18 research outputs found

    Rain-Use-Efficiency: What it Tells us about the Conflicting Sahel Greening and Sahelian Paradox

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    Rain Use Efficiency (RUE), defined as Aboveground Net Primary Production (ANPP) divided by rainfall, is increasingly used to diagnose land degradation. Yet, the outcome of RUE monitoring has been much debated since opposite results were found about land degradation in the Sahel region. The debate is fueled by methodological issues, especially when using satellite remote sensing data to estimate ANPP, and by differences in the ecological interpretation. An alternative method which solves part of these issues relies on the residuals of ANPP regressed against rainfall (“ANPP residuals”). In this paper, we use long-term field observations of herbaceous vegetation mass collected in the Gourma region in Mali together with remote sensing data (GIMMS-3g Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) to estimate ANPP, RUE, and the ANPP residuals, over the period 1984–2010. The residuals as well as RUE do not reveal any trend over time over the Gourma region, implying that vegetation is resilient over that period, when data are aggregated at the Gourma scale. We find no conflict between field-derived and satellite-derived results in terms of trends. The nature (linearity) of the ANPP/rainfall relationship is investigated and is found to have no impact on the RUE and residuals interpretation. However, at odds with a stable RUE, an increased run-off coefficient has been observed in the area over the same period, pointing towards land degradation. The divergence of these two indicators of ecosystem resilience (stable RUE) and land degradation (increasing run-off coefficient) is referred to as the “second Sahelian paradox”. When shallow soils and deep soils are examined separately, high resilience is diagnosed on the deep soil sites. However, some of the shallow soils show signs of degradation, being characterized by decreasing vegetation cover and increasing run-off coefficient. Such results show that contrasted changes may co-exist within a region where a strong overall re-greening pattern is observed, highlighting that both the scale of observations and the scale of the processes have to be considered when performing assessments of vegetation changes and land degradation

    Evolution of Surface Hydrology in the Sahelo-Sudanian Strip: An Updated Review

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    In the West African Sahel, two paradoxical hydrological behaviors have occurred during the last five decades. The first paradox was observed during the 1968–1990s ‘Great Drought’ period, during which runoff significantly increased. The second paradox appeared during the subsequent period of rainfall recovery (i.e., since the 1990s), during which the runoff coefficient continued to increase despite the general re-greening of the Sahel. This paper reviews and synthesizes the literature on the drivers of these paradoxical behaviors, focusing on recent works in the West African Sahelo/Sudanian strip, and upscaling the hydrological processes through an analysis of recent data from two representative areas of this region. This paper helps better determine the respective roles played by Land Use/Land Cover Changes (LULCC), the evolution of rainfall intensity and the occurrence of extreme rainfall events in these hydrological paradoxes. Both the literature review and recent data converge in indicating that the first Sahelian hydrological paradox was mostly driven by LULCC, while the second paradox has been caused by both LULCC and climate evolution, mainly the recent increase in rainfall intensity

    Entre désertification et reverdissement du Sahel : Diagnostic des observations spatiales et in situ

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    The Sahel region is characterized by a strong bioclimatic gradient and is very sensitive to climatic fluctuations and especially to rainfall variability. Two successive and particularly severe droughts occurred in the 1970's and in the 1980's over the whole Sahel region, which had dramatic impact on the populations and their resources. The theory of a Sahel suffering from desertification was then refueled, as well as the view of a Sahara desert marching rapidly through the rest of the African continent. The analysis of the first remote sensing observations suitable for vegetation monitoring (available since the 1980's) proved to be at odds with these desertification assessments. Indeed, the satellite vegetation indices and particularly the NDVI evidenced strong positive trends, meaning that a significant increase in vegetation productivity occurred at the regional scale. This phenomenon was called "re-greening". However, no regional validation of such trends was possible due to the scarcity of field observations of vegetation. The objective of this work is to evaluate whether re-greening is actually happening over the Sahel or if some degradation trends of Sahelian ecosystems can be detected as well, using both field observations of vegetation and long-term NDVI data (GIMMS-3g NDVI). Within the framework of the AMMA-Catch observatory and of previous field programs, we now have almost 30 years of field observations in the Gourma region in Mali (1984-2011) and almost 20 years in the Fakara region in south-western Niger (1994-2011). The comparison of these two data sources (GIMMS-3g NDVI and vegetation productivity measured on the field) evidences strong re-greening patterns over the pastoral Gourma as well as an increase in vegetation productivity measured on the field. In contrast, the Fakara region in south-western Niger reveals decreasing trends for both variables. The consistency of satellite and field data confirms that NDVI can be used as a reliable tool for monitoring vegetation changes in semi-arid ecosystems and over long periods of time. At the Sahel scale, a strong re-greening pattern is found over the major part of the region over the 1981-2011 period. By analyzing the RUE index (the ratio of production to rainfall) we show that the re-greening observed over the Gourma is mainly explained by the rainfall recovery over the same period, thus showing the ecosystems' resilience to extreme climatic events. This resilience nature, however, is mainly found for the deep sandy soils of the area. Contrasted changes are observed over a small part of the landscape composed of shallow soils which experienced an increase in soil erosion and run-off coefficients, sometimes leading to vegetation decay. The re-greening observed at the Gourma scale should thus consider changes in the ecosystem functioning that may occur in a small portion of the landscape (the shallow soils). The decreasing trend observed over the Fakara region is not explained by rainfall. Changes in land use (strong increase in cultivated areas, shortening of the fallow duration) may lead to a decline in soil fertility which could explain the loss in vegetation productivity over the past 20 years. Thus, we do not observe any extensive desertification of the Sahel region over the past 30 years, but we do observe a global recovery of vegetation which mainly follows the precipitation recovery. It does not exclude though that some degradation may occur in a few regions or at the local scale, for instance over the surfaces under strong erosion or over some agricultural lands, which tends to reconcile both theories.Le Sahel est une rĂ©gion semi-aride caractĂ©risĂ©e par un fort gradient bioclimatique et qui est particuliĂšrement sensible Ă  la variabilitĂ© des prĂ©cipitations. Les pĂ©riodes de trĂšs forte sĂ©cheresse qui ont sĂ©vi sur l'ensemble du Sahel entre les annĂ©es 1970 et 1980 ont eu des effets dĂ©vastateurs sur les Ă©cosystĂšmes, les populations et leurs ressources. La thĂ©orie d'une dĂ©sertification du Sahel a Ă©tĂ© ravivĂ©e, ainsi que celle prĂ©disant une avancĂ©e rapide du Sahara sur le reste du continent. DĂšs les annĂ©es 1990, l'analyse des premiers indices de vĂ©gĂ©tation satellitaires (NDVI) acquises Ă  l'Ă©chelle du globe Ă  une frĂ©quence temporelle journaliĂšre a mis en Ă©vidence une nette augmentation du NDVI depuis les annĂ©es 1980. On parle alors de reverdissement du Sahel. L'objectif de cette thĂšse est de faire la part de ce reverdissement et d'une Ă©ventuelle dĂ©gradation des Ă©cosystĂšmes sahĂ©liens, sur les 30 derniĂšres annĂ©es. Les indices de vĂ©gĂ©tation satellitaires basĂ©s sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s optiques de la vĂ©gĂ©tation verte sont de "simples estimateurs" de la production annuelle : la validation des tendances de NDVI sur le long-terme nĂ©cessite une vĂ©ritĂ© terrain. De telles donnĂ©es sont trĂšs difficiles Ă  acquĂ©rir sur des Ă©chelles spatiales compatibles avec la rĂ©solution des satellites d'observation de la Terre et sur une pĂ©riode de temps permettant l'analyse de tendances temporelles. Dans le cadre du projet AMMA et de projets antĂ©rieurs, nous bĂ©nĂ©ficions de sĂ©ries longues de masse de la strate herbacĂ©e pour deux rĂ©gions : le Gourma au Mali (1984-2011) et le Fakara au Niger (1994-2011). La confrontation des deux sources de donnĂ©es (NDVI GIMMS-3g et productivitĂ© vĂ©gĂ©tale mesurĂ©e sur le terrain) montre que le Sahel pastoral du Gourma est marquĂ© par un reverdissement ainsi que par une augmentation de la productivitĂ© vĂ©gĂ©tale mesurĂ©e in situ. En revanche, le Sud-ouest NigĂ©rien montre une tendance Ă  la baisse de ces deux variables. La cohĂ©rence des donnĂ©es de terrain avec les observations satellitaires confirme que le NDVI peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme outil de dĂ©tection de l'Ă©volution des Ă©cosystĂšmes semi-arides sur de longues pĂ©riodes de temps. A l'Ă©chelle du Sahel, des tendances au reverdissement sont mises en Ă©vidence sur la plus grande partie de la rĂ©gion, sur la pĂ©riode 1981-2011. L'analyse du RUE, le rapport de la production par le cumul de pluie, a montrĂ© que le reverdissement du Gourma est majoritairement expliquĂ© par le rĂ©tablissement des prĂ©cipitations, et que les Ă©cosystĂšmes sahĂ©liens sont particuliĂšrement rĂ©silients aux Ă©vĂšnements climatiques extrĂȘmes. Cette rĂ©silience, cependant, est surtout mise en Ă©vidence pour les sols profonds sableux. Des changements contradictoires sont en effet observĂ©s sur la partie du paysage constituĂ©e de sols superficiels qui connaissent une augmentation des coefficients de ruissellement et de l'Ă©rosion, provoquant parfois une dĂ©gradation du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal. Le reverdissement observĂ© Ă  l'Ă©chelle du Gourma doit donc ĂȘtre nuancĂ© par des changements des Ă©cosystĂšmes pouvant toucher une petite portion du paysage (les sols superficiels). Sur le Fakara nigĂ©rien, des tendances Ă  la dĂ©gradation du couvert herbacĂ© sont mises en Ă©vidence par les deux sources de donnĂ©es et ne sont pas expliquĂ©es par les prĂ©cipitations. Les changements d'occupation du sol (augmentation des superficies cultivĂ©es, raccourcissement des temps de jachĂšre) peuvent expliquer une diminution de la fertilitĂ© du sol et donc de la capacitĂ© de production de la rĂ©gion. Nous n'observons donc pas de dĂ©sertification du Sahel sur les 30 derniĂšres annĂ©es mais bien une reprise gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e de la vĂ©gĂ©tation qui suit globalement le rĂ©tablissement des prĂ©cipitations. Cela n'exclut pas que dans certaines rĂ©gions, ou Ă  l'Ă©chelle locale, une dĂ©gradation du couvert puisse aussi ĂȘtre observĂ©e, comme par exemple sur les sols soumis Ă  une forte Ă©rosion ou sur quelques terroirs agricoles, ce qui tend Ă  rĂ©concilier les deux thĂ©ories

    Rain-Use-Efficiency: What it Tells us about the Conflicting Sahel Greening and Sahelian Paradox

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    Rain Use Efficiency (RUE), defined as Aboveground Net Primary Production (ANPP) divided by rainfall, is increasingly used to diagnose land degradation. Yet, the outcome of RUE monitoring has been much debated since opposite results were found about land degradation in the Sahel region. The debate is fueled by methodological issues, especially when using satellite remote sensing data to estimate ANPP, and by differences in the ecological interpretation. An alternative method which solves part of these issues relies on the residuals of ANPP regressed against rainfall (“ANPP residuals”). In this paper, we use long-term field observations of herbaceous vegetation mass collected in the Gourma region in Mali together with remote sensing data (GIMMS-3g Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) to estimate ANPP, RUE, and the ANPP residuals, over the period 1984–2010. The residuals as well as RUE do not reveal any trend over time over the Gourma region, implying that vegetation is resilient over that period, when data are aggregated at the Gourma scale. We find no conflict between field-derived and satellite-derived results in terms of trends. The nature (linearity) of the ANPP/rainfall relationship is investigated and is found to have no impact on the RUE and residuals interpretation. However, at odds with a stable RUE, an increased run-off coefficient has been observed in the area over the same period, pointing towards land degradation. The divergence of these two indicators of ecosystem resilience (stable RUE) and land degradation (increasing run-off coefficient) is referred to as the “second Sahelian paradox”. When shallow soils and deep soils are examined separately, high resilience is diagnosed on the deep soil sites. However, some of the shallow soils show signs of degradation, being characterized by decreasing vegetation cover and increasing run-off coefficient. Such results show that contrasted changes may co-exist within a region where a strong overall re-greening pattern is observed, highlighting that both the scale of observations and the scale of the processes have to be considered when performing assessments of vegetation changes and land degradation

    Chapter 6. Between desertification and regreening of the Sahel

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    Introduction This chapter is aimed at reviewing the ‘desertification’ of the Sahel, a source of polemic for several decades, and its ‘regreening’, a term that appeared with the first satellite observations of plant cover in the 1970s. The debate between the backers of these two diametrically opposed theories is real, and particularly important because this part of the world is known for its high sensitivity to climatic events. The specific contribution of this work lies in the combined use of..

    Chapitre 6. Entre désertification et reverdissement du Sahel

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    Introduction Ce chapitre vise Ă  faire le point sur la « dĂ©sertification » du Sahel, source de polĂ©miques depuis quelques dĂ©cennies, et son « reverdissement », un terme apparu avec les premiĂšres observations satellitaires de la couverture vĂ©gĂ©tale datant des annĂ©es 1970-1980. Le dĂ©bat entre les partisans de ces deux thĂ©ories, diamĂ©tralement opposĂ©es, est en effet bien rĂ©el, et d’autant plus important que cette rĂ©gion du monde est connue pour sa forte sensibilitĂ© aux alĂ©as climatiques. L’apport..

    Chapter 9. Paradoxical pond changes in the non-cultivated Sahel

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    Introduction An unexpected effect of the multi-decadal drought that affected the Sahel from the 1970s onwards has been an increase in surface water flows that have caused various phenomena described collectively as the ‘Sahelian paradox’. This paradox, that can be summarised succinctly as ‘less rainfall but more water in rivers’, is described by Descroix et al. (see Chapter 7). Most of the observations of the paradox were made in a cultivated Sahelian environment and the phenomenon coincided ..

    Chapitre 9. Évolutions paradoxales des mares en Sahel non cultivĂ©

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    Introduction Une consĂ©quence inattendue de la sĂ©cheresse multi-dĂ©cennale qui affecte le Sahel depuis les annĂ©es 1970 a Ă©tĂ© l’augmentation des Ă©coulements d’eau en surface, conduisant Ă  diffĂ©rents phĂ©nomĂšnes rassemblĂ©s sous le terme de « paradoxe sahĂ©lien ». Ce paradoxe, qui peut se rĂ©sumer par la formule lapidaire « moins de pluies, mais plus d’eau dans les riviĂšres », est dĂ©crit par Descroix et al. (chap. 7, ce volume). La plupart des observations de ce paradoxe ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es en milieu ..