2,276 research outputs found

    Preservation of the alveolar ridge in exodontia: a systematic review of the major aesthetic aspects

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    Introduction: In the work of implant placement in the post-extraction of single teeth, the esthetic zone has been a topic of great interest in the last 4 decades. Significant advances are being made in tissue biology knowledge in terms of post-extraction hard and soft tissue changes, helping to better understand the etiology of these esthetic complications. Objective: The present study carried out a concise systematic review of the tooth extraction process in light of minimally invasive extraction to preserve the esthetic area. Methods: The present study followed a concise systematic review model, following the rules of systematic review – PRISMA. The search strategy was carried out in the PubMed, Embase, Ovid, Cochrane Library, Web Of Science, and Scopus databases. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument, and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results and Conclusion: A total of 104 studies were found and, after that, 36 studies of high to medium quality. As a result, it became evident that the extraction of a tooth initiates a series of reparative processes involving hard tissue (alveolar bone) and soft tissue (periodontal), gingiva). Alveolar bone changes after tooth extraction can compromise prosthetic rehabilitation. Alveolar ridge preservation has been proposed to limit these changes and improve prosthetic and esthetic results when implants are used. Alveolar ridge preservation techniques can minimize the overall changes in residual ridge height and width six months after extraction, but the evidence is very uncertain. There is no evidence of differences in the need for additional augmentation at the time of implant placement, implant failure, esthetic outcomes, or any other clinical parameters due to a lack of long-term information or data

    Análisis en el uso de la comunicación en redes sociales para impulsar el método de compra en la Importadora Piojitos durante la pandemia en Cuenca

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    El presente trabajo de titulación analizó el uso de la comunicación en redes sociales para impulsar el método de compra en la Importadora Piojitos durante la pandemia en Cuenca. La investigación se apoyó en una metodología cualitativa y sus técnicas la entrevista en profundidad, grupos focales y la observación de redes sociales. Las entrevistas fueron elaboradas a expertos en temas de comunicación y comercio electrónico. Los grupos focales fueron dirigidos al personal administrativo para reconocer las estrategias y herramientas en la Importadora desde antes de la pandemia y durante la emergencia sanitaria y, por otro lado, grupos focales a los clientes de la organización. Por último, con el análisis de la información se realizó un FODA, en donde se incluyen los puntos fuertes, débiles y aspectos a mejorar en la entidad. La investigación concluye que, se reconocieron los aspectos positivos que conlleva emplear herramientas digitales en los métodos de compra y venta en la entidad. Además, se identifican problemas y la mala utilización de elementos dentro de la organización respecto al funcionamiento y manejo de plataformas postpandemia. Finalmente, la presente pesquisa incluye una lista de recomendaciones para que la entidad resuelva dichos errores.The present degree work analyzed the use of communication in social networks to promote the purchase method in the Importadora Piojitos during the pandemic in Cuenca. The research was based on a qualitative methodology and its techniques, the in-depth interview, focus groups and the observation of social networks. The interviews were conducted with experts in communication and electronic commerce. The focus groups were directed to the administrative staff to recognize the strategies and tools in the Importer from before the pandemic and during the health emergency and, on the other hand, focus groups to the organization's clients. Finally, with the analysis of the information, a SWOT was carried out, which includes the strengths, weaknesses and aspects to improve in the entity. The investigation concludes that the positive aspects of using digital tools in the methods of buying and selling in the entity were recognized. In addition, problems and the misuse of elements within the organization regarding the operation and management of post-pandemic platforms are identified. Finally, this research includes a list of recommendations for the entity to resolve these errors.Licenciado en Ciencias de la Comunicación Social en Comunicación Organizacional y Relaciones PúblicasCuenc

    São Paulo lakáspolitikája és annak következményei a városképre = The housing policy in São Paulo and its outcomes in urban landscape architecture

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    Ennek a cikknek az a célja, hogy tisztázza a jelenlegi SãoPaulo-i lakhatási politikának az építészetre és városkép-alakításra gyakorolt következményeit, különös tekintettel a fenntartható fejlődés irányelveire és a környezetvédelmi előírásokra, amelyek a városok minőségi átalakítását ösztönözték ökológiai és táji szempontok szerinti fejlesztéssel. Történelmileg a lakáshiány és az ezen a téren végrehajtott stratégiai szabályozások jelentősen befolyásolták az ország életminőségét és a társadalmi egyenlőtlenségek változását. Az analitikai módszertan összehasonlítja a hagyományos lakásfejlesztési stratégiákat és a VIGLIECCA&ASSOCIADOS által tervezett Parque Novo Santo Amaro V. esettanulmányában fellelhető nem konvencionális megoldásokat, kibontva a tájépítészeti menedzsmentre és egy szegény brazil közösség életkörülményeire irányuló beavatkozás fő szempontjait. Ez a projekt olyan új állami lakásépítési és környezetvédelmi intézkedések eredménye, amelyek a város elhanyagolt területeinek fejlesztését és társadalmi fejlődését szolgálják. Ennek az elemzésnek a koncepcióját az a felfogás vezérli, hogy a várost – különösen dél-amerikai kontextusban – egymást átfedő rétegek bonyolult kölcsönhatása alkotja, azok konfliktusaival, széttagoltságával, feloldatlan ellentmondásaival és szembenállásaival. Előzetes eredményként megállapításra került, hogy a São Paulo-i Parque Santo Amaro V. esetében megvalósított innovatív megoldások hatékonynak bizonyultak arra, hogy a területet a város makró szintű struktúrájába integrálják, átfogó megoldást kínálva a lakáshiányra és a súlyos környezeti problémákra

    3D Modelling of archaeoseismic damage in the Roman site of Baelo Claudia (Gibraltar Arc, south Spain)

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    This study deals with the morphometric characterization and quantification of earthquake damage in the ancient Roman city of Baelo Claudia in South Spain (Gibraltar Arc) by means of the use of 3D modelling from drone imagery. Baelo Claudia is a world-renowned archaeological site recording recurrent earthquake destruction during the first and third centuries AD. The first earthquake destroyed the lower littoral zone of the city, allowing its reconstruction from the year c. 60–70 CE, but the second earthquake in 365–390 CE led to the complete destruction of the renewed city and its eventual abandonment. This second earthquake imprinted important deformations in the main monumental zone of the city, including the basilica temples, macellum, city walls, aqueducts and funerary monuments, as well as in the main paved zones of the city. This is the case for the Forum, Decumanus and Cardos, which show a variety of folds, pop-up structures, conjugate fractures and impact marks susceptible to be measured in a 3D format. The current study presents detailed (up to 3 mm/pixel) surface models of iconic monuments within the city. The 3D models were obtained by means of serial orthophotos taken with a UAV Mavic Pro 2 (DJI) Drone device equipped with a 20 mpx camera and a 1” CMOS sensor. Each individual image was captured in a geo-referenced jpg format and processed with the Agisoft Metashape Professional software®. Depending on the measured monument, the final images consisted of 250 to 700 photographs clustered by 50,000 to 150,000 tie points. In all studied items (Decumanus, city walls and bath dish), we follow the same workflow of analysis: (1) alignment of photos with support points; (2) building a dense cloud of points; (3) creation of the surface texture; (4) creation of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM); (5) creation of the orthomosaic; and finally, (6) the building of the high-quality 3D tiled surface models. The obtained models allow the geometric quantification of earthquake deformations (displacements, amplitudes, orientation, etc.) in a GIS-based 3D environment suitable to quantify oriented damage of seismic origin. In a complementary way, these 3D models deserve to be considered for their potential role as digital seismoscopes of ancient archaeological sites and/or heritage building


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    Este trabalho visa abordar o uso da lógica de programação em sala de aula, baseado nas experiências de dois bolsistas de um projeto de extensão de uma faculdade federal do estado de São Paulo, aplicado a uma escola municipal de Campos do Jordão. Para isso, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de ensino para o ensino fundamental II, com alunos do 8º e 9º ano. A ação se desenvolveu no laboratório computacional da própria escola municipal, onde foram ensinados conceitos lógicos de introdução a lógica de computadores, utilizando o software livre Scratch


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    Este trabalho visa abordar o uso da lógica de programação em sala de aula, baseado nas experiências de dois bolsistas de um projeto de extensão de uma faculdade federal do estado de São Paulo, aplicado a uma escola municipal de Campos do Jordão. Para isso, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de ensino para o ensino fundamental II, com alunos do 8º e 9º ano. A ação se desenvolveu no laboratório computacional da própria escola municipal, onde foram ensinados conceitos lógicos de introdução a lógica de computadores, utilizando o software livre Scratch

    Micromorphological Study of Site Formation Processes at El Sidrón Cave (Asturias, Northern Spain): Encrustations over Neanderthal Bones

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    El Sidrón Cave is an archaeological and anthropological reference site of the Neanderthal world. It shows singular activity related to cannibalisation, and all existing processes are relevant to explain the specific behaviour of the concerned individuals. This paper presents geoarchaeological data, primarily based on mineralogical and petrographic techniques, from an investigation of the nature of the encrustations or hard coatings that affect a large part of the Neanderthal bone remains and their relationship with the depositional and post-depositional processes at the archaeological site. Crusts and patina were found to be numerous and diverse, mainly composed of calcite and siliciclastic grains, with different proportions and textures. The analysis indicated different origins and scenarios from their initial post-mortem accumulation to the final deposit recovered during the archaeological work. The presence of micromorphological features, such as clotted-peloidal micrite, needle-fibre calcite (NFC) aggregates, clay coatings, iron–manganese impregnation, and/or adhered aeolian dust may indicate that a significant proportion of the remains were affected by subaerial conditions in a relatively short period of time in a shelter, cave entrance, or shallower level of the karstic system, prior to their accumulation in the Ossuary Gallery.This work has been supported since 1999 through different research contracts between the Government of the Principality of Asturias, the University of Oviedo, the University of Alicante, the National Museum of Natural Sciences (CSIC, Madrid), and the University of Salamanca

    Planta piloto de aminas para separação de CO2 de gás natural

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    O Brasil enfrenta, atualmente, uma série de desafios para tornar a exploração do petróleo na camada pré-sal uma realidade. Dentre estes, o gás natural a altas pressões contendo altos teores de CO2 representa um grande obstáculo tecnológico e ambiental. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi a análise do comportamento de uma planta piloto de aminas para sequestro de gás carbônico de gás natural através de simulações realizadas com auxílio do software comercial UniSim Design (Honeywell). Foram avaliados dois casos com utilização de solução de MEA e condições de operação propostas pelo Laboratório H2CIN. Ainda, estudou-se a sensibilidade de alguns parâmetros de processo sobre importantes respostas do sistema, como a absorção de CO2. Por fim, foi analisado o uso de soluções de outras aminas na planta piloto

    Geoarchaeological study of the Sidrón cave (Piloña, Asturias)

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    El relleno sedimentario que alberga el registro arqueológico y antropológico de la Galería del Osario (cueva de El Sidrón) presenta una alta complejidad, tanto en los tipos de sedimentos como en su distribución espacial en la cavidad. Los principales factores que rigen esta complejidad son la naturaleza episódica y altamente energética de gran parte de las unidades litoestratigráficas reconocidas y la irregular geometría del propio conducto, que compartimenta significativamente las áreas de deposición. A modo de resumen puede indicarse que en la Galería del Osario quedan representados todos los tipos de materiales detríticos típicos de depósitos alóctonos en ambiente kárstico; desde materiales bien seleccionados de granulometría fina representativos de facies de encharcamiento (arcillas de la unidad O) o de desbordamiento (Unidad IV), a depósitos groseros mal seleccionados correspondientes a coladas de barro y detritos en masa (Unidad II y base de unidad III), pasando por típicas facies fluvio-kársticas o de canal compuestas por materiales arenosos con laminaciones y estructuras de flujo (unidades I y II). Los restos óseos se concentran en la unidad III. El área fuente se sitúa en cotas superiores a la Galería del Osario, es decir, en los niveles intermedio o superior del sistema kárstico, y el depósito o entrada de material óseo a la Galería del Osario se activaría en episodios de alta energía relacionado con eventos de inundación y/o tormenta.The sedimentary infill bearing the archaeological and anthropological record of the Ossuary Gallery (the Sidrón cave) shows high complexity in both sediment types and their spatial distribution in the cavity. The main factors that govern this complexity are the episodic and highly energetic nature of the recorded sedimentary infill units and the irregular geometry of the gallery itself, which significantly compartmentalized areas of deposition. Briefly, all types of typical allochthonous detrital material deposits in karst environments are represented in the Ossuary Gallery; from well-sorted fine-grained sediment facies representative of backswamp (clays of the unit O) or slackwater (Unit IV), to poorly-sorted coarse-grained deposits corresponding to mudflows and debris flows (Unit II and Unit III base), and typical channel facies composed of laminated sands and silts (units I and II). The bone and lithic remains are concentrated in unit III. The source area is above the Ossuary Gallery, at the intermediate or higher karst levels. The input of archeological material to the Ossuary Gallery was triggered in high energy episodes in association to flood events and / or storms.Este trabajo se ha financiado desde 1999 mediante diferentes contratos de investigación realizados entre el Gobierno del Principado de Asturias, la Universidad de Oviedo, la Universidad de Alicante, el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC, Madrid) y la Universidad de Salamanca


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    The objective of this work was to stimulate scientific knowledge in students since Basic Education through the development of the stages of scientific methods. This paper aimed to describe the report on a set of investigative actions, following the steps of the Scientific Method. The method used was the observation of a site publication on the behavior of an ant species (Camponotus terebrans), the problem was raised (Does the pixixic ant (Wasmannia auropunctata) also prefer pee than sugarwater?), elaboration of hypotheses, beginning of experimentation, analysis of results, acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis. The behavior of ants (W. auropunctata) observed in the four experiments led the students to accept hypothesis 3 (the ant prefers sugary water than pee) different from the behavior of ant C. terebrans reported on the https://www.valedoitaunas.com.br/artigo/formigas-preferem-ingerir-xixi-a-acucar-e-isso-faz-bem-ao-planeta. Based on the reports, it is perceived that the students understood, through practice, the subject that was exposed in the textbook, as well as demonstrated a scientific character. El objetivo de este trabajo era estimular el conocimiento científico en los estudiantes desde educación básica a través del desarrollo de las etapas de los métodos científicos. Este documento tenía como objetivo describir el informe sobre un conjunto de acciones de investigación, siguiendo los pasos del Método Científico. El método utilizado fue la observación de una publicación en el sitio sobre el comportamiento de una especie de hormiga (Camponotus terebrans), se planteó el problema (¿La hormiga pixixica (Wasmannia auropunctata) también prefiere el pis que el agua de azúcar?), la elaboración de hipótesis, el inicio de la experimentación, el análisis de resultados, la aceptación o el rechazo de la hipótesis. El comportamiento de las hormigas (W. auropunctata) observado en los cuatro experimentos llevó a los estudiantes a aceptar la hipótesis 3 (la hormiga prefiere el agua azucarada que el pis) diferente del comportamiento de la hormiga C. terebrans reportado en el https://www.valedoitaunas.com.br/artigo/formigas-preferem-ingerir-xixi-a-acucar-e-isso-faz-bem-ao-planeta. Sobre la base de los informes, se percibe que los estudiantes entendieron, a través de la práctica, el tema que fue expuesto en el libro de texto, así como demostraron un carácter científico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimular o saber científico nos educandos desde a Educação Básica de Ensino através do desenvolvimento das etapas dos métodos científicos. Buscou-se descrever, neste trabalho, o relato sobre um conjunto de ações investigativa, seguindo os passos do Método científico. O método utilizado foi a observação de uma publicação em site sobre o comportamento de uma espécie de formiga (Camponotus terebrans), foi levantado o problema (Será que a formiga pixixica (Wasmannia auropunctata) também prefere xixi do que água açucarada?), elaboração de hipóteses, início de experimentação, análise dos resultados, aceitação ou rejeição da hipótese. O comportamento das formigas (W. auropunctata) observadas nas quatro experiências, levou os alunos a aceitarem a hipótese  "a formiga prefere água açucarada do que xixi" diferente do comportamento da formiga C. terebrans relatada no site https://www.valedoitaunas.com.br/artigo/formigas-preferem-ingerir-xixi-a-acucar-e-isso-faz-bem-ao-planeta. Firmando-se nos relatórios, percebe-se que os educandos compreenderam, através da prática, o assunto que estava exposto no livro didático, bem como demonstraram um caráter científico.