88 research outputs found


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    An integrated study of natural fracture geometry, fluid flow and stress was conducted in Desert Peak well 27-15 in preparation for development of an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) through hydraulic stimulation. This stimulation will be carried out at depths of ~3000 to 3500 ft in units comprised of silicified rhyolite tuffs and metamorphosed mudstones at ambient temperatures of ~180 to 195° C. Our previous analyses of borehole image logs from this well showed that the current minimum horizontal principal stress, Shmin, is oriented 114 ± 17Âș and that numerous fractures in the planned stimulation interval are optimally oriented for normal faulting. As an extension of this earlier work, a hydraulic fracturing stress measurement was conducted at the top of the intended stimulation interval and indicates that the magnitude of Shmin is 1995 ± 60 psi, which is ~0.61 of the calculated vertical (overburden) stress at this depth. This Shmin magnitude is somewhat higher than expected for frictional failure on optimally oriented normal faults under current reservoir pressures given typical laboratory measurements of sliding friction (Byerlee’s Law). However, Coulomb failure calculations using coefficients of friction derived from laboratory tests on representative core samples from a nearby well (Lutz et al., 2010) indicate that shear failure could be induced on well-oriented preexisting fractures in well 27-15 once fluid pressures are increased by several hundred psi above the ambient formation fluid pressure. This geomechanical model will be tested during hydraulic stimulation of well 27-15, which is intended to enhance formation permeability through selfpropping shear failure. If this stimulation is successful, then preferential activation of normal faults should generate a zone of enhanced permeability propagating to the SSW, in the direction of nearby geothermal injection and production wells, and to the NNE, into an unexploited portion of the field

    Using analogy to learn about phenomena at scales outside of human perception

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    Understanding and reasoning about phenomena at scales outside human perception (for example, geologic time) is critical across science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Thus, devising strong methods to support acquisition of reasoning at such scales is an important goal in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education. In two experiments, we examine the use of analogical principles in learning about geologic time. Across both experiments we find that using a spatial analogy (for example, a time line) to make multiple alignments, and keeping all unrelated components of the analogy held constant (for example, keep the time line the same length), leads to better understanding of the magnitude of geologic time. Effective approaches also include hierarchically and progressively aligning scale information (Experiment 1) and active prediction in making alignments paired with immediate feedback (Experiments 1 and 2)

    Ancient micrometeorites suggestive of an oxygen-rich Archaean upper atmosphere

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    It is widely accepted that Earth’s early atmosphere contained less than 0.001 per cent of the present-day atmospheric oxygen (O2) level, until the Great Oxidation Event resulted in a major rise in O2 concentration about 2.4 billion years ago1. There are multiple lines of evidence for low O2 concentrations on early Earth, but all previous observations relate to the composition of the lower atmosphere2 in the Archaean era; to date no method has been developed to sample the Archaean upper atmosphere. We have extracted fossil micrometeorites from limestone sedimentary rock that had accumulated slowly 2.7 billion years ago before being preserved in Australia’s Pilbara region. We propose that these micrometeorites formed when sand-sized particles entered Earth’s atmosphere and melted at altitudes of about 75 to 90 kilometres (given an atmospheric density similar to that of today3). Here we show that the FeNi metal in the resulting cosmic spherules was oxidized while molten, and quench-crystallized to form spheres of interlocking dendritic crystals primarily of magnetite (Fe3O4), with wĂŒstite (FeO)+metal preserved in a few particles. Our model of atmospheric micrometeorite oxidation suggests that Archaean upper-atmosphere oxygen concentrations may have been close to those of the present-day Earth, and that the ratio of oxygen to carbon monoxide was sufficiently high to prevent noticeable inhibition of oxidation by carbon monoxide. The anomalous sulfur isotope (Δ33S) signature of pyrite (FeS2) in seafloor sediments from this period, which requires an anoxic surface environment4, implies that there may have been minimal mixing between the upper and lower atmosphere during the Archaean

    The Alpine Fault Hangingwall Viewed From Within: Structural Analysis of Ultrasonic Image Logs in the DFDP-2B Borehole, New Zealand

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    International audienceUltrasonic image logs acquired in the DFDP‐2B borehole yield the first continuous, subsurface description of the transition from schist to mylonite in the hangingwall of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand, to a depth of 818 m below surface. Three feature sets are delineated. One set, comprising foliation and foliation‐parallel veins and fractures, has a constant orientation. The average dip direction of 145° is subparallel to the dip direction of the Alpine Fault, and the average dip magnitude of 60° is similar to nearby outcrop observations of foliation in the Alpine mylonites that occur immediately above the Alpine Fault. We suggest that this foliation orientation is similar to the Alpine Fault plane at ∌1 km depth in the Whataroa valley. The other two auxiliary feature sets are interpreted as joints based on their morphology and orientation. Subvertical joints with NW‐SE (137°) strike occurring dominantly above ∌500 m are interpreted as being formed during the exhumation and unloading of the Alpine Fault's hangingwall. Gently dipping joints, predominantly observed below ∌500 m, are interpreted as inherited hydrofractures exhumed from their depth of formation. These three fracture sets, combined with subsidiary brecciated fault zones, define the fluid pathways and anisotropic permeability directions. In addition, high topographic relief, which perturbs the stress tensor, likely enhances the slip potential and thus permeability of subvertical fractures below the ridges, and of gently dipping fractures below the valleys. Thus, DFDP‐2B borehole observations support the inference of a large zone of enhanced permeability in the hangingwall of the Alpine Fault

    The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) during MRO’s Primary Science Phase (PSP)

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    An integrated study of natural fracture geometry, fluid flow and stress was conducted in Desert Peak well 27-15 in preparation for development of an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) through hydraulic stimulation. This stimulation will be carried out at depths of ~3000 to 3500 ft in units comprised of silicified rhyolite tuffs and metamorphosed mudstones at ambient temperatures of ~180 to 195° C. Our previous analyses of borehole image logs from this well showed that the current minimum horizontal principal stress, Shmin, is oriented 114 ± 17Âș and that numerous fractures in the planned stimulation interval are optimally oriented for normal faulting. As an extension of this earlier work, a hydraulic fracturing stress measurement was conducted at the top of the intended stimulation interval and indicates that the magnitude of Shmin is 1995 ± 60 psi, which is ~0.61 of the calculated vertical (overburden) stress at this depth. This Shmin magnitude is somewhat higher than expected for frictional failure on optimally oriented normal faults under current reservoir pressures given typical laboratory measurements of sliding friction (Byerlee’s Law). However, Coulomb failure calculations using coefficients of friction derived from laboratory tests on representative core samples from a nearby well (Lutz et al., 2010) indicate that shear failure could be induced on well-oriented preexisting fractures in well 27-15 once fluid pressures are increased by several hundred psi above the ambient formation fluid pressure. This geomechanical model will be tested during hydraulic stimulation of well 27-15, which is intended to enhance formation permeability through selfpropping shear failure. If this stimulation is successful, then preferential activation of normal faults should generate a zone of enhanced permeability propagating to the SSW, in the direction of nearby geothermal injection and production wells, and to the NNE, into an unexploited portion of the field
