4,294 research outputs found

    Maurolicus stehmanni Parin & Kobyliansky, 1993 (Sternoptychidae): length of first maturation, and spawning seasons in the south-southeast Brazilian region

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    Maurolicus stehmanni (Sternoptychidae) é um pequeno peixe mesopelágico que habita a plataforma continental e o talude da região entre Cabo de São Tomé (22 S) e Chuí (34 S). No Atlântico Oeste, apresenta biomassa de cerca de 1 ton e é um importante componente da dieta de peixes pelágicos e demersais com valor comercial. A partir de capturas realizadas com rede de meia água, em 1996 e 1997, dentro do programa (REVIZEE), exemplares provenientes de 38 lances de pesca foram analisados em relação à estrutura da população em comprimento e aos estágios de maturação macroscópica das gônadas, dados que, associados a dados biométricos, permitiram estimar o tamanho médio da 1ª maturação e épocas de desova da espécie. Foram realizados, ainda, cortes histológicos de ovários e testículos com vistas a aferir a avaliação macroscópica e analisar o desenvolvimento ovocitário da espécie. Os resultados indicam que o tamanho médio da 1ª maturação é de 32 mm de comprimento padrão, as fêmeas desovam o ano todo e que a desova ocorre ao longo de toda a borda da plataforma continental sudeste-sul do Brasil. O desenvolvimento ovocitário é assincrônico, mostrando que M. stehmanni apresenta desova parcelada.Maurolicus stehmanni (Sternoptychidae) is a mesopelagic species of fish inhabiting the outer continental shelf and slope of the south-southeastern Brazilian (ZEE), where it presents a considerable biomass and is an important component of the trophic chain, as a forage species. On the basis of catches made with a mid-water-trawl net in 1996 and 1997, as part of the REVIZEE program, samples from 38 hauls were analyzed as regards the length structure of the population, the average length of the first maturation and the spawning seasons of the species. The analysis of histological cross-sections of the ovaries made it possible to describe the oocytic development and assess the macroscopic criteria used to classify the ovary maturation. Results showed that the average length of the first maturation occurs at 32 mm (standard length), females spawn all year round throughout the area studied and the oocytic development is asynchronous

    Comportamento de produtos cimentícios submetidos ao ataque por sulfatos

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    A deterioração do concreto por agentes químicos ocorre da interação com ambientes agressivos. No caso dos sulfatos, podem ser originários do solo, das águas agrícolas, da indústria química, da decomposição da matéria orgânica, dos poços de mineração, de ambientes marinhos e das tubulações de esgoto. Os íons de sulfato, ao penetrarem no concreto, reagem com compostos hidratados do cimento e formam produtos expansivos como a etringita e gipsita. Estes produtos, ao se expandirem, causam a fissuração do concreto, permitindo a entrada de novos agentes químicos. Outras deteriorações sofridas são a perda de massa do concreto e a perda progressiva de sua resistência. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o comportamento de produtos cimentícios submetido ao ataque por sulfatos. Foram moldados corpos de prova de pasta de cimento, argamassa e concreto com três diferentes tipos de cimento (CPII-F-32, CPIII-40-RS e CPV-ARI-RS.). Após moldados os corpos de prova foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 – exposição somente à água (câmara úmida); Grupo 2 – exposição à solução de sulfato de sódio (Na2SO4) a 5% à temperatura de 55oC. Para os corpos de prova de pasta de cimento foram medidos, de quatro em quatro dias, sua variação de massa e de comprimento. Os corpos de prova de argamassa foram avaliados quanto à variação de massa, resistência à flexão e à compressão, e os corpos de prova de concreto quanto a sua porosidade, módulo de elasticidade, resistência à compressão axial, resistência à tração por compressão diametral e homogeneidade. Os ensaios foram realizados após 57 dias expostos à solução de Na2SO4 a 5%. Em escala microscópica, foram analisados em um Difratômetro de Raios-X (DRX) e em um Microscópio Eletrônico de Varredura (MEV) para a verificação da formação de etringita e gipsita. Os resultados obtidos para todas as amostras foram muito similares, porém, para a análise no MEV, foi possível evidenciar a formação de cristais de etringita e gipsita. Como suas formações foram bem pontuais e escassas, devido ao período de tratamento no presente estudo, concluiu-se que, em pequenas quantidades, estes compostos não influenciariam as propriedades mecânicas dos corpos de prova.The deterioration of concrete by chemical agents occurs with the interactions with an agressive enviroments. In the case of sulfates, it may originate in the soil, agricultural water, chemical industry, the decomposition of organic matter, mining pits, marine enviroments and sewer pipes. When the sulphate ions penetrate the concrete, reacts with hydrated cement and forms expansive compounds like ettringite and gypsum. These produts, as they expand, cause the concrete crack, that allows the entry of new chemical agents. Other deteriorations suffered by the concrete are the weight loss and the progressive loss of its resistance. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the behavior of cementitious products submitted to sulfate attack. Cement paste, mortar and concrete specimens were molded with three different types of cements. After molded, the specimens were divided into two groups: Group 1 – humid chamber curing; Groups 2 – exposure to sodium sulfate solution (Na2SO4) 5% at 55oC. The cement paste specimens were measured every four days to evaluate weight and length variation. Mortar specimens were evaluated for weight variation, bending strength and compression, and the concrete samples were measured as its porosity, elasticity modulus, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and homogeneity. They were tested after 57 days exposed to the sulfate solution. On a microscopic scale, they were analyzed in a X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to verify the formation of ettringite and gypsum. The results for all the samples were very similar, but for SEM analysis it was possible to demonstrate the formation of ettringite and gypsum. As their formations were well off and scarce, due to the period treatment of this study, it was concluded that in small amounts these compound do not influence the mechanical proprieties of the specimens

    Music classification by transductive learning using bipartite heterogeneous networks

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    The popularization of music distribution in electronic format has increased the amount of music with incomplete metadata. The incompleteness of data can hamper some important tasks, such as music and artist recommendation. In this scenario, transductive classification can be used to classify the whole dataset considering just few labeled instances. Usually transductive classification is performed through label propagation, in which data are represented as networks and the examples propagate their labels through\ud their connections. Similarity-based networks are usually applied to model data as network. However, this kind of representation requires the definition of parameters, which significantly affect the classification accuracy, and presentes a high cost due to the computation of similarities among all dataset instances. In contrast, bipartite heterogeneous networks have appeared as an alternative to similarity-based networks in text mining applications. In these networks, the words are connected to the documents which they occur. Thus, there is no parameter or additional costs to generate such networks. In this paper, we propose the use of the bipartite network representation to perform transductive classification of music, using a bag-of-frames approach to describe music signals. We demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms other music classification approaches when few labeled instances are available.Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (grants 2011/12823-6, 2012/50714-7, 2013/26151-5, and 2014/08996-0

    Effect of applying finishing products and sanding on the surface of marupa wood

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    The effect of applying cetol and varnish finishing products and sanding on the surface roughness and colour of marupa (Simarouba amara) wood was evaluated. Three coats of each product were applied and two sandpaper grits were used, 280 and 320). The analyzes were performed on untreated samples and between each coat of products in order to analyze the effect of sanding, the products and the number of coats. According to colorimetry, the L* value for the control treatment was 82.83 and the treatments reduced the L* to 61.70 on average for the cetol treatment and 77.09 for the varnish treatment, showing that the cetol darkened the wood more than the varnish. The yellowish and reddish pigmentations became more intense according to the positive values of Δa* and Δb*, especially after applying the cetol. The total colour variation ΔE average was 40.79 for the cetol treatment and 9.83 for the varnish treatment, confirming a much more significant colour change in the cetol treatment. Sanding with different grits did not significantly alter the surface colour. The product application made the wood surface smoother, and was noticeable from the second coat. Sanding reduced roughness on the wood surface, but the finishing product was the largest source of variation

    Characterization of organic composts produced by family farming for lettuce cultivation

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    The use of organic compost in the cultivation of lettuce by family farming can be carried out in a sustainable way with the use of residues from the property, through composting. For efficient and safe use of these residues, it is necessary to monitor the composting process and adopt good agricultural practices for the production of safe food. Therefore, the objective was to identify and quantify contaminating microorganisms and to evaluate the chemical characteristics of organic compounds and their effects on the cultivation of lettuce produced in an organic system. Six periods of lettuce cultivation were studied using the organic compost produced in the planting fertilizer and cover. The results obtained for the fresh mass and the chemical analyzes of the compost, the soil and the plant were compared in a qualitative way. The results obtained from microbiological analyzes were compared to current legislation. The composition of the material used and the handling of the composting process influenced the chemical characteristics of the organic compounds applied to the soil. Organic compounds were efficient for plant nutrition, except for boron. The presence of thermotolerant coliforms was above the maximum acceptable limit, indicating contamination of the compound. The organic compost was not properly composted in most cycles. The use of organic compounds proved to be a sustainable alternative in the production of organic lettuce on family farms, but the study indicated the need for technical training.O uso do composto orgânico no cultivo da alface pela agricultura familiar pode ser realizado de maneira sustentável com aproveitamento de resíduos da propriedade, por meio da compostagem. Para uso eficiente e seguro desses resíduos é necessário o monitoramento do processo de compostagem e adoção de boas práticas agrícolas para produção de alimentos seguros.  Diante disso, objetivou-se identificar e quantificar microrganismos patogênicos e avaliar as características químicas dos compostos orgânicos e seus efeitos no cultivo da alface produzida em sistema orgânico. Foram estudados seis ciclos de cultivo de alface utilizando na adubação de plantio e cobertura composto orgânico produzido na propriedade. Os resultados obtidos para a massa fresca e as análises químicas do composto, do solo e da planta foram comparados de maneira qualitativa. Os resultados obtidos das análises microbiológicas foram comparados à legislação vigente. A composição do material utilizado e o manejo do processo de compostagem influenciaram as características químicas dos compostos orgânicos aplicados ao solo. Os compostos orgânicos foram eficientes para a nutrição das plantas, exceto para o fornecimento de boro. A presença de coliformes termotolerantes esteve acima do limite máximo aceitável, indicando contaminação do composto. O composto orgânico não foi adequadamente compostado na maioria dos ciclos. O uso dos compostos orgânicos mostrou-se uma alternativa sustentável na produção de alface orgânica em propriedade com agricultura familiar, mas o estudo indicou a necessidade de capacitação técnica

    ECONOMIA COMPARTILHADA E UBERIZAÇÃO: o mito da autonomia do proletariado e os riscos da romantização da precarização do trabalho

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    Com o surgimento da economia compartilhada, há uma nova classe de trabalhadores que prestam serviços em plataformas online. Entretanto, essa forma de obtenção de renda insere-se em um ambiente de superficialidade, em que o trabalho pode ser facilmente substituído. O problema a ser pesquisado será identificar se as precárias condições de trabalho, com a sistemática violação de direitos, podem ser contornadas. Assim, a proposta é analisar as (possíveis) estruturas alternativas regulatórias das relações trabalhistas. Para tanto, utiliza-se de pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, com análise qualitativa e exploratória, com o intuito de fornecer maior conhecimento sobre a problemática

    A study on accounting earnings informativeness in Latin America

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    This study aimed to investigate the influence of size, market-to-book anddebt on the informativeness of accounting earnings reported by companies traded on the stock markets of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Peru. Informativeness was considered the intensity of the relationship between accounting earnings and stock returns, measured by the scope estimate between these two variables. The sample consited of non-financial companies listed on major exchanges in Latin America -Basa (Argentina), Bovespa (Brazil), SNSE (Chile), BMV (Mexico) and BVL (Peru) - during the intervalfrom 2004 to 2008. As expected, the results indicate that the variable market-to-book positively influence the informativeness of accounting earnings reported by companies traded in Latin American markets. The results about the others variables, size end debt, have not confirmed their influence over the informativeness of accounting earnings in Latin American markets.Este estudo objetivou investigar a influência do tamanho, das oportunidades de crescimento (tendo como proxy o índice market-to-book) e endividamento sobre a informatividade dos lucros contábeis divulgados pelas empresas negociadas nos mercados acionários da Argentina, Brasil, Chile, México e Peru. Foi considerada como informatividade a intensidade da relação entre o lucro contábil e o retorno das ações, mensurada pelo coeficiente angular da reta estimada entre essas duas variáveis. A amostra foi formada por empresas não financeiras listadas nas principais bolsas latino americanas - Basa (Argentina), Bovespa (Brasil), SNSE (Chile), BMV (México) e BVL (Peru) - durante o intervalo de 2004 a 2008. Conforme esperado, os resultados encontrados indicam que a variável market-to-book (proxy para oportunidades de crescimento) influencia positivamente a informatividade dos lucros contábeis das empresas negociadas nos mercados latino-americanos. E relação às outras variáveis estudadas, tamanho e endividamento, os resultados não confirmaram a sua influência sobre a informatividade dos lucros contábeis nos mercados estudados


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    ABSTRACT The new scenario of oil exploration in ultra deep water moves forward to 3000 m, has been putting for the companies that accept this technological challenger significant, border of the techno-scientific knowledge. Therefore, nowadays in this case of ultra deep waters, where the forces above the mooring lines are increase and the use of the new material in Petrobras Floating Production Units, it is necessary the good numerical analyses and experimental test by the mooring line. It appears the need to look for a solution for the problems according to the changes of the polyester rope in the production platform without the bottom extension change and its foundation (fixed point). According to this challenge it was necessary to develop a remote connection and disconnection device. This device is the KS hook and its optimization has been created using the fracture mechanical conception optics and computers tools (FEM and mooring software). There are two conditions to develop this device: one condition is functional and the other is structural. For the functional condition, it's necessary to create the facilities for handling and installations. For the structural conditions, it is necessary to use the special wrought steel material, treatment for steel characteristic and right geometry. Finite Elements Modeling analyze used the Ansys software, considered the hardness profile material for Minimum Break Load (MBL). The lifetime design is about 25 years for this case and the fatigue analysis considered the residual stress and plasticity for structural device. Previous simulation is especially important in predicting behavior and in the development of new design products before testing. The model was meshed with 3D first order tetrahedral elements solid45. The mesh was sufficiently fine to ensure minimal loss of accuracy in curved geometry. There isn't a TN fatigue curve (reference API Fatigue curves) for this KS Hook device geometry, in this case become necessary to use the model test to obtain this curve with the extrapolation of the results. The Finite Elements Modeling analyze used with the Material SN Fatigue curve will be used for this validation. Previous simulation is especially important in predicting behavior and in the development of new design products before testing