1,531 research outputs found

    Topological superconductivity and Majorana fermions in hybrid structures involving cuprate high-T_c superconductors

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    The possibility of inducing topological superconductivity with cuprate high-temperature superconductors (HTSC) is studied for various heterostructures. We first consider a ballistic planar junction between a HTSC and a metallic ferromagnet. We assume that inversion symmetry breaking at the tunnel barrier gives rise to Rashba spin-orbit coupling in the barrier and allows equal-spin triplet superconductivity to exist in the ferromagnet. Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations are obtained by explicitly modeling the barrier, and taking account of the transport anisotropy in the HTSC. By making use of the self-consistent boundary conditions and solutions for the barrier and HTSC regions, an effective equation of motion for the ferromagnet is obtained where Andreev scattering at the barrier is incorporated as a boundary condition for the ferromagnetic region. For a ferromagnet layer deposited on a (100) facet of the HTSC, triplet p-wave superconductivity is induced. For the layer deposited on a (110) facet, the induced gap does not have the p-wave orbital character, but has an even orbital symmetry and an odd dependence on energy. For the layer on the (001) facet, an exotic f-wave superconductivity is induced. We also consider the induced triplet gap in a one-dimensional half-metallic nanowire deposited on a (001) facet of a HTSC. We find that for a wire axis along the a-axis, a robust triplet p-wave gap is induced. For a wire oriented 45 degrees away from the a-axis the induced triplet p-wave gap vanishes. For the appropriately oriented wire, the induced p-wave gap should give rise to Majorana fermions at the ends of the half-metallic wire. Based on our result, topological superconductivity in a semi-conductor nanowire may also be possible given that it is oriented along the a-axis of the HTSC.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Non-perturbative construction of 2D and 4D supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories with 8 supercharges

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    In this paper, we consider two-dimensional N=(4,4) supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory and deform it by a mass parameter M with keeping all supercharges. We further add another mass parameter m in a manner to respect two of the eight supercharges and put the deformed theory on a two-dimensional square lattice, on which the two supercharges are exactly preserved. The flat directions of scalar fields are stabilized due to the mass deformations, which gives discrete minima representing fuzzy spheres. We show in the perturbation theory that the lattice continuum limit can be taken without any fine tuning. Around the trivial minimum, this lattice theory serves as a non-perturbative definition of two-dimensional N=(4,4) SYM theory. We also discuss that the same lattice theory realizes four-dimensional N = 2 U(k) SYM on R^2 x (Fuzzy R^2) around the minimum of k-coincident fuzzy spheres.Comment: 35 pages, LaTeX2e, final version accepted in Nucl. Phys.

    Numerical study of nonlinear heat transfer from a wavy surface to a high permeability medium with pseudo-spectral and smoothed particle methods

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    Motivated by petro-chemical geological systems, we consider the natural convection boundary layer flow from a vertical isothermal wavy surface adjacent to a saturated non-Darcian high permeability porous medium. High permeability is considered to represent geologically sparsely packed porous media. Both Darcian drag and Forchheimer inertial drag terms are included in the velocity boundary layer equation. A high permeability medium is considered. We employ a sinusoidal relation for the wavy surface. Using a set of transformations, the momentum and heat conservation equations are converted from an (x, y) coordinate system to an (x,η) dimensionless system. The two-point boundary value problem is then solved numerically with a pseudo-spectral method based on combining the Bellman–Kalaba quasi linearization method with the Chebyschev spectral collocation technique (SQLM). The SQLM computations are demonstrated to achieve excellent correlation with smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) Lagrangian solutions. We study the effect of Darcy number (Da), Forchheimer number (Fs), amplitude wavelength (A) and Prandtl number (Pr) on the velocity and temperature distributions in the regime. Local Nusselt number is also computed for selected cases. The study finds important applications in petroleum engineering and also energy systems exploiting porous media and undulating (wavy) surface geometry. The SQLM algorithm is shown to be exceptionally robust and achieves fast convergence and excellent accuracy in nonlinear heat transfer simulations

    DEvIANT: Discovering Significant Exceptional (Dis-)Agreement Within Groups

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    We strive to find contexts (i.e., subgroups of entities) under which exceptional (dis-)agreement occurs among a group of individuals , in any type of data featuring individuals (e.g., parliamentarians , customers) performing observable actions (e.g., votes, ratings) on entities (e.g., legislative procedures, movies). To this end, we introduce the problem of discovering statistically significant exceptional contextual intra-group agreement patterns. To handle the sparsity inherent to voting and rating data, we use Krippendorff's Alpha measure for assessing the agreement among individuals. We devise a branch-and-bound algorithm , named DEvIANT, to discover such patterns. DEvIANT exploits both closure operators and tight optimistic estimates. We derive analytic approximations for the confidence intervals (CIs) associated with patterns for a computationally efficient significance assessment. We prove that these approximate CIs are nested along specialization of patterns. This allows to incorporate pruning properties in DEvIANT to quickly discard non-significant patterns. Empirical study on several datasets demonstrates the efficiency and the usefulness of DEvIANT. Technical Report Associated with the ECML/PKDD 2019 Paper entitled: "DEvIANT: Discovering Significant Exceptional (Dis-)Agreement Within Groups"

    The regulatory subunit of PKA-I remains partially structured and undergoes β-aggregation upon thermal denaturation

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    Background: The regulatory subunit (R) of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) is a modular flexible protein that responds with large conformational changes to the binding of the effector cAMP. Considering its highly dynamic nature, the protein is rather stable. We studied the thermal denaturation of full-length RIα and a truncated RIα(92-381) that contains the tandem cyclic nucleotide binding (CNB) domains A and B. Methodology/Principal Findings: As revealed by circular dichroism (CD) and differential scanning calorimetry, both RIα proteins contain significant residual structure in the heat-denatured state. As evidenced by CD, the predominantly α-helical spectrum at 25°C with double negative peaks at 209 and 222 nm changes to a spectrum with a single negative peak at 212-216 nm, characteristic of β-structure. A similar α→β transition occurs at higher temperature in the presence of cAMP. Thioflavin T fluorescence and atomic force microscopy studies support the notion that the structural transition is associated with cross-β-intermolecular aggregation and formation of non-fibrillar oligomers. Conclusions/Significance: Thermal denaturation of RIα leads to partial loss of native packing with exposure of aggregation-prone motifs, such as the B' helices in the phosphate-binding cassettes of both CNB domains. The topology of the β-sandwiches in these domains favors inter-molecular β-aggregation, which is suppressed in the ligand-bound states of RIα under physiological conditions. Moreover, our results reveal that the CNB domains persist as structural cores through heat-denaturation. © 2011 Dao et al

    Randomised clinical study: inulin short-chain fatty acid esters for targeted delivery of short-chain fatty acids to the human colon

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    Summary Background Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) produced through fermentation of nondigestible carbohydrates by the gut microbiota are associated with positive metabolic effects. However, well-controlled trials are limited in humans. Aims To develop a methodology to deliver SCFA directly to the colon, and to optimise colonic propionate delivery in humans, to determine its role in appetite regulation and food intake. Methods Inulin SCFA esters were developed and tested as site-specific delivery vehicles for SCFA to the proximal colon. Inulin propionate esters containing 0–61 wt% (IPE-0–IPE-61) propionate were assessed in vitro using batch faecal fermentations. In a randomised, controlled, crossover study, with inulin as control, ad libitum food intake (kcal) was compared after 7 days on IPE-27 or IPE-54 (10 g/day all treatments). Propionate release was determined using 13C-labelled IPE variants. Results In vitro, IPE-27–IPE-54 wt% propionate resulted in a sevenfold increase in propionate production compared with inulin (P < 0.05). In vivo, IPE-27 led to greater 13C recovery in breath CO2 than IPE-54 (64.9 vs. 24.9%, P = 0.001). IPE-27 also led to a reduction in energy intake during the ad libitum test meal compared with both inulin (439.5 vs. 703.9 kcal, P = 0.025) and IPE-54 (439.5 vs. 659.3 kcal, P = 0.025), whereas IPE-54 was not significantly different from inulin control. Conclusions IPE-27 significantly reduced food intake suggesting colonic propionate plays a role in appetite regulation. Inulin short-chain fatty acid esters provide a novel tool for probing the diet–gut microbiome–host metabolism axis in human

    Colostomy closure: how to avoid complications

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    Purpose: Colostomy is an operation frequently performed in pediatric surgery. Despite its benefits, it can produce significant morbidity. In a previous publication we presented our experience with the errors and complications that occurred during cases of colostomy creation. We now have focused in the morbidity related to the colostomy closure. The technical details that might have contributed to the minimal morbidity we experienced are described. Methods: The medical records of 649 patients who underwent colostomy closure over a 28-year period were retrospectively reviewed looking for complications following these procedures. Our perioperative protocol for colostomy closure consisted in: clear fluids by mouth and repeated proximal stoma irrigations 24 h prior to the operation. Administration of IV antibiotics during anesthesia induction and continued for 48 h. Meticulous surgical technique that included: packing of the proximal stoma, plastic drape to immobilize the surgical field, careful hemostasis, emphasis in avoiding contamination, cleaning the edge of the stomas to allow a good 2-layer, end-to-end anastomosis with separated long-term absorbable sutures, generous irrigation of the peritoneal cavity and subsequent layers with saline solution, closure by layers to avoid dead space, and avoidance of hematomas. No drains and no nasogastric tubes were used. Oral fluids were started the day after surgery and patients were discharged 48-72 h after the operation. Results: The original diagnoses of the patients were: anorectal malformation (583), Hirschsprung\u27s disease (53), and others (13). 10 patients (1.5%) had complications: 6 had intestinal obstruction (5 due to small bowel adhesions, 1 had temporary delay of the function of the anastomosis due to a severe size discrepancy between proximal and distal stoma with a distal microcolon) and 4 incisional hernias. There were no anastomotic dehiscences or wound infection. There was no bleeding, no anastomotic stricture and no mortality. Conclusion: Based on this experience we believe that colostomy closure can be performed with minimal morbidity provided a meticulous technique is observed. © 2010 The Author(s)

    The immunosuppressive cytokine interleukin-4 increases the clonogenic potential of prostate stem-like cells by activation of STAT6 signalling

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    Interleukin-4 plays a critical role in the regulation of immune responses and has been detected at high levels in the tumour microenvironment of cancer patients, where concentrations correlate with the grade of malignancy. In prostate cancer, interleukin-4 has been associated with activation of the androgen receptor, increased proliferation and activation of survival pathways such as Akt and NF-κB. However, its role in therapy resistance has not yet been determined. Here we investigate the influence of interleukin-4 on primary epithelial cells from prostate cancer patients. Our data demonstrate an increase in the clonogenic potential of these cells when cultured in the presence of interleukin-4. In addition, a Phospho-Kinase Array revealed that in contrast to previously published work, signal transducer and activator of transcription6 (STAT6) is the only signalling molecule activated after interleukin-4 treatment. Using the STAT6-specific inhibitor AS1517499 we could confirm the role of STAT6 in increasing colony-forming frequency. However, clonogenic recovery assays revealed that interleukin-4 does not rescue the effects of either irradiation or docetaxel treatment. We therefore propose that although the interleukin-4/STAT6 axis does not appear to be involved in therapy resistance, it does play a crucial role in the colony-forming abilities of the basal cell population in prostate cancer. IL-4 may therefore contribute to disease relapse by providing a niche that is favourable for the clonogenic growth of prostate cancer stem cells
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