5,751 research outputs found

    L'ús de mètodes i tècniques d'aprenentatge cooperatiu a les classes de català : aprofitar pedagògicament les diferències entre els alumnes

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    L'article, després de situar conceptualment l'aprenentatge cooperatiu, presenta diferents experiències en el marc dels cursos de català del Consorci per a la Normalització Lingüística (CPNL) que il·lustren l'ús de tècniques -en les quals la interacció entre els alumnes s'estructura de forma simple- i de mètodes - dissenys didàctics més complexos- d'aprenentatge cooperatiu

    Una apuesta necesaria y factible

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    Obra ressenyada: Javier ONRUBIA (coord.), Criterios psicopedagógicos y recursos para atender la diversidad en Secundaria. Barcelona: Graó, 2004

    Una experiència de tutoria entre iguals a Secundària, com a mètode instructiu per a la diversitat

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    Tutoria entre iguals : processos cognitivorelacionals i anàlisi de la interactivitat en tutories fixes i recíproques /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaLa tesi planteja tres objectius generals. En primer lloc, pretén contribuir a l'ordenació del marc conceptual entorn a l'aprenentatge entre iguals i, concretament a l'ús instruccional de la tutoria entre iguals. La capacitat de mediació que la concepció constructivista de l'ensenyament i l'aprenentatge atorga a les interaccions entre alumnes i el reconeixement de l'ús instructiu d'aquestes interaccions, com a potents estratègies per a un ensenyament comprensiu i de qualitat, fan necessari avançar en la disposició de marcs explicatius, avalats empíricament, sobre l'aprenentatge entre iguals. En segon lloc, la tesi pretén crear una situació d'aula basada en la tutoria entre iguals, modalitat d'aprenentatge cooperatiu on els alumnes, en parelles i amb una relació asimètrica (rols de tutor i tutorat), assoleixen un objectiu comú a través d'un marc de relació exteriorment planificat. Aquesta proposta pràctica transforma les diferències naturals de nivell de competència que presenten els alumnes en capacitat de mediació entre iguals, mostra com la diversitat és un valor educatiu i permet la creació de la situació que s'investigarà en un context escolar ecològic. En tercer lloc, la tesi presenta una investigació que pretén constatar la influència de la tutoria entre iguals -de rol fix i de rol recíproc- en alguns factors cognitius i relacionals: competència lingüística, autoestima, autoconcepte escriptor, satisfacció i representacions mútues. Per fer-ho es combinen dos estudis amb metodologies complementàries: un estudi quasiexperimental i un estudi microgenètic que intenta aportar, a través de l'anàlisi de la interactivitat al si de les parelles d'alumnes, possibles explicacions a aquests efectes. Justament, aquesta atenció al procés, a través de l'anàlisi de la interacció i l'activitat conjunta, situa la recerca que presentem en el que s'anomena segona generació d'investigacions sobre aprenentatge cooperatiu, interessades a comprendre els mecanismes d'influència educativa i els processos específics que es generen en el transcurs de les interaccions cooperatives i que poden ajudar a entendre els resultats d'aquesta estratègia instructiva.This thesis has three broad objectives. First, it aims to contribute to the organisation of the conceptual framework surrounding the process of peer learning and, specifically, to the instructional use of peer tutoring. The ability to mediate that is accorded to the interactions between students by the constructivist concept of teaching and learning, and the recognition of the instructive use of these interactions, as powerful strategies within teaching that provides both quality and a sense of understanding, necessitate advancements in the provision of explicative frameworks, empirically guaranteed, in the process of peer teaching. Second, the thesis aims to create a classroom situation based on peer tutoring, a cooperative learning method in which the students, in pairs and with an asymmetrical relationship (the roles of tutor and tutee), reach a common objective through the framework of an externally planned relationship. This practical proposal transforms differences at the level of knowledge that are naturally presented by students into the capacity for undertaking peer mediation, demonstrates the manner in which diversity is an educational value and allows for the creation of the situation that will be researched in an ecological school context. Third, the thesis presents research that aims to verify the influence of peer tutoring -of fixed and reciprocal roles- in certain cognitive and relational factors: linguistic competence, self-esteem, self awareness as writer, satisfaction and mutual representations. To carry this out, the thesis combines two studies having complementary methodologies: a quasi-experimental study and a micro-genetic study that attempt to contribute, through the analysis of the interactivity taking place within each pair of students, possible explanations for these effects. It is this very attention to the process, through the analysis of interaction and joint activity, which locates the research presented here in what is referred to as second generation research into cooperative learning, concerned with comprehending the mechanisms of educational influence and the specific processes that are generated in the course of cooperative interaction, and which can be of help in understanding the results of this educational strategy

    Tutoría entre iguales, la diversidad en positivo

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    Este artículo presenta el monográfico "Tutoría entre iguales: algunas prácticas en la enseñanza obligatoria". En él se comenta la necesidad de aprender a convertir las interacciones entre iguales en oportunidades de aprendizaje y cómo la tutoría entre iguales, en tanto que método de aprendizaje cooperativo, nos puede ayudar a ello. Partiendo de un concepto amplio de iguales, se entiende la tutoría como parejas de personas (alumnos, familiares o profesores) que aprenden a partir de una interacción estructurada

    Uncovering the Hidden Cognitive Processes and Underlying Dynamics of Deception

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    This dissertation examines the processing demands associated with motor responding and verbal statements during deceptive (or deceptive-like) behavior. In the first set of studies presented in Chapter 2, participants motor movements in a false response paradigm revealed signatures of competition with the truth. In a second set of studies presented in Chapter 3, deceptive participants used language that reflected cognitive and social demands inherent to various types of deception. In evaluating both motor and verbal cues, this dissertation provides a comprehensive, multi-modal approach to better understanding the cognitive processes underlying deception. in conducting the motor responding studies, participants\u27 arm movements were analyzed as they navigated a motor tracking device (computer-mouse, Nintendo Wiimote). To visually co-present response options, where the true option acts as a competitor to a false target. In an initial study, competition during deceptive responding was shown to be much greater than during truthful responding. In two follow-up studies, the introduction of various task-based cognitive demands was shown to systematically modulate response performance. Specifically, these studies suggest that an intention to false respond early in question presentation will amplify competition effects, and that false responding to information in autobiographical memory is much more difficult than responding to information in general semantic memory. In the studies analyzing verbal statements, the focus is turned to large-scale linguistic analyses using automated natural language processing tools. In the first study, changes in language use were identifed between deceptive and truthful narratives using six psychologically relevant categories. A major finding was that the language of deception is adapted to faciliate ease of cognitive processing. In a second study, the indicative phrasing and semantic content of deceptive texts was extracted using a contrastive corpus analysis, whereby indicative features are defined by frequent use in one corpus while being infrequent in a comparative corpus. Two contexts of deception were evaluated. In the first context of computer-mediated conversations, decievers used a range of unique thematic elements, as in avoiding personal involvement in their narrative accounts. In the second context of attitudes towards abortion, unique thematic elements once again emerged; for example, participants tended to position their arguments in terms of formal law


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    Experiments with outer strike point injection of isotopically enriched methane (13CD­4) in DIII-D L-mode discharges have demonstrated the ability to infer near scrape-off-layer (SOL) impurity density profiles based on: far-SOL collector probe (CP) measurements; a stable isotopic mixing model; and SOL impurity transport modelling. This work enables one of the first in-depth investigations on the source and transport of SOL impurities which could hinder performance of future fusion devices. Modelling by DIVIMP and 3DLIM of 13C SOL evolution is consistent with diagnostic observations and indicates that the buildup of injected impurities on plasma-facing surfaces must be considered while inferring representative impurity distributions. Namely, 13C deposits on the inner and outer targets are shown to contribute 50% at a minimum of the enriched 13C deposition on CPs and to cause poloidal shifting of the impurity density peaks in the near-SOL. This analysis elucidates the importance of source location, connection length, poloidal diffusion, and radial convective velocity of impurities to accurately model and interpret SOL impurity behavior

    The Application of Mass Spectrometry Techniques for the Benefit of Tungsten Impurity Transport Research and Nuclear Fusion

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    Several barriers prevent the capability of on the grid nuclear fusion power plants. With the research presented here, these issues are confronted and the work makes progress towards addressing known gaps in the fusion community’s understanding of material and impurity migration in fusion devices. Recent successes that were achieved during the DIII-D metal rings campaign of the summer in 2016 must continue to develop in preparation for testing on additional plasma devices. During this campaign, impurities generated from the metal tiles of DIII-D were collected on graphite collector probes. These were then studied with several techniques, and it has been shown that traditional analytical techniques such as Rutherford backscattering and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) are able to determine the presence and isotopic ratios of heavy metals. Adding to these tools, an in depth study of laser ablation mass spectrometry (LAMS) is necessary. Methods have been developed so that they may be used in direct solid sample analysis of graphite collector probes using LAMS. With these procedures in place, a comparative study has be completed between the LAMS system and traditional aqueous intake ICP-MS. With these results in hand, empirical evidence may be used to benchmark computational techniques for interpretive modeling of impurity transport in fusion devices like the DIVIMP-OEDGE-WallDYN code