305 research outputs found

    Sea ice concentration data produced from a simulation with the sea ice model CICE-CPOM-2019, including a prognostic floe size distribution model to study the Marginal Ice Zone

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    Monthly mean sea ice concentration output from CICE-CPOM-2019, a stand-alone (fully forced) dynamic-thermodynamic sea ice model, based on CICE model version 5.1.2, but with an added prognostic floe-size distribution, prognostic melt pond model, elastic anisotropic plastic rheology, and a prognostic ocean mixed layer. Details on the forcing and full references concerning the modifications made to the original CICE model can be found in the Readme file

    A Controlled Study on the Characterisation of Bioaerosols Emissions from Compost

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    Bioaerosol emissions arising from biowaste treatment are an issue of public concern. To better characterise the bioaerosols, and to assess a range of measurement methods, we aerosolised green waste compost under controlled conditions. Viable and non-viable Andersen samplers, cyclone samplers and a real time bioaerosol detection system (Spectral Intensity Bioaerosol Sensor (SIBS)) were deployed simultaneously. The number-weighted fraction of fluorescent particles was in the range 22–26% of all particles for low and high emission scenarios. Overall fluorescence spectral profiles seen by the SIBS exhibited several peaks across the 16 wavelength bands from 298 to 735 nm. The size-fractionated endotoxin profile showed most endotoxin resided in the 2.1–9 μm aerodynamic diameter fraction, though up to 27% was found in a finer size fraction. A range of microorganisms were detected through culture, Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption and Ionisation Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), including Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. These findings contribute to our knowledge of the physico-chemical and biological characteristics of bioaerosols from composting sites, as well as informing future monitoring approaches and data interpretation for bioaerosol measurement

    Dynamic graphical instructions result in improved attitudes and decreased task completion time in human−robot co-working: an experimental manufacturing study

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    Collaborative robots offer opportunities to increase the sustainability of work and workforces by increasing productivity, quality, and efficiency, whilst removing workers from hazardous, repetitive, and strenuous tasks. They also offer opportunities for increasing accessibility to work, supporting those who may otherwise be disadvantaged through age, ability, gender, or other characteristics. However, to maximise the benefits, employers must overcome negative attitudes toward, and a lack of confidence in, the technology, and must take steps to reduce errors arising from misuse. This study explores how dynamic graphical signage could be employed to address these issues in a manufacturing task. Forty employees from one UK manufacturing company participated in a field experiment to complete a precision pick-and-place task working in conjunction with a collaborative robotic arm. Twenty-one participants completed the task with the support of dynamic graphical signage that provided information about the robot and the activity, while the rest completed the same task with no signage. The presence of the signage improved the completion time of the task as well as reducing negative attitudes towards the robots. Furthermore, participants provided with no signage had worse outcome expectancies as a function of their response time. Our results indicate that the provision of instructional information conveyed through appropriate graphical signage can improve task efficiency and user wellbeing, contributing to greater workforce sustainability. The findings will be of interest for companies introducing collaborative robots as well as those wanting to improve their workforce wellbeing and technology acceptance

    Robots claiming space: gauging public reaction using computer vision techniques

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    Handling delicate crops without damaging or bruising is a challenge facing the au-tomation of tasks within the agri-food sector, which encourages the utilization of soft grippers that are inherently safe and passively compliant. In this paper we present a brief overview of the development of a printable soft gripper integrated with printable bend sensors. The softness of the gripper fingers allows delicate crops to be grasped gently, while the bend sensors are calibrated to measure bending and detect contact. This way the soft gripper not only benefits from the passive compliance of its soft fingers, but also demonstrates a sensor-guided approach for improved grasp control

    Pengaruh Harga Terhadap Peningkatan Penjualan Produk Semen Tiga Roda Pada PT. Robcaga Beo Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud

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    The development in business world these days is market by the competition between the business company is getting fierce. Especially in managing the company business unit. It is shown by the appearance of a company that offer a good quality product with a compete price on the market. To handle the fierce competition on the market then one from so many effort that the company do is by apply the strategic price. Which on the way of applying that strategi the company try to set a price that can be compete in the market so the increase sale of the product become maximum. With right price and controlled will result the domino effect to a company to build long term relationship with costumer so it can increase the sales volume. This research is a descriptive quantitative research by using the correlation approach and simple regression. To see relation between variable and to measure the impact to the variable itself. So the purpose of this research is to know how far the price effect and to the increase of PT. ROBCAGA in Talaud. According to the sesult of the research, can be shown as following: price has a correlation and significant determination effort to the increase sale of PT. ROBCAGA Talaud. According to the data analysis, coefficient value moment r = 0,685. That show there is a positive relation, and can be categorize as high and strong, also price coefficient determination to the increase sale is by 46,5% and 53,5% by the rest of it depends on the unknown factors that not been analyze in this research

    Generalization of DNA microarray dispersion properties: microarray equivalent of t-distribution

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    BACKGROUND: DNA microarrays are a powerful technology that can provide a wealth of gene expression data for disease studies, drug development, and a wide scope of other investigations. Because of the large volume and inherent variability of DNA microarray data, many new statistical methods have been developed for evaluating the significance of the observed differences in gene expression. However, until now little attention has been given to the characterization of dispersion of DNA microarray data. RESULTS: Here we examine the expression data obtained from 682 Affymetrix GeneChips(® )with 22 different types and we demonstrate that the Gaussian (normal) frequency distribution is characteristic for the variability of gene expression values. However, typically 5 to 15% of the samples deviate from normality. Furthermore, it is shown that the frequency distributions of the difference of expression in subsets of ordered, consecutive pairs of genes (consecutive samples) in pair-wise comparisons of replicate experiments are also normal. We describe a consecutive sampling method, which is employed to calculate the characteristic function approximating standard deviation and show that the standard deviation derived from the consecutive samples is equivalent to the standard deviation obtained from individual genes. Finally, we determine the boundaries of probability intervals and demonstrate that the coefficients defining the intervals are independent of sample characteristics, variability of data, laboratory conditions and type of chips. These coefficients are very closely correlated with Student's t-distribution. CONCLUSION: In this study we ascertained that the non-systematic variations possess Gaussian distribution, determined the probability intervals and demonstrated that the K(α )coefficients defining these intervals are invariant; these coefficients offer a convenient universal measure of dispersion of data. The fact that the K(α )distributions are so close to t-distribution and independent of conditions and type of arrays suggests that the quantitative data provided by Affymetrix technology give "true" representation of physical processes, involved in measurement of RNA abundance. REVIEWERS: This article was reviewed by Yoav Gilad (nominated by Doron Lancet), Sach Mukherjee (nominated by Sandrine Dudoit) and Amir Niknejad and Shmuel Friedland (nominated by Neil Smalheiser)

    Indispensable Ocean: Aligning Ocean Health and Human Well-Being

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    The ocean is a critical part of Earth's life-support system and vital for the well-being of humanity. Once thought to be limitless, the ocean's resources are showing serious signs of deterioration and depletion on a global scale. Adverse changes are accelerating at an unprecedented rate relative to the changes seen over millions of years.This report is the result of a conversation by the Blue Ribbon Panel, a group of diverse leaders in industry, government, conservation, and academia who aim to serve as a collective voice to build sustainable solutions for the ocean

    Language-free graphical signage improves human performance and reduces anxiety when working collaboratively with robots

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    As robots become more ubiquitous, and their capabilities extend, novice users will require intuitive instructional information related to their use. This is particularly important in the manufacturing sector, which is set to be transformed under Industry 4.0 by the deployment of collaborative robots in support of traditionally low-skilled, manual roles. In the first study of its kind, this paper reports how static graphical signage can improve performance and reduce anxiety in participants physically collaborating with a semi-autonomous robot. Three groups of 30 participants collaborated with a robot to perform a manufacturing-type process using graphical information that was relevant to the task, irrelevant, or absent. The results reveal that the group exposed to relevant signage was significantly more accurate in undertaking the task. Furthermore, their anxiety towards robots significantly decreased as a function of increasing accuracy. Finally, participants exposed to graphical signage showed positive emotional valence in response to successful trials. At a time when workers are concerned about the threat posed by robots to jobs, and with advances in technology requiring upskilling of the workforce, it is important to provide intuitive and supportive information to users. Whilst increasingly sophisticated technical solutions are being sought to improve communication and confidence in human-robot co-working, our findings demonstrate how simple signage can still be used as an effective tool to reduce user anxiety and increase task performance
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