21,039 research outputs found

    Determining Reactor Flux from Xenon-136 and Cesium-135 in Spent Fuel

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    The ability to infer the reactor flux from spent fuel or seized fissile material would enhance the tools of nuclear forensics and nuclear nonproliferation significantly. We show that reactor flux can be inferred from the ratios of xenon-136 to xenon-134 and cesium-135 to cesium-137. If the average flux of a reactor is known, the flux inferred from measurements of spent fuel could help determine whether that spent fuel was loaded as a blanket or close to the mid-plane of the reactor. The cesium ratio also provides information on reactor shutdowns during the irradiation of fuel, which could prove valuable for identifying the reactor in question through comparisons with satellite reactor heat monitoring data. We derive analytic expressions for these correlations and compare them to experimental data and to detailed reactor burn simulations. The enrichment of the original uranium fuel affects the correlations by up to 3 percent, but only at high flux.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Cultures maraichères en zone soudano-sahélienne : recueil de fiches techniques

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    Ce recueil résume le bilan vulgarisable des recherches sur les cultures maraîchères à la station de Farako-Ba, au Burkina Faso. Simple et précis, il propose, après quelques données générales sur la culture des plantes en maraîchage, 22 fiches techniques. Destiné en priorité aux producteurs de la zone soudano-sahélienne, il associe les réponses à leurs questions et les résultats du programme maraîcher au Burkina Fas

    Spectral radius of finite and infinite planar graphs and of graphs of bounded genus

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    It is well known that the spectral radius of a tree whose maximum degree is DD cannot exceed 2D12\sqrt{D-1}. In this paper we derive similar bounds for arbitrary planar graphs and for graphs of bounded genus. It is proved that a the spectral radius ρ(G)\rho(G) of a planar graph GG of maximum vertex degree D4D\ge 4 satisfies Dρ(G)8D16+7.75\sqrt{D}\le \rho(G)\le \sqrt{8D-16}+7.75. This result is best possible up to the additive constant--we construct an (infinite) planar graph of maximum degree DD, whose spectral radius is 8D16\sqrt{8D-16}. This generalizes and improves several previous results and solves an open problem proposed by Tom Hayes. Similar bounds are derived for graphs of bounded genus. For every kk, these bounds can be improved by excluding K2,kK_{2,k} as a subgraph. In particular, the upper bound is strengthened for 5-connected graphs. All our results hold for finite as well as for infinite graphs. At the end we enhance the graph decomposition method introduced in the first part of the paper and apply it to tessellations of the hyperbolic plane. We derive bounds on the spectral radius that are close to the true value, and even in the simplest case of regular tessellations of type {p,q}\{p,q\} we derive an essential improvement over known results, obtaining exact estimates in the first order term and non-trivial estimates for the second order asymptotics

    Stable incidence rates of tuberculosis (TB) among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-negative South African gold miners during a decade of epidemic HIV-associated TB.

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    During the last decade, annual tuberculosis (TB) case-notification rates increased 4-fold, to >4000 cases/100000 person-years, in the study workforce, among whom prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was 30% in 2000. Three separate cohort studies, totalling 6454 HIV-negative participants, were combined and analyzed for time trends. Observed incidence of TB varied between 962 (1991-1994) and 1589 (1999-2000) cases/100000 person-years (P=.17, test for trend). There was, however, a progressive increase in age, and, for each period, older age was associated with increased incidence rates of TB (P<.001). Having adjusted for age differences, there was no significant association between incidence of TB and calendar period (P=.81, test for trend). Relative to 1991-1994, multivariate-adjusted incidence-rate ratios were 0.94, for 1995-1997, 0.96, for 1998-1999, and 1.05, for 1999-2000. Preventing a secondary epidemic of TB among HIV-negative individuals may be achievable with conventional means, even in settings with a high burden of HIV-associated TB

    Local and Central Differential Privacy for Robustness and Privacy in Federated Learning

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    Federated Learning (FL) allows multiple participants to train machine learning models collaboratively by keeping their datasets local while only exchanging model updates. Alas, this is not necessarily free from privacy and robustness vulnerabilities, e.g., via membership, property, and backdoor attacks. This paper investigates whether and to what extent one can use differential Privacy (DP) to protect both privacy and robustness in FL. To this end, we present a first-of-its-kind evaluation of Local and Central Differential Privacy (LDP/CDP) techniques in FL, assessing their feasibility and effectiveness. Our experiments show that both DP variants do d fend against backdoor attacks, albeit with varying levels of protection-utility trade-offs, but anyway more effectively than other robustness defenses. DP also mitigates white-box membership inference attacks in FL, and our work is the first to show it empirically. Neither LDP nor CDP, however, defend against property inference. Overall, our work provides a comprehensive, re-usable measurement methodology to quantify the trade-offs between robustness/privacy and utility in differentially private FL

    Extension Programming for Food Entrepreneurs: An Indiana Needs Assessment

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    The objective of the research reported here was to identify the needs of food entrepreneurs in the state of Indiana. To attain this objective, Purdue Extension educators from 86 counties in Indiana were surveyed. Topics of interest from the survey results included marketing, new business start-up, food regulations, and food safety. This assessment tool has directed Purdue Extension in developing a Food Entrepreneur Engagement Program. The survey results were used to develop a statewide workshop for food entrepreneurs. Resources provided by this program ultimately helped several food entrepreneurs create value-added food businesses in Indiana

    Occurrence of preterm calving in Great Britain and associations with milk production and reproductive performance in dairy cattle

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    This study describes the occurrence of preterm calving in Great Britain and evaluates its associations with subsequent milk production and reproductive performances and survival on farm of dairy cows. A total of 53 British dairy farms and 5759 animals with detailed breeding and milk recording data available were used to form two study groups: preterm calving (calving occurring between days 266 and 277 of gestation) and full-term calving (calving occurring at 278 days of gestation and over). Mixed effects models were implemented to compare milk production, clinical cases of mastitis and number of services per conception between groups. Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox regression analyses compared time from calving to conception, calving interval and survival on farm between groups. Preterm calving cows showed significantly lower milk yield (P<0.01) and butter fat per cent (P=0.02), increased milk protein per cent (P=0.01), longer survival on farm (P<0.01), and a tendency for shorter calving to conception intervals and fewer services per conception, although other factors were involved in the reproduction outcomes. Experiencing a preterm calving is associated with lower milk production and longer survival times on farm. Potential risk factors for preterm calving, such as infectious diseases, diet and husbandry practices, should be further investigated

    Edge effects in electrostatic calibrations for the measurement of the Casimir force

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    We have performed numerical simulations to evaluate the effect on the capacitance of finite size boundaries realistically present in the parallel plane, sphere-plane, and cylinder-plane geometries. The potential impact of edge effects in assessing the accuracy of the parameters obtained in the electrostatic calibrations of Casimir force experiments is then discussed