97 research outputs found

    Clinical study on resin composite and glass ionomer materials in II class restorations in permanent teeth

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    Glass ionomer cements (GIC) used for restoration of missing dental structures have high biocompatibility and remineralization potential. However, low mechanical resistance excludes their use for long-term restorations of extensive lesions, particularly o


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    In this study we present multivariable characterization of 105 communes in Podlasie province; almost all of these communes have status of LFA (less-favoured areas). The eleven variables which are indicators of enironmental and socio-economic conditions were used for evaluation of regional differentiation. Statistical methods i.e. principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (Ward’s method) afford us to identify most important variables and to clasify communes into 5 distinct clusters. Among the studied variables these showing farmer skills, land use, farm production intensity, activities of rural local populations were the major descriptors for adequate quantitative characterizing and discriminating the communes in Podlasie province. Quality of agro-ecological environment was not an important factor discriminating the rural LFAs

    Topsoil texture maps based on calibration of soil electrical conductivity with soil datasets varying in size

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    The purpose of the study was to verify the possibility of creation of reliable soil texture class (STC) maps of a topsoil based on a linear calibration of shallow (0-30cm) soil electrical conductivity (ECsh) with small datasets of soil samples with laboratory determined STC . ECsh values were calibrated against four datasets of soil samples. The smallest datasets (5-6 soil samples per field) were selected: 1) in an arbitrary way; or 2) based on the quartiles of ECsh values. A dataset of an intermediate size (11-17 points) and a full dataset of all ST data available (33-38 points) were also tested. For one field, the calibration with ECsh quartiles produced STC maps with greater agreement with field's status than the complete dataset of laboratory results. Although, the root mean square errors and mean absolute errors were greater for quartiles than for the other datasets. The ECsh values depended on the content of fine soil (<2 mm) fractions to a depth of 90 cm, so ECsh measurements are efficient in mapping the topsoil texture of fields with relatively uniform texture in subsoil. The datasets, which produced lower values of errors did not always permit to prepare more accurate STC maps.

    Family dairy farms in the Podlasie province, Poland: farm typology according to farming system

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    The aim of this paper is to establish a farm typology according to the dairy farming systems in the western part of the Podlasie province. Data of 39 variables was collected by a survey to owners of 123 family farms. A two-stage multivariate analysis was conducted in order to determine farm typology. Three principal components were detected, explaining 80.4% of the total variance. The cluster analysis identified five groups of farms. In two groups the cow productivity is the biggest in the area. A third group contains the smallest and lowest cow productivity farms, with high proportion of non-agricultural activities. One of the two remaining groups has better soil quality and medium cow productivity. The other group has low or medium soil quality but cow productivity is higher than in the fourth group. The SWOT analysis shows different weaknesses and strengths for different groups, as well as those common to a larger number of groups. Weaknesses are related to small farm size, large number of workers, low or medium soil quality and low or medium level of technology. Strengths are related to a large share of fodder crops, low livestock density, diversification of agrarian activities and acceptable cow productivity. On the other hand, general opportunities are linked to the EU-CAP evolution and to the presence of cooperatives in the region, whereas general threats derive from a hypothetic increase of feed prices and quantity of milk produced in the EU, which could lead to a fall in milk prices.El objetivo de este trabajo es establecer tipologías de sistemas lecheros en el oeste de Podlasia (Polonia). Se analizaron 39 variables a partir de encuestas realizadas a propietarios de 123 explotaciones. Tras el análisis multivariante en dos etapas (factorial y cluster) se encontraron tres componentes principales que explican el 80,4% de la varianza total y se obtuvieron cinco grupos de explotaciones. En dos de los grupos la productividad de las vacas es la mayor de la zona. Un tercer grupo tiene las granjas más pequeñas y menos productivas, con una mayor proporción de actividades no agrarias. El cuarto tiene los suelos de mejor calidad y una productividad de las vacas media y el quinto tiene suelos de calidad media o baja pero una productividad de las vacas superior. En general, las debilidades están relacionadas con una escasa dimensión de las granjas, un elevado número de trabajadores, una baja o media calidad de los suelos y un bajo o mediano nivel de tecnología. Las fortalezas están relacionadas con la abundancia de cultivos forrajeros, una carga ganadera baja, una aceptable diversificación agraria y una aceptable productividad de las vacas. Las principales oportunidades están ligadas a la evolución de la PAC de la UE y a la presencia de cooperativas para la comercialización de la leche. Las principales amenazas derivan de los posibles incrementos de precios de los alimentos para el ganado y de leche producida en la UE, que puede conducir a una caída de los precios de venta de la leche

    The role of the gynaecologist in the promotion and maintenance of oral health during pregnancy

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess routine dental examination attendance of pregnant women and a possible impact of gynaecological referrals on the attendance rate. Material and methods: An electronic survey was conducted that was inclusive of women up to 5 years following delivery. The questions related to socio-demographic data, the course of pregnancy and childbirth, and visits to dental office during pregnancy. For statistical analysis, the authors utilized the chi-square test, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and odds ratios. A significance level of 0.05 has been assumed. Results: A total of 3455 questionnaires were analyzed encompassing women aged 13.1–45.4 years. The respondents were on average 1.78 ± 1.44 years after childbirth. The population comprises of women in 59.1% from large cities, in 74.8% with higher education and in 41% with good socio-economic status. A total of 62.3% of women from the study population have visited a dentist for a routine dental examination. Gynaecologists have given a simple referral to a dentist to 17.6% of all women. 45.9% of them were further requested to provide back the feedback of their dental consultation. Dental appoint­ments were upheld by 87.3% of referred women and by 56.9% of those without a referral (OR = 5.20 (4.05–6.67); p < 0.001). Among those who were referred, dental appointments were upheld in 91.7% of cases when further asked to provide oral health feedback and in 83.5% of cases in absence of such further request (OR = 2.19 (1.3–3.66); p = 0.003). Conclusions: It was determined that referrals from a gynaecologist, and associated oral health feedback requests increase the frequency of abiding to dental appointments during pregnancy. As such, it is necessary to increase the involvement of gynaecologists in the promotion and maintenance of perinatal oral health

    Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of cell wall components and prenyl lipids in the leaves of Tilia x euchlora trees growing under salt stress

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    The study was focused on assessing the presence of arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) and pectins within the cell walls as well as prenyl lipids, sodium and chlorine content in leaves of Tilia x euchlora trees. The leaves that were analyzed were collected from trees with and without signs of damage that were all growing in the same salt stress conditions. The reason for undertaking these investigations was the observations over many years that indicated that there are trees that present a healthy appearance and trees that have visible symptoms of decay in the same habitat. Leaf samples were collected from trees growing in the median strip between roadways that have been intensively salted during the winter season for many years. The sodium content was determined using atomic spectrophotometry, chloride using potentiometric titration and poly-isoprenoids using HPLC/UV. AGPs and pectins were determined using immunohistochemistry methods. The immunohistochemical analysis showed that rhamnogalacturonans I (RG-I) and homogalacturonans were differentially distributed in leaves from healthy trees in contrast to leaves from injured trees. In the case of AGPs, the most visible difference was the presence of the JIM16 epitope. Chemical analyses of sodium and chloride showed that in the leaves from injured trees, the level of these ions was higher than in the leaves from healthy trees. Based on chromatographic analysis, four polyisoprenoid alcohols were identified in the leaves of T. x euchlora. The levels of these lipids were higher in the leaves from healthy trees. The results suggest that the differences that were detected in the apoplast and symplasm may be part of the defensive strategy of T. x euchlora trees to salt stress, which rely on changes in the chemical composition of the cell wall with respect to the pectic and AGP epitopes and an increased synthesis of prenyl lipids

    Synteza celulaz w hodowlach bakterii Paenibacillus sp. wyizolowanych z ryzosfery

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     gleby ryzosferowej jabłoni, wiśni i truskawki nawożonej kompostami przygotowanymi na bazie miału z węgla brunatnego z dodatkiem grzybni Basidiomycota, wyizolowano sześć szczepów bakterii względnie beztlenowych, przetrwalnikujących zdolnych do rozkładu celulozy. Na podstawie morfologii, cech biochemicznych i sekwencji 16S rRNA izolaty sklasyfikowano do gatunków z rodzaju Paenibacillus. W pożywkach wybiórczych z dodatkiem bibuły filtracyjnej (FP) i karboksymetylocelulozy (CMC) badane izolaty syntetyzowały enzymy, które hydrolizują celulozę amorficzną i krystaliczną. Badane izolaty w 14 i 28-dniowych hodowlach w pożywce z karboksymetylocelulzą (CMC) produkowały odpowiednio od 0 mU do 10,87 mU oraz od 10,73 do 21,13 mU CMCazy (karboksymetylocelulazy). Najwyższą aktywność enzymów scukrzających celulozę (FPazy) w pożywce z CMC wykazano w 14-dniowych hodowlach P. lautus EG_11 – 75,6 mU, Paenibacillus sp. EG_17 – 57,6 mU oraz P. woosongensis EG_15 – 38,9 mU. W pożywce z dodatkiem bibuły filtracyjnej (FP), najwyższą produkcję CMCazy i FPazy odnotowano w hodowlach P. lautus EG_11 – odpowiednio 79,85 i 118,83 mU

    Effect of salt stress in urban conditions on two Acer species with different sensitivity

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    Background. The benefits of trees in urban areas include the following: an increase in ecosystem health, an increase in human health, the mitigation of the effects of heat and drought at microclimate level, the storage and sequestration of carbon, and a reduction in air pollution and noise. These ecosystem services can be provided only by trees that are in good health. The main cause of salt stress in urban environments is the use of deicing salts on the streets in winter. Salt stress is a complex process that includes changes in plants on the physiological, histological, cellular and molecular levels, leading to limitations in nutrient uptake, disrupting the ionic balance of trees and resulting in the death of roadside trees. In response to salinity, trees have developed a variety of defence mechanisms that allow them to minimize the effects of stress and maintain homeostasis. Methodology. The reactions of two species Acer species: A. platanoides and A. campestre, which have different sensitivities to the unfavourable conditions of the urban environments (mainly salt stress), were investigated. The research included two experiments: a field experiment with city trees and a controlled pot experiment with young trees treated with increasing doses of salt. In both experiments, the following were performed: an assessment of the health condition of the trees and the content of macroelements as well as the Cl and Na in leaves and a qualitative and quantitative analysis of polyprenols. Results. A. campestre had a more specific strategy than A. platanoides for dealing with Na and Cl, which resulted in undamaged leaves. Under the same conditions, A. platanoides leaves contained more Cl and Na and were severely damaged. The disruption of the ion balance due to salt stress was lower in A. campestre than in A. platanoides. Compared with A. platanoides, A. campestre synthesized more polyprenols in the field experiment. This ability was acquired during the process of acclimation, because it occurred only in the mature trees in the field experiment and not in the young trees in the pot experiment. Conclusions. The use of two experimental methods (i.e., the field and pot experiments) allowed for a more complete assessment of tree strategies to mitigate salt stress. A. campestre displayed a more specific strategy than A. platanoides. This strategy was based on several elements. A. campestre limited Cl and Na transport to the leaves, which resulted in a lack of damage to those organs. Under the same conditions, A. platanoides individuals contained more Cl and Na in their leaves and were seriously damaged. A. campestre synthesized larger amounts of polyprenols, which probably have the ability to mitigate salt stress. This ability was acquired during the process of acclimation, because it occurred only in the mature trees in the field experiment and was not observed in the young trees in the pot experiment

    Hemoglobina glikowana w diagnostyce cukrzycy w populacji polskiej po 45. roku życia – badanie wieloośrodkowe

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    Introduction: American Diabetes Association introduced in 2010 a new criterion for the diagnosis of diabetes - HbA1c level of ≥ 6,5%. Polish Society of Diabetology (PTD) up to now has not accepted this criterion. This study aimed to assess a concordance of this criterion with advised by the PTD glycemic criteria in the polish population. Methods: The study was performed in the frames of the screening action „Diabetes – let’s win together!” in 10 Polish cities in subjects older than 45 years, with no previously diagnosed diabetes but with existing diabetes risk factors. The assessment of HbA1c was performed using point of care device A1cNow+ (Bayer HealthCare). In subjects with HbA1c levels of >5,6%, according to the protocol fasting plasma glucose was estimated and oral glucose tolerance test was performed. Results: The analysis comprised 1889 subjects in whom HbA1c was estimated. The group with HbA1c ≤ 5.6% comprised 1156 subjects (it has been assumed that no one from this group suffered from diabetes), group with HbA1c 5.7-6.4% - 609 subjects, and the group with HbA1c ≥ 6.5% - 124 subjects, However in only 168 and 89 from those subjects, respectively, the diagnosis of diabetes could be confirmed or excluded according to the glycemic criteria. Sensitivity, specifity, positive and negative predictive values for HbA1c=6.5% were 0.827; 0.982; 0.753 i 0.989, respectively, whereas for HbA1c=7.5% the respective values were 0.370; 0.997; 0.882 i 0.960. Conclusions: taking to the account only a criterion of concordance of the diagnosis (and not a criterion of possibility of development of diabetes complications) it seems that in the polish population the HbA1c threshold for the diagnosis of diabetes should be equal 7.5% rather than 6.5%Wstęp: Amerykańskie Towarzystwo Diabetologiczne wprowadziło w roku 2010 nowe kryterium rozpoznania cukrzycy – wartość HbA1c ≥ 6,5%. Polskie Towarzystwo Diabetologiczne (PTD) jak do tej pory nie wprowadziło tego kryterium. Celem niniejszego badania było określenie jego zgodności z zalecanymi przez PTD kryteriami „glikemicznymi” w populacji polskiej. Metody: Badanie przeprowadzono w ramach akcji „Cukrzyca – wygrajmy razem!”, prowadzonej m.in. w 10 miastach Polski, u osób po 45 roku życia, bez rozpoznanej cukrzycy, ale ze współistniejącymi czynnikami ryzyka jej rozwoju. Oznaczenia hemoglobiny glikowanej wykonywano na miejscu przy pomocy aparatu A1cNow+ (Bayer HealthCare). U osób z wartościami HbA1c>5,6% według protokołu badania wykonywano oznaczenie glikemii na czczo i doustny test tolerancji glukozy. Wyniki: Przeanalizowano łącznie 1889 osób u których oznaczono wartość HbA1c. Grupa z wartościami HbA1c ≤ 5,6% liczyła 1156 osób (założono, że żadna z tych osób nie miała cukrzycy), grupa z wartościami HbA1c 5,7-6,4% - 609 osób, a grupa z wartościami HbA1c ≥ 6,5% - 124, ale tylko odpowiednio u 168 i 89 z nich udało się ustalić rozpoznanie (lub wykluczenie) cukrzycy na podstawie kryteriów glikemicznych. Czułość, swoistość, dodatnia i ujemna wartość predykcyjna oznaczenia HbA1c w diagnostyce cukrzycy wynosiły dla wartości HbA1c=6,5% odpowiednio 0,827; 0,982; 0,753 i 0,989. Dla wartości HbA1c=7,5% natomiast 0,370; 0,997; 0,882 i 0,960. Wnioski: Biorąc pod uwagę jedynie kryterium zgodności rozpoznań, a nie kryterium możliwego rozwoju powikłań cukrzycy, wydaje się, że w populacji polskiej próg rozpoznania tej choroby dla wartości HbA1c powinien wynosić raczej 7,5%, niż 6,5%

    Data visualization in yield component analysis: an expert study

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    Even though data visualization is a common analytical tool in numerous disciplines, it has rarely been used in agricultural sciences, particularly in agronomy. In this paper, we discuss a study on employing data visualization to analyze a multiplicative model. This model is often used by agronomists, for example in the so-called yield component analysis. The multiplicative model in agronomy is normally analyzed by statistical or related methods. In practice, unfortunately, usefulness of these methods is limited since they help to answer only a few questions, not allowing for a complex view of the phenomena studied. We believe that data visualization could be used for such complex analysis and presentation of the multiplicative model. To that end, we conducted an expert survey. It showed that visualization methods could indeed be useful for analysis and presentation of the multiplicative model