115 research outputs found

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    tile only ( 1 85-110 dB HL, 250-500 Hz). In the remaining 7 cases, residual hearing was maintained up to at least 6 months after operation with minor changes. Insertion depth angles in these cases ranged from 285 to 420°. For these subjects, the mean preoperative score for words presented at 65 dB SPL was 22%. Mean postoperative scores were 56% for CI alone, and 68% for CI plus ipsilateral hearing aid (p ! 0.05, paired t). For sentences presented in multitalker babble noise at 5 dB SNR, mean scores were 61% CI alone, and 75% CI+IpsiHA (p ! 0.01, paired t). Conclusions: Hearing was conserved during surgery and over time in 70% of conventional candidates implanted with the Nucleus 24 Contour Advance CI who had significant levels of preoperative low-frequency residual hearing ( ^ 60 dB HL). These conventional candidates for CI also benefited from improved speech recognition in noise when using combined ipsilateral electrical and acoustic stimulation

    Cotton pest management practices and the selection of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae population in Northern Benin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pyrethroid insecticides, carbamate and organophosphate are the classes of insecticides commonly used in agriculture for crop protection in Benin. Pyrethroids remain the only class of insecticides recommended by the WHO for impregnation of bed nets. Unfortunately, the high level of pyrethroid resistance in <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>s.l., threatens to undermine the success of pyrethroid treated nets. This study focuses on the investigation of agricultural practices in cotton growing areas, and their direct impact on larval populations of <it>An. gambiae </it>in surrounding breeding sites.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The protocol was based on the collection of agro-sociological data where farmers were subjected to semi-structured questionnaires based on the strategies used for crop protection. This was complemented by bioassay tests to assess the susceptibility of malaria vectors to various insecticides. Molecular analysis was performed to characterize the resistance genes and the molecular forms of <it>An. gambiae</it>. Insecticide residues in soil samples from breeding sites were investigated to determine major factors that can inhibit the normal growth of mosquito larvae by exposing susceptible and resistant laboratory strains.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There is a common use by local farmers of mineral fertilizer NPK at 200 kg/ha and urea at 50 kg/hectare following insecticide treatments in both the Calendar Control Program (CCP) and the Targeted Intermittent Control Program (TICP). By contrast, no chemicals are involved in Biological Program (BP) where farmers use organic and natural fertilizers which include animal excreta.</p> <p>Susceptibility test results confirmed a high resistance to DDT. Mean mortality of <it>An. gambiae </it>collected from the farms practicing CCP, TICP and BP methods were 33%, 42% and 65% respectively. <it>An. gambiae </it>populations from areas using the CCP and TICP programs showed resistance to permethrin with mortality of 50% and 58% respectively. By contrast, bioassay test results of <it>An. gambiae </it>from BP areas gave a high level of susceptibility to permethrin with an average mortality of 94%.</p> <p>Molecular analysis identified <it>An. gambiae </it>s.s, and <it>An. arabiensis </it>with a high predominance of <it>An. gambiae s.s </it>(90%). The two molecular forms, M and S, were also determined with a high frequency of the S form (96%).</p> <p>The <it>Kdr </it>gene seemed the main target- site resistance mechanism detected in CCP, TICP, and BP areas at the rates ranging from 32 to 78%. The frequency of <it>ace-1R </it>gene was very low (< 0.1).</p> <p>The presence of inhibiting factors in soil samples under insecticide treatments were found and affected negatively in delaying the development of <it>An. gambiae </it>larval populations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This research shows that <it>Kdr </it>has spread widely in <it>An. gambiae</it>, mainly in CCP and TICP areas where pyrethroids are extensively used. To reduce the negative impact of pesticides use in cotton crop protection, the application of BP-like programs, which do not appear to select for vector resistance would be useful. These results could serve as scientific evidence of the spread of resistance due to a massive agricultural use of insecticides and contribute to the management of pesticides usage on cotton crops hence reducing the selection pressure of insecticides on <it>An. gambiae </it>populations.</p

    Agroecological management of cucurbit-infesting fruit fly: a review

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    Antioxidant Protects against Increases in Low Molecular Weight Hyaluronan and Inflammation in Asphyxiated Newborn Pigs Resuscitated with 100% Oxygen

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    BACKGROUND: Newborn resuscitation with 100% oxygen is associated with oxidative-nitrative stresses and inflammation. The mechanisms are unclear. Hyaluronan (HA) is fragmented to low molecular weight (LMW) by oxidative-nitrative stresses and can promote inflammation. We examined the effects of 100% oxygen resuscitation and treatment with the antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), on lung 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT), LMW HA, inflammation, TNFα and IL1ß in a newborn pig model of resuscitation. METHODS & PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Newborn pigs (n = 40) were subjected to severe asphyxia, followed by 30 min ventilation with either 21% or 100% oxygen, and were observed for the subsequent 150 minutes in 21% oxygen. One 100% oxygen group was treated with NAC. Serum, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), lung sections, and lung tissue were obtained. Asphyxia resulted in profound hypoxia, hypercarbia and metabolic acidosis. In controls, HA staining was in airway subepithelial matrix and no 3-NT staining was seen. At the end of asphyxia, lavage HA decreased, whereas serum HA increased. At 150 minutes after resuscitation, exposure to 100% oxygen was associated with significantly higher BAL HA, increased 3NT staining, and increased fragmentation of lung HA. Lung neutrophil and macrophage contents, and serum TNFα and IL1ß were higher in animals with LMW than those with HMW HA in the lung. Treatment of 100% oxygen animals with NAC blocked nitrative stress, preserved HMW HA, and decreased inflammation. In vitro, peroxynitrite was able to fragment HA, and macrophages stimulated with LMW HA increased TNFα and IL1ß expression. CONCLUSIONS & SIGNIFICANCE: Compared to 21%, resuscitation with 100% oxygen resulted in increased peroxynitrite, fragmentation of HA, inflammation, as well as TNFα and IL1ß expression. Antioxidant treatment prevented the expression of peroxynitrite, the degradation of HA, and also blocked increases in inflammation and inflammatory cytokines. These findings provide insight into potential mechanisms by which exposure to hyperoxia results in systemic inflammation

    Health relevance of the modification of low grade inflammation in ageing (inflammageing) and the role of nutrition

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    Ageing of the global population has become a public health concern with an important socio-economic dimension. Ageing is characterized by an increase in the concentration of inflammatory markers in the bloodstream, a phenomenon that has been termed "inflammageing". The inflammatory response is beneficial as an acute, transient reaction to harmful conditions, facilitating the defense, repair, turnover and adaptation of many tissues. However, chronic and low grade inflammation is likely to be detrimental for many tissues and for normal functions. We provide an overview of low grade inflammation (LGI) and determine the potential drivers and the effects of the "inflamed" phenotype observed in the elderly. We discuss the role of gut microbiota and immune system crosstalk and the gut-brain axis. Then, we focus on major health complications associated with LGI in the elderly, including mental health and wellbeing, metabolic abnormalities and infections. Finally, we discuss the possibility of manipulating LGI in the elderly by nutritional interventions. We provide an overview of the evidence that exists in the elderly for omega-3 fatty acid, probiotic, prebiotic, antioxidant and polyphenol interventions as a means to influence LGI. We conclude that slowing, controlling or reversing LGI is likely to be an important way to prevent, or reduce the severity of, age-related functional decline and the onset of conditions affecting health and well-being; that there is evidence to support specific dietary interventions as a strategy to control LGI; and that a continued research focus on this field is warranted

    Inventaire des plantes-hĂŽtes d'Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera, Aphididae) en Afrique

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    L'inventaire des plantes-hÎtes d'#Aphis gossypii$ sur le continent africain est établi à partir de données bibliographiques en tenant compte des derniÚres modifications et synonymies de la classification botanique. 658 espÚces appartenant à 103 familles et 420 genres sont recensées. (Résumé d'auteur

    Le cotonnier à feuilles okra. SynthÚse des études réalisées au Cameroun

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    Les objectifs de cette Ă©tude, rĂ©alisĂ©e par le programme coton de l'IRA (Institut de Recherches Agronomiques du Cameroun), Ă©taient de dĂ©finir des rĂ©fĂ©rences techniques pour une expression optimale du potentiel de production des cultivars Ă  feuille okra, Ă©valuer les avantages et les inconvĂ©nients de ce type de variĂ©tĂ© dans les conditions de culture au Nord-Cameroun et tester l'hypothĂšse d'un effet bĂ©nĂ©fique vis-Ă -vis du phĂ©nomĂšne de collage, par une limitation des populations d'insectes piqueurs-suceurs. Pour conduire cette Ă©tude, la variĂ©tĂ© IRMA BOXA, isogĂ©nique okra de la variĂ©tĂ© vulgarisĂ©e IRMA 1243, a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e. Les tests okra effectuĂ©s en milieu rĂ©el, comparant ces deux variĂ©tĂ©s, ne font pas apparaĂźtre de rejet vis-Ă -vis de la culture okra de la part des planteurs. Ils apprĂ©cient la facilitĂ© de traitement insecticide et ne constatent pas de diffĂ©rence d'enherbement. Sur le plan technologique, les Ă©carts observĂ©s sont rĂ©duits ou non significatifs. L'Ă©tude du potentiel de nutrition indique qu'IRMA 1243 et IRMA BOXA rĂ©pondent de façon identique Ă  l'azote. Aucun effet de la densitĂ© de semis (de 50 000 Ă  167 000 plants par hectare) n'a pu ĂȘtre mis en Ă©vidence sur le rendement en coton-graine de la variĂ©tĂ© okra : la hausse du nombre de capsules, observĂ©e avec l'accroissement de la densitĂ©, est compensĂ©e par la rĂ©duction de la production moyenne par plant et du poids moyen capsulaire. D'importantes diffĂ©rences du nombre de pucerons par feuilles apparaissent, la surface foliaire constituant l'Ă©lĂ©ment limitant (saturation spatiale des limbes). La surface moyenne des feuilles d'IRMA BOXA reprĂ©sente 61 % de celle d'IRMA 1243, ce pourcentage Ă©tant identique au rapport du nombre de pucerons par cotonnier. Mais, Ă  l'Ă©chelle du plant, le type okra possĂšde un plus grand nombre de feuilles, compensant la diffĂ©rence de surface foliaire : les effectifs de pucerons suivent ainsi la mĂȘme tendance, et les mesures de collage font apparaĂźtre une Ă©quivalence entre les deux variĂ©tĂ©s. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur
