7,442 research outputs found

    Il giardino dei Finzi-Contini: le cuciture del tessuto narrativo

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    The underlying narrative techniques of the novel Il giardino dei Finzi Contini are revealed through close analysis of the text. The wide variety of these techniques include different forms of dilation, especially that of temporal digression. Taken together, they reflect the disturbances in the world and in historical time represented in the novel. The study of all these techniques is carried out in the light of other works by Bassani and the considerable volume of critical essays on him that have been published in recent years

    Teatro y antipsiquiatría en Italia: el caso de Marco Cavallo (1973)

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    El 25 de febrero de 1973, en Trieste, una comitiva en la que participaban enfermos y médicos abrió una brecha en el muro del manicomio de San Giovanni y salió a desfilar por la ciudad en torno a un gran caballo de color azul, construido con madera y cartón-piedra. Era el punto culminante de un intenso laboratorio teatral, que había durado dos meses. Los dos principales promotores del evento fueron G. Scabia, conocido hombre de teatro, y F. Basaglia, el director del hospital y alma de la notoria y polémica Ley 180, de 1978, que abolió los manicomios en Italia. El acontecimiento, mítico, de “Marco Cavallo” fue la punta del iceberg de un completo programa de rehumanización de los enfermos. Una experiencia, que aquí se describe, analiza y valora, en la que el teatro ayudó a dar visibilidad y a propiciar la comprensión de un grave problema social. Palabras clave: Marco Cavallo; siglo XX; teatro social; antipsiquiatría; Giuliano Scabia; Franco Basaglia.On the 25th of February 1973 a committee composed of doctors and their patients knocked down part of the walls of the San Giovanni asylum in Trieste and went out into the streets to march through the city behind a huge blue horse made of wood and papier maché. It was the culminating moment of an intensive two-month theatre workshop. The two main promoters of all this were G. Scabia, a well-known man of the theatre, and F. Basaglia, the director of the hospital. He was at the heart of the notorious and polemical Law 180 of 1978 which abolished mental asylums in Italy. The mythical event of “Marco the Horse” was the tip of the iceberg of a full programme of rehumanization of the mentally ill. The present article describes the phenomenon, analyses it and weighs up its impact as a theatrical event that gave visibility to a serious social problem and helped it to be better understood. Keywords: Marco Cavallo; XX Century; Social theatre; Anti-psychiatry; Giuliano Scabia; Franco Basaglia

    Policies and Motivations for the CO2 Valorization through the Sabatier Reaction Using Structured Catalysts. A Review of the Most Recent Advances

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    The current scenario where the effects of global warming are more and more evident, has motivated different initiatives for facing this, such as the creation of global policies with a clear environmental guideline. Within these policies, the control of Greenhouse Gase (GHG) emissions has been defined as mandatory, but for carrying out this, a smart strategy is proposed. This is the application of a circular economy model, which seeks to minimize the generation of waste and maximize the efficient use of resources. From this point of view, CO2 recycling is an alternative to reduce emissions to the atmosphere, and we need to look for new business models which valorization this compound which now must be considered as a renewable carbon source. This has renewed the interest in known processes for the chemical transformation of CO2 but that have not been applied at industrial level because they do not offer evident profitability. For example, the methane produced in the Sabatier reaction has a great potential for application, but this depends on the existence of a sustainable supply of hydrogen and a greater efficiency during the process that allows maximizing energy efficiency and thermal control to maximize the methane yield. Regarding energy efficiency and thermal control of the process, the use of structured reactors is an appropriate strategy. The evolution of new technologies, such as 3D printing, and the consolidation of knowledge in the structing of catalysts has enabled the use of these reactors to develop a wide range of possibilities in the field. In this sense, the present review presents a brief description of the main policies that have motivated the transition to a circular economy model and within this, to CO2 recycling. This allows understanding, why efforts are being focused on the development of different reactions for CO2 valorization. Special attention to the case of the Sabatier reaction and in the application of structured reactors for such process is paid

    Las alianzas en el inicio del mercado del cable en España : un enfoque institucional

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    El presente trabajo analiza las alianzas en el mercado del cable español en el momento inmediatamente anterior a la convocatoria de los concursos a las diferentes demarcaciones (principios de 1997). Partiendo de que uno de los objetivos de la regulación es contribuir a la estabilidad del mercado y después de mostrar algunos de los principales motivos para la alianza, hemos dividido los operadores de cable en tres grupos estratégicos: modestos, intermedios y grandes operadores. Entre las características de este último grupo destacan una mayoría de socios financieros y una reducida presencia de empresas extranjeras. Este artículo abre el camino a posteriores análisisThis article discusses alliances in cable at the first moment in the development of this business. The main objective of regulation is to stabilize new markets. Cable operators are divided into three groups: small, medium-sized and large operators. The last group is very interesting because of the prevalence of banks and electric companies as shareholders. Aside from these entities, there are a few foreign stockholders in Spanish cable. These are the main characteristics of large operators. This work opens avenues to future research

    Challenges and Opportunities for Regional Public Service Media: A Singular Case Study in Europe

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    Technological convergence has forced television networks to reinvent themselves as multiplatform online distribution media, which may lead such networks to question the utility of the public media system and its financing models. At the same time, a global economic crisis caused budget cuts for public service broadcasters, forcing the closure of some of them. First, it was the Greek ERT in June 2013. The same year, in November, a regional Spanish public television was closed as well; this was also due to political decisions. This article presents a study of the reopening of this regional Spanish Public Service Media (PSM) in 2018. This is a singular case in Europe, as it was the first PSM that was conceived from the outset as a convergent media network. The results show many challenges related to political action, which reveal the need for an effective governance system that can provide PSM that are neutral and independent

    Dal libro allo schermo: ragione e sentimento nella filmografia bassaniana

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    This is a detailed study of the film adaptations of three prose works by Giorgio Bassani that have been made for the commercial cinema during three decades: La lunga notte del ’43 (1960), Il giardino dei Finzi Contini (1970) and Gli occhiali d’oro (1987). The analysis of the films is centred principally on the respective directors (Florestano Vancini, Vittorio De Sica, Giuliano Montaldo), the scripts, actors, technical visual aspects and scores, but it is above all a comparison between the three films and the narratives on which they are based, in which use is made of the statements and recorded opinions of Bassani himself. The three films are all very different from one another. Attention is drawn to the distinctive characteristics of each, considering them as works whose autonomy goes beyond that of the respective literary original. In short, this chapter is an attempt to draw out the meaning of the adaptations and to evaluate to what extent the films may be considered interpretations or defined readings of the prose narratives in each case.Studio degli adattamenti cinematografici delle tre narrazioni di Giorgio Bassani che nel giro di un trentennio hanno raggiunto il pubblico delle sale commerciali: La lunga notte del ’43 (1960), Il giardino dei Finzi Contini (1970), Gli occhiali d’oro (1987). Nell’analisi condotta, si bada principalmente ai rispettivi registi (Florestano Vancini, Vittorio De Sica, Giuliano Montaldo), alle sceneggiature, agli interpreti, alla tecnica dell’immagine, alla partitura musicale ma soprattutto al confronto fra i film e le opere letterarie, anche sulla base delle testimonianze e dei giudizi dello stesso Bassani. Sono tre casi ben diversi. Si sottolineano i tratti più caratteristici di ogni film, intesi come opere artisticamente autonome, al di là dei punti letterari di partenza. Si tenta insomma di comprendere il senso delle tre diverse operazioni di adattamento e di stabilire fino a che punto esse costituiscano o meno interpretazioni o letture apprezzabili delle opere di partenza

    Los pasos apresurados, de Dacia Maraini

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    Passi affrettati (Pasos apresurados) es una obra nacida en el año 2005 de la mano de Dacia Maraini, su autora, una mujer experimentada y relevante en el campo de las letras y del teatro italiano. De duración corta-media se propone clara y directamente como un teatro de intervención social sobre el maltrato y la violencia contra las mujeres. Parte de la narración-representación de ocho historias «ejemplares» verídicas, procedentes de diversas partes del mundo, protagonizadas por mujeres. Prevé un formato de lectura dramatizada de fácil transporte y siempre un debate final con el público asistente. Su alta eficacia queda probada por las numerosas representaciones exitosas habidas, normalmente en circuitos parateatrales, en toda Italia y también en otros países. Un teatro de combate, pues, propuesto desde la persuasión y el diálogo. Aquí se analizan las estrategias y los mecanismos (de escritura, de puesta en escena, de la entera función) precisos como un reloj, que están en la base de esta pieza dramática aparentemente sencilla pero en realidad muy elaborada.Passi affrettati (Hurried Steps) was written in 2005 by Dacia Maraini, an experienced playwright with an outstanding profile in the world of Italian literature and theatre. The medium-length play, which develops the theme of mistreatment of women and domestic violence, belongs very clearly to the theatre of social commitment. It takes the form of a dramatized narration structured around eight true «exemplary» stories drawn from several parts of the world, all which have women as their protagonists. This format is conceived as one which allows it to be taken easily taken from place to place, and it always ends with a discussion with the audience. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated by the numerous successful performances there have been, normally in the para-theatrical circuits, in many parts of Italy and also in other countries. It is a theatre of social struggle, a vehicle of persuasion and dialogue. The present study analyzes the strategies and mechanisms (the written text, the mise en scène, the theatrical event as a whole), all as precise as clockwork, that underlie this outwardly simply but actually highly elaborate piece of theatre

    A Cholinergic Synaptically Triggered Event Participates in the Generation of Persistent Activity Necessary for Eye Fixation

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    An exciting topic regarding integrative properties of the nervous system is how transient motor commands or brief sensory stimuli are able to evoke persistent neuronal changes, mainly as a sustained, tonic action potential firing. A persisting firing seems to be necessary for postural maintenance after a previous movement. We have studied in vitro and in vivo the generation of the persistent neuronal activity responsible for eye fixation after spontaneous eye movements. Rat sagittal brainstem slices were used for the intracellular recording of prepositus hypoglossi (PH) neurons and their synaptic activation from nearby paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) neurons. Single electrical pulses applied to the PPRF showed a monosynaptic glutamatergic projection on PH neurons, acting on AMPA-kainate receptors. Train stimulation of the PPRF area evoked a sustained depolarization of PH neurons exceeding (by hundreds of milliseconds) stimulus duration. Both duration and amplitude of this sustained depolarization were linearly related to train frequency. The train-evoked sustained depolarization was the result of interaction between glutamatergic excitatory burst neurons and cholinergic mesopontine reticular fibers projecting onto PH neurons, because it was prevented by slice superfusion with cholinergic antagonists and mimicked by cholinergic agonists. As expected, microinjections of cholinergic antagonists in the PH nucleus of alert behaving cats evoked a gaze-holding deficit consisting of a re-centering drift of the eye after each saccade. These findings suggest that a slow, cholinergic, synaptically triggered event participates in the generation of persistent activity characteristic of PH neurons carrying eye position signals.Unión Europea Grants BI04-CT98-0546España, Ministerio de Ciencia PB98-0011, BFI2000-00936, BFI2000-1190, y BFI2002-0137