38 research outputs found

    Multiscale characterization of chemical-mechanical interactions between polymer fibers and cementitious matrix

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    Together with a series of mechanical tests, the interactions and potential bonding between polymeric fibers and cementitious materials were studied using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) and microtomography (mu CT). Experimental results.showed that these techniques have great potential to characterize the polymer fiber-hydrated cement-paste matrix interface, as well as differentiating the chemistry of the two components of a bi-polymer (hybrid) fiber-the polypropylene core and the ethylene acrylic acid copolymer sheath. Similarly, chemical interactions between the hybrid fiber and the cement hydration products were observed, indicating the chemical bonding between the sheath and the hardened cement paste matrix. Microtomography allowed visualization of the performance of the samples, and the distribution and orientation of the two types of fiber in mortar. Beam flexure tests confirmed improved tensile strength of mixes containing hybrid fibers, and expansion bar tests showed similar reductions in expansion for the polypropylene and hybrid fiber mortar bars

    Identification of absolute geometries of cis and trans molecular isomers by Coulomb Explosion Imaging

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    Citation: Ablikim, U., Bomme, C., Xiong, H., Savelyev, E., Obaid, R., Kaderiya, B., . . . Rolles, D. (2016). Identification of absolute geometries of cis and trans molecular isomers by Coulomb Explosion Imaging. Scientific Reports, 6, 8. doi:10.1038/srep38202An experimental route to identify and separate geometric isomers by means of coincident Coulomb explosion imaging is presented, allowing isomer-resolved photoionization studies on isomerically mixed samples. We demonstrate the technique on cis/trans 1,2-dibromoethene (C2H2Br2). The momentum correlation between the bromine ions in a three-body fragmentation process induced by bromine 3d inner-shell photoionization is used to identify the cis and trans structures of the isomers. The experimentally determined momentum correlations and the isomer-resolved fragment-ion kinetic energies are matched closely by a classical Coulomb explosion model

    Current-induced transition from particle-by-particle to concurrent intercalation in phase-separating battery electrodes

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    Many battery electrodes contain ensembles of nanoparticles that phase-separate on (de)intercalation. In such electrodes, the fraction of actively intercalating particles directly impacts cycle life: a vanishing population concentrates the current in a small number of particles, leading to current hotspots. Reports of the active particle population in the phase-separating electrode ​lithium iron phosphate (​LiFePO4; ​LFP) vary widely, ranging from near 0% (particle-by-particle) to 100% (concurrent intercalation). Using synchrotron-based X-ray microscopy, we probed the individual state-of-charge for over 3,000 ​LFP particles. We observed that the active population depends strongly on the cycling current, exhibiting particle-by-particle-like behaviour at low rates and increasingly concurrent behaviour at high rates, consistent with our phase-field porous electrode simulations. Contrary to intuition, the current density, or current per active internal surface area, is nearly invariant with the global electrode cycling rate. Rather, the electrode accommodates higher current by increasing the active particle population. This behaviour results from thermodynamic transformation barriers in ​LFP, and such a phenomenon probably extends to other phase-separating battery materials. We propose that modifying the transformation barrier and exchange current density can increase the active population and thus the current homogeneity. This could introduce new paradigms to enhance the cycle life of phase-separating battery electrodes

    Origin and Evolution of Prebiotic Organic Matter as Inferred from the Tagish Lake Meteorite

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    The complex suite of organic materials in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites probably originally formed in the interstellar medium and/or the solar protoplanetary disk, but was subsequently modified in the meteorites' asteroidal parent bodies. The mechanisms of formation and modification are still very poorly understood. We carried out a systematic study of variations in the mineralogy, petrology, and soluble and insoluble organic matter in distinct fragments of the Tagish Lake meteorite. The variations correlate with indicators of parent body aqueous alteration and at least some molecules of pre-biotic importance formed during the alteration

    Condensed-phase biogenic–anthropogenic interactions with implications for cold cloud formation

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    Anthropogenic and biogenic gas emissions contribute to the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). When present, soot particles from fossil fuel combustion can acquire a coating of SOA. We investigate SOA-soot biogenic-anthropogenic interactions and their impact on ice nucleation in relation to the particles' organic phase state. SOA particles were generated from the OH oxidation of naphthalene, α-pinene, longifolene, or isoprene, with or without the presence of sulfate or soot particles. Corresponding particle glass transition (Tg) and full deliquescence relative humidity (FDRH) were estimated using a numerical diffusion model. Longifolene SOA particles are solid-like and all biogenic SOA sulfate mixtures exhibit a core-shell configuration (i.e. a sulfate-rich core coated with SOA). Biogenic SOA with or without sulfate formed ice at conditions expected for homogeneous ice nucleation, in agreement with respective Tg and FDRH. α-pinene SOA coated soot particles nucleated ice above the homogeneous freezing temperature with soot acting as ice nuclei (IN). At lower temperatures the α-pinene SOA coating can be semisolid, inducing ice nucleation. Naphthalene SOA coated soot particles acted as ice nuclei above and below the homogeneous freezing limit, which can be explained by the presence of a highly viscous SOA phase. Our results suggest that biogenic SOA does not play a significant role in mixed-phase cloud formation and the presence of sulfate renders this even less likely. However, anthropogenic SOA may have an enhancing effect on cloud glaciation under mixed-phase and cirrus cloud conditions compared to biogenic SOA that dominate during pre-industrial times or in pristine areas

    In Situ Soft X-ray Spectromicroscopy of Early Tricalcium Silicate Hydration.

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    The understanding and control of early hydration of tricalcium silicate (C₃S) is of great importance to cement science and concrete technology. However, traditional characterization methods are incapable of providing morphological and spectroscopic information about in situ hydration at the nanoscale. Using soft X-ray spectromicroscopy, we report the changes in morphology and molecular structure of C₃S at an early stage of hydration. In situ C₃S hydration in a wet cell, beginning with induction (~1 h) and acceleration (~4 h) periods of up to ~8 h, was studied and compared with ex situ measurements in the deceleration period after 15 h of curing. Analysis of the near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure showed that the Ca binding energy and energy splitting of C₃S changed rapidly in the early age of hydration and exhibited values similar to calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H). The formation of C-S-H nanoseeds in the C₃S solution and the development of a fibrillar C-S-H morphology on the C₃S surface were visualized. Following this, silicate polymerization accompanied by C-S-H precipitation produced chemical shifts in the peaks of the main Si K edge and in multiple scattering. However, the silicate polymerization process did not significantly affect the Ca binding energy of C-S-H

    Surfactant-free nanoparticulate organic photovoltaics

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    Two types of semiconducting nanoparticulate suspensions of 1:1 poly-3-hexylthiophene: 1-(methoxycarbonylpropyl)-1-phenyl-[6,6]C61 have been prepared using (i) a surfactant-containing mini-emulsion process with sodium dodecyl sulphate as the surfactant, and (ii) a surfactant-free precipitation method respectively. The nanoparticle dispersions, nanoparticle thin films and nanoparticulate organic photovoltaic (NP-OPV) devices have been characterised using a combination of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. The miniemulsion process produces nanoparticles with a core–shell morphology consisting of a P3HT-rich shell and PCBM-rich core. Upon annealing gross phase segregation of nanoparticulate thin films occurs and NP-OPV device performance falls accordingly as charge separation in the device is inhibited. By contrast the precipitation method produces fully blended nanoparticles with the device parameters for unannealed NP-OPV devices of both materials appearing very similar. Annealing of the nanoparticulate thin films prepared by the precipitation method does not lead to gross phase segregation serving rather to join the nanoparticles together. Instead a blended composition and morphology is observed and the corresponding NP-OPV devices improve dramatically upon thermal treatment