871 research outputs found

    CD-ROM "Num mundo a cores" : concepção, aplicação e avaliação de um recurso multimédia para alunos do 3º ciclo do ensino básico

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    Tese de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Tecnologias Educativas), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2010Este estudo descreve o processo de concepção, produção, validação e aplicação do recurso educativo ―Num Mundo a Cores‖, o protótipo de um CD-ROM com conteúdos multimédia destinado a alunos do 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Explora a temática dos fenómenos da cor, conteúdo programático da disciplina de Educação Visual. Para além de ser produzido um recurso educativo multimédia, que poderá ser utilizado no futuro como ferramenta de apoio à prática docente, ao longo desta investigação desenvolvemos uma reflexão sobre em que medida e como a aprendizagem pode ser potenciada pelo uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação e quais os processos inerentes aos fenómenos de ensino e a aprendizagem mediados por computador. Descrevemos detalhadamente todo o processo de concepção e construção do CDROM, apresentamos as metodologias e os modelos adoptados na sua concepção assim como as opções tomadas durante a sua produção. Descrevemos ainda todo o processo de validação. Para responder às questões relacionadas com a aplicação do recurso em ambiente de sala de aula e qual o seu impacto na aprendizagem dos alunos, recorremos simultaneamente a metodologias de recolha e análise de dados qualitativas e quantitativas. A análise dos dados qualitativos, obtidos a partir de respostas abertas a um questionário de opinião, uma entrevista e observação de aulas, foi feita através de construções interpretativas usando a técnica de análise de conteúdo por categorias. Os dados quantitativos foram tratados estatisticamente recorrendo ao programa informático SPSS. A partir dos resultados obtidos no desenvolvimento desta investigação podemos concluir que um perito em multimédia, alunos e professores fazem uma avaliação muito positiva sobre o potencial deste recurso como ferramenta pedagógica.This study describes the process of design, production, validation and implementation of the educational resource "Num Mundo a Cores," a prototype CD-ROM with multimedia content for students in the 3rd cycle of basic education. The CD-ROM includes information about the phenomena of color which is a content integrated in the curriculum subject of Visual Education. In addition to being produced a multimedia educational resource that could be used in future as a support tool for teaching practice, throughout this research we studied on how far and in what way learning can be enhanced by the use of Information and Communication Technology and a what are the processes involved in the phenomenon of teaching and learning mediated by computer. We described in detail the whole process of design and construction of the CD-ROM, we presented the methodologies and models adopted in its design as well as the choices made during its production. We also described the whole process of validation. To answer the questions related to the implementation of the multimedia resource in the classroom and its impact on student’s learning, we used both qualitative and quantitative methods of collection and data analysis. To collect qualitative data we used an open-ended survey, an interview and classroom observation and the analysis was carried out through interpretive constructions using thematic content by category analysis as data analysis technique. The quantitative data was submitted to statistical treatment using SPSS software. From the results obtained through this research we can conclude that a multimedia system’s expert, students and teachers make a very positive assessment of the potential of this education resource as a pedagogical tool

    Historical wines of Portugal: the classification, consumer associations and marketing implications

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    Geographical origin, use of traditional varieties and ancestral viticulture/oenology practices characterize wines classified as Historical Wines of Portugal (HWP). This study identifies the authenticity attributes consumers associate with this classification and assesses the relative strength of associations. A review of brand authenticity research and interviews with Portuguese wine producers (n = 3) and consumers (n = 12) were conducted to identify HWP classification attributes. Strength of attribute association was subsequently evaluated in an online questionnaire with a convenience sample of Portuguese wine consumers (n = 641), which included a measure of general wine knowledge and questions about the adequacy of different contexts for HWP purchase and consumption. Wine knowledge markedly affected the nature and strength of consumer associations. Compared to Aspirational Explorers, wine connoisseurs emerged as Heritage Gatekeepers, associating origin, cultural heritage, quality, production and at-home consumption more strongly with HWP, and tradition, wine age and out-of-home consumption less strongly. Market recognition of HWP as a novel and distinctive table wine classification, with well-defined and unique attributes, is thus likely to depend on consumers’ general wine knowledge. Related promotional activities targeting wine novices should first focus on educating them on HWP classification, whereas those directed at savvier consumers should emphasize wine authenticity cues instead.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Emoticons e Letramento Visual: Pedagogia da Imagem

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    You are silent and all of a sudden your cell phone beeps warning that the message arrived from the whatsapp application, popularly known as zap. For a moment, the activity that is carried out is suspended so that the message is read, and an emoji (also known popularly as emoticon or smiley) - warns that the expected response is positive. Without any word written or recorded, you - and I also - understand that everything is well resolved. Based on this contextualization, based on the strength of the image as communication and also the ease access to the new Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) in mobile devices, this article aims to propose reflections on the use of images for communication without words, but full of shared meanings.Você está em silêncio e, de repente, seu telefone celular emite um som avisando que chegou mensagem pelo aplicativo whatsapp, popularmente conhecido com zap. Por um momento, a atividade que se realiza é interrompida. Não se lê nenhuma palavra escrita; aparece apenas figurinha (conhecida como emoji, emoticon ou smile) avisando que a resposta que se esperava é positiva. Sem nenhuma palavra escrita ou gravada, você - e eu também – entendemos que tudo está bem resolvido.  A partir dessa contextualização, tomando por base a força da imagem como comunicação e, ainda, a facilidade de acesso às novas Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação (TDIC) nos dispositivos móveis, o presente artigo tem como objetivo propor reflexões sobre a utilização de imagens para a comunicação sem palavras, porém repleta de significados partilhados

    Introducing insect- or plant-based dinner meals to families in Denmark: study protocol for a randomized intervention trial

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    Background: Plant- and insect-based foods are promising alternative protein sources. Previous studies have shown that introducing plant-based foods to the diet can reduce meat intake, but no such intervention has explored the effects of insect-based foods. Methods: This study aims to integrate alternative proteins to main meals of 80 Danish families through a 6-week two-arm randomized intervention trial to investigate acceptance, consumption, and potential for meat replacement. The primary outcome is the replacement of dietary meat protein with plant- or insect-based protein from the intervention foods assessed through change in daily meat protein intake, proportion of meat protein to total protein intake, and counts of dinner meals with meat and intervention products. Conclusion: The results of this study will contribute to research in alternative proteins and explore the effects of long-term exposure of meat replacement. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT05156853.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    It is necessary to know the extreme occurrences of precipitation in a region for satisfactory design of infrastructure projects. Tropical climate regions are characterized for their heavy rainfall events during the summer, and in recent years, as a result of climate change, such events are becoming recurrent. A theoretical probability distribution model is typically used to extrapolate extreme events for high return periods. In this study, it was verified whether probability distribution models are efficient for an estimation of extreme precipitation events for the normative recommended return period. Five cities in Mato Grosso do Sul State, located the midwest region of Brazil, that have been affected by disasters caused by heavy rainfall were adopted as a case study. The results illustrate that the recommendations of the return periods used for the design of hydraulic control structures are insufficient to avoid damage caused by precipitation events, thus lending a high breakdown risk to the structures.É necessário conhecer as ocorrências extremas de precipitação em uma região para obtenção de projetos de infraestrutura satisfatórios. As regiões de clima tropical são caracterizadas por seus eventos de chuvas intensas durante o verão e, nos últimos anos, em decorrência das mudanças climáticas, esses eventos estão se tornando recorrentes. Um modelo de distribuição de probabilidade teórica é normalmente aplicado para extrapolar eventos extremos para altos períodos de retorno. Neste estudo, verificou-se se os modelos de distribuição de probabilidade são eficientes para estimar eventos extremos de precipitação para o período de retorno recomendado em normativas de dimensionamento de obras hidráulicas. Cinco cidades do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, localizadas na região centro-oeste do Brasil, que foram afetadas por desastres causados por fortes chuvas foram adotadas como estudo de caso. Os resultados ilustram que as recomendações dos períodos de retorno utilizados para o dimensionamento das estruturas de controle hidráulico são insuficientes para evitar os danos causados por eventos de precipitação, gerando um alto risco de ruptura das estruturas

    Influence of flock treatment with the antibiotic tylosin on poultry meat quality: results of a preliminary experiment

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    The veterinary antibiotic tylosin was administered to broilers at sub-therapeutic and therapeutic levels to study its effect on the quality of poultry breast meat. No statistically significant differences were observed in moisture content, pH, drip loss, colour and extent of lipid oxidation between the breast meat from treated and not treated birds. However, the cooking loss of the meat from the birds administered tylosin was significantly higher than that from the not treated ones. Additionally, the mean shear force of the breast meat was significantly lower for the sub-therapeutically treated broilers than for the not treated and the therapeutically treated ones. It was concluded that the level at which tylosin was administered to the broilers affected the quality of the breast meat, particularly its textural properties

    Inteligência emocional percebida em atletas de futebol

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    This study sought to determine the Perceived Emotional Intelligence, based on the theoretical model of emotional intelligence proposed by Mayer and Salovey (1993) in 170 male athletes of soccer sport. Were used as measures of self-report the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS24), Queiroz et al. (2005) portuguese version. Statistical analysis was performed by the Statistical Software Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) in its 19 version for Windows. The TMMS24 showed a high internal consistency (α =0.890). There were statistically significant differences in “emotional repair dimension” of Emotional Intelligence, with a low average in the “goalkeeper” position, and a high average in the “midfielder” position, compared to other positions of game.Pretendeu-se determinar a Inteligência Emocional percebida baseado no Modelo de Inteligência Emocional proposto por Mayer e Salovey (1993) em 170 atletas, do género masculino da modalidade de futebol. Utilizaram-se como medidas de auto-relato, a Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS24), versão portuguesa de Queirós et al. (2005). A análise estatística foi efectuada através do Software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 19 para Windows. A TMMS24 apresentou uma elevada consistência interna (α=0,890) e verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas na dimensão “reparação emocional” da Inteligência Emocional, havendo uma média baixa na posição de guarda-redes, e uma média elevada na posição de médio face às restantes posições de jogo

    Psychometric properties of Portuguese version of trait meta-mood scale (TMMS24)

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    It was intended to evaluate de psychometric properties of Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS24), Portuguese version of Queiroz et al. (2005) in 170 athletes, male gender sample. Statistical analysis was performed through the software Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 for Windows. We proceeded to the analysis of the reliability of the 24 items of the instrument in order to see if the items were to measure the construct and obtain a high internal consistency (α = 0.890), almost unchanged with the elimination of any item. The inter-item correlation was not as strong, confirming the analysis of alpha. However, the items in each category tend to have a stronger relation/ correlation with each other, between categories. We conducted factor analysis, and variability between the variables, so as to reduce them to a particular number of dimensions. Initially we observed a six-dimensional division, but we forced the analysis to only three resulting in a division of the items according to the original scale, Thus, we concluded that the TMMS24 has a high internal consistency, good reliability and validity, offering us a suitable and reliable tool which we can conduct investigations in different areas such as the sports universe

    Qualidade de vida em atletas de futebol

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    The aim of this study was to establish the relationship between psychosocial aspects that favor or inhibit the sports performance, and the athlete’s quality of life one important aspect in the sports environment, which can affect performance and influence the results. The study revealed than professional soccer players have a reasonable perception of their quality of life, and different strategies as the number of workouts, training period, playing position, competitive level and the time spent on travel for training, can increase perception of quality of life, where positive identification strategies can draw programs preventive and the intervention during the phases of pre-competition and competion.O objetivo geral deste estudo foi estabelecer as relações entre os aspetos psicossociais que favore cem e/ou inibem a performance desportiva, sendo a qualidade de vida do atleta, um aspeto relevante no ambiente desportivo, que pode afetar o desempenho e influenciar os resultados. O estudo revelou que os atletas profissionais de futebol têm uma perceção razoável da sua qualidade de vida, e que diferentes estratégias como número de treinos, período de treino, posição de jogo, escalão competitivo e tempo gasto em deslocações para o treino, podem aumentar a perceção da qualidade de vida, onde a identificação de estratégias positivas, permitirá delinear programas preventivos e de intervenção durante as fases de pré-competição e competição