poderoso en la vida política de la España de ese momento histórico, nos han servido de base para justificar la anonimia de un texto marcado desde sus orígenes por la ambigu.edad en su atribución

    El panegírico por la poesía de Fernando de Vera y Mendoza en la preceptiva poética del Siglo de Oro

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    El Panegírico por la poesía es un pequeño tratado publicado de forma anónima en la ciudad de Montilla (Córdoba), en el año 1627. La obra reflexiona sobre la esencia y la utilidad de la poesía con una finalidad claramente reivindicativa de la actividad poética, en una línea seguida por otros tratados sobre teoría poética del Siglo de Oro. La obra fue atribuida ya desde sus orígenes a Fernando de Vera y Mendoza, si bien algunos investigadores han defendido la autoría del padre de este, Juan Antonio de Vera y Vargas, el I conde de la Roca. Nuestro trabajo aporta una edición anotada de la obra, que va precedida de un estudio introductorio con información sobre el autor y las motivaciones de su escritura, así como la relación del Panegírico con otros tratados sobre preceptiva literaria de su contexto más próximo. Nuestro trabajo pone a disposición del lector un texto que hoy en día resulta de difícil acceso, debido a la escasez de ediciones y ejemplares conservados, y descifra la densidad de citas eruditas, muchas de ellas solapadas tras abreviaturas y notas falsas procedentes de la utilización de fuentes de segunda mano

    Procedimiento administrativo en vía de regreso: consideraciones sobre su (in)aplicación práctica en el ámbito de la enseñanza pública

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    This article analyzes the normative requirement referred to the administrative procedure in way of return on the tea chers when they commit serious fraud, fault or negligence in the exercise of their work and as a consequence there is an unlawful damage to a third party, of which a patrimonial responsibility of the Public Administration is derived. The requirements for the exercise of the action of repetition of the Administration on the staff at its service are analyzed and the reasons that might motivate what at present has become a manifest practical non-application of an administrative rule in general are analyzed and in the field of public education in particular.El presente artículo analiza la exigencia normativa referida al procedimiento administrativo en vía de regreso sobre los docentes cuando estos incurren en dolo, culpa o negligencia graves en el ejercicio de su labor y como consecuencia de ello se produce un daño antijurídico a un tercero, del que se deriva una responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración Pública. Se analizan los requisitos para el ejercicio de la acción de repetición de la Administración sobre el personal a su servicio y se reflexiona sobre los motivos que pudieran motivar lo que en la actualidad se ha convertido en una manifiesta inaplicación práctica de una norma administrativa en general, y en el ámbito de la enseñanza pública en particular.This article analyzes the normative requirement referred to the administrative procedure in way of return on the tea chers when they commit serious fraud, fault or negligence in the exercise of their work and as a consequence there is an unlawful damage to a third party, of which a patrimonial responsibility of the Public Administration is derived. The requirements for the exercise of the action of repetition of the Administration on the staff at its service are analyzed and the reasons that might motivate what at present has become a manifest practical non-application of an administrative rule in general are analyzed and in the field of public education in particular

    Smurf1 Silencing Using a LNA-ASOs/Lipid Nanoparticle System to Promote Bone Regeneration

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    Despite the great advance of bone tissue engineering in the last few years, repair of bone defects remains a major problem. Low cell engraftment and dose-dependent side effects linked to the concomitant administration of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are the main problems currently hindering the clinical use of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-based therapies in this field. We have managed to bypass these drawbacks by combining the silencing the Smurf1 ubiquitin ligase in MSCs with the use of a scaffold that sustainably releases low doses of BMP-2. In this system, Smurf1 silencing is achieved by using GapmeRs, a clinically safe method that avoids the use of viral vectors, facilitating its translation to the clinic. Here, we show that a single transient transfection with a small quantity of a Smurf1-specific GapmeR is able to induce a significant level of silencing of the target gene, enough to prime MSCs for osteogenic differentiation. Smurf1 silencing highly increases MSCs responsiveness to BMP-2, allowing a dramatic reduction of the dose needed to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. The combination of these primed cells with alginate scaffolds designed to sustainably and locally release low doses of BMP-2 to the defect microenvironment is able to induce the formation of a mature bone matrix both in an osteoporotic rat calvaria system and in a mouse ectopic model. Importantly, this approach also enhances osteogenic differentiation in MSCs from osteoporotic patients, characterized by a reduced bone-forming potential, even at low BMP doses, underscoring the regenerative potential of this system.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This research was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y competitividad (Project RTI2018-097324), a grant from the Instituto de Investigación Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL, INNVAL 17/15), and Palex Medical S.A

    Abnormal bone turnover in individuals with low serum alkaline phosphatase

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    The clinical spectrum of hypophosphatasia (HPP) is broad and variable within families. Along severe infantile forms, adult forms with mild manifestations may be incidentally discovered by the presence of low alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in serum. However, it is still unclear whether individuals with persistently low levels of ALP, in the absence of overt manifestations of HPP, have subclinical abnormalities of bone remodeling or bone mass. The aim of this study was to obtain a better understanding of the skeletal phenotype of adults with low ALP by analyzing bone mineral density (BMD), bone microarchitecture (trabecular bone score, TBS), and bone turnover markers (P1NP and ß-crosslaps). We studied 42 individuals with persistently low serum ALP. They showed lower levels of P1NP (31.4?±?13.7 versus 48.9?±?24.4 ng/ml; p?=?0.0002) and ß-crosslaps (0.21?±?0.17 versus 0.34?±?0.22 ng/ml, p?=?0.0015) than individuals in the control group. There were no significant differences in BMD, bone mineral content, or TBS. These data suggest that individuals with hypophosphatasemia have an overall reduction of bone turnover, even in the absence of overt manifestations of HPP or low BMD. We evaluated bone mineral density (BMD), bone microarchitecture, and bone turnover markers in patients with low serum levels of alkaline phosphatase. Our results show that these patients have low bone remodeling even in the absence of BMD abnormalities, thus supporting the recommendation of avoiding antiresorptives such as bisphosphonates in these subjects

    Contribution of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms to Wnt pathway activity in prevalent skeletal disorders

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    Producción CientíficaWe reported previously that the expression of Wnt-related genes is lower in osteoporotic hip fractures than in 26 osteoarthritis. We aimed to confirm those results by analyzing β-catenin levels and explored potential genetic 27 and epigenetic mechanisms involved. 28 β-Catenin gene expression and nuclear levelswere analyzed by real time PCR and confocal immunofluorescence. 29 Increased nuclear β-catenin was found in osteoblasts isolated from patients with osteoarthritis (99 ± 4 30 units vs. 76 ± 12, p = 0.01, n = 10), without differences in gene transcription, which is consistent with 31 a post-translational down-regulation of β-catenin and decreased Wnt pathway activity. 32 Twenty four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of genes showing differential expression between fractures 33 and osteoarthritis (WNT4, WNT10A, WNT16 and SFRP1) were analyzed in DNA isolated from blood of 853 pa- 34 tients. The genotypic frequencies were similar in both groups of patients, with no significant differences. 35 Methylation ofWnt pathway genes was analyzed in bone tissue samples (15 with fractures and 15 with osteo- 36 arthritis) by interrogating a CpG-based methylation array. Six genes showed significant methylation differences 37 between both groups of patients: FZD10, TBL1X, CSNK1E, WNT8A, CSNK1A1L and SFRP4. The DNA demethylating 38 agent 5-deoxycytidine up-regulated 8 genes, including FZD10, in an osteoblast-like cell line, whereas it down- 39 regulated other 16 genes. 40 In conclusion,Wnt activity is reduced in patientswith hip fractures, in comparisonwith thosewith osteoarthritis. 41 It does not appear to be related to differences in the allele frequencies of the Wnt genes studied. On the other 42 hand, methylation differences between both groups could contribute to explain the differences inWnt activit

    Método sensible para monitorizar la migración de las células madre mesenquimales de la médula ósea en modelos murinos

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    Resumen: Objetivo: Las células madre mesenquimales (MSCs) son atractivas en la terapia regenerativa de patologías humanas. En los modelos murinos, en los que se trasplantan MSCs humanas, es muy importante poder distinguir el origen de las MSCs identificadas en los órganos de ratones. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el rendimiento del análisis basado en PCR de secuencias Alu humanas para detectar ADN humano después de la infusión de células madre de médula ósea humana (hBMSCs) en ratones inmunodeficientes. Material y método: Las hBMSCs se obtuvieron de la cabeza femoral de pacientes sometidos a cirugía de reemplazo de cadera. Se infundieron 106 hBMSCs por vía intravenosa mediante inyección en el seno retro‐orbitario de ratones NOD/SCID. Después se evaluó la presencia de ADN humano en pulmón, hígado y hueso. Resultados: En mezclas de ADN in vitro, el ADN humano se detectó fácilmente con una buena relación logarítmica‐lineal. De manera similar, cuando se mezclaron osteoblastos humanos y de ratón, se detectaron fácilmente 1‐10 células humanas entre 105 células de ratón. Asimismo, se detectó el ADN humano en los pulmones 1 y 7 días después de las infusiones celulares en ratones NOD/SCID. Sin embargo, el ADN humano se detectó de manera inconsistente en el hígado y los huesos. Conclusión: La detección de secuencias Alu es un procedimiento eficaz para detectar ADN humano. Los resultados confirman que la mayoría de las hBMSCs inyectadas por vía intravenosa quedan atrapadas en los pulmones. Por lo tanto, de cara al tratamiento de trastornos esqueléticos, se necesitan procedimientos para aumentar la migración de dichas células al hueso