9 research outputs found

    Analyse hydrologique de la catastrophe du 15 juin 2010 dans la region de Draguignan (VAR, France)

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    Hydrological analysis of the catastrophic flash flood of 15th June 2010 in the area of Draguignan (Var, France). The 15th of june 2010 an exceptional flash-flood occurred the in the Var region in south east of France. This flood caused 25 casualties and very strong damages in the area of Draguignan. After this event several researchers and engineers teams conducted field surveys in order to gather information on the dynamics of the flood : peak discharge estimates for the main Argens river and all the tributaries touched by the event, and information on the chronology of the flood based on interviews of eyewitnesses. The SCHAPI and the DREAL PACA organised exchanges between the different teams involved in order to ensure a global coherence of discharge estimates, and to examine the question of the possible return period of the flood. This work of comparison revealed that despite the several sources of uncertainty, the discharge estimates proposed by the different teams were relatively close to each other. This work finally led to a complete cartography of peak discharges including almost 40 local estimates. The spatial repartition of peak discharges appears coherent with rainfall accumulations estimated based on radar data. A more detailed hydrological analysis of the flood was then conducted based on the comparison of estimated peak discharges and hydrographs simulated using a simple distributed rainfall-runoff model. This analysis revealed a great disparity of the hydrological answer of the tributaries of the Argens river. The strongest reactions were observed on the Florieye and the Real rivers for which rainfall accumulations exceeded 350 mm in 24 hours. The Aille river also had a strong reaction despite of much more limited rainfall accumulations on this watershed (200 to 250 mm). On the other hand, the Nartuby river showed a very attenuated answer despite of very elevated rainfall accumulations (exceeding 350 mm) : this could be attributed to the presence of large karst formations in this last watershed. Lastly, the discussion on the return periods of the flood enabled to identify the river reaches where a 100-year return period had probably been exceeded.Suite Ă  la crue exceptionnelle qui s’est produite le 15 juin 2010 dans la rĂ©gion de Draguignan (Var), plusieurs Ă©quipes de chercheurs et d’ingĂ©nieurs sont intervenues sur le terrain afin de documenter et de caractĂ©riser cet Ă©vĂ©nement, en proposant notamment des estimations des dĂ©bits de pointe sur le cours principal de l’Argens ainsi que l’ensemble des affluents touchĂ©s. Des informations sur la chronologie des crues ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© obtenues auprĂšs de tĂ©moins oculaires. Un travail de coordination et d’échanges entre ces Ă©quipes a Ă©tĂ© organisĂ© par le SCHAPI et la DREAL PACA, et a permis de confronter et de mettre en cohĂ©rence les rĂ©sultats obtenus, et d’engager une discussion sur les pĂ©riodes de retour de la crue. Cette comparaison a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que malgrĂ© les diffĂ©rentes sources possibles d’erreurs d’estimation, les valeurs de dĂ©bits proposĂ©es par les diffĂ©rentes Ă©quipes restaient globalement assez proches. Cette premiĂšre Ă©tape a permis de cartographier les dĂ©bits sur la base d’une quarantaine d’estimations au total. La rĂ©partition spatiale obtenue apparaĂźt, de premier abord, cohĂ©rente avec l’estimation des cumuls pluviomĂ©triques fournie par les lames d’eau radar. L’analyse hydrologique de l’évĂ©nement a Ă©tĂ© complĂ©tĂ©e en comparant les dĂ©bits estimĂ©s Ă  des hydrogrammes simulĂ©s Ă  l’aide d’un modĂšle pluie-dĂ©bit simple. Ces rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence une grande disparitĂ© des comportements hydrologiques des affluents de l’Argens. La Nartuby se distingue notablement avec une rĂ©ponse hydrologique trĂšs progressive et attĂ©nuĂ©e ce qui peut ĂȘtre attribuĂ© Ă  l’effet du karst trĂšs prĂ©sent sur ce bassin. Enfin, le travail sur les pĂ©riodes de retour a permis d’identifier les secteurs pour lesquels la crue a dĂ©passĂ© un niveau centennal.Payrastre Olivier Renaud, Gaume Eric, Javelle P., Janet B., FourmiguĂ© P., Lefort Philippe, Martin A., Boudevillain B., Brunet Pascal, Delrieu Guy, Marchi Lorenzo, Aubert Yoann, Dautrey E., Durand L., Lang Michel, Boissier Laurent, Douvinet Johnny, Martin C., Ruinet I. Analyse hydrologique de la catastrophe du 15 juin 2010 dans la region de Draguignan (VAR, France). In: EvĂ©nements extrĂȘmes fluviaux et maritimes. Leurs variabilitĂ©s spatiales et chronologiques dans l'ouest de l’Europe. 34Ăšmes journĂ©es de l’hydraulique Paris, 1 et 2 fĂ©vrier 2012. 2012

    Sensory neuron-specific receptor activation elicits central and peripheral nociceptive effects in rats

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    The sensory neuron-specific G protein coupled receptors (SNSRs) have been described as a family of receptors whose expression in small diameter sensory neurons in the trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia suggests an implication in nociception. To date, the physiological function(s) of SNSRs remain unknown. Hence, the aim of the present study was to determine the effects of rat SNSR1 activation on nociception in rats. The pharmacological characterization of rat SNSR1 was initially performed in vitro to identify a specific ligand, which could be used subsequently in the rat for physiological testing. Among all ligands tested, γ2-MSH was the most potent at activating rat SNSR1. Structure–activity relationship studies revealed that the active moiety recognized by rat SNSR1 was the C-terminal part of γ2-MSH. The radiolabeled C-terminal part of γ2-MSH, γ2-MSH-6–12, bound with high affinity to membranes derived from rat skin and spinal cord, demonstrating the presence of receptor protein at both the proximal and distal terminals of dorsal root ganglia. To investigate the physiological role of SNSR, specific ligands to rat SNSR1 were tested in behavioral assays of pain sensitivity in rats. Selective rat SNSR1 agonists produced spontaneous pain behavior, enhanced heat and mechanical sensitivity when injected intradermally, and heat hypersensitivity when injected centrally, consistent with the localization of rat SNSR1 protein at central and peripheral sites. Together, these results clearly indicate that the SNSR1 plays a role in nociception and may provide novel therapeutic opportunities for analgesia

    Electromagnetic processes at low momentum transfer : a review for users

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