73 research outputs found

    approche sismotectonique et modélisation numérique

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    Le régime tectonique actuel de la chaîne des Alpes centrales/occidentales est analysé grâce à une compilation de 389 mécanismes au foyer couvrant l'ensemble de l'arc alpin, ainsi que par l'étude détaillée du séisme de Bonneveaux (1990) et de la séquence sismique de Samoëns (2000), dans la région du Chablais. Cette région présente un régime tectonique consistant avec la profondeur, avec des mécanismes au foyer de type décrochant agissants dans le socle (Bonneveaux, ...thesi

    Present-day geodynamics in the bend of the western and central Alps as constrained by earthquake analysis

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    The contrasted tectonics of the western/central Alps is examined using a synthesis of 389 reliable focal mechanisms. The present-day strain regime is mapped and interpolated for the entire Alpine belt based on a newly developed method of regionalization. The most striking feature is a continuous area of extension which closely follows the large-scale topographic crest line of the Alpine arc. Thrusting is observed locally, limited to areas near the border of the Alpine chain. A majority of earthquakes within the Alps and its forelands are in strike-slip mode. Stress inversion methods have been applied to homogenous subsets of focal plane mechanisms in order to map regional variations in stress orientation. The stress state is confirmed to be orogen-perpendicular both for s3 in the inner extensional zones and s1 in the outer transcurrent/transpressional zones. Extensional areas are well correlated with the part of the belt which presents the thickest crust, as shown by the comparison with the Bouguer anomaly and the average topography of the belt. In the northwestern Swiss Alps, extension is also correlated with currently uplifting zones. These observations and our strain/stress analyses support a geodynamic model for the western Alps in which the current activity is mostly a result of gravitational ‘body' forces. Earthquakes do not provide any direct evidence for ongoing convergence in the Alpine system, but a relationship with ongoing activity of complex block rotations of the Apulian microplate cannot be ruled ou

    Extensional neotectonics around the bend of the Western/Central Alps: an overview

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    The Western Alps' active tectonics is characterized by ongoing widespread extension in the highest parts of the belt and transpressive/compressive tectonics along its borders. We examine these contrasting tectonic regimes using a multidisciplinary approach including seismotectonics, numerical modeling, GPS, morphotectonics, fieldwork, and brittle deformation analysis. Extension appears to be the dominant process in the present-day tectonic activity in the Western Alps, affecting its internal areas all along the arc. Shortening, in contrast, is limited to small areas located along at the outer borders of the chain. Strike-slip is observed throughout the Alpine realm and in the foreland. The stress-orientation pattern is radial for σ3 in the inner, extensional zones, and for σ1 in the outer, transcurrent/tranpressional ones. Extensional areas can be correlated with the parts of the belt with the thickest crust. Quantification of seismic strain in tectonically homogeneous areas shows that only 10-20% of the geodesy-documented deformation can be explained by the Alpine seismicity. We propose that, Alpine active tectonics are ruled by isostasy/buoyancy forces rather than the ongoing shortening along the Alpine Europe/Adria collision zone. This interpretation is corroborated by numerical modeling. The Neogene extensional structures in the Alps formed under increasingly brittle conditions. A synthesis of paleostress tensors for the internal parts of the West-Alpine Arc documents major orogen-parallel extension with a continuous change in σ3 directions from ENE-WSW in the Simplon area, to N-S in the Vanoise area and to NNW-SSE in the Briançon area. Minor orogen-perpendicular extension increases from N to S. This second signal correlates with the present-day geodynamics as revealed by focal-plane mechanisms analysis. The orogen-parallel extension could be related to the opening of the Ligurian Sea during the Early-Middle Miocene and to compression/rotation of the Adriatic indenter inducing lateral extrusio

    Active strike-slip faulting in the Chablais area (NW Alps) from earthquake focal mechanisms and relative locations

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    Abstract.: The Chablais area is characterized by a complex geological setting, resulting from the transport of nappes of various internal origins (the Prealpine nappes), thrusted in Oligocene times onto the Helvetic cover of the external zones of the Alps. While the structural setting and timing of nappe emplacement are well understood, current tectonics and associated faulting remain unclear. The detailed analysis of the Bonnevaux and Samoëns earthquakes, presented in this study, constitutes a significant contribution to the active tectonics of the Chablais area. The associated seismotectonic regime appears to be constant with depth, both focal mechanisms yielding a strike-slip regime, one in the crystalline basement at around 17km depth and the other probably cross-cutting the cover/basement interface at around 5km depth. Relative location techniques, applied in this study to the seismic sequence associated to the Samoëns earthquake, represents the best way to identify active faults in a region where neotectonic evidence is scarce and controversial. The resulting seismic alignment corresponds to the E-W oriented nodal plane inferred from the Samoëns main shock focal mechanism, thus defining an active near vertical E-W dextral fault. This strike-slip regime, compared to the current regional stress field, corresponds to the one observed in the Jura/Molasse basin area but contrasts with the exclusively dextral and NE-SW-oriented transcurrent regime of the Wildhorn/Martigny regio

    El coreo de Lyon : dramo en cinco actos y ocho tablos

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    Mechanical adaptation of brachiopod shells via hydration-induced structural changes.

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    The function-optimized properties of biominerals arise from the hierarchical organization of primary building blocks. Alteration of properties in response to environmental stresses generally involves time-intensive processes of resorption and reprecipitation of mineral in the underlying organic scaffold. Here, we report that the load-bearing shells of the brachiopod Discinisca tenuis are an exception to this process. These shells can dynamically modulate their mechanical properties in response to a change in environment, switching from hard and stiff when dry to malleable when hydrated within minutes. Using ptychographic X-ray tomography, electron microscopy and spectroscopy, we describe their hierarchical structure and composition as a function of hydration to understand the structural motifs that generate this adaptability. Key is a complementary set of structural modifications, starting with the swelling of an organic matrix on the micron level via nanocrystal reorganization and ending in an intercalation process on the molecular level in response to hydration

    Linking the northern Alps with their foreland: The latest exhumation history resolved by low-temperature thermochronology

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    The evolution of the Central Alpine deformation front (Subalpine Molasse) and its undeformed foreland is recently debated because of their role for deciphering the late orogenic evolution of the Alps. Its latest exhumation history is poorly understood due to the lack of late Miocene to Pliocene sediments. We constrain the late Miocene to Pliocene history of this transitional zone with apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He data. We used laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry for apatite fission track dating and compare this method with previously published and unpublished external detector method fission track data. Two investigated sections across tectonic slices show that the Subalpine Molasse was tectonically active after the onset of folding of the Jura Mountains. This is much younger than hitherto assumed. Thrusting occurred at 10, 8, 6–5 Ma and potentially thereafter. This is contemporaneous with reported exhumation of the External Crystalline Massifs in the central Alps. The Jura Mountains and the Subalpine Molasse used the same detachments as the External Crystalline Massifs and are therefore kinematically coupled. Estimates on the amount of shortening and thrust displacement corroborate this idea. We argue that the tectonic signal is related to active shortening during the late stage of orogenesis