772 research outputs found

    Comparative Exoproteome Analysis of Streptococcus suis Human Isolates

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    The swine pathogen Streptococcus suis is a Gram-positive bacterium which causes infections in pigs, with an impact in animal health and in the livestock industry, and it is also an important zoonotic agent. During the infection process, surface and secreted proteins are essential in the interaction between microorganisms and their hosts. Here, we report a comparative proteomic analysis of the proteins released to the extracellular milieu in six human clinical isolates belonging to the highly prevalent and virulent serotype 2. The total secreted content was precipitated and analyzed by GeLC-MS/MS. In the six strains, 144 proteins assigned to each of the categories of extracellular or surface proteins were identified, as well as 680 predicted cytoplasmic proteins, many of which are putative moonlighting proteins. Of the nine predicted signal peptide-I secreted proteins, seven had relevant antigenic potential when they were analyzed through bioinformatic analysis. This is the first work comparing the exoproteome fraction of several human isolates of this important pathogen

    Strategies of the Spanish press in the face of the Twitter algorithm change. Analysis of tweets published between 2018-2020

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    Twitter recently celebrated its 15th anniversary. During this period, the platform has gone through several phases, culminating in a record number of subscribers and profits in 2021. Twitter is a household name all over the world and people know what it can or cannot provide, independent of the future growth that it may experience with new investments and updates. This article aims to verify two interrelated hypotheses, namely: the Spanish press already knows how to optimise the social network Twitter, as three decades have elapsed since its launch; and, secondly, the algorithm modification implemented by Twitter in 2018 has triggered a change in the positioning of the headers studied in this social network. In order to demonstrate both, the object of analysis will be conducted by a mixed approach through quantitative statistical processes (which will study the number of impacts and retweets and likes obtained), and inductive qualitative methods such as semi-structured interviews. This multidisciplinary approach will provide a more complete and in-depth analysis of the phenomenon. The research focuses on the period between 2018 and 2020, and addresses the participation on Twitter of the four main traditional newspapers (El País, La Vanguardia, ABC and El Mundo) as well as four native digital newspapers (20 Minutos, El Español, elDiario.es and El Huffpost). The analysis comprises more than 1.5 million tweets among the eight chosen newspapers.Twitter acaba de celebrar su decimoquinto aniversario. Durante este periodo, la plataforma ha pasado varias fases que han culminado con un récord de suscriptores y beneficios en 2021. El mundo conoce Twitter y sabe qué es lo que puede o no proporcionar, aparte de las posibilidades de crecimiento que pueda experimentar en caso de potenciales inversiones. En el presente artículo se pretende comprobar dos hipótesis interrelacionadas, a saber: la prensa española en castellano ya sabe cómo optimizar la red social Twitter, por haber transcurrido tres lustros desde su puesta en marcha; y, en segundo lugar, el cambio de algoritmo implementado por Twitter en 2018 que ha desencadenado un cambio de posicionamiento de las cabeceras estudiadas en esta red social. Con el propósito de demostrar ambas, se abordará el objeto de análisis desde un enfoque mixto a través de procesos cuantitativos estadísticos (que estudiarán el número de impactos y de retuits y likes obtenidos), y métodos cualitativos inductivos como entrevistas semiestructuradas a los responsables de redes de los medios involucrados. Esta aproximación mixta proporcionará un análisis más completo y profundo sobre el fenómeno. La investigación se centra en el período comprendido entre 2018 y 2020, y aborda la participación en Twitter de cuatro periódicos tradicionales (El País, La Vanguardia, ABC y El Mundo), así como de cuatro periódicos nativos digitales (20 Minutos, El Español, elDiario.es y El Huffpost). El análisis comprende más de 1,5 millones de tuits entre los ocho periódicos elegidos

    Microprocessor board for vitro ceramic control

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    This paper presents the industrial application of a microcontroller for a vitroceramic cooker. The vitroceramic surface is clustered into a matrix with of cells, each one containing one heating resistor and one infrared emitter- receiver pair which detects the presence or absence of a receptacle on its cell. With this information, a microcontroller fires only those resistors arranged under the base of a receptacle. This patented vitroceramic cooker presents many advantages over traditional ones; for instance, power consumption is optimized, as only the useful ceramic surface is heated. Furthermore, when the object is removed from the surface, the heating resistors are powered off, so there is no risk for the fires being left on, which is of great interest for blind people. Acoustic signals can also be generated indicating the existence of heated resistors

    Evolución de los flujos de rentas por intereses en España entre 1995 y 1999

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    Artículo de revistaLas variaciones de los tipos de interes afectan, entre otros, a las rentas que los agentes obtienen y pagan por sus activos financieros y pasivos, pero no es posible establecer a priori si el impacto de esos cambios favorece la transmision de la politica monetaria, pues esto depende, entre otros factores, del saldo financiero inicial de cada agente. En este articulo se ha evaluado este ultimo tipo de efectos y su contribucion a la transmision de dicha politica. (ad

    Cell therapy for factor V deficiency: an approach based on human decidua mesenchymal stem cells

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    Deficiency of factor V is a congenital autosomal recessive coagulopathy associated with mutations in the F5 gene that results in mild-to-severe bleeding episodes. Factor V is a component of the prothrombinase complex responsible for accelerating conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. At the present time there are no therapeutic factor V concentrates available. This study was designed to lay the preliminary foundations for future cell-based therapy for patients with severe factor V deficiency. The study showed that hepatospheres, which produce coagulation factors VIII, IX, and V, synthetize and store intracellular glycogen and express albumin levels up to 8 times higher than those of undifferentiated cells. Factor IX and factor V gene expression increased significantly in hepatospheres as compared to undifferentiated cells, whereas factor VIII gene expression remained constant. The factor V protein was detected in the hepatospheres´ secretome. Considering the enormous potential of mesenchymal stem cells as therapeutic agents, this study proposes a highly reproducible method to induce differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells from human placenta to factor V-producing hepatospheres. This strategy constitutes a preliminary step towards a curative treatment of factor V deficiency through advanced therapies such as cell therapy

    Evaluación del riesgo medioambiental en sistemas agropecuarios

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    7 páginas, 5 figuras y 2 esquemasLas actividades agropecuarias, agricultura y ganadería, son motivo de consideración actual dentro de la investigación y valoración de riesgos ambientales debido a dos hechos relevantes: la utilización de plaguicidas y la generación de volúmenes importantes de desechos ganaderos. La generación de volúmenes de desechos ganaderos es una gran preocupación medioambiental y dado que existe poca investigación en la materia ha llevado a varios grupos de investigación a dedicar sus esfuerzos a este campo. El riesgo ambiental está basado en tres consideraciones: las características de toxicidad de la sustancia que se incorpora al medio, su comportamiento ambiental y su capacidad de contactar con un ser vivo (receptor biológico). Lo primero que salta a la vista es que estamos considerando una "mezcla compleja", sin embargo, los conceptos de riesgo son igualmente necesarios si pretendemos investigar "la probabilidad de que ocurra un daño por desechos ganaderos en el medio ambiente.CISA-INIA ValdeolmosETSI - Agrónomos U.P. MadridCentro de Ciencias Medioambientales- CSIC MadridPeer reviewe