433 research outputs found

    Worldwide use of HPV self-sampling for cervical cancer screening

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    An increasing body of evidence supports the validity of self-sampling as an alternative to clinician collection for primary Human Papillomavirus (HPV) screening. Self-sampling effectively reaches underscreened women and can be a powerful strategy in low- and high-resource settings for all target ages. This work aims to summarize the current use of HPV self-sampling worldwide. It is part of a larger project that describes cervical cancer screening programmes and produces standardized coverage estimates worldwide. A systematic review of the literature and official documents supplemented with a formal World Health Organisation country consultation was conducted. Findings show that the global use of HPV self-sampling is still limited. Only 17 (12%) of countries with identified screening programs recommend its use, nine as the primary collection method, and eight to reach underscreened populations. We identified 10 pilots evaluating the switch to self-sampling in well-established screening programs. The global use of self-sampling is likely to increase in the coming years. COVID-19's pandemic has prompted efforts to accelerate HPV self-sampling introduction globally, and it is now considered a key element in scaling up screening coverage. The information generated by the early experiences can be beneficial for decision-making in both new and existing programs

    Spatial skills of students in new technical degrees. Case study at the University of Granada (Spain)

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    [ES] La visión espacial y el bocetado a mano alzada son competencias fundamentales de todo ingeniero o arquitecto, tanto durante su formación como en el desempeño de su profesión. Sin embargo los sucesivos planes de estudio, en particular los derivados del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, han supuesto una importante merma en las habilidades espaciales de los estudiantes de las titulaciones técnicas.Este artículo describe la metodología implantada durante el curso académico 2012/2013 en varios grados técnicos de la Universidad de Granada, diseñada para mejorar las habilidades espaciales y de bocetado de sus estudiantes mediante una serie de actividades complementarias en las asignaturas de Expresión Gráfica. Los test estandarizados administrados a los estudiantes al principio y al final del período lectivo han puesto de manifiesto una importante mejora en aquéllos que han participado en estas actividades[EN] Spatial visualization and sketching are essential skills for engineers and architects during their training and career. However, successive curricula, in particular those resulting from the European Higher Education Area, have caused a marked decline in spatial skills of students pursuing technical degrees.This paper describes the methodology introduced during the academic year 2012/2013 in several technical degrees at the University of Granada (Spain), designed to enhance the spatial and sketching skills of students by means of a series of complementary activities in Graphic Expression courses. The standardized tests administered to students at the beginning and at the end of the course revealed a major improvement in those who participated in these activitiesMataix Sanjuán, J.; León Robles, C.; Montes Tubío, FDP. (2014). Las habilidades espaciales de los estudiantes de las nuevas titulaciones técnicas. Estudio en la Universidad de Granada. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 19(24):264-271. doi:10.4995/ega.2014.1767.SWORD264271192

    Strengths and weaknesses of laser scanner survey technique for recording cultural heritage. case study of the church of San Francisco (priego de Córdoba)

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    [EN] Present and future of Cultural Heritage Surveying are intimately related to Terrestrial Laser Scanner. This technique, still under development despite not being new, is based on the massive, semi-automatic acquisition of precise geometric information with a laser scanner, which conveniently treated provides very realistic models of monuments and sites. In order to analyse its strengths and weaknesses, this technique has been applied to the surveying of the San Francisco Church (Priego de Córdoba), an Asset of Cultural Interest belonging to the Historical-Artistic Area of the old part of this town. The work undertaken and its results show that this is a very powerful technique with great future development expectations, although it presents some problems in data management and in geometrical description of scanned items.[ES] El levantamiento gráfico de elementos del Patrimonio Cultural tiene una buena parte de supresente y futuro en el Escáner Láser Terrestre. Esta técnica, que aunque no es nueva está todavíaen desarrollo, se basa en la adquisición masiva de información geométrica muy precisa de formasemiautomática con un escáner láser, que convenientemente tratada proporciona modelos muyrealistas de monumentos y sitios.Con objeto de analizar sus fortalezas y debilidades se ha aplicado esta técnica al levantamiento dela iglesia de San Francisco (Priego de Córdoba), Bien de Interés Cultural perteneciente al ConjuntoHistórico-Artístico del casco antiguo de dicha ciudad. Los trabajos realizados y sus resultadosmuestran que es una técnica muy potente y de gran proyección de futuro, aunque todavíapresenta ciertos problemas en el tratamiento de la información y en la caracterización geométricade los elementos escaneados.Mataix Sanjuán, J.; León Robles, C.; Montes Tubío, FDP. (2013). Fortalezas y debilidades de la técnica de levantamiento gráfico con escáner láser para la catalogación del Patrimonio Cultural. Aplicación a la iglesia de San Francisco (Priego de Córdoba). EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 18(21):216-225. doi:10.4995/ega.2013.1535.SWORD2162251821Pavlidis, G., Koutsoudis, A., Arnaoutoglou, F., Tsioukas, V., & Chamzas, C. (2007). Methods for 3D digitization of Cultural Heritage. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 8(1), 93-98. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2006.10.007– PONS, J.M. Y LERMA, J.L., 2005. El Láser Escáner Terrestre: Una potente herramienta de digitalización 3D. Topografía y cartografía: Revista del Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos en Topografía, 129, pp. 10-19

    Particle size and morphological characterization of cosmetic emulsified systems by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

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    The physicochemical attributes of emulsified systems are influenced by the characteristics of their internal phase droplets (concentration, size and morphology), which can be modified not only by the formulation components, but also by the analytical methodology employed. Thus, the aim of this work involved the physicochemical characterization of cosmetic emulsions obtained from different surfactants, as well as the introduction of the optical coherence tomography (OCT) as the analytical technique employed for the morphological characterization and particle size determination of the formulations. Three emulsions were prepared, differing at the type and concentration of the surfactant used, and their droplet sizes were evaluated through optical microscopy, laser diffraction and OCT. The microscopic analysis and the laser diffraction techniques provided an average particle size minor than 6.0 µm, not detected by the OCT technique, which could identify only bigger particles of the emulsified systems' internal phase. The results testify that OCT was suitable for the morphological characterization of cosmetic emulsions; however, the technique needs to be improved to ensure a better sensitivity in the analysis of smaller particles.Os atributos físico-químicos de sistemas emulsionados são influenciados pelas características de suas gotículas de fase interna (concentração, tamanho e morfologia), as quais podem ser modificadas não apenas pelos componentes da formulação, mas também pela metodologia analítica empregada. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho envolveu a caracterização físico-química de emulsões cosméticas obtidas a partir de diferentes tensoativos, bem como a introdução da tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT) como a técnica analítica utilizada para a caracterização morfológica e determinação do tamanho de partícula das formulações. Três emulsões foram preparadas, diferindo no tipo e concentração do tensoativo empregado, e seus tamanhos de gotícula foram avaliados por meio das técnicas de microscopia óptica, difração a laser e OCT. As técnicas de microscopia óptica e difração a laser forneceram tamanhos de partícula médios menores de 6.0 µm, não detectados pela técnica de OCT, que permitiu apenas a identificação de partículas maiores pertencentes à fase interna dos sistemas emulsionados. Os resultados reforçam a introdução da OCT como metodologia promissora para a caracterização morfológica de emulsões cosméticas; no entanto, a técnica requer aprimoramento para garantir maior sensibilidade na análise de partículas de menor tamanho

    Hassalstrongylus dollfusi (Nematoda, Heligmonellidae) : redécouverte chez des rongeurs autochtones d’Amérique du Sud, six décennies après sa description

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    Hassalstrongylus dollfusi (Díaz-Ungría, 1963) Durette-Desset, 1971 was described in a wild house mouse, Mus musculus, from Venezuela and, since then, has never been reported again in the type host or in any other host. In this work, specimens assignable to H. dollfusi were found at 10 localities in Northeast Argentina, in five species of sigmodontine rodents. The nematodes were attributed to H. dollfusi based on diagnostic characters such as: synlophe with 22–31 subequal ridges; in males, hypertrophy of right ray 4 of the male bursa, thickening of the dorsal ray and bases of rays 8, distal tip of the spicules bent and spoon shaped; and, in females, presence of subventral postvulvar alae supported by hypertrophied struts. The new host recorded are: Oligoryzomys fornesi, O. flavescens, O. nigripes, Holochilus chacarius and Akodon azarae. The parasite showed a strong preference for host species of Oligoryzomys, which appear to act as primary hosts. The parasite could be present, parasitizing different species of Oligoryzomys, in a geographic area from the type locality in Venezuela southward to north Corrientes in Argentina. It has not been reported from populations of Oligoryzomys spp. of the Argentinean and Brazilian Atlantic Forest, nor south of 28 S, which may be explained by constraints in the environmental conditions required by the free-living stages of the parasite. This study provides the first identification and redescription of H. dollfusi in southern South America, from autochthonous hosts, six decades after its description.Hassalstrongylus dollfusi (Díaz-Ungría, 1963) Durette- Desset, 1971 a été décrit chez une souris grise sauvage, Mus musculus, au Venezuela et, depuis lors, n’a plus jamais été signalé chez l’hôte-type ni chez aucun autre hôte. Dans ce travail, des spécimens attribuables à H. dollfusi ont été trouvés dans dix localités du nord-est de l’Argentine, chez cinq espèces de rongeurs Sigmodontinae. Les nématodes ont été attribués à H. dollfusi sur la base de caractères diagnostiques tels que : synlophe avec 22–31 crêtes subégales; chez le mâle, hypertrophie de la côte 4 droite de la bourse, épaississement de la côte dorsale et des bases des côtes 8, extrémité distale des spicules recourbée et en forme de cuillère; et, chez les femelles, présence d’ailes postvulvaires subventrales à fort support cuticulaire. Les nouveaux hôtes signalés sont: Oligoryzomys fornesi, O. flavescens, O. nigripes, Holochilus chacarius et Akodon azarae. Le parasite a montré une forte préférence pour les espèces hôtes du genre Oligoryzomys, qui semblent agir comme hôtes primaires. Le parasite pourrait être présent, parasitant différentes espèces d’Oligoryzomys, dans une zone géographique allant de la localité-type au Vénézuéla vers le sud jusqu’au nord de Corrientes en Argentine. Il n’a pas été signalé dans les populations d’Oligoryzomys spp. de la Forêt Atlantique argentine et brésilienne, ni au sud de 28 S, ce qui peut s’expliquer par des contraintes dans les conditions environnementales requises par les stades libres du parasite. Cette étude fournit la première identification et redescription d’H. dollfusi dans le sud de l’Amérique du Sud, à partir d’hôtes autochtones, six décennies après sa description.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de VectoresFacultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Proper cytoskeleton α‐tubulin distribution is concomitant to tyrosine phosphorylation during in vitro capacitation and acrosomal reaction in human spermatozoa

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    Spermatozoa motility is a key parameter during the fertilization process. In this context, spermatozoa tyrosine protein phosphorylation and an appropriate cytoskeleton α‐tubulin distribution are some of the most important physiological events involved in motility. However, the relationship between these two biomarkers remains poorly defined. Here, we characterized simultaneously by immunocytochemistry the α‐tubulin (TUBA4A) distribution and the tyrosine phosphorylation at flagellum before capacitation, during different capacitation times (1 and 4 hr), and after acrosome reaction induction in human spermatozoa. We found that the absence of spermatozoa phosphorylation in tyrosine residues positively and significantly correlated (p < 0.05) with the terminal piece α‐tubulin flagellar distribution in all physiological conditions. Conversely, we observed a positive significant correlation (p < 0.01) between phosphorylated spermatozoa and continuous α‐tubulin distribution in spermatozoa flagellum, independently of the physiological condition. Similarly, the subpopulation of spermatozoa with tyrosine phosphorylated and continuous α‐tubulin increases with longer capacitation times and after the acrosome reaction induction. Overall, these findings provide novel insights into the post‐transcriptional physiological events associated to α‐tubulin and the tyrosine phosphorylation during fertilization, which present potential implications for the improvement of spermatozoa selection methods.This research was supported by Human Fertility Cathedra of the University of Alicante, VIOGROB-186, and the project of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness AGL2015-70159-P

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cervical cancer screening participation, abnormal cytology prevalence and screening interval in Catalonia

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    BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic led to a national lockdown and the interruption of all cancer preventive services, including cervical cancer screening. We aimed to assess the COVID-19 pandemic impact on opportunistic screening participation, abnormal cytology (ASCUS+) prevalence and screening interval in 2020 and 2021 within the Public Health System of Catalonia, Spain.MethodsIndividual data on cytology and HPV testing of women aged 25–65 from 2014 to 2021 were retrieved from the Information System for Primary Care Services (SISAP). Time-series regression models were used to estimate expected screening participation and abnormal cytology prevalence in 2020 and 2021. The impact was determined by comparing observed and expected values (ratios). Additionally, changes in screening interval trends between 2014 and 2021 were assessed by fitting a Piecewise linear regression model.ResultsCervical cancer screening participation decreased by 38.8% and 2.2% in 2020 and 2021, respectively, with the most significant impact on participation (-96.1%) occurring in April 2020. Among older women, participation was lower, and it took longer to recover. Abnormal cytology prevalence was 1.4 times higher than expected in 2020 and 2021, with variations by age (range=1.1–1.5). From June 2020 onwards, the screening interval trend significantly changed from an increase of 0.59 to 3.57 months per year, resulting in a median time of 48 months by December 2021.ConclusionsDuring the pandemic, fewer women have participated in cervical cancer screening, abnormal cytology prevalence has increased, and the screening interval is more prolonged than before. The potential cervical cancer lifetime risk implications highlight the need for organized HPV-based screening

    Boosting mitochondria activity by silencing MCJ overcomes cholestasis-induced liver injury

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    Background & Aims: Mitochondria are the major organelles for the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the cell, and mitochondrial dysfunction has been described as a key factor in the pathogenesis of cholestatic liver disease. The methylation-controlled J-protein (MCJ) is a mitochondrial protein that interacts with and represses the function of complex I of the electron transport chain. The relevance of MCJ in the pathology of cholestasis has not yet been explored. Methods: We studied the relationship between MCJ and cholestasis-induced liver injury in liver biopsies from patients with chronic cholestatic liver diseases, and in livers and primary hepatocytes obtained from WT and MCJ-KO mice. Bile duct ligation (BDL) was used as an animal model of cholestasis, and primary hepatocytes were treated with toxic doses of bile acids. We evaluated the effect of MCJ silencing for the treatment of cholestasis-induced liver injury. Results: Elevated levels of MCJ were detected in the liver tissue of patients with chronic cholestatic liver disease when compared with normal liver tissue. Likewise, in mouse models, the hepatic levels of MCJ were increased. After BDL, MCJ-KO animals showed significantly decreased inflammation and apoptosis. In an in vitro model of bile-acid induced toxicity, we observed that the loss of MCJ protected mouse primary hepatocytes from bile acid-induced mitochondrial ROS over-production and ATP depletion, enabling higher cell viability. Finally, the in vivo inhibition of the MCJ expression, following BDL, showed reduced liver injury and a mitigation of the main cholestatic characteristics. Conclusions: We demonstrated that MCJ is involved in the progression of cholestatic liver injury, and our results identified MCJ as a potential therapeutic target to mitigate the liver injury caused by cholestasis. Lay summary: In this study, we examine the effect of mitochondrial respiratory chain inhibition by MCJ on bile acid-induced liver toxicity. The loss of MCJ protects hepatocytes against apoptosis, mitochondrial ROS overproduction, and ATP depletion as a result of bile acid toxicity. Our results identify MCJ as a potential therapeutic target to mitigate liver injury in cholestatic liver diseases.Acknowledgements: We thank MINECO for the Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditation of CIC bioGUNE [SEV-2016-0644]

    Vaccination adjuvated against hepatitis B in Spanish National Healthcare System (SNS) workers typed as non-responders to conventional vaccines

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    [EN] Trial Design: An interventional, phase 4, single group assignment, without masking (open label), preventive clinical trial was carried out in health workers with biological risk in their tasks, who have been filed as non-responders to conventional vaccination against Hepatitis B. Methods: 67 health workers with biological risk in their tasks, who have been filed as non-responders to conventional vaccination against Hepatitis B, were enrolled in the Clinical Trial. All participants were from 18 years up to 64 years old. Inclusion Criteria: NHS workers -including university students doing their internships in health centres dependent on the National Health System (inclusion of students is regulated and limited by specific instructions on labour prevention in each autonomous community)- classified as non-responders. The criteria defining them as non-responders to the conventional hepatitis B vaccine is anti HBsAb titers < 10 mUI/ml following the application of six doses of conventional vaccine at 20 lg doses (two complete guidelines). The objective of this study was to provide Health workersstaff with an additional protection tool against hepatitis B infection, and to evaluate the efficacy of the adjuvanted vaccine in healthy non-responders to conventional hepatitis B vaccine. The primary outcome was the measurement of antibody antiHBs before the first Fendrix dose and a month after the administration of each dose. Other outcome was collection of adverse effects during administration and all those that could be related to the vaccine and that occur within 30 days after each dose. In this study, only one group was assigned. There was no randomization or masking. Results: The participants were recruited between April 13, 2018 and October 31, 2019. 67 participants were enrolled in the Clinical Trial and included the analyses. The primary immunisation consists of 4 separate 0.5 ml doses of Fendrix , administered at the following schedule: 1 month, 2 months and 6 months from the date of the first dose. Once the positivity was reached in any of the doses, the participant finished the study and was not given the following doses. 68.66% (46 out 67) had a positive response to first dose of Fendrix. 57.14% (12 out 21) had a positive response to second dose of Fendrix . 22.22% (2 out 9) had a positive response to third dose of Fendrix and 42.96% (3 out 7) had a positive response to last dose of Fendrix. Overall, 94.02% (64 out 67) of participants had a positive response to Fendrix . No serious adverse event occurred. Conclusions: The use of Fendrix , is a viable vaccine alternative for NHS workers classified as ‘‘nonresponders”. Revaccination of healthy non-responders with Fendrix, resulted in very high proportions of responders without adverse events. Trial registration: The trial was registered in the Spanish National Trial Register (REEC), ClinicalTrials.gov and inclusion has been stopped (identifier NCT03410953; EudraCT-number 2016-004991-23). Funding: GRS 1360/A/16: Call for aid for the financing of research projects in biomedicine, health management and socio-health care to be developed in the centres of the Regional Health Management of Autonomous Community of Castile-Leon. In addition, this work has been supported by the Spanish Platform for Clinical Research and Clinical Trials, SCReN (Spanish Clinical Research Network), funded by the Subdirectorate General for Research Evaluation and Promotion of the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), through the project PT13/0002/0039 and project PT17/0017/0023 integrated in the State Plan for R&D&I 2013–2016 and co-financed by and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)