59 research outputs found

    High-resolution laser resonances of antiprotonic helium in superfluid 4He

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    When atoms are placed into liquids, their optical spectral lines corresponding to the electronic transitions are greatly broadened compared to those of single, isolated atoms. This linewidth increase can often reach a factor of more than a million, obscuring spectroscopic structures and preventing high-resolution spectroscopy, even when superfluid helium, which is the most transparent, cold and chemically inert liquid, is used as the host material(1-6). Here we show that when an exotic helium atom with a constituent antiproton(7-9) is embedded into superfluid helium, its visible-wavelength spectral line retains a sub-gigahertz linewidth. An abrupt reduction in the linewidth of the antiprotonic laser resonance was observed when the liquid surrounding the atom transitioned into the superfluid phase. This resolved the hyperfine structure arising from the spin-spin interaction between the electron and antiproton with a relative spectral resolution of two parts in 10(6), even though the antiprotonic helium resided in a dense matrix of normal matter atoms. The electron shell of the antiprotonic atom retains a small radius of approximately 40 picometres during the laser excitation(7). This implies that other helium atoms containing antinuclei, as well as negatively charged mesons and hyperons that include strange quarks formed in superfluid helium, may be studied by laser spectroscopy with a high spectral resolution, enabling the determination of the particle masses(9). The sharp spectral lines may enable the detection of cosmic-ray antiprotons(1)(0,)(11) or searches for antideuterons(12) that come to rest in liquid helium targets

    Observation of the hyperfine transition in lithium-like Bismuth 209Bi80+^{209}\text{Bi}^{80+}: Towards a test of QED in strong magnetic fields

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    We performed a laser spectroscopic determination of the 2s2s hyperfine splitting (HFS) of Li-like 209Bi80+^{209}\text{Bi}^{80+} and repeated the measurement of the 1s1s HFS of H-like 209Bi82+^{209}\text{Bi}^{82+}. Both ion species were subsequently stored in the Experimental Storage Ring at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum f\"ur Schwerionenforschung Darmstadt and cooled with an electron cooler at a velocity of ≈0.71 c\approx 0.71\,c. Pulsed laser excitation of the M1M1 hyperfine-transition was performed in anticollinear and collinear geometry for Bi82+\text{Bi}^{82+} and Bi80+\text{Bi}^{80+}, respectively, and observed by fluorescence detection. We obtain ΔE(1s)=5086.3(11) meV\Delta E^{(1s)}= 5086.3(11)\,\textrm{meV} for Bi82+\text{Bi}^{82+}, different from the literature value, and ΔE(2s)=797.50(18) meV\Delta E^{(2s)}= 797.50(18)\,\textrm{meV} for Bi80+\text{Bi}^{80+}. These values provide experimental evidence that a specific difference between the two splitting energies can be used to test QED calculations in the strongest static magnetic fields available in the laboratory independent of nuclear structure effects. The experimental result is in excellent agreement with the theoretical prediction and confirms the sum of the Dirac term and the relativistic interelectronic-interaction correction at a level of 0.5% confirming the importance of accounting for the Breit interaction.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Microwave spectroscopic study of the hyperfine structure of antiprotonic helium-3

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    In this work we describe the latest results for the measurements of the hyperfine structure of antiprotonic helium-3. Two out of four measurable super-super-hyperfine SSHF transition lines of the (n,L)=(36,34) state of antiprotonic helium-3 were observed. The measured frequencies of the individual transitions are 11.12548(08) GHz and 11.15793(13) GHz, with an increased precision of about 43% and 25% respectively compared to our first measurements with antiprotonic helium-3 [S. Friedreich et al., Phys. Lett. B 700 (2011) 1--6]. They are less than 0.5 MHz higher with respect to the most recent theoretical values, still within their estimated errors. Although the experimental uncertainty for the difference of 0.03245(15) GHz between these frequencies is large as compared to that of theory, its measured value also agrees with theoretical calculations. The rates for collisions between antiprotonic helium and helium atoms have been assessed through comparison with simulations, resulting in an elastic collision rate of gamma_e = 3.41 +- 0.62 MHz and an inelastic collision rate of gamma_i = 0.51 +- 0.07 MHz.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1102.528

    Improved X-ray detection and particle identification with avalanche photodiodes

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    Avalanche photodiodes are commonly used as detectors for low energy x-rays. In this work we report on a fitting technique used to account for different detector responses resulting from photo absorption in the various APD layers. The use of this technique results in an improvement of the energy resolution at 8.2 keV by up to a factor of 2, and corrects the timing information by up to 25 ns to account for space dependent electron drift time. In addition, this waveform analysis is used for particle identification, e.g. to distinguish between x-rays and MeV electrons in our experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    The Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen and the proton radius

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    By means of pulsed laser spectroscopy applied to muonic hydrogen (Ό− p) we have measured the 2S F = 1 1/2 − 2PF = 2 3/2 transition frequency to be 49881.88(76) GHz. By comparing this measurement with its theoretical prediction based on bound-state QED we have determined a proton radius value of rp = 0.84184 (67) fm. This new value is an order of magnitude preciser than previous results but disagrees by 5 standard deviations from the CODATA and the electronproton scattering values. An overview of the present effort attempting to solve the observed discrepancy is given. Using the measured isotope shift of the 1S-2S transition in regular hydrogen and deuterium also the rms charge radius of the deuteron rd = 2.12809 (31) fm has been determined. Moreover we present here the motivations for the measurements of the ÎŒ 4He + and ÎŒ 3He + 2S-2P splittings. The alpha and triton charge radii are extracted from these measurements with relative accuracies of few 10 − 4. Measurements could help to solve the observed discrepancy, lead to the best test of hydrogen-like energy levels and provide crucial tests for few-nucleon ab-initio theories and potentials

    The Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen

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    The long quest for a measurement of the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen is over. Last year we measured the 2S1/2F=1–2P3/2F=2 energy splitting (Pohl et al., Nature, 466, 213 (2010)) in ÎŒp with an experimental accuracy of 15 ppm, twice better than our proposed goal. Using current QED calculations of the fine, hyperfine, QED, and finite size contributions, we obtain a root-mean-square proton charge radius of rp = 0.841 84 (67) fm. This value is 10 times more precise, but 5 standard deviations smaller, than the 2006 CODATA value of rp. The origin of this discrepancy is not known. Our measurement, together with precise measurements of the 1S–2S transition in regular hydrogen and deuterium, gives improved values of the Rydberg constant, R∞ = 10 973 731.568 160 (16) m⁻Âč and the rms charge radius of the deuteron rd = 2.128 09 (31) fm

    The size of the proton and the deuteron

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    We have recently measured the 2S1/2⁌Âč − 2P3/2 ⁌ ÂČ energy splitting in the muonic hydrogen atom ÎŒp to be 49881.88 (76) GHz. Using recent QED calculations of the fine-, hyperfine, QED and finite size contributions we obtain a root-mean-square proton charge radius of rp = 0.84184 (67) fm. This value is ten times more precise, but 5 standard deviations smaller, than the 2006 CODATA value of rp = 0.8768 (69) fm. The source of this discrepancy is unknown. Using the precise measurements of the 1S-2S transition in regular hydrogen and deuterium and our value of rp we obtain improved values of the Rydberg constant, R∞ = 10973731.568160 (16) m⁻Âčand the rms charge radius of the deuteron rd = 2.12809 (31) fm

    The Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen 1

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    Abstract: The long quest for a measurement of the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen is over. Last year we measured the energy splitting (Pohl et al., Nature, 466, 213 (2010)) in mp with an experimental accuracy of 15 ppm, twice better than our proposed goal. Using current QED calculations of the fine, hyperfine, QED, and finite size contributions, we obtain a rootmean-square proton charge radius of r p = 0.841 84 (67) fm. This value is 10 times more precise, but 5 standard deviations smaller, than the 2006 CODATA value of r p . The origin of this discrepancy is not known. Our measurement, together with precise measurements of the 1S-2S transition in regular hydrogen and deuterium, gives improved values of the Rydberg constant, R ? = 10 973 731.568 16

    Apoptose, p53 und Hepatitis Viren - zwischen Tumorentstehung und Viruspersistenz

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    Mit ĂŒber 500 Millionen chronisch und jĂ€hrlich mehr als 5 Millionen neu infizierten Menschen weltweit stellen Hepatitis B- und C-Infektionen zwei der wichtigsten Infektionskrankheiten dar. Sie sind außerdem die Ursache fĂŒr 90% der hepatozellulĂ€ren Karzinome, der dritthĂ€ufigsten Ursache fĂŒr Krebstod weltweit. Obwohl sehr unterschiedliche Viren, weisen beide doch ein Ă€hnliches Krankheitsbild und einen Ă€hnlichen Krankheitsverlauf auf. Im Zuge der Tumorentstehung von der chronischen Infektion ĂŒber die Leberzirrhose hin zum Leberkrebs ist dabei das CD95-System aktiviert. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Apoptose-System, bei dem die Aktivierung des ubiquitĂ€r exprimierten Todesrezeptors CD95 durch die Bindung seines Liganden eine Signaltransduktionskette auslöst, die zur Apoptose der Zelle fĂŒhrt. Wichtige Elemente dieser Signalkette sind Caspasen und die Mitochondrien, wobei letztere als VerstĂ€rker dienen. Regulierend greifen die Proteine Bax und p53 in dieses System ein. Bax reguliert die Signaltransduktion auf der Ebene der Mitochondrien, wĂ€hrend p53 vor allem durch die Regulation des CD95- und des Bax-Gens sowie die Induktion von Apoptose wirkt. Da zum einen die ChronizitĂ€t ein Risikofaktor fĂŒr das hepatozellulĂ€re Karzinom und zum anderen das CD95-System bei der Tumorentstehung aktiviert ist, war die Frage, ob das CD95-System schon bei Progression von der akuten zur chronischen Infektion eine Rolle spielt. Hierzu wurden Black6-MĂ€use (100% CD95-Rezeptordichte) und lpr-MĂ€use (10% Rezeptordichte) mit dem Hepatitis B Virus infiziert und untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass das CD95-System essentiell fĂŒr die BekĂ€mpfung der Infektion ist, da nur die Black6-MĂ€use eine Immunantwort mit Elimination des Virus zeigte. Zur weiteren Untersuchung auf zellulĂ€rer Ebene erfolgte die Etablierung eines kliniknahen Zellkultur-Modells durch die Optimierung der Isolation von primĂ€ren humanen Hepatozyten aus Resektatmaterial und die Klonierung von adenoviralen Vektoren sowohl fĂŒr das HBV-Genom als auch fĂŒr p53. Die Nutzung dieses wirklichkeitsnahen Systems zeigte, dass HBV Apoptose in Hepatozyten auslöst, dabei mit p53 kooperiert und dass fĂŒr die Kooperation das X-Protein von HBV, kurz HBx genannt, verantwortlich ist. Diese Kooperation mit p53 fĂŒhrte zu der Frage, ob diese auch in der Aktivierung der beteiligten Proteine nachzuweisen ist, da sowohl der CD95-Rezeptor als auch Bax von p53 direkt transaktiviert werden können. Genaktivierungsstudien fĂŒr CD95 und Bax zeigten, dass beide Gene durch HBV transaktiviert werden können und zusammen mit p53 eine synergistische Aktivierung stattfindet. Diese Synergie ist durch HBx vermittelt. Semiquantitative Ko-PCR mit densitometrischer Auswertung zeigt weiterhin, dass HBV auch die Genexpression des CD95-Liganden induzieren kann. Vergleicht man nun das Hepatitis C Virus, im Gegensatz zu HBV ein RNA-Virus, bezĂŒglich der Induktion von Apoptose, der Transaktivierung des CD95- und des Bax-Gens, so zeigt sich ein Ă€hnliches Bild. HCV kann Apoptose auslösen und kooperiert dabei mit p53. Auch in der Aktivierung des CD95- und des Bax-Gens erfolgt eine Kooperation mit p53, diese ist ĂŒberadditiv, jedoch nicht so stark wie zwischen p53 und HBV. Einer der stĂ€rksten Aktivatoren bei HCV war dabei das Strukturprotein Core. Deletionsstudien zeigten hierbei, dass die ersten 123 AminosĂ€uren der 191 AminosĂ€uren des Core-Proteins fĂŒr diese Kooperation mit p53 verantwortlich sind. Zusammenfassend lĂ€sst sich sagen, dass das CD95-System essentiell fĂŒr die Elimination von HBV und fĂŒr den Schutz der Leber vor dauernder SchĂ€digung ist. Weiterhin gelang die Etablierung eines wirklichkeitsnahen Zellkulturmodells durch Nutzung von primĂ€ren humanen Hepatozyten zusammen mit adenoviralen Vektoren. Hiermit konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass sowohl HBV als auch HCV den CD95-Rezeptor und Bax in Zusammenarbeit mit p53 transaktivieren und so Apoptose auslösen
