122 research outputs found

    D0-D4 brane tachyon condensation to a BPS state and its excitation spectrum in noncommutative super Yang-Mills theory

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    We investigate the D0-D4-brane system for different B-field backgrounds including the small instanton singularity in noncommutative SYM theory. We discuss the excitation spectrum of the unstable state as well as for the BPS D0-D4 bound state. We compute the tachyon potential which reproduces the complete mass defect. The relevant degrees of freedom are the massless (4,4) strings. Both results are in contrast with existing string field theory calculations. The excitation spectrum of the small instanton is found to be equal to the excitation spectrum of the fluxon solution on R^2_theta x R which we trace back to T-duality. For the effective theory of the (0,0) string excitations we obtain a BFSS matrix model. The number of states in the instanton background changes significantly when the B-field becomes self-dual. This leads us to the proposal of the existence of a phase transition or cross over at self-dual B-field.Comment: a4 11pt Latex2e 40 pages; v2: typos fixed, refined comments on renormalisation, refs added, v3: ref added, version publishe

    G9a regulates group 2 innate lymphoid cell development by repressing the group 3 innate lymphoid cell program.

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    Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are emerging as important regulators of homeostatic and disease-associated immune processes. Despite recent advances in defining the molecular pathways that control development and function of ILCs, the epigenetic mechanisms that regulate ILC biology are unknown. Here, we identify a role for the lysine methyltransferase G9a in regulating ILC2 development and function. Mice with a hematopoietic cell-specific deletion of G9a (Vav.G9a(-/-) mice) have a severe reduction in ILC2s in peripheral sites, associated with impaired development of immature ILC2s in the bone marrow. Accordingly, Vav.G9a(-/-) mice are resistant to the development of allergic lung inflammation. G9a-dependent dimethylation of histone 3 lysine 9 (H3K9me2) is a repressive histone mark that is associated with gene silencing. Genome-wide expression analysis demonstrated that the absence of G9a led to increased expression of ILC3-associated genes in developing ILC2 populations. Further, we found high levels of G9a-dependent H3K9me2 at ILC3-specific genetic loci, demonstrating that G9a-mediated repression of ILC3-associated genes is critical for the optimal development of ILC2s. Together, these results provide the first identification of an epigenetic regulatory mechanism in ILC development and function

    The global bacterial regulator H-NS promotes transpososome formation and transposition in the Tn5 system

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    The histone-like nucleoid structuring protein (H-NS) is an important regulator of stress response and virulence genes in gram-negative bacteria. In addition to binding regulatory regions of genes in a structure-specific manner, H-NS also binds in a structure-specific manner to sites in the Tn10 transpososome, allowing it to act as a positive regulator of Tn10 transposition. This is the only example to date of H-NS regulating a transposition system by interacting directly with the transposition machinery. In general, transposition complexes tend to include segments of deformed DNA and given the capacity of H-NS to bind such structures, and the results from the Tn10 system, we asked if H-NS might regulate another transposition system (Tn5) by directly binding the transposition machinery. We show in the current work that H-NS does bind Tn5 transposition complexes and use hydroxyl radical footprinting to characterize the H-NS interaction with the Tn5 transpososome. We also show that H-NS can promote Tn5 transpososome formation in vitro, which correlates with the Tn5 system showing a dependence on H-NS for transposition in vivo. Taken together the results suggest that H-NS might play an important role in the regulation of many different bacterial transposition systems and thereby contribute directly to lateral gene transfer

    Dimension rigidity in conformal structures

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    Let Λ\Lambda be the limit set of a conformal dynamical system, i.e. a Kleinian group acting on either finite- or infinite-dimensional real Hilbert space, a conformal iterated function system, or a rational function. We give an easily expressible sufficient condition, requiring that the limit set is not too much bigger than the radial limit set, for the following dichotomy: Λ\Lambda is either a real-analytic manifold or a fractal in the sense of Mandelbrot (i.e. its Hausdorff dimension is strictly greater than its topological dimension). Our primary focus is on the infinite-dimensional case. An important component of the strategy of our proof comes from the rectifiability techniques of Mayer and Urba\'nski ('03), who obtained a dimension rigidity result for conformal iterated function systems (including those with infinite alphabets). In order to handle the infinite dimensional case, both for Kleinian groups and for iterated function systems, we introduce the notion of pseudorectifiability, a variant of rectifiability, and develop a theory around this notion similar to the theory of rectifiable sets. Our approach also extends existing results in the finite-dimensional case, where it unifies the realms of Kleinian groups, conformal iterated function systems, and rational functions. For Kleinian groups, we improve on the rigidity result of Kapovich ('09) by substantially weakening its hypothesis of geometrical finiteness. Moreover, our proof, based on rectifiability, is entirely different than that of Kapovich, which depends on homological algebra. Another advantage of our approach is that it allows us to use the "demension" of \v{S}tan'ko ('69) as a substitute for topological dimension. For example, we prove that any dynamically defined version of Antoine's necklace must have Hausdorff dimension strictly greater than 1 (i.e. the demension of Antoine's necklace)

    Repair at Single Targeted DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Pluripotent and Differentiated Human Cells

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    Differences in ex vivo cell culture conditions can drastically affect stem cell physiology. We sought to establish an assay for measuring the effects of chemical, environmental, and genetic manipulations on the precision of repair at a single DNA double-strand break (DSB) in pluripotent and somatic human cells. DSBs in mammalian cells are primarily repaired by either homologous recombination (HR) or nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). For the most part, previous studies of DSB repair in human cells have utilized nonspecific clastogens like ionizing radiation, which are highly nonphysiologic, or assayed repair at randomly integrated reporters. Measuring repair after random integration is potentially confounded by locus-specific effects on the efficiency and precision of repair. We show that the frequency of HR at a single DSB differs up to 20-fold between otherwise isogenic human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) based on the site of the DSB within the genome. To overcome locus-specific effects on DSB repair, we used zinc finger nucleases to efficiently target a DSB repair reporter to a safe-harbor locus in hESCs and a panel of somatic human cell lines. We demonstrate that repair at a targeted DSB is highly precise in hESCs, compared to either the somatic human cells or murine embryonic stem cells. Differentiation of hESCs harboring the targeted reporter into astrocytes reduces both the efficiency and precision of repair. Thus, the phenotype of repair at a single DSB can differ based on either the site of damage within the genome or the stage of cellular differentiation. Our approach to single DSB analysis has broad utility for defining the effects of genetic and environmental modifications on repair precision in pluripotent cells and their differentiated progeny

    A follow-up study for left ventricular mass on chromosome 12p11 identifies potential candidate genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Left ventricular mass (LVM) is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Previously we found evidence for linkage to chromosome 12p11 in Dominican families, with a significant increase in a subset of families with high average waist circumference (WC). In the present study, we use association analysis to further study the genetic effect on LVM.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Association analysis with LVM was done in the one LOD critical region of the linkage peak in an independent sample of 897 Caribbean Hispanics. Genotype data were available on 7085 SNPs from 23 to 53 MB on chromosome 12p11. Adjustment was made for vascular risk factors and population substructure using an additive genetic model. Subset analysis by WC was performed to test for a difference in genetic effects between the high and low WC subsets.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the overall analysis, the most significant association was found to rs10743465, downstream of the <it>SOX5 </it>gene (p = 1.27E-05). Also, 19 additional SNPs had nominal p < 0.001. In the subset analysis, the most significant difference in genetic effect between those with high and low WC occurred with rs1157480 (p = 1.37E-04 for the difference in β coefficients), located upstream of <it>TMTC1</it>. Twelve additional SNPs in or near 6 genes had p < 0.001.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The current study supports previously identified evidence by linkage for a genetic effect on LVM on chromosome 12p11 using association analysis in population-based Caribbean Hispanic cohort. <it>SOX5 </it>may play an important role in the regulation of LVM. An interaction of <it>TMTC1 </it>with abdominal obesity may contribute to phenotypic variation of LVM.</p

    Psychological characteristics of religious delusions

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    Purpose Religious delusions are common and are considered to be particularly difficult to treat. In this study we investigated what psychological processes may underlie the reported treatment resistance. In particular, we focused on the perceptual, cognitive, affective and behavioural mechanisms held to maintain delusions in cognitive models of psychosis, as these form the key treatment targets in cognitive behavioural therapy. We compared religious delusions to delusions with other content. Methods Comprehensive measures of symptoms and psychological processes were completed by 383 adult participants with delusions and a schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis, drawn from two large studies of cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis. Results Binary logistic regression showed that religious delusions were associated with higher levels of grandiosity (OR 7.5; 95 % CI 3.9–14.1), passivity experiences, having internal evidence for their delusion (anomalous experiences or mood states), and being willing to consider alternatives to their delusion (95 % CI for ORs 1.1–8.6). Levels of negative symptoms were lower. No differences were found in delusional conviction, insight or attitudes towards treatment. Conclusions Levels of positive symptoms, particularly anomalous experiences and grandiosity, were high, and may contribute to symptom persistence. However, contrary to previous reports, we found no evidence that people with religious delusions would be less likely to engage in any form of help. Higher levels of flexibility may make them particularly amenable to cognitive behavioural approaches, but particular care should be taken to preserve self-esteem and valued aspects of beliefs and experiences

    The multiplicity of performance management systems:Heterogeneity in multinational corporations and management sense-making

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    This field study examines the workings of multiple performance measurement systems (PMSs) used within and between a division and Headquarters (HQ) of a large European corporation. We explore how multiple PMSs arose within the multinational corporation. We first provide a first‐order analysis which explains how managers make sense of the multiplicity and show how an organization's PMSs may be subject to competing processes for control that result in varied systems, all seemingly functioning, but with different rationales and effects. We then provide a second‐order analysis based on a sense‐making perspective that highlights the importance of retrospective understandings of the organization's history and the importance of various legitimacy expectations to different parts of the multinational. Finally, we emphasize the role of social skill in sense‐making that enables the persistence of multiple systems and the absence of overt tensions and conflict within organizations