3,926 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Dawson, George H. (Houlton, Aroostook County)

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    Efficiency of two designs of trawls in Hirakud Reservoir

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    High opening trawl was found to be effective for the exploitation of bottom and off bottom fishes from Hirakud reservoir compared to bulged belly trawl

    Direct observation of substrate binding to ferrous-CO cytochrome P-450-CAM using 19F NMR

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    AbstractThe binding of two fluorinated substrate analogs, 9-fluorocamphor and 5,5-difluorocamphor, to cytochrome P-450-CAM has been investigated by 19F NMR spectroscopy. The NMR properties of each substrate differ depending on whether it is free in aqueous buffer, bound to the diamagnetic ferrous-CO enzyme or bound to the paramagnetic ferrous derivative. As CO must be bound to the ferrous center for it to be diamagnetic, these results demonstrate that camphor and CO bind to the protein simultaneously. The present results are unusual in that the spectral properties of the substrate rather than those of the heme iron have been monitored to follow substrate and ligand binding

    Interview with Half Century Club Inductees, Class of 1930

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    Oral history interview with Illinois State Normal University alumni, Class of 1930. The interview was conducted on May 10, 1980, by an unidentified interviewer. They discuss President Felmley, influential faculty, and racial discrimination experienced by students of color.https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/aoh/1002/thumbnail.jp

    The eye contact effect: mechanisms and development

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    The ‘eye contact effect’ is the phenomenon that perceived eye contact with another human face modulates certain aspects of the concurrent and/or immediately following cognitive processing. In addition, functional imaging studies in adults have revealed that eye contact can modulate activity in structures in the social brain network, and developmental studies show evidence for preferential orienting towards, and processing of, faces with direct gaze from early in life. We review different theories of the eye contact effect and advance a ‘fast-track modulator’ model. Specifically, we hypothesize that perceived eye contact is initially detected by a subcortical route, which then modulates the activation of the social brain as it processes the accompanying detailed sensory information

    Phase equilibria and glass transition in colloidal systems with short-ranged attractive interactions. Application to protein crystallization

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    We have studied a model of a complex fluid consisting of particles interacting through a hard core and a short range attractive potential of both Yukawa and square-well form. Using a hybrid method, including a self-consistent and quite accurate approximation for the liquid integral equation in the case of the Yukawa fluid, perturbation theory to evaluate the crystal free energies, and mode-coupling theory of the glass transition, we determine both the equilibrium phase diagram of the system and the lines of equilibrium between the supercooled fluid and the glass phases. For these potentials, we study the phase diagrams for different values of the potential range, the ratio of the range of the interaction to the diameter of the repulsive core being the main control parameter. Our arguments are relevant to a variety of systems, from dense colloidal systems with depletion forces, through particle gels, nano-particle aggregation, and globular protein crystallization.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Joint Resummation for Higgs Production

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    We study the application of the joint resummation formalism to Higgs production via gluon-gluon fusion at the LHC, defining inverse transforms by analytic continuation. We work at next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. We find that at low Q_T the resummed Higgs Q_T distributions are comparable in the joint and pure-Q_T formalisms, with relatively small influence from threshold enhancement in this range. We find a modest (about ten percent) decrease in the inclusive cross section, relative to pure threshold resummation.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures as eps file

    Using VO tools to investigate distant radio starbursts hosting obscured AGN in the HDF(N) region

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    A 10-arcmin field around the HDF(N) contains 92 radio sources >40 uJy, resolved by MERLIN+VLA at 0".2-2".0 resolution. 55 have Chandra X-ray counterparts including 18 with a hard X-ray photon index and high luminosity characteristic of a type-II (obscured) AGN. >70% of the radio sources have been classified as starbursts or AGN using radio morphologies, spectral indices and comparisons with optical appearance and MIR emission. Starbursts outnumber radio AGN 3:1. This study extends the VO methods previously used to identify X-ray-selected obscured type-II AGN to investigate whether very luminous radio and X-ray emission originates from different phenomena in the same galaxy. The high-redshift starbursts have typical sizes of 5--10 kpc and star formation rates of ~1000 Msun/yr. There is no correlation between radio and X-ray luminosities nor spectral indices at z>~1.3. ~70% of both the radio-selected AGN and the starburst samples were detected by Chandra. The X-ray luminosity indicates the presence of an AGN in at least half of the 45 cross-matched radio starbursts, of which 11 are type-II AGN including 7 at z>1.5. This distribution overlaps closely with the X-ray detected radio sources which were also detected by SCUBA. Stacked 1.4-GHz emission at the positions of radio-faint X-ray sources is correlated with X-ray hardness. Most extended radio starbursts at z>1.3 host X-ray selected obscured AGN. Radio emission from most of these ultra-luminous objects is dominated by star formation but it contributes less than 1/3 of their X-ray luminosity. Our results support the inferences from SCUBA and IR data, that at z>1.5, star formation is an order of magnitude more extended and more copious, it is closely linked to AGN activity and it is triggered differently, compared with star formation at lower redshifts.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, uses graphicx, rotating, natbib, supertabular packages and aa.cls. Accepted for publication in A&

    High-resolution volumetric imaging constrains compartmental models to explore synaptic integration and temporal processing by cochlear nucleus globular bushy cells

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    Globular bushy cells (GBCs) of the cochlear nucleus play central roles in the temporal processing of sound. Despite investigation over many decades, fundamental questions remain about their dendrite structure, afferent innervation, and integration of synaptic inputs. Here, we use volume electron microscopy (EM) of the mouse cochlear nucleus to construct synaptic maps that precisely specify convergence ratios and synaptic weights for auditory- nerve innervation and accurate surface areas of all postsynaptic compartments. Detailed biophysically-based compartmental models can help develop hypotheses regarding how GBCs integrate inputs to yield their recorded responses to sound. We established a pipeline to export a precise reconstruction of auditory nerve axons and their endbulb terminals together with high-resolution dendrite, soma, and axon reconstructions into biophysically-detailed compartmental models that could be activated by a standard cochlear transduction model. With these constraints, the models predict auditory nerve input profiles whereby all endbulbs onto a GBC are subthreshold (coincidence detection mode), or one or two inputs are suprathreshold (mixed mode). The models also predict the relative importance of dendrite geometry, soma size, and axon initial segment length in setting action potential threshold and generating heterogeneity in sound-evoked responses, and thereby propose mechanisms by which GBCs may homeostatically adjust their excitability. Volume EM also reveals new dendritic structures and dendrites that lack innervation. This framework defines a pathway from subcellular morphology to synaptic connectivity, and facilitates investigation into the roles of specific cellular features in sound encoding. We also clarify the need for new experimental measurements to provide missing cellular parameters, and predict responses to sound for further in vivo studies, thereby serving as a template for investigation of other neuron classes

    Measurements of Secondary Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies with the South Pole Telescope

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    We report cosmic microwave background (CMB) power spectrum measurements from the first 100 sq. deg. field observed by the South Pole Telescope (SPT) at 150 and 220 GHz. On angular scales where the primary CMB anisotropy is dominant, ell ~< 3000, the SPT power spectrum is consistent with the standard LambdaCDM cosmology. On smaller scales, we see strong evidence for a point source contribution, consistent with a population of dusty, star-forming galaxies. After we mask bright point sources, anisotropy power on angular scales of 3000 50 at both frequencies. We combine the 150 and 220 GHz data to remove the majority of the point source power, and use the point source subtracted spectrum to detect Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) power at 2.6 sigma. At ell=3000, the SZ power in the subtracted bandpowers is 4.2 +/- 1.5 uK^2, which is significantly lower than the power predicted by a fiducial model using WMAP5 cosmological parameters. This discrepancy may suggest that contemporary galaxy cluster models overestimate the thermal pressure of intracluster gas. Alternatively, this result can be interpreted as evidence for lower values of sigma8. When combined with an estimate of the kinetic SZ contribution, the measured SZ amplitude shifts sigma8 from the primary CMB anisotropy derived constraint of 0.794 +/- 0.028 down to 0.773 +/- 0.025. The uncertainty in the constraint on sigma8 from this analysis is dominated by uncertainties in the theoretical modeling required to predict the amplitude of the SZ power spectrum for a given set of cosmological parameters.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Ap
