17 research outputs found


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    Foam-mat freeze-drying merupakan metode pengeringan yang relatif baru dalam pengembangan produk pangan, khususnya produk olahan buah, dan preservasi komponen bioaktif pada buah. Metode ini merupakan kombinasi foam-mat drying (pengeringan busa) dan freeze drying (pengeringan beku). Aplikasi foam-mat freeze-drying memerlukan bahan hidrokoloid dan protein sebagai foam stabilizer dan foaming agent. Kondisi pengeringan dengan metode foam-mat freeze-drying yaitu suhu sangat rendah di bawah titik beku dan kondisi udara vakum, sehingga komponen bioaktif yang sangat sensitif terhadap temperatur tinggi dan oksidasi seperti: vitamin C, antosianin, senyawa fenolik, tidak mengalami penurunan yang cepat. Selain itu, metode foam-mat freeze drying mampu menghasilkan produk akhir yang memiliki karakteristik yang baik seperti warna, rasa, dan aroma seperti buah segar, tekstur renyah, struktur poros, kadar air dan aktivitas air rendah, serta dapat digunakan sebagai ingredient untuk pangan fungsional.  Secara umum, foam-mat freeze-drying merupakan metode pengeringan yang tepat dalam mempertahankan komponen bioaktif pada buah, menghasilkan produk akhir dengan karakteristik fisiko-kimia dan sensori yang baik, dan produk akhir bermanfaat sebagai ingredient pangan fungsional yang diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kesehatan manusia.Foam-mat freeze-drying (FMFD) is a relatively new drying method for food product development, particularly in fruit processing, and bioactive preservation of fruit products. This drying method is an incorporation between foam-mat drying and freeze-drying. The FMFD needs hydrocolloid as foam stabilizer and protein for foaming agent. Low temperature (less than the freezing point) and under vacuum condition during FMFD initiate the bio compounds, which are heat-sensitive and oxidation-sensitive, such as vitamin C, anthocyanins, and phenolic compounds, are not drop drastically. Moreover, the FMFD is able to obtain best physico-chemical properties of the final products, such as color, flavor and aroma similar to the fresh one, porous structure, low moisture content and water activity, even the final products can be used for functional food ingredient. Overall, the FMFD is the best method for preserving bio active compounds of fruits, acquires good physical, chemical, and sensory properties, and obtain the final products which are for functional food and affect the human health

    Penentuan Umur Simpan Menggunakan Metode Accelerated Shelf Life Test (ASLT) pada Bubuk Minuman Instan Stroberi Foam-Mat Drying

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    Pengolahan buah stroberi dengan teknik pengeringan lazimnya dilakukan untuk tujuan memperpanjang umur simpan. Pada penelitian ini, bubuk minuman instan stroberi dibuat melalui proses foam-mat drying pada suhu 50 oC melalui penambahan putih telur 10% (b/b) sebagai agen pembuih, maltodekstrin 12 % (b/b) dan Tween 80 0,1% (b/b) sebagai stabilizer buih pada sari buah stroberi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan umur simpan bubuk minuman stroberi instan dengan menggunakan metode ASLT (Accelerated Shelf Life Testing) berdasarkan model persamaan Arrhenius. Bubuk minuman instan stroberi disimpan pada suhu penyimpanan 35, 45, dan 55 oC dengan waktu penyimpanan 15 hari. Kadar air, vitamin C dan skor mutu hedonik warna diamati tiap 3 hari. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan hubungan yang linier antara kenaikan kadar air, penurunan kadar vitamin C, dan penurunan skor mutu hedonik warna terhadap waktu penyimpanan pada masing-masing suhu penyimpanan. Umur simpan produk bubuk minuman instan stroberi yang disimpan pada suhu penyimpanan 35, 45, dan 55 oC, menunjukkan hasil berdasarkan kadar air (11, 10, dan 9 hari), vitamin C (779, 773, dan 766 hari) dan mutu hedonik warna (35, 30, dan 26 hari) secara berurutan. Kesimpulannya, umur simpan dapat ditentukan pada minuman instan stroberi dengan menghasilkan nilai yang spesifik tergantung pada parameter yang diteliti.Shelf-life Determination using Accelerated Shelf Life Test (ASLT) Method for Foam-Mat Drying Instant Drink Strawberry PowderAbstractProcessing of strawberry through drying method is designed to prolong its shelf life. This research used strawberry instant drink powder that was obtained using foam-mat drying method at 50 oC with the addition of foaming agent, i.e. 10 % (w/w/) of white egg, 12 % (w/w) of maltodextrin and 0.1 % (w/w) of Tween 80 as foam stabilizers, incorporated with strawberry juice. This study was aimed at determining the shelf life of strawberry instant drink powder using ASLT (Accelerated Shelf Life Testing) based on Arrhenius Model. The strawberry powder sample was stored at 35, 45, and 55 oC for 15 days. Moisture content, vitamin C, and color hedonic score were measured per 3 days. The results showed that there was a linear relationship between the measurement parameters and storage time at those temperatures. The shelf life of strawberry powder at 35, 45, and 55 oC were found as follows: according to moisture content (11.6, 10.7, and 9.9 days), vitamin C (779, 773, and 766 days), and color hedonic score (35, 30, and 26 days), respectively. As conclusion, strawberry instant drink powder was identified its shelf life and showed specific value as observed parameters


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    Powder product as instant drink from red guava (Psidium guajava L.) juice is more practicable to increase economic value. The objective of the research was to investigate physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of red guava juice instant drink powder produced using foam-mat drying method. The results showed that red guava juice instant drink powder produced using foam-mat drying method had high yield with solubility was low, the brightness was high, the level of redness was high, the level of yellowish was low, sugar was high, and sensory properties were accepted by panelist

    Comparison of blueberry powder produced via foam‐mat freeze‐drying versus spray‐drying: evaluation of foam and powder properties

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    BACKGROUND; Blueberry juice powder was developed via foam‐mat freeze‐drying (FMFD) and spray‐drying (SD) via addition of maltodextrin (MD) and whey protein isolate (WPI) at weight ratios of MD/WPI = 0.4 to 3.2 (with a fixed solids content of 5 wt% for FMFD and 10 wt% for SD). Feed rates of 180 and 360 mL h−1 were tested in SD. The objective was to evaluate the effect of the drying methods and carrier agents on the physical properties of the corresponding blueberry powders and reconstituted products. RESULTS; Ratios of MD/WPI = 0.4, 1.0 and 1.6 produced highly stable foams most suitable for FMFD. FMFD gave high yields and low bulk density powders with flake‐like particles of large size that were also dark purple with high red values. SD gave low powder recoveries. The powders had higher bulk density and faster rehydration times, consisting of smooth, spherical and smaller particles than in FMFD powders. The SD powders were bright purple but less red than FMFD powders. Solubility was greater than 95% for both FMFD and SD powders. CONCLUSION; The FMFD method is a feasible method of producing blueberry juice powder and gives products retaining more characteristics of the original juice than SD

    Evaluation of total monomeric anthocyanin, total phenolic content and individual anthocyanins of foam-mat freeze-dried and spray-dried blueberry powder

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    Anthocyanins in blueberries have generated considerable interest in the scientific community owing to their pleiotropic health benefits against cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. However, anthocyanins are labile in nature due to their sensitivity to temperature, light, pH, and oxidation and final concentrations in blueberry products is influenced by the processing technique employed. This study evaluated the effect of foam-mat freeze-drying (FMFD) and spray-drying (SD) using a feed rate of 180 and 360 mL/h on the total monomeric anthocyanin (TMA), total phenolic content and contents of individual anthocyanins cyanidin-3-glucoside (Cyn3Gl), delphinidin-3-glucoside (Del3Gl) and malvidin-3-glucoside (Mal3Gl) in blueberry powders. The protective effect of mixtures of encapsulating agents namely: maltodextrin (MD), trehalose, whey protein isolate (WPI), bovine serum albumin (BSA) and β-lactoglobulin on anthocyanins and phenolic content was also investigated. Anthocyanin content was measured using the pH differential and HPLC methods, while total phenolic content was evaluated using the Folin’s assay. The outcome of the study revealed that concentrations of TMA and individual anthocyanins were higher with FMFD (7.11–8.09 mg/g: TMA) compared to SD samples (4.34–5.69 mg/g: TMA). Furthermore, Del3Gl, Cyn3Gl and Mal3Gl retentions were greater, in the order: FMFD > SD 180 = SD 360. Retention of total phenolic ranged from 68 to 76% and 48–72% in FMFD and SD samples respectively and the choice of the matrix MD/WPI as encapsulating agent was the most effective in protecting blueberry anthocyanins. FMFD is therefore recommended for developing blueberry powders with good retention of anthocyanins

    Teknologi Pembuatan Bubuk Sari Jambu Biji Merah (Psidium Guajava L.) dengan Metode Foam-Mat Drying

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bubuk sari jambu biji merah dengan kualitas fisik, kimia, dan organoleptik terbaik menggunakan metode Foam-Mat Drying. Produk berbentuk bubuk merupakan salah satu cara pengolahan buah yang lebih praktis dalam penggunaan sehingga akan meningkatkan nilai ekonomisnya. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 faktor, yaitu konsentrasi dekstrin (5%), (7,5%), dan (10%) dan konsentrasi Tween 80 (0,3%), (0,4%), dan (0,5%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik dalam pembuatan bubuk sari jambu biji merah dengan metode foam­mat drying diperoleh dari konsentrasi dekstrin 10% dan Tween 80 0,5% dengan rendemen 24,92%, kedispersian 21,27 detik, tingkat kecerahan/L * 77,58, tingkat kemerahan/a* 12,86, tingkat kekuningan/b* 20,59, kadar gula total 52,95%, dan secara sensori disukai oleh panelis. Technology Of Red Guava (Psidium Guajava L.) Juice Powder Using Foam-Mat Drying MethodA research has been conducted with an objective to obtain red guava (Psidium guajava L.) juice powder with the best physical, chemical, and organoleptic quality using foam-mat drying method. The red guava juice powder is more practical in using and will increase its economic value. The experimental design used was Randomized Complete Block Design with two factors replicated three times, i.e. dextrin concentrations of 5%; 7.5%, and 10%, Tween 80 concentrations of 0.3%; 0.4%; and 0.5%. The results showed that the best treatment was obtained from the dextrin concentration of 10% and Tween 80 concentration of 0.5% with the yield 24.92%, dispersion in 21.27 seconds, the brightness/L * of 77.58, the level of redness/a * of 12.86, the level of yellowish/b of * 20.59, total sugar 53.78%, and preferred sensory properties

    Changes of physical and chemical properties of rice (cv. Mentikwangi) as affected by storage conditions

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    The quality charcteristics of rice could be changed during storage caused by respiration and enzyme activity. The respiration process remains during storage, producing carbon dioxides, vapour, and heat. This study aimed to examine the changes in physical and chemical properties of rice (cv. Mentikwangi) for six months of storage. Rice samples were packed using plastic polypropylene and stored at ambient temperatures of 27-30 °C and 54-62% of humidity. Rice sampling was done four times, i.e., months 0, 2, 4, and 6. Observations were made on starch crystallinity, particle morphology, reducing sugars, amylose, glucose, and maltose. The SEM image and XRD data showed that rice starch was less rigid and more amorphous after four months. In addition, eating quality data showed that the rice had high swelling and needed more water. Amylographic also performed that rice samples were getting harder. Sugar and amylose reduction levels increased by 1.84% and 2.5%, respectively. Unlike both, around 7.94% of starch was reduced. The γ-amylase had broken the amylopectin chain according to the glucose content degradation and occurred naturally during the six-month storage period