708 research outputs found

    New intravenous calcimimetic agents: New options, new problems. an example on how clinical, economical and ethical considerations affect choice of treatment

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    Background. Dialysis treatment is improving, but several long-term problems remain unsolved, including metabolic bone disease linked to chronic kidney disease (CKD-MBD). The availability of new, efficacious but expensive drugs (intravenous calcimimetic agents) poses ethical problems, especially in the setting of budget limitations. Methods. Reasons of choice, side effects, biochemical trends were discussed in a cohort of 15 patients (13% of the dialysis population) who stared treatment with intravenous calcimimetics in a single center. All patients had previously been treated with oral calcimimetic agents; dialysis efficacy was at target in 14/15; hemodiafiltration was employed in 10/15. Median Charlson Comorbidity Index was 8. The indications were discussed according to the principlist ethics (beneficience, non maleficience, justice and autonomy). Biochemical results were analyzed to support the clinical-ethical choices. Results. In the context of a strict clinical and biochemical surveillance, the lack of side effects ensured “non-maleficence”; efficacy was at least similar to oral calcimimetic agents, but tolerance was better. Autonomy was respected through a shared decision-making model; all patients appreciated the reduction of the drug burden, and most acknowledged better control of their biochemical data. The ethical conflict resides in the balance between the clinical “beneficience, non-maleficience” advantage and “justice” (economic impact of treatment, potentially in attrition with other resources, since the drug is expensive and included in the dialysis bundle). The dilemma is more relevant when a patient’s life expectancy is short (economic impact without clear clinical advantages), or when non-compliance is an issue (unclear advantage if the whole treatment is not correctly taken). Conclusions. In a context of person-centered medicine, autonomy, beneficence and non-maleficence should weight more than economic justice. While ethical discussions are not aimed at finding “the right answer” but asking “the right questions”, this example can raise awareness of the importance of including an ethical analysis in the choice of “economically relevant” drugs

    Wolfram Syndrome (Diabetes Insipidus, Diabetes, Optic Atrophy, and Deafness): Clinical and genetic study

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    OBJECTIVE—Wolfram syndrome is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by diabetes insipidus, diabetes (nonautoimmune), optic atrophy, and deafness (a set of conditions referred to as DIDMOAD). The WFS1 gene is located on the short arm of chromosome 4. Wolfram syndrome prevalence is 1 in 770,000 live births, with a 1 in 354 carrier frequency

    Improvement of diaphragmatic performance through orthotopic application of decellularized extracellular matrix patch.

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    AbstractMuscle tissue engineering can provide support to large congenital skeletal muscle defects using scaffolds able to allow cell migration, proliferation and differentiation. Acellular extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffold can generate a positive inflammatory response through the activation of anti-inflammatory T-cell populations and M2 polarized macrophages that together lead to a local pro-regenerative environment. This immunoregulatory effect is maintained when acellular matrices are transplanted in a xenogeneic setting, but it remains unclear whether it can be therapeutic in a model of muscle diseases. We demonstrated here for the first time that orthotopic transplantation of a decellularized diaphragmatic muscle from wild animals promoted tissue functional recovery in an established atrophic mouse model. In particular, ECM supported a local immunoresponse activating a pro-regenerative environment and stimulating host muscle progenitor cell activation and migration. These results indicate that acellular scaffolds may represent a suitable regenerative medicine option for improving performance of diseased muscles

    Deferasirox drives ROS-mediated differentiation and induces interferon-stimulated gene expression in human healthy haematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and in leukemia cells

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    Background: Administration of the iron chelator deferasirox (DFX) in transfusion-dependent patients occasionally results in haematopoiesis recovery by a mechanism remaining elusive. This study aimed to investigate at a molecular level a general mechanism underlying DFX beneficial effects on haematopoiesis, both in healthy and pathological conditions. Methods: Human healthy haematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HS/PCs) and three leukemia cell lines were treated with DFX. N-Acetyl cysteine (NAC) and fludarabine were added as antioxidant and STAT1 inhibitor, respectively. In vitro colony-forming assays were assessed both in healthy and in leukemia cells. Intracellular and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) as well as mitochondrial content were assessed by cytofluorimetric and confocal microscopy analysis; mtDNA was assessed by qRT-PCR. Differentiation markers were monitored by cytofluorimetric analysis. Gene expression analysis (GEA) was performed on healthy HS/PCs, and differently expressed genes were validated in healthy and leukemia cells by qRT-PCR. STAT1 expression and phosphorylation were assessed by Western blotting. Data were compared by an unpaired Student t test or one-way ANOVA. Results: DFX, at clinically relevant concentrations, increased the clonogenic capacity of healthy human CD34+ HS/PCs to form erythroid colonies. Extension of this analysis to human-derived leukemia cell lines Kasumi-1, K562 and HL60 confirmed DFX capacity to upregulate the expression of specific markers of haematopoietic commitment. Notably, the abovementioned DFX-induced effects are all prevented by the antioxidant NAC and accompanied with overproduction of mitochondria-generated reactive oxygen species (ROS) and increase of mitochondrial content and mtDNA copy number. GEA unveiled upregulation of genes linked to interferon (IFN) signalling and tracked back to hyper-phosphorylation of STAT1. Treatment of leukemic cell lines with NAC prevented the DFX-mediated phosphorylation of STAT1 as well as the expression of the IFN-stimulated genes. However, STAT1 inhibition by fludarabine was not sufficient to affect differentiation processes in leukemic cell lines. Conclusions: These findings suggest a significant involvement of redox signalling as a major regulator of multiple DFX-orchestrated events promoting differentiation in healthy and tumour cells. The understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying the haematological response by DFX would enable to predict patient's ability to respond to the drug, to extend treatment to other patients or to anticipate the treatment, regardless of the iron overload

    The Smc5/6 complex is required for dissolution of DNA-mediated sister chromatid linkages

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    Mitotic chromosome segregation requires the removal of physical connections between sister chromatids. In addition to cohesin and topological entrapments, sister chromatid separation can be prevented by the presence of chromosome junctions or ongoing DNA replication. We will collectively refer to them as DNA-mediated linkages. Although this type of structures has been documented in different DNA replication and repair mutants, there is no known essential mechanism ensuring their timely removal before mitosis. Here, we show that the dissolution of these connections is an active process that requires the Smc5/6 complex, together with Mms21, its associated SUMO-ligase. Failure to remove DNA-mediated linkages causes gross chromosome missegregation in anaphase. Moreover, we show that Smc5/6 is capable to dissolve them in metaphase-arrested cells, thus restoring chromosome resolution and segregation. We propose that Smc5/6 has an essential role in the removal of DNA-mediated linkages to prevent chromosome missegregation and aneuploidy

    Predição da resistência genética ao carrapato de bovinos Braford e Hereford a partir de um painel denso de marcadores moleculares.

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    O problema do carrapato bovino; A alternativa da seleção genômica; Resultados experimentais; Procedimentos para aplicação prática; Considerações finais.bitstream/item/77131/1/CT41.pd