1,322 research outputs found

    The particle-hole transformation, supersymmetry and achiral boundaries of the open Hubbard model

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    We show that the particle-hole transformation in the Hubbard model has a crucial role in relating Shastry's R-matrix to the AdS/CFT S-matrix. In addition, we construct an achiral boundary for the open Hubbard chain which possesses twisted Yangian symmetry

    Environmental management begins in the family

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    The Institito Tecnológico de Toluca, is a higher level educational institution, which belongs to the National Technological System of Mexico, which has 9 degrees, in the engineering area, citing: Industrial (IE), Chemical (CI), Logistics (LE), Electromechanical (EE), bussines management’s (BME), Electronics (EE), Mechatronics (MI), Computational Systems (CSI) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTE,) and 3 postgraduate degrees: Master of Engineering Sciences (MES), Master of Sciences in Environmental Engineering (MSEE) and Doctorate in Environmental Sciences (DES), with a population of 5,408 students. Being a proudly public institution and classified as the best, by its employers at the state level, within which there is a Coordination called Institutional Environmental Program (IEP), which manages various strategies for the care, protection, remediation of the environment. But, in Mexico, since March 2019, educational institutions have been closed due to the context of the pandemic caused by covid-19. Academic activity being carried out, since then to date, via virtual. Faced with such a complicated, difficult and uncertain scenario. An environmental management model was developed, so that students from their homes develop prevention programs, protection and care of the ecosystem, developing sustainable strategies. Starting from the premise: If there is a polluting society it is because there are families that pollute, the family is the mirror of what happens in society. Within this program, an amalgam of strategies was considered, starting with motivation, awareness, reflection, knowledge and self-management to detonate a new environmental culture, starting from their homes and extending it to their families and neighbors. To carry out a multiplier effect, in geometric progression, having an excellent response from the students of the Instituto Tecnológico de Toluca (ITT). Among the various strategies within an application scenario, the following are cited: Responsible-reflective consumption, no generation of unnecessary waste (organic food waste reduction), no use of Unicel (expanded polystyrene), use of single-use containers (elimination of PET), no oil disposal used from the kitchen (application of a collection program), induction to the modification of nutritional intake by substituting beef for chicken, fish and vegetables, separation and classification of garbage, application of the use of compost for the organic food remains, water saving and leak elimination program, collection of cigarette butts thrown in public roads and gardens. Turning off lights in homes when they are not necessary (energy saving), only use of a motor vehicle in very necessary cases (mitigation of the effects of climate change). With these actions that began in this year 2021, we consider that we are working towards the reduction of negative environmental impacts, detonating a new culture and environmental awareness, among higher-level students (undergraduate), having a participation and involvement of 1,700 families and a number that continues to grow. Additionally, we are contributing to the 2030 Agenda, of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially regarding the objectives: 4.- Quality education, 11.- Sustainable cities and communities and 13.- Actions for the climate.Keyword: family, environmental culture, awareness, virtual scene, pollutant

    Assessing Child Obesity and Physical Activity in a Hard-to-Reach Population in California's Central Valley, 2012-2013.

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    IntroductionIn California's agricultural Central Valley, the rate of childhood obesity is higher than the national average. Adequate physical activity contributes to obesity prevention and its assessment is useful to evaluate the impact of interventions.MethodsNiños Sanos, Familia Sana (Healthy Children, Healthy Family [NSFS]) uses community-based participatory research to implement an intervention program to reduce childhood obesity among people of Mexican origin in the Central Valley. Anthropometric measurements were conducted on more than 650 children enrolled in NSFS. Physical activity data from a subgroup of children aged 4 to 7 years (n = 134) were collected via a wearable accelerometer.ResultsChildren were classified on the basis of age and sex-adjusted body mass index as healthy weight (57.7%); overweight (19.3%), or obese (23%). Logistic regression showed that moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) was associated with a child's likelihood of having a healthy BMI (odds ratio: 1.03; 95% CI, 1.01-1.05; P = .017).ConclusionNSFS's community-based participatory approach resulted in successful use of a commercial electronic device to measure physical activity quantity and quality in this hard-to-reach population. Promotion of adequate daily MVPA is an appropriate and necessary component of NSFS's childhood obesity prevention strategy

    How to fold a spin chain : Integrable boundaries of the Heisenberg XXX and Inozemtsev hyperbolic models

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    We present a general method of folding an integrable spin chain, defined on a line, to obtain an integrable open spin chain, defined on a half-line. We illustrate our method through two fundamental models with sl(2) Lie algebra symmetry: the Heisenberg XXX and the Inozemtsev hyperbolic spin chains. We obtain new long-range boundary Hamiltonians and demonstrate that they exhibit Yangian symmetries, thus ensuring integrability of the models we obtain. The method presented provides a "bottom-up" approach for constructing integrable boundaries and can be applied to any spin chain model

    Análisis de la motivación y rendimiento académico utilizando el aprendizaje basado en problemas con estudiantes de Ciencias de la salud :Terapia ocupacional

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    El Aprendizaje basado en Problemas (ABP) se caracteriza por desarrollar una serie de habilidades y competencias indispensables en el entorno profesional. Es un método innovador en el cual el aprendizaje es significativo, ya que se centra en el estudiante y fomenta el aprendizaje autónomo. En las disciplinas de ciencias de la salud, se precisan unas estrategias educativas específicas, ya que los estudios de ciencias de la Salud están fragmentados en diferentes especialidades, es por este motivo que el ABP es una herramienta que puede ser muy útil. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer si la utilización del ABP mejora la motivación de los estudiantes y también si influye en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes. Para ello, se incorporó en la metodología el uso de actividades que conllevaran ABP en dos asignaturas y dos cursos de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, (Intervención de la Terapia Ocupacional en Salud Mental I y técnicas terapéuticas). Dichas asignaturas fueron impartidas en la titulación de Terapia Ocupacional durante el curso académico 2013/2014. La muestra estuvo compuesta por un total de 106 estudiantes. Para medir la motivación, se administró el cuestionario de motivación y estrategias de aprendizaje (en sus siglas en inglés, MSLQ) al comienzo de las dos asignaturas para conocer el nivel de motivación del que partían. Cuando finalizaron las dos asignaturas se volvió a administrar a los estudiantes que habían participado en la encuesta inicial. Concretamente, se presentan las características de la experiencia, así como un análisis descriptivo sobre la relación entre el uso de la ABP y la nota final de las asignaturas. Se compararon también las calificaciones de asignaturas que no habían implementado el ABP en su metodología. Los resultados mostraron de forma general que los niveles de motivación son parecidos en la fase inicial y final, obteniéndose por lo general puntuaciones de 4 en aproximadamente el 50% de los encuestados. En cambio, cabe señalar que al compararse las notas de de los estudiantes en las asignaturas que habían implementado ABP y en las que no, los resultados mostraron que en las asignaturas con ABP las calificaciones finales fueron más altas que en aquellas asignaturas que no se implementó. Estos resultados indican que el uso de la metodología basada en ABP contribuye a que los estudiantes mantengan un nivel de motivación durante la asignatura, el cual a su vez influye positivamente en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantesUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Una nueva alerta mundial en salud causada por la viruela del simio

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    Introduction: Monkeypox is a zoonosis of viral etiology caused by the Monkeypox virus, it is an endemic disease in African countries. Outside this area, the first cases were reported in 2003 in the USA. In May 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned about the increase in the number of cases of monkeypox in non-endemic areas such as countries of Europe and North America, setting off international alarms in the face of the spread of the disease.  Objective: To review the literature on monkeypox with special emphasis on virological and epidemiological aspects, transmission mechanism, clinical manifestations, and treatment expectations.  Methods: A review of articles in Spanish and English using terms such as monkeypox, monkeypox, and monkeypox. Using search engines like PubMed, Medline, and ScienceDirect. It was complemented with web pages of recognized institutions because it was necessary to monitor the new cases that are registered worldwide and that are not published due to the speed of appearance and the short period of time.  Results: The epidemiology, etiology, clinical manifestations, complications, isolation, and treatment possibilities of monkeypox. Conclusions: Monkeypox is an inexact substitute for variola virus smallpox. Early clinical features of the disease and patients not vaccinated against the variola virus are factors associated with poor outcomes. Management strategies and protective measures are key to preventing the spread of the disease.  Introducción: La viruela del simio es una zoonosis de etiología viral causada por virus de la viruela del simio. Es una enfermedad endémica en los países africanos. En mayo de 2022 la Organización Mundial De La Salud (OMS) alertó sobre el aumento del número de casos en zonas no endémicas como países de Europa y norte América. Causando una alerta internacionals ante una posible propagación de la enfermedad. Objetivo: Hacer una revisión de la literatura sobre la viruela del simio realizando especial énfasis en aspectos virológicos, epidemiológicos, mecanismo de transmisión, manifestaciones clínicas y expectativas de tratamiento. Métodos: Se hizo una revisión de artículos en español e inglés, usando términos como: viruela del simio, viruela del mono y Monkeypox. Usando motores de búsqueda como PubMed, Medline y ScienceDirect. Se complementó con páginas web de instituciones reconocidas debido a que fue necesario hacer un seguimiento a los nuevos casos que se registran a nivel mundial y que no se alcanzan a publicarse por la rapidez de propagación y el corto periodo de tiempo. Resultados: Se describe la Epidemiología, etiología, manifestaciones clínicas, complicaciones, aislamiento y posibilidades de tratamiento de la viruela del simio. Conclusiones: La viruela del simio es un sustituto inexacto de la viruela por virus Variola, las características clínicas tempranas de la enfermedad y pacientes no vacunados contra virus Variola son factores asociados a malos resultados. Las estrategias de manejo y medidas de protección son clave para evitar la propagación de la enfermedad.

    Quality and time of biosolid compost when varying ratios and weight of substrates

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    Introduction: Biosolids generated in the treatment of wastewater are an environmental problem due to their inadequate handling and disposal. Objective: To know the effects when varying substrate ratios and pile weight on quality and time of biosolid compost. Materials and Methods: The mixture of biosolids (BS) with clay soil (CS) and equine degraded manure (DM) was evaluated in the following ratios: 70:30:00, 65:30:05, 60:30:10 and 50:30:20 to determine the optimum ratio in piles of 250 kg and evaluate it in 500 and 2 000 kg. The parameters of quality were temperature, Ph, humidity, organic matter (OM), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), C/N ratio, K/Na ratio and phosphorus (P). Results and Discussion: the ratio 65:30:05 had higher temperature (63.8 °C) and lower composting time (21 days). Significant differences ( P < 0.05) were found in the parameters of quality with respect to the substrates and pile weight. The treatments of 250 kg had the shortest processing time (28 days) with higher OM, TKN, C/N and P. Conclusion: The DM and CS favor BS composting by reducing the process to a maximum of 32 days. The ratio 65:30:05 in 250 kg increases the agronomic quality of the compost

    El control interno y su carencia en los procesos logísticos del grupo YELEK S.R.L. Huancayo - 2019

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    El objetivo general de la investigación fue evidenciar los efectos de la carencia del control interno en los procesos logísticos del Grupo Yelek S.R.L. Huancayo, 2019. Esta falta de implementación de un sistema de control interno genera deficiencias en sus procesos logísticos, generando así que se vea expuesta a impactos negativos como el inadecuado desarrollo de actividades y el incremento de las pérdidas económicas. Por ende, se formula la suposición “La carencia del control interno produce efectos negativos en los Procesos logísticos del Grupo Yelek S.R.L. Huancayo, 2019” que sirvió de base para iniciar la indagación. La investigación se elaboró bajo el método científico, enfoque cuantitativo, deductivo, de tipo aplicada, nivel explicativo y diseño no experimental, transversal, correlacionales – causales. La muestra estuvo constituida por los 10 trabajadores entre (gerente general, administrador, contador, jefe de logística, almacenero, jefe de ventas, asistente de ventas, chofer y repartidor) del Grupo Yelek S.R.L. que representa el total de la población. Se utilizó como técnica la encuesta con la finalidad de recopilar información útil y precisa sobre la falta de aplicación de procedimientos referentes al sistema de Control Interno. La conclusión principal señala que la carencia del control interno influye negativamente en los procesos logísticos del Grupo Yelek S.R.L., puesto que el valor de significación bilateral P- valué es igual a 0.007, siendo este menor que la probabilidad de error 0.05

    Prevalence and associated factors to suicide attempts in low-income adolescents from the Caribbean region of Colombia

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    Objectives to establish the prevalence and associated factors to suicide attempts (SA) in low-income adolescents from the Caribbean region of Colombia Methods A cross sectional study was conducted. Adolescents between 10-24 years of age residents in 21 municipalities in the Caribbean region of Colombia were randomly selected from the population affiliated to a subsidized-regime insurance company between 2014-2018. A previously constructed questionnaire was used to obtain information regarding sociodemographic variables and potential risk factors. A self-reported antecedent of suicide attempt was defined as a case. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used to establish associated factors. Absolute and relative frequencies were reported. Relative frequencies were compared with the Chi2 test and continuous variables were compared with the t-test. A p value <0.050 was considered significan