5,193 research outputs found

    Brazil in the Twenty-First-Century International Trade: Challenges and Opportunities

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    This chapter discusses the impacts of globalization on international trade patterns and the required shifts in trade policies. Highlighting the effects of production fragmentation, geographic dispersion and the expansion of global value chains (GVCs), the chapter outlines the Brazilian experience to illustrate the difficulties that various countries face in acknowledging this economic reality and providing appropriate policy responses. It draws on the global value chains literature to analyze Brazil’s foreign trade policies implemented during the recent ruling of the Labor Party (PT) presidents Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff (2003 to 2015), discussing the Brazilian strategy (or the lack of one) to integrate into global value chains. Results of this exercise have led to the conclusion that a non–GVC-oriented trade policy has allowed Brazil to integrate only superficially into globalized international production and commercial flows. The chapter concludes providing an outlook on the policy shifts required for increasing Brazil’s insertion into global value chains and boosting a more prominent role in international trade

    Caracterização de suportes cerâmicos de óxido de titânio para tratamento de efluentes da área nuclear

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    O crescente desenvolvimento dos processos de separação por membranas (PSM) tem sido justificado por se tratar de uma técnica de separação de fácil operação e que, em geral, não envolve mudança de fase. Os PSM vêm se tornando uma tecnologia cada vez mais importante, com aplicação em diversas áreas para separar, concentrar ou purificar soluções. As membranas cerâmicas apresentam propriedades superiores as poliméricas, principalmente quanto a resistência química a solventes e condições extremas de temperatura e pH. Membranas cerâmicas são compostas por um suporte poroso, responsável pela resistência mecânica e recobertas por uma fina camada filtrante, responsável pela seletividade. Neste trabalho foram preparados suportes a base de óxido de titânio (TiO2), que apresenta alta estabilidade química, térmica, resistência a solventes orgânicos e aplicação em ampla faixa de pH (0-14). Foram preparadas três suspensões aquosas contendo, TiO2 e amido de milho nas concentrações de 0, 15 e 30%, agindo como formador de poros. As suspensões foram secas em Spray-Dryer, para obter uma mistura homogênea e granulada, o suporte foi compactado a pressão de 1,5 Kgfcm-2 na forma de discos cilíndricos de 2,5 cm de diâmetro e sinterizados nas temperaturas de 1100 e 1150°C. Os discos foram pesados e suas dimensões medidas para a determinação da densidade geométrica e porosidade. Testes de permeabilidade hidráulica foram realizados nas pressões de 1 a 4 bar. As condições de 1100°C sem adição de amido e 1150°C com 15% de amido apresentaram porosidades de 42% e 44%, respectivamente, valores próximos do sugerido na literatura, entre 35 – 40%

    Empatia e Vontade de Vencer: Dois Polos em Tensão Permanente no Esporte

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    In competitive sport, the pursuit of victory seems to require athletes a degree of "immorality." Intentional simulations and fouls, as well as teasing and even aggression are not exactly rare in team sports. Are these behaviors intrinsic to the practice of sports? It seems that such behaviors depend on a certain nullification or blockage of the empathic mechanisms in our brain, that is, for there to be a "will to win," less empathy is required than morality requires. However, empathic feelings are fundamental conditions for appropriate moral behavior. In this article, We will argue that during a competition, it is inevitable that athletes express conflicting sentiments and that there is an inherent tension in the sport between the will to win and empathy. These two impulses are always present in the sport, since they represent, on the one hand, the desire of the sportsman to be successful and, on the other, the desire to respect the adversary, in order to guarantee a fair competition. Combining these two features without making them void is perhaps the greatest value of competitive sport

    Environmental transmission of Toxoplasma gondii: Oocysts in water, soil and food

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a zoonotic protozoan parasite that can cause morbidity and mortality in humans, domestic animals, and terrestrial and aquatic wildlife. The environmentally robust oocyst stage of T. gondii is fundamentally critical to the parasite\u27s success, both in terms of its worldwide distribution as well as the extensive range of infected intermediate hosts. Despite the limited definitive host species (domestic and wild felids), infections have been reported on every continent, and in terrestrial as well as aquatic environments. The remarkable resistance of the oocyst wall enables dissemination of T. gondii through watersheds and ecosystems, and long-term persistence in diverse foods such as shellfish and fresh produce. Here, we review the key attributes of oocyst biophysical properties that confer their ability to disseminate and survive in the environment, as well as the epidemiological dynamics of oocyst sources including domestic and wild felids. This manuscript further provides a comprehensive review of the pathways by which T. gondii oocysts can infect animals and people through the environment, including in contaminated foods, water or soil. We conclude by identifying critical control points for reducing risk of exposure to oocysts as well as opportunities for future synergies and new directions for research aimed at reducing the burden of oocyst-borne toxoplasmosis in humans, domestic animals, and wildlife

    Taphoflora of Karroo in the Zambezi Basin (Tete region, Mozambique)

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    A small collection of plant impressions in ferruginous shales of the Productive Series of the Karroo System, in the Zambezi Basin, Mozambique, contains elements of a typical Glossopteris Flora including: Glossopteris communis Feistm., G. browniana Brongn., G. indica Schimper, G. cf. occidentalis White, G. stricta Bunbury, G. angustifolia Brongn., G. cf. G. longicaulis Feistm., G. cf. G. ampla Dana, Gangamopteris obovata (Carr.) White, Umbellaphyllites cf. U. ivini Rigby, Paracalamites australis Rigby, scaleleaves and seeds. Some species as Glossopteris occidentalis White and Umbellaphyllites ivini Rigby are for tre frrst time recorded in African Gondwanaland. This taphoflora suggests an Artinskian age for the Productive Series

    A importância de jogos na disciplina de matemática nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O presente artigo aborda a utilização dos jogos no ensino de Matemática, sendo considerado como um importante recurso pedagógico em virtude de possibilitar uma interação maior entre o educando e o conteúdo, por meio da mobilização de fatores afetivos, sociais e cognitivos. A metodologia empregada foi à pesquisa bibliográfica e aplicada, sendo possível constatar, ao seu final, que o docente encontra nos jogos um importante componente no âmbito da sua prática pedagógica no tocante ao ensino de Matemática. Palavras-chave: Jogos; metodologia; matemática; prática pedagógic

    Occurrence of viruses and stunting diseases and estimative of yield losses by mollicutes in corn in Paraná State, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a incidência de viroses e enfezamentos e estimar as perdas causadas por enfezamentos na cultura do milho safrinha. Os diagnósticos baseados em sintomas foram confirmados por PCR ou RTPCR. Em todas as lavouras, foram identificadas plantas com sintomas de enfezamentos, em incidência de 6,2% a 49,9% (média de 20,7%). Na identificação de insetos vetores desses patógenos, a cigarrinha Dalbulus maidis foi detectada em 20 lavouras das 24 amostradas, constituindo 66,6% do total de espécimens de cigarrinhas coletadas. A perda potencial causada pelos enfezamentos no período foi estimada em cerca de 16,5 milhões de dólares. A ocorrência de plantas com sintomas de "Maize rayado fino virus" e "Maize dwarf mosaic virus" foi baixa e o diagnóstico confirmado por RTPCR. A análise de 441 amostras suspeitas de infecção por "Mal de Río Cuarto virus", por DASELISA, mostrou ausência desse vírus. Resultados de PCR indicaram a presença de um possível fitoplasma distinto de "Maize bushy stunt phytoplasma" em duas plantas apresentando nanismo acentuado, folhas estreitas, enrijecidas, com deformações, e grãos na inflorescência, havendo necessidade de mais estudos para a confirmação da identidade desse possível novo fitoplasma.The objective of this work was to evaluate the occurence and yield losses by corn stunting diseases and maize viruses in "safrinha" season. Disease diagnostics based on plant symptoms were confirmed by PCR or RTPCR assays. Insect samples were collected in 24 fields for identification of vectors of the pathogens. Corn stunting diseases symptoms were observed in all crops evaluated, with incidence levels ranging from 6.2% to 49.9% (average 20.7%) and the presence of the leafhopper Dalbulus maidis, was detected in 20 of the 24 areas evaluated. This insect species was prevalent, representing 66,6% of total leafhoppers specimens collected. The potential yield losses caused by mollicutes was estimated around US$ 16.5 million. Few plants showing Maize rayado fino virus and Maize dwarf mosaic virus symptoms were found and virus infection was confirmed by RTPCR. Mal de Río Cuarto virus was not detected in all 441 plants analyzed by DASELISA. Results of PCR assays indicated the presence of a possible phytoplasma different from maize bushy stunt phytoplasma in two stunting maize plants showing leaves distortions and grain in the inflorescence. However, new studies should be done to confirm the identity of this possible new phytoplasma

    A negative effect of a pathogen on its vector? A plant pathogen increases the vulnerability of its vector to attack by natural enemies

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    Plant pathogens that are dependent on arthropod vectors for transmission from host to host may enhance their own success by promoting vector survival and/or performance. The effect of pathogens on vectors may be direct or indirect, with indirect effects mediated by increases in host quality or reductions in the vulnerability of vectors to natural enemies. We investigated whether the bird cherry-oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi, a vector of cereal yellow dwarf virus (CYDV) in wheat, experiences a reduction in rates of attack by the parasitoid wasp Aphidius colemani when actively harboring the plant pathogen. We manipulated the vector status of aphids (virus carrying or virus free) and evaluated the impact on the rate of attack by wasps. We found that vector status did not influence the survival or fecundity of aphids in the absence of parasitoids. However, virus-carrying aphids experienced higher rates of parasitism and greater overall population suppression by parasitoid wasps than virus-free aphids. Moreover, virus-carrying aphids were accepted as hosts by wasps more often than virus-free aphids, with a greater number of wasps stinging virus-carrying aphids following assessment by antennal palpations than virus-free aphids. Therefore, counter to the prevailing idea that persistent vector-borne pathogens enhance the performance of their vectors, we found that infectious aphids actively carrying a plant pathogen experience greater vulnerability to natural enemies. Our results suggest that parasitoids may contribute to the successful biological control of CYDV by disproportionately impacting virus-carrying vectors, and thus reducing the proportion of vectors in the population that are infectious

    A negative effect of a pathogen on its vector? A plant pathogen increases the vulnerability of its vector to attack by natural enemies

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    Plant pathogens that are dependent on arthropod vectors for transmission from host to host may enhance their own success by promoting vector survival and/or performance. The effect of pathogens on vectors may be direct or indirect, with indirect effects mediated by increases in host quality or reductions in the vulnerability of vectors to natural enemies. We investigated whether the bird cherry-oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi, a vector of cereal yellow dwarf virus (CYDV) in wheat, experiences a reduction in rates of attack by the parasitoid wasp Aphidius colemani when actively harboring the plant pathogen. We manipulated the vector status of aphids (virus carrying or virus free) and evaluated the impact on the rate of attack by wasps. We found that vector status did not influence the survival or fecundity of aphids in the absence of parasitoids. However, virus-carrying aphids experienced higher rates of parasitism and greater overall population suppression by parasitoid wasps than virus-free aphids. Moreover, virus-carrying aphids were accepted as hosts by wasps more often than virus-free aphids, with a greater number of wasps stinging virus-carrying aphids following assessment by antennal palpations than virus-free aphids. Therefore, counter to the prevailing idea that persistent vector-borne pathogens enhance the performance of their vectors, we found that infectious aphids actively carrying a plant pathogen experience greater vulnerability to natural enemies. Our results suggest that parasitoids may contribute to the successful biological control of CYDV by disproportionately impacting virus-carrying vectors, and thus reducing the proportion of vectors in the population that are infectious