143 research outputs found

    TINU syndrome : two case reports and review of literature

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2018A inflamação do interstĂ­cio renal, juntamente com o atingimento da Ășvea, estabelece os dois componentes da sĂ­ndrome de nefrite tubulointersticial e uveĂ­te (TINU). Embora classicamente descrita como ocorrendo em mulheres jovens, a sĂ­ndrome pode afetar um amplo espectro de doentes. Tanto a doença renal como a ocular podem ser assintomĂĄticas e/ou aparecer com um atraso importante. A doença renal dĂĄ origem a sintomas constitucionais inespecĂ­ficos semelhantes a uma sĂ­ndrome gripal, muitas vezes autolimitados e com bom prognĂłstico. A doença ocular surge principalmente como uma uveĂ­te anterior bilateral de inĂ­cio sĂșbito e tem uma tendĂȘncia para um curso crĂłnico, mesmo sob tratamento. Os dados clĂĄssicos indicam que a sĂ­ndrome afeta 2% dos doentes com uveĂ­te. Atualmente, reconhecem-se as caracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nicas complexas da doença, acreditando-se que seja subdiagnosticada. É, portanto, imperativo ter uma alta suspeita clĂ­nica para TINU. Neste trabalho sĂŁo descritos e analisados dois casos clĂ­nicos da sĂ­ndrome TINU com diferentes manifestaçÔes clĂ­nicas iniciais e com mais de um ano de acompanhamento.Inflammation of renal interstitium along with uvea involvement sets out the two components of tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis (TINU) syndrome. Though classically described as occurring in young females, it can affect a broad spectrum of patients. Both renal and eye disease could be asymptomatic and/or appear with an important delay. Renal disease gives rise to non-specific flu-like symptoms, often self-limited with therapeutic and with good prognosis. Eye-disease emerge mainly as a sudden-onset bilateral anterior uveitis and has a tendency for a chronic course, even under treatment. The syndrome was firstly thought to affect 2% of uveitis patients. Today, the challenging clinical features and the limited recognition are enlightened, and it is believed to be an underdiagnosed illness. It is thus imperative to have a high clinical suspicion for TINU. We describe and analyze two clinical cases of TINU syndrome with different initial clinical manifestations and over one-year of follow-up

    PACE: Simple Multi-hop Scheduling for Single-radio 802.11-based Stub Wireless Mesh Networks

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    IEEE 802.11-based Stub Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are a cost-effective and flexible solution to extend wired network infrastructures. Yet, they suffer from two major problems: inefficiency and unfairness. A number of approaches have been proposed to tackle these problems, but they are too restrictive, highly complex, or require time synchronization and modifications to the IEEE 802.11 MAC. PACE is a simple multi-hop scheduling mechanism for Stub WMNs overlaid on the IEEE 802.11 MAC that jointly addresses the inefficiency and unfairness problems. It limits transmissions to a single mesh node at each time and ensures that each node has the opportunity to transmit a packet in each network-wide transmission round. Simulation results demonstrate that PACE can achieve optimal network capacity utilization and greatly outperforms state of the art CSMA/CA-based solutions as far as goodput, delay, and fairness are concerned

    A peer-to-peer service architecture for the Smart Grid

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    Short paperThe Smart Grid vision needs to address hard challenges such as interoperability, reliability and scalability before it can become fulfilled. The need to provide full interoperability between current and future energy and non-energy systems and its disparate technologies along with the problem of seamless discovery, configuration, and communication of a large variety of networked devices ranging from the resource constrained sensing devices to the large machines inside a data center requires an agnostic Service Oriented Architecture. Moreover, the sheer scale of the Smart Grid and the criticality of the communication among its subsystems for proper management, demands a scalable and reliable communication framework able to work in an heterogeneous and dynamic environment. In this position paper, we propose a generic framework, based on Web Services for interoperability, and epidemic or gossip based communication protocols for reliability and scalability, that can serve a general management substrate where several Smart Grid problems can be solved. We illustrate the flexibility of the proposed framework by showing how it can be used in two specific scenarios.Important challenges in interoperability, reliability, and scalability need to be addressed before the Smart Grid vision can be fulfilled. The sheer scale of the electric grid and the criticality of the communication among its subsystems for proper management, demands a scalable and reliable communication framework able to work in an heterogeneous and dynamic environment. Moreover, the need to provide full interoperability between diverse current and future energy and non-energy systems, along with seamless discovery and configuration of a large variety of networked devices, ranging from the resource constrained sensing devices to servers in data centers, requires an implementation-agnostic Service Oriented Architecture. In this position paper we propose that this challenge can be addressed with a generic framework that reconciles the reliability and scalability of Peer-to-Peer systems, with the industrial standard interoperability of Web Services. We illustrate the flexibility of the proposed framework by showing how it can be used in two specific scenarios

    Anàlisis simplificat de la mecànica d’impacte de blocs i de la seva influùncia en la fragmentació

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    Els despreniments rocosos sĂłn un gran problema per les infraestructures, els bĂ©ns i la prĂČpia vida de les persones. Aquest fenomen ha sigut estudiat en gran mesura, perĂČ les seves particularitats el fan ser una de les inestabilitats de masses mĂ©s difĂ­cils de preveure. S’ha arribat a crear diversitat de models per trobar les trajectĂČries i l’abast d’un despreniment, perĂČ no Ă©s habitual que en aquests models es tingui present la fragmentaciĂł que molt sovint pateixen els blocs despresos a l’impactar amb el terreny. En el marc del projecte de recerca RockModels, s’ha dut a terme un assaig de llançament de maons al laboratori per analitzar el procĂ©s de fragmentaciĂł. D’aquest assaig es coneixien totes les propietats dels maons, el grau de fragmentaciĂł i es van enregistrar vĂ­deos a alta velocitat dels impactes. En aquest treball, en primer lloc, s’ha fet un anĂ lisi qualitatiu dels vĂ­deos enregistrats, on s’ha pogut observar les morfologies d’impacte (de cara, de vĂšrtex o d’aresta). En segon lloc, s’ha fet un anĂ lisi quantitatiu dels impactes per determinar l’energia cinĂštica, l’àrea d’impacte, la força normal i la pressiĂł generades de cada impacte amb models analĂ­tics basats en condicions elĂ stiques. Finalment, s’ha comparat la força d’impacte amb el grau de fragmentaciĂł i s’ha analitzat la influĂšncia de la morfologia d’impacte a la fragmentaciĂł. Els resultats obtinguts de l’anĂ lisi dels vĂ­deos ens mostren la importĂ ncia que tĂ© la morfologia de l’impacte en la fragmentaciĂł. S’observa com els llançaments on l’impacte es produeix amb una aresta del maĂł, acostumen a fragmentar en el primer impacte, en canvi aquells maons on l’impacte es produeix amb el vĂšrtex, acostumen a no patir fragmentaciĂł en primera instĂ ncia. Els resultats obtinguts del cĂ lcul numĂšric mostren que als impactes amb una Ă rea d’impacte major, la força normal generada tambĂ© Ă©s major. A contrapartida, quan l’àrea d’impacte era mĂ©s petita, la pressiĂł i la indentaciĂł eren mĂ©s grans. De la influĂšncia en la fragmentaciĂł, els resultats mostren que aquesta es donarĂ  amb mĂ©s freqĂŒĂšncia com mĂ©s gran sigui l’angle d’impacte del centre de masses. En quant a la relaciĂł entre les forces i les pressions generades amb la fragmentaciĂł, no s’ha obtingut els resultats esperats, doncs no s’ha pogut analitzar de forma complerta els segons impactes, tal com s’ha fet amb els primers, considerant totes les variables que intervenen i varien respecte el primer impacte

    A Função Consumo em Portugal: Uma Abordagem Macroeconométrica

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    Este artigo propĂ”e uma função consumo agregado para o contexto portuguĂȘs. Perante a existĂȘncia de cointegração entre as variĂĄveis em estudo, foi estimado um modelo uni-equacional para tentar modelar o comportamento da função consumo agregado. Foi possĂ­vel concluir pela existĂȘncia de uma relação positiva entre o consumo e o rendimento disponĂ­vel (elasticidade unitĂĄria) e uma relação negativa entre o consumo e a taxa de juro real e a taxa de inflação.N/

    An Empirical Analysis of Dynamic Multiscale Hedging using Wavelet Decomposition

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    This paper investigates the hedging effectiveness of a dynamic moving window OLS hedging model, formed using wavelet decomposed time-series. The wavelet transform is applied to calculate the appropriate dynamic minimum-variance hedge ratio for various hedging horizons for a number of assets. The effectiveness of the dynamic multiscale hedging strategy is then tested, both in- and out-of-sample, using standard variance reduction and expanded to include a downside risk metric, the time horizon dependent Value-at-Risk. Measured using variance reduction, the effectiveness converges to one at longer scales, while a measure of VaR reduction indicates a portion of residual risk remains at all scales. Analysis of the hedge portfolio distributions indicate that this unhedged tail risk is related to excess portfolio kurtosis found at all scales.Comment: To Appear: Journal of Futures Market

    AplicaciĂłn del SGSST para disminuir los accidentes laborales en la empresa Spartan Chemical PerĂș SAC, Callao 2021

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    La presente investigaciĂłn se planteĂł como objetivo general determinar en quĂ© medida la aplicaciĂłn del Sistema de GestiĂłn de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo disminuirĂĄ los accidentes laborales en la empresa Spartan Chemical PerĂș SAC, Callao 2021. El estudio se realizĂł en el ĂĄrea de producciĂłn en donde se observĂł la ocurrencia de accidentes laborales, por lo cual en base al diagrama de Ishikawa y Pareto se identificĂł que los accidentes sucedĂ­an prioritariamente debido al incumplimiento de reglamentos de seguridad (14,58%). Respecto a la metodologĂ­a la investigaciĂłn fue de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo aplicada y de nivel preexperimental. La muestra de estudio estuvo conformada por 24 trabajadores del ĂĄrea de producciĂłn en el periodo enero-abril del 2021. En tal sentido, como resultado de la investigaciĂłn se concluye que los accidentes laborales disminuyeron en 66,67%. AsĂ­ pues, mediante la prueba Z Wilcoxon se tuvo una significancia de 0,034 por lo cual al ser menor que 0,05 existiĂł evidencia significativa para afirmar que la aplicaciĂłn del SGSST disminuyĂł los accidentes laborales en la empresa Spartan Chemical PerĂș SAC. Siendo asĂ­, para futuras investigaciones se recomienda realizar un programa de auditorĂ­as externas para mantener vigente la supervisiĂłn del cumplimiento del SGSST
