927 research outputs found

    Adopting a new service delivery model to respond to student holistic needs within an Ontario University setting

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    Post-secondary institutions are constantly working to improve their students’ on-campus experience. In this Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP), I address the registrar office’s service operations of an Ontario University’s opportunity to adopt a new service delivery model to improve the student experience. Many other Ontario universities, including John State University (JSU; a pseudonym), are facing an increasingly competitive landscape. Delivering a high-quality student experience through service is a strategy to distinguish the institution from its competitors as well as respond to performance metrics that the Ministry of Colleges and Universities reviews. The registrar’s office is implementing a new service delivery model, within its Student Support and Advising office as part of the institution’s overarching effort to improve the student experience. This OIP is created by a senior leadership team member in the Office of the Registrar and employs a servant and transformational leadership approach. This plan uses Kotter’s (2012) 8-step plan and Bridges’ (2009) transition model to lead the change process, as well as Rockwell and Bennett’s (2004) Targeting Outcome Program and Deming’s (1994) Plan-Do-Act-Study (PDSA) evaluation models to determine the impact on operations, staff, and students. To support the change efforts presented in this OIP, a communication plan and guiding questions are also provided

    De indicibus librorum e a arte de indicialização em Conrad Gesner (Parte II):ilustração e aplicação

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    Second part of the study on De indicibus librorum - constituent section of the Pandectae (1548) by Conrad Gesner (1516-1565) - which deals with the constitution, function and use of indexes. The aim of the study is to illustrate and demonstrate the application of Gesnerian indicilization. Under the historical-bibliographic treatment, the study has as its course: 1) reading and integral translation of the De indicibus librorum (for Part II of the study, specifically the translation of folio 21r (d3) to folio 22v (d4)); 2) mapping of some of the indexes present in the Pandectae (1548, 1549); 3) discussion and combination of the Latin source with literature review on the subject, based on Wellisch (1981), Cochetti (1984a, 1984b) and Serrai (1990). The last part of De indicibus librorum is dedicated to library indexes as ordering devices and inventory control. Gesner, in addition to mentioning indexes that were used to prepare Bibliotheca Universalis (1545), analyzes, based on the Pellikan method for indexing, the criteria and structure of these tools. The indexes present in the Pandectae (1548, 1549) are refined according to their composition (connection between terms and numbers of the folios) and logical delineation. In its totality (folio 19 v (d) to folio 22 v (d4)), De indicibus librorum is a relevant source for history, theory, practice and the art of indicialization, and also for the history of the organization of information and knowledge in the 16th century. Simultaneously, the set of arguments presented by Gesner anticipate and prove, in effect, the theoretical-applied and technical-indexical configuration that came to assume Bibliography as a discipline.Segunda parte do estudo sobre De indicibus librorum - seção constituinte das Pandectae (1548) de Conrad Gesner (1516-1565) - que trata da constituição, função e uso de índices. O objetivo do trabalho é ilustrar e demonstrar a aplicação da indicilização gesneriana. A partir do tratamento histórico-bibliográfico, o estudo tem como trajeto: 1) leitura e tradução integral de De indicibus librorum (para Parte II do estudo, especificamente a tradução do fólio 21r (d3) ao fólio 22v (d4)); 2) mapeamento de alguns dos índices presentes nas Pandectae (1548, 1549); 3) discussão e combinação da fonte latina com a revisão de literatura sobre o tema, com base em Wellisch (1981), Cochetti (1984a, 1984b) e Serrai (1990). A última parte de De indicibus librorum é dedicada aos índices de bibliotecas enquanto dispositivos de ordenação e controle inventarial. Gesner, além de mencionar índices que foram empregados para preparação de Bibliotheca Universalis (1545), versa, com base no método pellikano para elaboração de índices, sobre os critérios e a estrutura dessas ferramentas. Os índices presentes nas Pandectae (1548, 1549) são refinados em função de sua composição (conexão entre termos e números dos fólios) e delineamento lógico. Em sua totalidade (fólio 19v (d) ao fólio 22v (d4)), De indicibus librorum é fonte relevante para história, teoria, prática e arte da indicialização e, igualmente, para história da organização da informação e do conhecimento no Séc. XVI. Simultaneamente, o conjunto de argumentos apresentados por Gesner antecipa e comprova, com efeito, a configuração teórico-aplicada e técnico-indicial que veio a assumir a Bibliografia como disciplina

    New classification of hypertrophy of the labia minora and correlation with indicated surgical techniques

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    INTRODUCTION: Nymphoplasty or labioplasty is the most common genital plastic surgery. The objective of labioplasty is to correct hypertrophy of the labia minora and clitoral prepuce, removing excess tissue without affecting their function of protecting the vagina and aiding in genital lubrication. Several types of classifications have been proposed to facilitate the understanding of the degree of hypertrophy of the labia minora and assist in selecting the most suitable procedure in labioplasty. After analyzing several classifications, the author proposes a new classification to facilitate the understanding of hypertrophy of the labia minora, clitoral hood, and vaginal prepuce and help select the best labioplasty procedure. METHODS: A literature search was conducted in PubMed/Medline using the following terms: hipertrofia lábios vaginais, labioplastia, labiaplasty, labioplasty, labia minora hypertrophy, and labial protrusion. All the classifications described in the identified studies were analyzed. RESULTS: A new classification has been proposed. Hypertrophy of the labia minora was classified in four grades: grade 0 ( 1 cm and 3 cm and > 5 cm), and grade 3 (> 5 cm). CONCLUSIONS: The new classification improves the understanding of the size and extent of hypertrophy of the labia minora and helps select the best procedure in labioplasty

    A dynamically reconfigurable hard-real-time communication protocol for embedded systems

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    Echtzeitkommunikation ist eine Grundanforderung für viele verteilte eingebettete Systeme. Für eine neue Klasse von Anwendungen sind jedoch nicht nur Echtzeitfähigkeit, sondern auch Flexibilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit notwendige System-Attribute. Um die Flexibilität zu erhöhen, wurde in dieser Arbeit ein neues Kommunikationsprotokoll namens TrailCable konzipiert. Es profitiert von den Eigenschaften des Earliest Deadline First Scheduling-Verfahrens, wie z. B. der optimalen Ausnutzung von Ressourcen und der Unterstützung von heterogenen Tasks. Ein Kommunikationsnetzwerk wird aufgebaut mit Hilfe von voll-Duplex-, Punkt-zu-Punkt-Verbindungen, wobei die Knoten Datenpakete weiterleiten können, um eine Multi-hop Übertragung zu gewährleisten. Es werden Methoden vorgestellt, die es erlauben, automatisch die Kommunikationsanforderungen erfüllende Echtzeit-Kanäle auf das Netzwerk abzubilden. Echtzeit-Kanäle können nur dann aktiviert werden, wenn im Voraus ein Akzeptanztest erfolgreich durchgeführt wurde. Solch eine Prüfung kann mittels eines Tools automatisch erfolgen. Alle dafür notwendigen Netzwerkinformationen werden aus XML-Dateien eingelesen. Zur Laufzeit prüft ein Mechanismus, der Bandbreitenwächter genannt wird, ob die eingelesenen Pakete mit ihrer Spezifikation übereinstimmen, damit Fehler die Echzeitfähigkeit anderer Kanäle nicht beeinträchtigen können. Zeitkritische Funktionen des Kommunikationsprotokolls, wie Scheduling, Bandbreitenwächter, Routing und Uhrsynchronisation, sind mittels dedizierter Hardware implementiert. Ein voll funktionsfähiger FPGA-basierter Prototyp wurde aufgebaut und in zahlreichen Tests evaluiert, um das Echtzeit-Verhalten des Protokolls unter realen Bedingungen zu testen und zu analysieren.Real-time communication is a basic requirement for many distributed embedded systems. However, for an emerging new class of applications not only real-time behavior but also flexibility and adaptability will become necessary system attributes. In order to increase the flexibility of real-time communication systems a new protocol called TrailCable was designed. It takes advantage of the properties of Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling, which include optimal utilization bounds and the possibility to cope with heterogeneous task sets. A communication network is built with full-duplex, point-to-point links, and nodes can route packets to allow multi-hop message delivery. This work introduces methods for automatically mapping real-time channels on a given network directly from communication requirement specifications. The activation of real-time channels in the network is permitted only after a successful schedulability analysis, which can be executed automatically by a tool that checks XML-based network configuration models. At run-time, the characteristics of all incoming packets are checked against their specification by an admission control technique called bandwidth guardian, which is used to ensure that occasional faults will not impair the timeliness of other real-time channels. Time-critical functions of the communication protocol, such as scheduling, admission control, packet routing, and clock synchronization, are implemented by means of dedicated hardware. A fully operational FPGA-based prototype was built and used in different measurement experiments to validate the real-time behavior of the protocol under real conditions.Tag der Verteidigung: 02.04.2012Paderborn, Univ., Diss., 201

    Confusing and annoying crowd of books: relations between the historical and informational context of modern Europe and the Bibliotheca Universalis of Conrad Gesner

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    A Imprensa teve como um dos seus mais significativos impactos a vasta, intensa e acelerada produção de bibliografias, como meios de registro, organização, seleção, disponibilização e mediação de documentos. Entre as inúmeras conseqüências da Imprensa está a necessidade de se operar a chamada explosão informacional -  fenômeno investigado, do ponto de vista histórico-cultural, por autores como Peter Burke e Ann Blair. A partir desta paisagem, o artigo busca estabelecer relações entre o contexto histórico-informacional da Europa Moderna e Bibliotheca Universalis, de Conrad Gesner (Séc. XVI). Bibliotheca arrola aspectos da cultura manuscrita e impressa e traz implicitamente uma profunda reflexão descritiva e semântica sobre os documentos e os saberes, conforme se evidencia nos estudos de Alfredo Serrai e Fiammetta Sabba. O “gesto bibliográfico” gesneriano é mais do que uma resposta a confusa et noxia illa librorum multitude (“confusa e irritante multidão de livros”, que hoje nos remete ao sentido da denominada information overload): é a força que arquiteta a própria Bibliografia enquanto disciplina. Printing Press had, as one of their most significant impacts, the vast, intense and accelerated production of bibliographies, as means of recording, organizing, selecting, availability and mediation of documents. One of the many consequences of Printing Press is the need to operate the so-called information explosion - a phenomenon investigated from an historical and cultural point of view by authors such as Peter Burke and Ann Blair. Based on this frame, this article seeks to establish relations between the historical and informational context of Modern Europe and the Bibliotheca Universalis, written by Conrad Gesner (16th century). The Bibliotheca enrolls aspects of manuscript and printed culture and implicitly brings a deep descriptive and semantic reflection on documents and knowledge, as evidenced in studies of Alfredo Serrai and Fiammetta Sabba. The "bibliographic gesture" of Gesner is more than just a response to the confusa et noxia illa librorum multitudo ("confusing and annoying crowd of books"), which in our days brings us to the meaning of the so-called information overload: it is the force that builds the very architecture of Bibliography as a disciplin

    Cenografia e ethos discursivo na “empresa dos sonhos dos executivos": imagem corporativa e cultura organizacional

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    O artigo tem o objetivo geral é analisar o discurso a respeito da empresa Petrobras, manifestado no texto jornalístico, que possibilita construir cenografias das quais emergem evidências do ethos empresarial no discursivo corporativo. O marco teórico pautou-se em algumas categorias teóricas como: cultura (HALL, 2006; CANCLINI, 1998, 2004, 2010); cultura organizacional (SCHEIN, 2009; MORGAN, 1996) e mundialização (ORTIZ, 1997, 2007), na interface com pressupostos da análise do discurso da escola francesa (MAINGUENEAU 1997, 2002, 2008a, 2008b, 2008c, 2010, 2011). Os resultados apontam que o ethos discursivo corporativo é validado em cenografias que contribuem para a caracterização da imagem de pujança corporativa da empresa Petrobras

    Detachment efficiency of fruits from coffee plants subjected to mechanical vibrations

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    The development of efficient machines for the mechanical harvesting of coffee plants requires the use of appropriate vibrational parameters. Thus, in order to detach less unripe fruits and decrease reharvesting, branch breakage and defoliation, it is important to choose the appropriate frequency, amplitude and vibration time. This study aimed at analyzing the detachment efficiency of fruits from coffee plants according to vibrational parameters and ripening stage. Fruit bunches were sampled at the green and mature stages and subjected to vibration, using a system composed by a signal generator, an amplifier and an electromagnetic vibrating machine. Tests combined different frequencies (16.4 Hz, 20.3 Hz, 24 Hz, 25.6 Hz, 30.0 Hz and 33.0 Hz), amplitudes (5.0 mm, 7.0 mm and 9.0 mm) and vibration times (10.0 s and 20.0 s). The vibration times did not affect the detachment efficiency. There was a trend for higher detachment efficiency in mature fruits than in green fruits. The detachment efficiency increased with increasing vibration frequency and amplitude.O desenvolvimento de máquinas eficientes para a colheita mecanizada do cafeeiro exige a utilização de parâmetros vibracionais adequados. Assim, para um menor desprendimento de frutos verdes, repasse, quebra de galhos e desfolha, devem ser utilizados magnitudes de frequência, amplitude e tempo de vibração adequados. Objetivou-se analisar a eficiência de derriça de frutos de cafeeiro, em função de parâmetros vibracionais e estádio de maturação. Cachos de frutos foram amostrados nos estádios de maturação verde e cereja e submetidos à vibração, utilizando-se um sistema composto por um gerador de sinais, um amplificador e uma máquina vibratória eletromagnética. Os ensaios foram realizados combinando-se diferentes frequências (16,4 Hz; 20,3 Hz; 24 Hz; 25,6 Hz; 30,0 Hz; e 33,0 Hz), amplitudes (5,0 mm; 7,0 mm; e 9,0 mm) e tempos de vibração (10,0 s e 20,0 s). Os tempos de vibração empregados não influenciaram na eficiência de derriça. Houve tendência de a eficiência de derriça dos frutos cerejas ser superior à dos frutos verdes. A eficiência de derriça aumentou à medida que se aumentou a frequência e a amplitude de vibração

    O olhar que faz rasura na pintura de Modigliani

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    Esse artigo versa sobre a questão do olhar nos terrenos da psicanálise e da arte, partindo dos efeitos produzidos no encontro com obra do pintor italiano Amedeo Modigliani. Ao buscar sentido para a representação no buraco dos olhos, presente nas pinturas do artista, tece reflexões acerca da imagem, no tocante à sua relação com o sujeito. Através da uma interdição na imagem, sublinha-se a importância dessas criações que implicam outro modo de acesso à imaginação, destacando a sua função de corte, função de rasgadura que faz emergir a experiência do avesso. Ao despir a imagem do véu que lhe recobre, a angústia inquietante que irrompe nesse ato de contemplação com a imagem traz a dimensão do horror proposta por Freud (1919), desvelando a nudez do olhar. Algo da morte faz rasura na imagem, na direção do que Barthes (1980) desenvolve ao situar a noção de punctum nas fotografias. Por fim, a reflexão sobre a máscara mortuária de Modigliani aponta a possibilidade de inserção da imagem na morte, reverso daquilo que o artista pinta nas suas imagens, em que algo da morte emerge lhes fazendo marca, recolocando, com isso, a questão dos limites da imagem no seu limiar com o real.This paper approaches the matter of look in the fields of psychoanalysis and art, starting from the effects produced by the work of the Italian painter Amedeo Modigliani. Seeking meaning for the socket´s representation in the eye, present in the artist's paintings, it makes reflections about the image in the question to its relation with the subject. Through the interdiction of image, this work underlines the importance of these creations that imply another way of accessing the imagination, highlighting its function of cut, a function of ripeness that makes the experience of the reverse emerge. By undressing the image of the veil that covers it, the distressing anguish that breaks out in this act of imagery contemplation, it brings the dimension of horror proposed by Freud (1919), revealing the nakedness of the look. Something of death shears the image, in the direction of what Barthes (1980) develops by situating the notion of punctum in photographs. Lastly, the reflection over the mortuary mask of Modigliani points to the possibility of insertion of the image into death, in reverse of what the artist paints in his images in which something of death emerges, marking them, thereby bringing about the limits of the image on its threshold with the real

    The lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital syndrome (LADD): case report and literature review

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    Levy-Hollister or lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital (LADD) syndrome is a rare entity with autossomic dominant inheritance occuring as an isolated form or affecting many family generations. Diagnosis is based on the identification of the lacrimal drainage system abnormalities with reduction or absence of tear production and bone, teeth, salivar glands and outer ear abnormalities. A 13 year-old male patient has been followed at the Hospital Servidor Público Estadual in São Paulo due to dry eye since his first year of life. Due to the occurrence of early ocular manifestations in patients with Levy-Hollister or lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital syndrome, ophthalmologists must be aware to recognize and control this syndrome.A síndrome de Levy-Hollister ou lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital (LADD) é uma síndrome rara, de herança autossômica dominante, podendo ocorrer de forma isolada ou em várias gerações de uma mesma família. O diagnóstico é feito por meio da identificação de anormalidades do sistema lacrimal, como redução ou ausência de produção de lágrimas, alterações ósseas, dentárias, de glândulas salivares e orelha externa. Trata-se de uma criança, de 13 anos, em acompanhamento no Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual de São Paulo desde os cinco meses de idade, com quadro clínico compatível com a síndrome, apresentando quadro de olho seco. Devido ao fato das manifestações oculares ocorrerem precocemente, sendo o oftalmologista um dos primeiros profissionais a ser procurado, o mesmo deve ter conhecimento da síndrome, a fim de diagnosticar e acompanhar adequadamente o indivíduo acometido.Universidade Federal do ParáHospital do Servidor Público Estadual de São PauloUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Instituto de Assistência Médica ao Servidor Público Estadual Hospital BrigadeiroUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM)UNIFESP, Instituto de Assistência Médica ao Servidor Público Estadual Hospital BrigadeiroUNIFESP, EPMSciEL