8,231 research outputs found

    Sistema modular para superfícies ajardinadas-produzido com geopolímeros e aglomerado negro de cortiça

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    O aglomerado negro de cortiça expandida foi fornecido pela ISOCOR/SOFALCA.A integração de superfícies ajardinadas em edifícios, como coberturas e paredes verdes, pode constituir uma estratégia passiva de poupança de energia, entre outros benefícios, como se discute neste trabalho. Em primeiro lugar é apresentada uma síntese dos principais benefícios da integração das superfícies ajardinadas em edifícios. Em seguida, são analisadas as principais características das coberturas e paredes verdes. Por fim, é apresentada uma descrição detalhada da concepção do sistema modular GEOGREEN e as suas características inovadoras relevantes.Fundação Portuguesa para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT

    Fuzzy systems with defuzzification are universal approximators

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    Temperature- and pressure-dependent structural study of {Fe(pmd) 2[Ag(CN)2 ]2}n spin-crossover compound by neutron Laue diffraction

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    The effect of pressure (up to 0.17 GPa) on the spin-crossover compound {Fe(pmd)2[Ag(CN)2]2}n [orthorhombic isomer (II), pmd = pyrimidine] has been investigated by temperature- and pressure-dependent neutron Laue diffraction and magnetometry. The cooperative high-spin ¿ low-spin transition, centred at ca 180 K at ambient pressure, is shifted to higher temperatures as pressure is applied, showing a moderate sensitivity of the compound to pressure, since the spin transition is displaced by ca 140 K GPa-1. The space-group symmetry (orthorhombic Pccn) remains unchanged over the pressure–temperature (P–T) range studied. The main structural consequence of the high-spin to low-spin transition is the contraction of the distorted octahedral [FeN6] chromophores, being more marked in the axial positions (occupied by the pmd units), than in the equatorial positions (occupied by four [Ag(CN)2]- bridging ligands)

    Gait recognition and fall detection with inertial sensors

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    In contrast to visual information that is recorded by cameras placed somewhere, inertial information can be obtained from mobile phones that are commonly used in daily life. We present in this talk a general deep learning approach for gait and soft biometrics (age and gender) recognition. Moreover, we also study the use of gait information to detect actions during walking, specifically, fall detection. We perform a thorough experimental evaluation of the proposed approach on different datasets: OU-ISIR Biometric Database, DFNAPAS, SisFall, UniMiB-SHAR and ASLH. The experimental results show that inertial information can be used for gait recognition and fall detection with state-of-the-art results.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Comparative analysis of some modeal reconstruction methods of the cornea from corneal elevation data

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    Purpose. A comparative study of the ability of some modal schemes to reproduce corneal shapes of varying complexity is performed, using both standard radial polynomials and the radial basis functions (RBF). Our claim is that the correct approach in the case of highly irregular corneas should combine several bases. Methods. Standard approaches of reconstruction by Zernike and other types of radial polynomials are compared with the discrete least squares fit (LSF) by the RBF in three theoretical surfaces, synthetically generated by computer algorithms in the lack of measurement noise. For the reconstruction by polynomials the maximal radial order 6 was chosen, which corresponds to the first 28 Zernike polynomials or the first 49 Bhatia-Wolf polynomials. The fit with the RBF has been carried out using a regular grid of centers. Results. The quality of fit was assessed by computing for each surface the mean square errors (MSE) of the reconstruction by LSF, measured at the same nodes where the heights were collected. Another criterion of the fitting quality used was the accuracy in recovery of the Zernike coefficients, especially in the case of incomplete data. Conclusions. The Zernike (and especially, the Bhatia-Wolf) polynomials constitute a reliable reconstruction method of a non-severely aberrated surface with a small surface regularity index (SRI). However, they fail to capture small deformations of the anterior surface of a synthetic cornea. The most promising is a combined approach that balances the robustness of the Zernike fit with the localization of the RBF

    El derecho al recurso: lectura constitucional a propósito del sistema recursivo en el procedimiento arbitral chileno

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    This paper addresses a contingent problem in our legal system: the right of appellation in civil and commercial proceedings. The main thesis sustained is that the Chilean Political Constitution specifically consecrates, in accordance with the applicable International Treaties, a right to appellation comprising a broad revision, in the way appellation is structured. Our proposal novelty is to argue that the system of available revisions in the field of arbitration is restrictive, in order to argue that the jurisdictional courts contemplate alternative decision-making process and, especially, control and review of the first level court decision.El presente trabajo aborda una problemática muy contingente en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico: el derecho al recurso y su impacto en procedimientos civiles y comerciales, a tenor de qué ha de entenderse como un proceso que se caracterice por otorgar una genuina tutela judicial efectiva. Para ello, la principal tesis que se sostiene es que la Constitución Política de Chile consagra, específicamente, en concordancia con los tratados internacionales aplicables a nuestro país, un derecho al recurso que contemple una revisión amplia al modo que se vislumbra para el recurso de apelación. En el presente artículo consideramos que esa tesis no puede extrapolarse al procedimiento arbitral, pues el sistema recursivo de aquel es restrictivo, para destacar, entonces, que la jurisdicción estatal contempla una forma alternativa de enjuiciamiento y, en especial, de control y revisión de los fallos de primera instancia. Este fenómeno resultaría compatible con nuestro sistema constitucional y con el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos

    Comparative Analysis of Some Modal Reconstruction Methods of the Shape of the Cornea from Corneal Elevation Data

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    Purpose: A comparative study of the ability of some modal schemes to reproduce corneal shapes of varying complexity was performed, by using both standard radial polynomials and radial basis functions (RBFs). The hypothesis was that the correct approach in the case of highly irregular corneas should combine several bases. Methods: Standard approaches of reconstruction by Zernike and other types of radial polynomials were compared with the discrete least-squares fit (LSF) by the RBF in three theoretical surfaces, synthetically generated by computer algorithms in the absence of measurement noise. For the reconstruction by polynomials, the maximal radial order 6 was chosen, which corresponds to the first 28 Zernike polynomials or the first 49 Bhatia-Wolf polynomials. The fit with the RBF was performed by using a regular grid of centers. Results: The quality of fit was assessed by computing for each surface the mean square errors (MSEs) of the reconstruction by LSF, measured at the same nodes where the heights were collected. Another criterion of the fit quality used was the accuracy in recovery of the Zernike coefficients, especially in the case of incomplete data. Conclusions: The Zernike (and especially, the Bhatia-Wolf) polynomials constitute a reliable reconstruction method of a nonseverely aberrated surface with a small surface regularity index (SRI). However, they fail to capture small deformations of the anterior surface of a synthetic cornea. The most promising approach is a combined one that balances the robustness of the Zernike fit with the localization of the RBF

    SEPARATE: a machine learning method based on semi-global partitions

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    Basal gnathostomes provide unique insights into the evolution of vitamin B12 binders

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    © The Author(s), 2014. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Genome Biology and Evolution 7 (2015): 457-464, doi:10.1093/gbe/evu289.The uptake and transport of vitamin B12 (cobalamin; Cbl) in mammals involves a refined system with three evolutionarily related transporters: transcobalamin 1 (Tcn1), transcobalamin 2 (Tcn2), and the gastric intrinsic factor (Gif). Teleosts have a single documented binder with intermediate features to the human counterparts. Consequently, it has been proposed that the expansion of Cbl binders occurred after the separation of Actinopterygians. Here, we demonstrate that the diversification of this gene family took place earlier in gnathostome ancestry. Our data indicates the presence of single copy orthologs of the Sarcopterygii/Tetrapoda duplicates Tcn1 and Gif, and Tcn2, in Chondrichthyes. In addition, a highly divergent Cbl binder was found in the Elasmobranchii. We unveil a complex scenario forged by genome, tandem duplications and lineage-specific gene loss. Our findings suggest that from an ancestral transporter, exhibiting large spectrum and high affinity binding, highly specific Cbl transporters emerged through gene duplication and mutations at the binding pocket.This work was funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) project PEst-C/MAR/LA0015/2013. PhD grant SFRH/BD/84238/2012 awarded to M.L-.M. Postdoctoral grant SFRH/BPD/72519/2010 awarded to R.R