8,723 research outputs found

    Parenting dimensions and adolescent peer aggression: a gendered analysis.

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    Thepresent studyhadtwomaingoals. The firstwas to analyze thedifferences between parenting dimensions¿strictness/imposition and involvement/acceptance¿in adolescents' engagement in peer aggression as aggressors, victims, aggressive victims, and non-involved. The second goal was to examine diferences between parenting dimensions and peer-aggression roles by gender of both parents and adolescents. Participants were 779 adolescents (49.16% boys and 50.84% girls), aged between 12 and 16 years old (M = 14.21; SD = 1.35), enrolled in schools in Andalusia (Spain). Findings showed significant diferences in parenting dimensions depending on gender of both adolescents (boy or girl) and parents (mother and father). For sons, non-involved adolescents scored higher in mother and father involvement than aggressors and aggressive victims. For daughters, non-involved scored higher in mother involvement than aggressors. Furthermore, girl aggressors and aggressive victims reported higher levels of mother imposition than non-involved. Results and their implications for sustainable development in adolescence are discussed

    The role of parental communication and emotional intelligence in child-to-parent violence.

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    In recent years, cases of child-to-parent violence (CPV) have increased significantly, prompting greater scientific interest in clarifying its causes. The aim of this research was to study the relationship between styles of family communication (open, offensive and avoidant), emotional intelligence or EI (attention, repair and perceived emotional clarity) and CPV, taking into account the gender of the aggressors. The participants of the study were 1200 adolescents (46.86% boys) between the ages of 12 and 18 enrolled at secondary schools in the Autonomous Communities of Andalusia and Valencia (M = 13.88, SD = 1.32). A Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA, 3 × 2) was performed with CPV and gender as independent variables and family communication styles and EI as dependent variables. The results showed that the adolescents with low CPV obtained lower scores for offensive and avoidant family communication and higher scores for both positive family communication and emotional repair. The girls scored higher than the boys in both offensive communication and perceived emotional attention. The results highlight the importance of encouraging positive communication, as well as the need to strengthen perceived emotional repair to prevent future cases of CPV

    Child-to-parent violence, peer victimization and cybervictimization in spanish adolescents.

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between child-to-parent violence (CPV) (high, moderate and low), peer victimization (PV) (relational and overt, both physical and verbal) and cybervictimization (CV) (relational and overt), taking into account the role of sex. 1304 adolescents (53.14% girls) between the ages of 11 and 18 enrolled at secondary schools in the Autonomous Communities of Valencia, Aragón and Andalusia participated in the study. Adolescents with high CPV scores obtained higher scores for all types of PV and CV compared to the other CPV groups. Boys scored higher than girls in overt physical PV and in overt CV and girls obtained higher scores in relational PV. A statistically significant interaction effect was observed; boys with high CPV scores reported greater overt CV. The results suggest the importance of CPV in relation to specific forms of PV and CV and highlight the need to take into account the different processes of family socialization between boys and girls to reduce the likelihood of adolescents being victimized

    The mediating role of classroom climate on school violence.

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    Mediation analysis has been confirmed as a very useful statistical tool in the social sciences, especially in school-related studies. This type of analysis was used in the present study to examine the mediating role of classroom climate (measured with the classroom environmental scale), categorized into three dimensions, namely involvement, affiliation, and teacher support, on the relationship between peer victimization and peer aggression. The participants consisted of 2011 adolescents (50.67% boys and 49.32% girls), aged between 12 and 18 years old (M = 14.17; SD = 1.47), enrolled in schools in Andalusia (Spain). Findings revealed a significant direct relationship of all the dimensions. They also revealed that teacher support was the only dimension that mediates in the relationship between peer violence and peer aggression. The results and their implications for improving classroom climate and school violence are discussed

    Parenting styles, cyberaggression, and cybervictimization among adolescents

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    Social concern about the negative effects of cyberbullying in children and adolescents’ psychosocial development is currently increasing. The importance of the family environment and factors in bullying has been highlighted, but little is known about the role of parenting styles in adolescents' engagement in cyberaggression and cybervictimization. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships of parenting styles (authoritative, indulgent, authoritarian, and neglectful) and cyberbullying (cybervictimization and cyberaggression) in adolescents, also considering sex and age. Participants were 2399 Spanish adolescents, 50.2% boys, aged between 12 and 18 years old (Mage = 14.69, SDage = 1.82). A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA, 4 × 2 × 2) was performed, with parenting styles, sex, and age (12–14 years and 15–18 years) as independent variables and cybervictimization and cyberaggression as criteria. Possible interaction effects were also analyzed. Results showed main effects of parenting styles, sex, and age, as well as an interaction effect between sex and parenting styles. Girls suffered more cybervictimization than boys, whereas boys performed higher levels of cyberaggression than girls. Results suggested that authoritarian parenting style was a risk factor for cyberviolence. Girls from authoritarian families scored highest on cybervictimization. Boys from indulgent families were less involved in cybervictimization. These findings highlight the importance of establishing positive and open communication between parents and adolescents. The implications are discussed

    Dependence on online social networks and school violence in adolescents

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    La evidencia empírica sugiere que la adicción a Internet se asocia con otros problemas de conducta como la sintomatología depresiva, la conducta antisocial y el cyberbullying. Sin embargo, son escasos los estudios en los que se examina la dependencia de las redes sociales virtuales (RSV) y la violencia escolar. Por ello, el propósito del presente estudio fue analizar las relaciones existentes entre la dependencia a las RSV y la violencia escolar entre iguales, en función del sexo y de la edad. Participaron 1952 adolescentes 50.4% chicos, con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y 16 años (M edad = 14,07, D T = 1.39). Se calculó un MANOVA multifactorial. Los resultados mostraron que los adolescentes con mayor dependencia de las RSV obtuvieron las puntuaciones más elevadas en violencia manifiesta y relacional (reactiva e instrumental). Además, los chicos y las chicas con alta dependencia de las RSV mostraron una implicación similar en conductas de violencia relacional (reactiva e instrumental), mientras que los chicos con alta dependencia mostraron mayor violencia manifiesta (reactiva e instrumental). Finalmente, se discuten los resultados y sus implicaciones.The empirical evidence suggests that Internet addiction is associated with other behavioral problems such as depressive symptoms, antisocial behavior, and cyberbullying. However, few studies have examined the dependence onOnlineSocial Networks (OSN) and school violence. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to analyze the relationships between OSN dependency and school violence among peers, considering gender and age. Participants were 1952 adolescents, 50.4% boys, aged between 11 and 16 years old (M age = 14.07, D T = 1.39). A multifactorial MANOVA was calculated. Results showed that adolescents with greater dependence on OSNscored the highest on overt and relational violence (reactive and instrumental). In addition, boys and girls with high dependence on OSN showed similar involvement in relational violence (reactive and instrumental), while boys with high dependence scored the higher than girls onovertviolence (both reactive and instrumental). Finally, the results and their implications are discussed.Departamento de Educación y Psicología SocialVersión del edito

    Plant-KBBE: Cornfed: lntegration of advanced mapping and phenotyping methods to identify key alleles for building European maize ideotypes

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    1 página, 3 figuras.-- Trabajo presentado al "Gabi Status Seminar" celebrado en Paris (Francia) en Marzo de 2010.-- et al.The project is funded in the framework of the Transnational (France, Germany, Spain) Cooperation within the PLANT-KBBE initiative, with funding from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). and the Ministry os Science and Innovation (MICINN).Peer reviewe

    On-line resistance measurement of substation connectors focused on predictive maintenance

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    To detect faults in their early stage in a substation, it is necessary to monitor, measure and analyze periodically the health condition of the electrical connectors, which are among the most critical devices in such installations. To do so, the electrical connector has to be combined with low-cost intelligent electronic devices (IED), including different sensor types and microcontrollers with wireless capabilities. Such an electrical connector is referred as SmartConnector. Using the data collected by the IED, it is possible to estimate accurately the current condition of the electrical connector in real-time, which in turn will determine the expected faults in the substation before a major failure occurrence. The electrical resistance plays a key role to determine the current health condition, and therefore to estimate the remaining lifetime of the electrical connector. The electrical resistance of a high-voltage substation connector is calculated in real-time using different methods proposed in this work, by using an analog-bipolar Hall effect sensor and an instrumentation amplifier. Experimental results, when compared with the standard 4-wire Kelvin method, show an error of less than 10%. Although the proposed methods have been validated for substation connectors, they can be applied to many other types of hardware with electrical contacts.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Fourier state of a fluidized granular gas

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    It is shown that the Boltzmann equation for smooth inelastic hard disks or spheres admits a solution describing a steady state characterized by uniform pressure and linear temperature profile. Such a state has been observed previously both in numerical solutions of the Boltzmann equation and in molecular dynamics simulations. Quite peculiarly, pressure and temperature gradient are not independent but their ratio is a function of the coefficient of restitution. Several properties of the solution are discussed. In particular, it is shown that a linear Fourier-like law is verified for arbitrary temperature gradient.Grant No. PB98-1124 from the Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (Spain)