57 research outputs found

    Space Use and Relative Habitat Selection for Immature Green Turtles Within a Caribbean Marine Protected Area

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    Background A better understanding of sea turtle spatial ecology is critical for the continued conservation of imperiled sea turtles and their habitats. For resource managers to develop the most effective conservation strategies, it is especially important to examine how turtles use and select for habitats within their developmental foraging grounds. Here, we examine the space use and relative habitat selection of immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) using acoustic telemetry within the marine protected area, Buck Island Reef National Monument (BIRNM), St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands. Results Space use by turtles was concentrated on the southern side of Buck Island, but also extended to the northeast and northwest areas of the island, as indicated by minimum convex polygons (MCPs) and 99%, 95%, and 50% kernel density estimations (KDEs). On average space use for all categories was \u3c 3 km2 with mean KDE area overlap ranging from 41.9 to 67.7%. Cumulative monthly MCPs and their proportions to full MCPs began to stabilize 3 to 6 detection months after release, respectively. Resource selection functions (RSFs) were implemented using a generalized linear mixed effects model with turtle ID as the random effect. After model selection, the accuracy of the top model was 77.3% and showed relative habitat selection values were highest at shallow depths, for areas in close proximity to seagrass, and in reef zones for both day and night, and within lagoon zones at night. The top model was also extended to predict across BIRNM at both day and night. Conclusion More traditional acoustic telemetry analyses in combination with RSFs provide novel insights into animal space use and relative resource selection. Here, we demonstrated immature green turtles within the BIRNM have small, specific home ranges and core use areas with temporally varying relative selection strengths across habitat types. We conclude the BIRNM marine protected area is providing sufficient protection for immature green turtles, however, habitat protection could be focused in both areas of high space use and in locations where high relative selection values were determined. Ultimately, the methodologies and results presented here may help to design strategies to expand habitat protection for immature green turtles across their greater distribution

    Optical Properties of Crystals of Tl1-x In1-x Sn x Se 2 (x=0; 0,1; 0,20; 0,25)

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    Досліджували спектри оптичного поглинання шаруватих напівпровідників системи Tl 1-x In1-x Sn x Se 2 (x=0; 0,1; 0,20; 0,25). За спектрами пропускання в області краю власного поглинання розраховано коефіцієнт поглинання α. Описано механізм зменшення ширини забороненої зони g E твердого розчину при збільшенні вмісту SnSe 2 ; Investigated optical absorption spectra of layered semiconductor system Tl 1-x In1-x Sn x Se 2 (x=0; 0,1; 0,20; 0,25). For the transmission spectra in the region of intrinsic absorption calculated absorption coefficient α. We describe the mechanism of reduction of band gap of the solid solution with increased content SnSe 2

    4th International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters

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    This paper presents the preface of the proceedings for the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social, and Economic Matters (ICSF 2023), a multidisciplinary event that explores the challenges and opportunities of sustainability in various domains. The preface outlines the conference’s objectives, themes, workshops, and topics, as well as its contribution to advancing sustainable development and global dialogue. It also acknowledges the efforts and inputs of various stakeholders who have made the conference possible, especially in light of the pandemic situation. Furthermore, it thanks IOP Publishing for its support and flexibility in facilitating open access publishing. The paper concludes by looking forward to future editions of ICSF and the ongoing quest for a more sustainable and interconnected world. The paper invites readers to delve into the rich and diverse content that shapes this influential conference

    The Electrical and Optical Properties of the Single Crystal AgGaGe2S2Se4

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    Досліджено монокристали твердих розчинів 50 %мол. AgGaGeS4 + 50мол.% AgGaGe3Se8. Внаслідок статистичного розміщення у вузлах кристалічної гратки атомів Ga і Ge, а також наявності вузлів, не заповнених атомами Ag, тверді розчини проявляють властивості невпорядкованих напівпровідників з максимальною щільністю локалізованих енергетичних станів біля середини забороненої зони. Встановлено оптичну й термічну ширину забороненої зони та їх температурну залежність (Еg 2,30еВ при Т ≈ 300К). Монокристали розчину AgGaGe2S2Se4 виявилися фоточутливими напівпровідниками p-типу провідності з положенням рівня Фермі біля середини забороненої зони. Досліджено особливості електропровідності та спектрального розподілу фотопровідності зразків розчину. Запропоновано несуперечливу фізичну модель, яка дає змогу пояснити експериментально одержані результати. Single crystals of the solid solution of 50 mol.% AgGaGeS4 + 50 mol.% AgGaGe3Se8 were investigated. Due to the statistical distribution of Ga and Ge atoms in their sites and the existence of the vacancies in Ag sites, the solid solution exhibits the properties of disordered semiconductors with the maximum density of localized energy states near the middle of the band gap. Optical and thermal bandgap energy and their temperature dependence were determined (Еg=2.30 еV at 300 К). AgGaGe2S2Se4 single crystals were photosensitive р-type semiconductors with the Fermi level near the middle of the band gap. Peculiarities of the conductivity and the spectral distribution of the photoconductivity of the samples were investigated. A non-contradictory physical model is suggested which explains the experimental results

    Mahseer (Tor spp.) fishes of the world: status, challenges and opportunities for conservation.

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    The mahseer fishes (Tor spp.) represent an iconic genus of large-bodied species of the Cyprinidae family. Across the 16 recognised species in the genus, individual fish can attain weights over 50 kg, resulting in some species being considered as premier sport fishes. Tor species also generally have high religious and cultural significance throughout South and Southeast Asia. Despite their economic and cultural importance, the status of Tor fishes has been increasingly imperilled through their riverine habitats being impacted by anthropogenic activities, such as hydropower dam construction and exploitation. Moreover, conservation efforts have been constrained by knowledge on the genus being heavily skewed towards aquaculture, with considerable knowledge gaps on their taxonomy, autecology, distribution and population status. Whilst taxonomic ambiguity has been a major constraint on conservation efforts, this has been partially overcome by recent, robust taxonomic revisions. This has enabled revision of the IUCN Red List status of Tor fishes; three species are now assessed as ‘Near Threatened’, one ‘Vulnerable’, three ‘Endangered’ and one ‘Critically Endangered’. However, eight species remain ‘Data deficient’. Here, information on these 16 Tor fishes is synthesised for the first time, outlining the current state of knowledge for each species, including their known distributions and population status. For each species, the outstanding gaps in knowledge are also identified, and their population threats and conservation prospects outlined. Consequently, this review provides the basis for researchers to challenge and enhance the knowledge base necessary to conserve these freshwater icons in an era of unprecedented environmental changes

    Passion in the Workplace: Empirical Insights from Team Sport Organisations

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    Although sport management scholars have focused on a fairly wide number of psychologically-related constructs in the workplace, passion has not been part of this research agenda. The present study is the first attempt to fill this gap by exploring employees’ passion in the workplace setting of sport organisations. It does so by applying for the first time the dualistic model of passion developed by Vallerand et al. (2003), which measures two distinct types of passion: harmonious and obsessive. Online survey data were gathered from administrative employees in the United Kingdom’s football industry, responsible for either business-related functions or the clubs’ social agenda (N=236) in order to measure the passion experienced by individuals guided by different institutional logics. The particular instrument has two components: harmonious and obsessive passion towards the job. Besides the passion scales, the survey contained measures related to demographic variables (e.g., age, gender and education), to employment position in the organisation and to previous job experience. Data were statistically analysed in Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and analysis of variance, using SPSS and Amos 18.0. To determine the effect of contextual variables on the passion for the job, t-test and ANOVA were also used. Both groups of employees are passionate about their job. They remain harmoniously passionate throughout their career and show low level of obsessive passion. The type of work activities influences both levels of harmonious and obsessive passion experienced by personnel within sport organisations with employees responsible for the social agenda being slightly more harmoniously and obsessively passionate compared to those responsible for the business agenda. Vallerand et al.’s (2003) dualistic model of passion has been adapted to measure passion at workplace within sport organisations. The particular working environment that forms these organisations attracts and/or facilitates employees to experience a positive work–life balance

    Електрична нестабільність міокарда як проблема сучасної терапевтичної практики – реалії прогнозування (огляд літератури)

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     The aim of the study – to analyze the latest research to predict development of myocardial electrical instability on the basis of literature data.Materials and methods. An analysis of the literature sources which cover prediction methods of electrical myocardial instability development.Results. The analysis of the literature shows that electrical myocardial instability, which is based on the heart’s response to various pathogenic factors, leads to significant changes in the electrophysiological properties of the heart muscle, is clinically manifested in heart rhythm and conductivity disturbances and prognostically characterized by different risk of developing fatal cardiac events.Conclusions. Non-invasive methods for assessing electrical myocardial instability include: echocardiography, Holter monitoring of the electrocardiogram, identification of depolarization change indicators – the phenomenon of QRS fragmentation, late ventricular potentials, repolarization change indicators – microvolt T-wave alternation, QT interval dispersion, autonomic nervous system parameters – heart rate variability and turbulence. With a view to determining the arrhythmogenic substrate, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging can be performed. Markers of fibrosis make it possible to control the assessment of individual risk for electrical myocardial instability. Prediction and prevention of electrical myocardial instability in patients with hypertension without / and in combination with ischemic heart disease, based on a study of the relationship between the presence of frequent ventricular extrasystole, such as electrical myocardial instability, and plasma fibrosis biomarkers (aldosterone, galectin-3 and transforming growth factor-β1) have not been clarified in the studies.  Цель работы – на основании данных научной литературы проанализировать последние научные исследования для возможности прогнозирования развития электрической нестабильности миокарда.Материалы и методы. Проанализировать источники специализированной литературы, в которых отражены методы прогнозирования развития электрической нестабильности миокарда.Результаты. Анализ научной литературы показывает, что электрическая нестабильность миокарда, в основе которой лежит ответ сердца при воздействии на него различных патогенных факторов, приводит к существенным изменениям электрофизиологических свойств сердечной мышцы, клинически проявляется нарушением ритма и проводимости и прогностически характеризуется разными степенями риска развития фатальных кардиальных событий.Выводы. Неинвазивные методы оценки электрической нестабильности миокарда включают эхокардиографию, холтеровское мониторирование ЭКГ, определение показателей изменения деполяризации (феномен фрагментации QRS, поздние потенциалы желудочков), показатели изменения реполяризации (микровольтная альтернация зубца Т, дисперсия интервала QT), показатели автономной нервной системы (вариабельность и турбулентность сердечного ритма). Для определения аритмогенного субстрата можно проводить кардиальную магнитно-резонансную томографию. Маркеры фиброза дают возможность контролировать определение индивидуального риска развития электрической нестабильности миокарда. Методы прогнозирования и профилактики электрической нестабильности миокарда у больных гипертонической болезнью без ишемической болезни сердца и в сочетании с ней на основе изучения связи между наличием частой желудочковой экстрасистолии (электрической нестабильности миокарда) и плазменным уровнем биомаркеров фиброза (альдостерон, галектин-3 и трансформирующий фактор роста-β1) не выяснены в исследованиях.  Мета роботи – на підставі відомостей фахової літератури проаналізувати останні наукові дослідження для прогнозування розвитку електричної нестабільності міокарда.Матеріали та методи. Проаналізували джерела наукової літератури, в яких висвітлено методи прогнозування розвитку електричної нестабільності міокарда.Результати. Аналіз фахової літератури засвідчує, що електрична нестабільність міокарда, в основі якої відповідь серця при дії на нього різних патогенних факторів, призводить до суттєвих змін електрофізіологічних властивостей серцевого м’яза, клінічно проявляється порушенням ритму та провідності, прогностично характеризується різними ступенями ризику розвитку фатальних кардіальних подій.Висновки. Неінвазивні методи оцінювання електричної нестабільності міокарда включають ехокардіографію, холтерівське моніторування електрокардіограми, визначення показників зміни деполяризації (феномен фрагментації QRS, пізні потенціали шлуночків), показників зміни реполяризації (мікровольтна альтернація зубця Т, дисперсія інтервалу QT), показників автономної нервової системи (варіабельність і турбулентність серцевого ритму). Для визначення аритмогенного субстрату можна виконувати кардіальну магнітно-резонансну томографію. Маркери фіброзу дають можливість контролювати визначення індивідуального ризику розвитку електричної нестабільності міокарда. Методи прогнозування, профілактики електричної нестабільності міокарда у хворих на гіпертонічну хворобу без ішемічної хвороби серця та в поєднанні з нею на основі вивчення зв’язку між наявністю частої шлуночкової екстрасистолії (електричної нестабільності міокарда) та плазмовим рівнем біомаркерів фіброзу (альдостерон, галектин-3 і трансформуючий фактор росту-β1) не з’ясовані в дослідженнях

    Keeping up with the Silver King: Using cooperative acoustic telemetry networks to quantify the movements of Atlantic tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) in the coastal waters of the southeastern United States

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    Understanding the nature of migratory behaviors within animal populations is critical to develop and refine conservation and management plans. However, tracking migratory marine animals across life stages and over multiple years is inherently difficult to achieve, especially for highly migratory species. In this paper, we explore the use of acoustic telemetry to characterize the spatial ecology of Atlantic tarpon (Megalops atlanticus), elucidate the ecology of this poorly studied species, and ultimately inform conservation and management. Using the data from twenty-two acoustically tagged Atlantic tarpon, we found a diversity of tarpon migratory patterns, including spatial and temporal overlap for some individuals. We also reveal fine scale movements within specific ecosystems, as well as a range of distributions and connectivity across coastal waters of the southeastern United States of America. For tarpon with tracking durations greater than one month (n = 13), we found heterogeneous space use and migratory connectivity with some tarpon remaining close to their capture location while others migrated hundreds of kilometers. In addition, we were able to identify a northern and southern limit for one migratory tarpon that had detections spanning over 365 days. We share analyses on Atlantic tarpon data, including model-driven approaches and network analysis, to investigate movement strategies and space use, which may be pertinent to other studies involving highly migratory species. The project was a collaborative effort involving several acoustic telemetry networks which enabled the monitoring of broad- and fine-scale movements for extended periods of time that would normally be difficult to achieve with other monitoring techniques. Although challenges exist with applying acoustic telemetry to monitor highly migratory species, we also discuss its value in enabling researchers to assess movements and space use beyond the focal species, such as cross-ecosystem comparisons and multi-species interactions