123 research outputs found

    El concepto de “minoría” como controversia político-jurídica en su aplicación a la comunidad gitana española

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    Ante la realidad del ¿porqué la comunidad gitana española aún no se siente reconocida por las instituciones? el objetivo fue descubrir una de las claves que justifican la desconfianza que aún mantiene esta población sobre la acción institucional en el reconocimiento de sus derechos. El hacer un breve recorrido sobre el debate del concepto de minoría, desde el ámbito del Derecho internacional, en el espacio europeo y español, sin olvidar la literatura jurídica crítica, nos ha desvelado la ambigüedad del término y, en consecuencia, la arbitrariedad en su aplicación, en función de la percepción y sensibilidad que sobre las minorías y la convivencia intercultural tienen los Estados y en concreto el español, manifestada en la Constitución de 1978.Faced with the reality of why is the Spanish gypsy community still do not feel recognized by the institutions? the aim was to discover one of the keys that justify the distrust that still maintains this population on institutional action in the recognition of their rights. Making a brief tour on the discussion of the concept of minority, from the field of international law, European and Spanish space, not to mention the legal literature criticism, has revealed to us the ambiguity of the term and, therefore, arbitrary in its application, de pending on the perception and sensitivity on minorities and intercultural coexistence of States and in particular the Spanish, manifested in the 1978 Constitutio

    Cultura convencional "versus" cultura marginal en los espacios educativos ecuatorianos

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    El éxodo rural con punto de destino la ciudad de Manta ha duplicado la población urbana en los últimos 10 años. Sin embargo, este crecimiento demográfico en progresión geométrica no ha ido acompañado del crecimiento económico que mantiene un suceder en progresión aritmética. El resultado ha sido la génesis de bolsas de pobreza urbanas que se manifiestan con su propia cultura de supervivencia y que convive, de forma paralela y violenta, con la cultura urbana convencional, impregnando todos los espacios de interacción, entre ellos el educativo.The rural exodus with destination point of the city of Manta has doubled the urban population in the past 10 years. However, this population growth in geometric progression has not been accompanied by economic growth that keeps a happening in arithmetic progression.The result has been the genesis of pockets of urban poverty that manifest themselves with the same culture of survival and that coexists in parallel and violent way with the conventional urban culture; permeating all the spaces for interaction including education

    Effects of a N-Maleimide-derivatized Phosphatidylethanolamine on the Architecture and Properties of Lipid Bilayers

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    N-maleimide-derivatized phospholipids are often used to facilitate protein anchoring to membranes. In autophagy studies, this is applied to the covalent binding of Atg8, an autophagy protein, to a phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in the nascent autophagosome. However, the question remains on how closely the N-maleimide PE derivative (PE-mal) mimicks the native PE in the bilayer. In the present paper, spectroscopic and calorimetric techniques have been applied to vesicles containing either PE or PE-mal (together with other phospholipids) to compare the properties of the native and derivatized forms of PE. According to differential scanning calorimetry, and to infrared spectroscopy, the presence of PE-mal did not perturb the fatty acyl chains in the bilayer. Fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy showed that PE-mal did not alter the bilayer permeability either. However, fluorescence emission polarization of the Laurdan and DPH probes indicated an increased order, or decreased fluidity, in the bilayers containing PE-mal. In addition, the infrared spectral data from the phospholipid phosphate region revealed a PE-mal-induced conformational change in the polar heads, accompanied by increased hydration. Globally considered, the results suggest that PE-mal would be a reasonable substitute for PE in model membranes containing reconstituted proteins.This work was funded in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (MCIU), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (grant No. PID2021-124461NB-I00), the Basque Government (grant No. IT1625-22), Fundación Ramón Areces (CIVP20A6619), Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia and the Basque Excellence Research Centre (BERC) program of the Basque Government. E.J.G.-R. was supported by Fundación Ramón Areces. Y.R.V. was a recipient of a pre-doctoral FPU fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (FPU18/00799). U.B. thanks the University of the Basque Country for a pre-doctoral contract

    Clinical and Non-Clinical Variables Associated With Preventive and Curative Dental Service Utilisation: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Adolescents and Young Adults in Central Mexico

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    Objective The present study aimed to identify preventive and curative dental health service utilisation (DHSU) in the context of associated clinical and non-clinical factors among adolescents and young adults in Mexico. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Applicants to a public university in Mexico. Participants Participants were 638 adolescents and young adults aged 16–25 randomly selected from university applicants. Interventions Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire filled out by the students. For assessment of dental caries experience, we used the index of decayed, missing and filled teeth. Primary outcome The dependent variable was DHSU in the previous 12 months, coded as 0=non-use, 1=use of curative services and 2=use of preventive services. Results The mean age was 18.76±1.76 years, and 49.2% were women. The prevalence of DHSU was 40.9% (95% CI 37.1 to 44.8) for curative services and 22.9% (95% CI 19.7 to 26.3) for preventive services. The variables associated with curative services were age, sex, mother’s education, dental pain in the previous 12 months, caries experience, use of self-care devices and oral health knowledge. For preventive services, the variables associated were mother’s education, dental pain in the previous 12 months, caries experience, use of self-care devices and self-perception of oral health. Conclusions While differences emerged by type of service, a number of variables (sociodemographic and socioeconomic characteristics as well as dental factors) remained in the final model. Greater oral health needs and socioeconomic inequalities remained as predictors of both types of DHSU. Given the differences revealed by our study, oral health policies should refer those seeking dental care for oral diseases to preventive services, and promote the use of such services among the poorer and less educated population groups

    Identificación de riesgos bioemocionales en gestantes adolescentes de E.S.E Hospital San Vicente de Paúl de Santa Rosa de Cabal. 2018

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    Introducción: el embarazo adolescente se ha convertido en una problemática de salud pública que se presenta en todos los estratos económicos de la sociedad. El grado de vulnerabilidad de los adolescentes depende de factores, susceptibilidades y cambios biosociales propios de esa etapa, además de los efectos positivos y negativos de los microambientes, la cultura y el contexto, los cuales generan una combinación de factores de riesgos. El inicio de esta investigación sobre los cambios bioemocionales en las gestantes adolescentes del hospital San Vicente de Santa Rosa, mostrará la problemática social y emocional que aqueja a la sociedad en el desarrollo de las adolescentes y en las consecuencias que trae para el bebé que viene en camino. Por ende, se reconoce el embarazo adolescente como riesgo de tipo biológico y social, en el cual las adolescentes pueden expresar su sentir ante un embarazo y la consecuencia de la maternidad. (Monroy, 2011)

    Identificación de riesgos bioemocionales en gestantes adolescentes de E.S.E Hospital San Vicente de Paúl de Santa Rosa de Cabal. 2018

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    Introducción: el embarazo adolescente se ha convertido en una problemática de salud pública que se presenta en todos los estratos económicos de la sociedad. El grado de vulnerabilidad de los adolescentes depende de factores, susceptibilidades y cambios biosociales propios de esa etapa, además de los efectos positivos y negativos de los microambientes, la cultura y el contexto, los cuales generan una combinación de factores de riesgos. El inicio de esta investigación sobre los cambios bioemocionales en las gestantes adolescentes del hospital San Vicente de Santa Rosa, mostrará la problemática social y emocional que aqueja a la sociedad en el desarrollo de las adolescentes y en las consecuencias que trae para el bebé que viene en camino. Por ende, se reconoce el embarazo adolescente como riesgo de tipo biológico y social, en el cual las adolescentes pueden expresar su sentir ante un embarazo y la consecuencia de la maternidad. (Monroy, 2011)

    Ecuaciones de referencia de la capacidad aeróbica máxima ciclo-ergoespirometría para la población española adulta

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    [EN] Background: Frequently used reference values for clinical exercise testing have been derived from non-random samples and some with poorly defined maximal criteria. Our objective was to obtain population based reference values for peak oxygen uptake ( ̇VO2 ) and work rate (WR) for cardiopulmonary exercise testing in a representative sample of Caucasian Spanish men and women. Methods: 182 men and women, 20–85 years old, were included and exercised on cycle-ergometer to exhaustion. ( ̇VO2 ) and WR were measured. The equations obtained from this sample were validated in an independent cohort of 69 individuals, randomly sampled form the same population. Then a final equation merging the two cohorts (=251) was produced. Results: Height, sex and age resulted predictive of both ̇VO2 peak and WR. Weight and physical activity added very little to the accuracy to the equations. The formulas ̇VO2 peak = 0.017 · height (cm) − 0.023 · age (years) + 0.864 · sex (female = 0/male = 1) ± 179 l min−1 , and peak WR = 1.345 · height (cm) − 2.074 · age (years) + 76.54 · sex (female = 0/male = 1) ± 21.2 W were the best compromise between accuracy and parsimony. Conclusions: This study provides new and accurate ̇VO2 peak and WR rate reference values for individuals of European Spanish descent[ES] Antecedentes: Los valores de referencia utilizados con frecuencia para las pruebas de esfuerzo clínicas derivan de muestras no aleatorias y los criterios máximos para algunos de ellos están mal definidos. Nuestro objetivo fue obtener valores de referencia basados en la población general para el consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO 2 ) y la carga de trabajo (CT) para las pruebas de ejercicio cardiopulmonar a partir de una muestra representativa de varones y mujeres caucásicos españoles. Métodos: Se incluyeron 182 varones y mujeres, de entre 20 y 85 a ̃nos, que realizaron ejercicio en el cicloergómetro hasta el agotamiento. Se midieron el VO 2 y la CT. Las ecuaciones obtenidas de esta muestra se validaron en una cohorte independiente de 69 individuos, seleccionados aleatoriamente de la misma población. A continuación, se creó una ecuación final que fusionó las dos cohortes (n = 251). Resultados: La altura, el sexo y la edad resultaron predictivos tanto del ̇VO2 máximo como de la CT. El peso y la actividad física contribuyeron muy poco a la precisión de las ecuaciones. Las fórmulas ̇VO2 máximo = 0,017 × altura (cm) − 0,023 × edad (a ̃nos) + 0,864 × sexo (mujer = 0/varón = 1) ± 179 L × min−1 ; y CT máxima = 1,345 × altura (cm) − 2,074 × edad (a ̃nos) + 76,54 × sexo (mujer = 0/varón = 1) ± 21,2 W fueron el mejor equilibrio entre precisión y parsimonia. Conclusiones: Este estudio proporciona valores de referencia del ̇VO 2 máximo y la CT nuevos y precisos para personas de ascendencia espa ̃nola europea.This study was supported by a SEPAR (Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica/Spanish society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery) grant and NEUMOMADRD (Sociedad Madrileña de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica/Madrilenian Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery) research award

    The registry of home artificial nutrition and ambulatory of the Spanish society of parenteral and enteral nutrition: Swot analysis

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    Objetivo: Evidenciar mediante un análisis DAFO-R realizado por consenso de expertos las características más acuciantes del registro de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria. Material y método: Análisis DAFO-R por consenso de expertos. Se solicitó la participación de los miembros del grupo NADYA activos en los últimos 5 años bajo la premisa de estructurar el DAFO-R sobre las características del registro NADYA desde su inicio. Resultados: Han participado 18 expertos de diferentes hospitales de la geografía española. El análisis interno se inclina positivamente presentando al registro con recursos importantes. En el análisis externo no son numerosas las amenazas, hay factores de gran potencia, “la voluntariedad del registro” y la “dependencia externa de financiación”. Las oportunidades identificadas son importantes. Las recomendaciones se dirigen a la estabilización del sistema disminuyendo las amenazas como foco principal de las estrategias a desarrollar al mismo tiempo que se debe potenciar los puntos identificados en oportunidades y fortalezas. Conclusiones: El registro NADYA se muestra en el análisis con gran potencialidad de mejora. Las recomendaciones propuestas deberán estructurarse para continuar la tendencia de desarrollo y perfeccionamiento de la calidad que ha caracterizado al registro NADYA desde su inicio.Objective: To evidence by means of a SWOT-R analysis performed by an expert consensus the most worrying characteristics of the register on Home-based and Outpatient Artificial Nutrition. Material and methods: SWOT-R analysis with expert consensus. We requested the participation of the active members of the NADYA group within the last 5 years with the premise of structuring the SWOT-R based on the characteristics of the NADYA registry from its beginning. Results: 18 experts from hospitals all over Spain have participated. The internal analysis seems to be positive, presenting the registry as having important resources. The external analysis did not show a great number of threats, there are very potent factors, “the voluntariness” of the registry and the “dependence on external financing”. The opportunities identified are important. The recommendations are aimed at stabilizing the system by decreasing the threats as one of the main focus of the strategies to develop as well as promoting the items identified as opportunities and strengths. Conclusions: The analysis shows that the NADYA register shows a big potentiality for improvement. The proposed recommendations should be structured in order to stay on the track of development and quality improvement that has characterized the NADYA register from the beginnin

    Circulating tumor cells for the staging of patients with newly diagnosed transplant-eligible multiple myeloma

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    [Purpose]: Patients with multiple myeloma (MM) may show patchy bone marrow (BM) infiltration and extramedullary disease. Notwithstanding, quantification of plasma cells (PCs) continues to be performed in BM since the clinical translation of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) remains undefined. [Patients and methods]: CTCs were measured in peripheral blood (PB) of 374 patients with newly diagnosed MM enrolled in the GEM2012MENOS65 and GEM2014MAIN trials. Treatment included bortezomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone induction followed by autologous transplant, consolidation, and maintenance. Next-generation flow cytometry was used to evaluate CTCs in PB at diagnosis and measurable residual disease (MRD) in BM throughout treatment. [Results]: CTCs were detected in 92% (344 of 374) of patients with newly diagnosed MM. The correlation between the percentages of CTCs and BM PCs was modest. Increasing logarithmic percentages of CTCs were associated with inferior progression-free survival (PFS). A cutoff of 0.01% CTCs showed an independent prognostic value (hazard ratio: 2.02; 95% CI, 1.3 to 3.1; P = .001) in multivariable PFS analysis including the International Staging System, lactate dehydrogenase levels, and cytogenetics. The combination of the four prognostic factors significantly improved risk stratification. Outcomes according to the percentage of CTCs and depth of response to treatment showed that patients with undetectable CTCs had exceptional PFS regardless of complete remission and MRD status. In all other cases with detectable CTCs, only achieving MRD negativity (and not complete remission) demonstrated a statistically significant increase in PFS. [Conclusion]: Evaluation of CTCs in PB outperformed quantification of BM PCs. The detection of ≥ 0.01% CTCs could be a new risk factor in novel staging systems for patients with transplant-eligible MM.Supported by grants from the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red—Área de Oncología—del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERONC; CB16/12/00369, CB16/12/00400, and CB16/12/00284); Instituto de Salud Carlos III/Subdirección General de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS No. PI19/01451, PI20/00048, and PI21/01816); the Cancer Research UK (C355/A26819); FCAECC and AIRC under the Accelerator Award Program (EDITOR); the ISCIII and FEDER foundations (AC17/00101) together with FCAECC for iMMunocell Transcan-2; the European Research Council (ERC) 2015 Starting Grant (MYELOMANEXT/680200); the CRIS Cancer Foundation (PR_EX_2020-02), the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, the Black Swan Research Initiative of the International Myeloma Foundation; and the Riney Family Multiple Myeloma Research Program Fund