964 research outputs found

    Stochastic multi-scale models of competition within heterogeneous cellular populations: simulation methods and mean-field analysis

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    We propose a modelling framework to analyse the stochastic behaviour of heterogeneous, multi-scale cellular populations. We illustrate our methodology with a particular example in which we study a population with an oxygen-regulated proliferation rate. Our formulation is based on an age-dependent stochastic process. Cells within the population are characterised by their age. The age-dependent (oxygen-regulated) birth rate is given by a stochastic model of oxygen-dependent cell cycle progression. We then formulate an age-dependent birth-and-death process, which dictates the time evolution of the cell population. The population is under a feedback loop which controls its steady state size: cells consume oxygen which in turns fuels cell proliferation. We show that our stochastic model of cell cycle progression allows for heterogeneity within the cell population induced by stochastic effects. Such heterogeneous behaviour is reflected in variations in the proliferation rate. Within this set-up, we have established three main results. First, we have shown that the age to the G1/S transition, which essentially determines the birth rate, exhibits a remarkably simple scaling behaviour. This allows for a huge simplification of our numerical methodology. A further result is the observation that heterogeneous populations undergo an internal process of quasi-neutral competition. Finally, we investigated the effects of cell-cycle-phase dependent therapies (such as radiation therapy) on heterogeneous populations. In particular, we have studied the case in which the population contains a quiescent sub-population. Our mean-field analysis and numerical simulations confirm that, if the survival fraction of the therapy is too high, rescue of the quiescent population occurs. This gives rise to emergence of resistance to therapy since the rescued population is less sensitive to therapy

    Minimum Action Path theory reveals the details of stochastic biochemical transitions out of oscillatory cellular states

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    Cell state determination is the outcome of intrinsically stochastic biochemical reactions. Tran- sitions between such states are studied as noise-driven escape problems in the chemical species space. Escape can occur via multiple possible multidimensional paths, with probabilities depending non-locally on the noise. Here we characterize the escape from an oscillatory biochemical state by minimizing the Freidlin-Wentzell action, deriving from it the stochastic spiral exit path from the limit cycle. We also use the minimized action to infer the escape time probability density function

    Programa de desarrollo de habilidades comerciales para la mejora del emprendimiento de los alumnos del centro de educación técnico productivo Víctor Raúl haya de la torre. Trujillo - 2015

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    La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo Determinar en qué medida el programa“desarrollo de habilidades comerciales” mejorará el emprendimiento en losalumnos del Centro de Educación Técnico Productivo Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre. Trujillo – 2015. La metodología empleada fue experimental, de diseño preexperimental. La muestra estuvo constituida por 35 alumnos de la carrera técnicade manualidades. Como instrumento se utilizó el Test de Evaluación deEmprendedores desarrollado por ILDEFE (Instituto Leonés de Desarrollo Económico, Formación y Empleo), agencia de desarrollo local del Ayuntamiento de León. Resultados: La capacidad emprendedora encontrada en los alumnos fue49% nula, 43% media y 9% alta. Se aplicó el programa de habilidades comercialesque consistió en 3 fases: 1) aptitudes y conocimientos básicos para la venta 2)Desarrollo de habilidades de venta y 3) desarrollo de competencia de venta.Después de la aplicación del programa de habilidades comerciales la capacidad deemprendimiento fue 63% alta y 37% media. La relación entre el desarrollo dehabilidades comerciales y el nivel de emprendimiento fue demostradaestadísticamente con una confiabilidad del 95%. Conclusión: El desarrollo dehabilidades comerciales mejora el nivel de emprendimiento.This research aims to determine to what extent the ""development of commercial skills"" will improve entrepreneurship in students of the Center for Productive Technical Education Victor Raul Haya de la Torre. Trujillo - 2015. The methodology was experimental, pre experimental design. The sample consisted of 35 students of the technical course craft. As an instrument Assessment Test developed by Ildefe Entrepreneurs (Leon Institute of Economic Development, Training and Employment), local development agency of the City of Leon was used. Results: The entrepreneurship students was found in 49% no, 43% and 9% average high. 1) basic skills and knowledge for sale 2) Development of sales skills and 3) development of retail competition: business skills program that consisted of 3 phases are applied. After the implementation of the program of business skills entrepreneurial capacity was 63% higher and 37% average. The relationship between the development of business skills and entrepreneurial level was demonstrated statistically with a reliability of 95%. Conclusion: The development of business skills improves the level of entrepreneurship.Tesi

    Gestión administrativa y desempeño docente en la Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Huaral 2020

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    El estudio de investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar la relación entre la gestión administrativa y el desempeño docente en la institución educativa Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Huaral 2020. Se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo, de método hipotético – deductivo, tipo básica – descriptiva, correlacional de diseño no experimental. La muestra lo conformaron 80 docentes a quienes se les aplicó dos cuestionarios, uno por variable. Los resultados evidenciaron que, ambas variables se encuentran en nivel regular, siendo gestión administrativa en un porcentaje de 53.8% y el desempeño en 43.6%. Otro hallazgo es la relación estadísticamente significativa entre la gestión administrativa y el desempeño docente (p_valor < 1%) de manera directa positiva y de grado alto dado un Rho = 0.812. Del mismo modo, las dimensiones planeación, organización, integración, dirección y control, se relacionan con el desempeño docente de grado moderado, excepto en la planeación cuya asociación es de grado alto. Se concluye que mientras la gestión administrativa sea eficiente, el desempeño docente en la institución educativa Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Huaral 2020 también lo será, caso contrario los resultados tenderían a ser deficientes

    Collective action in ant control:

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    Leaf-cutting ants (Atta. cephalotes) represents a serious problem to farmers in many parts of Latin America and accounts of ants eating up a whole cassava plot or destroying one or more fruit trees overnight are not uncommon. Ants do not respect farm boundaries. Therefore, farmers who control anthills on their own fields might still face damage on their crops caused by ants coming from neighboring fields where no control measures are taken. In that sense, crop damage caused by leaf-cutting ants constitutes a transboundary natural resource management problem which, in addition to technical interventions, requires organizational interventions to ensure a coordinated effort among farmers to be solved. This paper reports on a research effort initiated by CIAT and implemented jointly between CIAT and farmers in La Laguna - a small community in the Andean Hillsides of Southwestern Colombia. The objective of the research effort was two-fold: i) to identify low cost technical options for ant control, and ii) to analyze and visualize the transboundary nature of the ant control problem and thus identify organizational options to enable collective or coordinated ant control.

    Digital Games as Persuasion Spaces for Political Marketing: Joe Biden's Campaign in Fortnite

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    The aim of this study is to explore how digital entertainment games are used as spaces for political persuasion in electoral campaigns, by examining Joe Biden's use of Fortnite during the campaign for the 2020 US presidential election as a case study. To date, the study of persuasive communication related to games has been mostly focused on persuasive games. This article approaches the use of entertainment games as spaces for persuasive communication answering the research question: How is political marketing - and electoral propaganda specifically - embedded into digital entertainment games? To answer this question, we have analyzed the persuasive dimensions of the Biden-Harris campaign in Fortnite using a qualitative mixed-methods approach that combined the identification and analysis of the persuasive strategies used in the game with a textual analysis of 19 articles discussing the campaign. The results of the analysis of the Biden-Harris campaign in Fortnite show that the persuasive efforts embedded in the game mostly made use of textual persuasion and procedural persuasion, relying largely on goal rules. The results of the textual analysis of the articles show that, although there is an appreciation of how the campaign links political persuasive goals with the challenges presented to the player, the lack of understanding of the persuasive potential of the game results in a gaming experience that in some cases does not meet the expectations of Fortnite’s experienced and demanding players

    La comunicación de la banca hacia sus clientes: evolución y el modelo alternativo de la banca islámica.

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    The recent crisis has highlighted the problems of banking communication regarding their customers, exacerbated by the lack of financial education of citizens. Thus, it becomes evident the need for change communication strategy in this sector and the search for new methods and approaches. In this work we analyze the changes in recent years in terms of banking communication and how the Islamic banking could be a reference.La reciente crisis ha puesto de manifiesto los problemas de la comunicación de la banca respecto a sus clientes, agudizados por la escasa formación financiera de los ciudadanos. Así, se hace evidente la necesidad de un cambio de la estrategia comunicativa en este sector y la búsqueda de nuevos métodos y enfoques. En este trabajo tratamos de analizar los cambios acaecidos en los últimos años en cuanto a comunicación bancaria y cómo la banca islámica se constituye como referente en la búsqueda de un modelo alternativo