332 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de um sistema de ignição pirotécnica

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e InformáticaExame público realizado em 07 de Maio de 2021Na indústria da pirotecnia, a composição e logística de um espetáculo pirotécnico é essencial de forma a proporcionar aos espetadores um espetáculo que demonstre uma boa coordenação dos artigos que são apresentados. Como tal, os sistemas de disparo sem fios têm um papel fundamental no que toca à coordenação e controlo do espetáculo, contribuindo ainda para aumentar a segurança dos operadores pirotécnicos. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema de disparo de ignitores elétricos, responsáveis pela ignição dos artigos pirotécnicos. O sistema é constituído por emissor, recetores e réguas de terminais, nas quais são ligados os ignitores elétricos. Este projeto foi desenvolvido na ótica do utilizador, com o intuito de ser fácil de operar, flexível e com fiabilidade. Foi elaborado inicialmente um planeamento de certas características que seriam fundamentais no projeto; contudo, ao longo do mesmo foram adicionadas outras características, de forma a tornar o sistema ainda mais completo. Foram desenvolvidos três modos de controlo do espetáculo, de forma a tornar o sistema mais flexível: modo automático, modo semiautomático e modo manual. No que toca ao controlo, o sistema tem a possibilidade de controlar (disparar) até 960 números totalmente independentes no modo automático e até 16384 números independentes nos modos semiautomático e manual. O emissor possui a capacidade de analisar os dados de vários recetores remotamente. Em vez dos terminais (onde se ligam os ignitores) estarem no próprio recetor, sendo esta a arquitetura usada na maior parte dos sistemas existentes no mercado, foi desenvolvido um sistema de réguas com terminais que são conectadas ao recetor através de um cabo. Esta característica possui diversas vantagens, uma vez que fará com que as réguas possam estar mais perto dos ignitores, fazendo com que haja economia no fio gasto para ligar os ignitores aos recetores. Outra vantagem é que permite que o recetor fique mais afastado dos artigos pirotécnicos, oferecendo assim mais segurança ao operador.In the pyrotechnics industry, the composition and logistics of a pyrotechnic show is essential to provide spectators with a show that demonstrates good coordination of the articles that are presented. As such, wireless firing systems play a key role in terms of coordination and control of the show, also contributing to increasing the safety of pyrotechnic operators. This work shows the development of a system for firing electric igniters, are responsible for the ignition of pyrotechnic articles. The firing system consists of emitter, receivers, and terminal strips, where the electrical igniters that ignite the pyrotechnic articles are connected. This project was developed from the user's perspective, to be easy to operate, flexible and reliable. Initially, a planning of certain characteristics that would be fundamental in the project was prepared; however, with its development, other features were added to make the system even more complete. Three modes of show control were developed to make the system more flexible: automatic mode, semi-automatic mode, and manual mode. As far as control is concerned, the system has the possibility to control (fire) up to 960 totally independent numbers in automatic mode and up to 16384 independent numbers in semi-automatic and manual mode. The emitter the ability to analyse the data from multiple receivers remotely. Instead of the terminals (where the electric igniters are connected) being on the receiver itself, which is the architecture used in most of the existing systems on the market, a system of strips with terminals was developed, which are connected to the receiver via a cable. This feature has several advantages, since it will allow the strips to be closer to the igniters, saving the wire used to connect the igniters to the receivers. Another advantage is that it allows the receiver to be further away from the pyrotechnic articles, thus offering more security to the operator

    Projeto de um novo layout Industrial de materiais e de Produto acabado

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    Este projeto resultou de um estágio curricular realizado na empresa Sopais[25]. Neste projeto é pretendido a projeção de um layout do pavilhão novo que a empresa Sopais[25] está a construir para expandir a sua área. A Sopais[25] é uma empresa de impressão e fabrico de componentes metálicos, situada em Estarreja que está a expandir a sua área de trabalho, construindo um novo pavilhão junto do pavilhão já existente. Este novo pavilhão está destinado para o armazenamento de matérias primas, produtos acabados, produto não conforme entre outros. Desta forma, foi necessário projetar layouts da área de acondicionamento de todos os materiais pretendidos, bem como idealizar métodos de trabalho otimizados, e também métodos de trabalhos novos a aplicar, para o bom funcionamento da empresa, a quando do inicio da utilização do novo pavilhão. Para a projeção destes layouts e de outros componentes necessários à realização deste projeto foram utilizados os softwares de CAD (Computer Aided Design), tais como AutoCAD 2017[3], Revit 2017[4] e SketchUp 2017[24]. No decorrer deste projeto foram realizados vários estudos nas várias áreas de trabalho da Sopais[25] como as áreas de produção, de qualidade, de logística, entre outras, para que as projeções dos layouts de armazenamento fossem o mais precisas possíveis.This project resulted from a curricular internship at Sopais. In this project, it is intended to project the layout of the new facility that the company Sopais is building to expand its area. Sopais is a company that prints and manufactures metal components, located in Estarreja, that is expanding its work area, building a new pavilion next to the existing one. This new pavilion is destined for the storage of raw-material, finished products, nonconforming or not-ok products among others. Thus, it was necessary to design layouts for the storage area of all the desired materials, as well as to idealize optimized work methods, as well as new work methods to be applied, for the good functioning of the company when the new pavilion starts to be used. For the projection of these layouts and other components necessary for the realization of this project, it was used CAD (Computer Aided Design) software, such as AutoCAD 2017, Revit 2017 and SketchUp 2017. During this project, several studies were carried out in the various work areas of Sopais, such as the production, quality and logistics areas, among others, so that the storage layout projections were as accurate as possible

    Estudo de balística interna

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    O conhecimento e a compreensão dos processos que ocorrem no interior do tubo de uma arma de fogo, desde a ignição da carga propulsora, até à saída do projétil, é importante no desenvolvimento do armamento, de uma forma económica e segura. Com a modelação matemática destes processos, que é uma abordagem muito utilizada atualmente, é possível otimizar a carga explosiva e os materiais utilizados. Este estudo foi realizado no âmbito do projeto FIREND, resultante da colaboração entre a Academia Militar e o Instituto Superior Técnico O modelo desenvolvido foi aplicado a um sistema, arma, carga propulsora e projétil, já existente, tendo os resultados obtidos sido validados com o software PRODAS e tabelas referentes ao presente sistema. Para melhor compreender a importância das variáveis envolvidas, é feita uma análise de sensibilidade a diversos parâmetros balísticos, mantendo constante as dimensões da arma em estudo. Na análise dos resultados verifica-se que a cinta de travamento é um elemento muito importante, alterando significativamente os valores da pressão e da velocidade. Verificou-se também que com cargas propulsoras de maior taxa de queima é possível obter valores mais elevados de pressão máxima e velocidade à saída. Palavras chave: Balística interna; Projétil de Artilharia; Pressão; Velocidade; Modelação matemática; Análise de sensibilidade.The knowledge and comprehension of the processes that occur inside a firearm’s tube, since the propeller charge ignition, until the projectile’s exit, is important in developing armament, in an economic and safe way. With these processes mathematic modelling, which is currently a very used approach, it is possible to optimize the explosive charge and the used materials. This study was performed in the scope of the project FIREND, as a result of the cooperation between the Academia Militar and the Instituto Superior Técnico. The developed model was applied to a system, weapon, propeller charge and projectile, already existent, and the obtained results were validated with the software PRODAS and charts related to the present system. To better understand the importance of the variables involved, it is made a sensibility analysis to several ballistic parameters, maintaining steady the dimensions of the studied weapon. In the results analysis, it is verified that the rotating band is a very important element, significantly altering the pressure and velocity values. It was also verified that with propeller charges of higher deflagration speed it is possible to obtain higher values of maximum pressure and velocity at exiting

    Quantification of upper limb kinetic asymmetries in front crawl swimming

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    This study aimed at quantifying upper limb kinetic asymmetries in maximal front crawl swimming and to examine if these asymmetries would affect the contribution of force exertion to swimming performance. Eighteen high level male swimmers with unilateral breathing patterns and sprint or middle distance specialists, volunteered as participants. A load-cell was used to quantify the forces exerted in water by completing a 30s maximal front crawl tethered swimming test and a maximal 50 m free swimming was considered as a performance criterion. Individual force-time curves were obtained to calculate the mean and maximum forces per cycle, for each upper limb. Following, symmetry index was estimated and breathing laterality identified by questionnaire. Lastly, the pattern of asymmetries along the test was estimated for each upper limb using linear regression of peak forces per cycle. Asymmetrical force exertion was observed in the majority of the swimmers (66.7%), with a total correspondence of breathing laterality opposite to the side of the force asymmetry. Forces exerted by the dominant upper limb presented a higher decrease than from the non-dominant. Very strong associations were found between exerted forces and swimming performance, when controlling the isolated effect of symmetry index. Results point that force asymmetries occur in the majority of the swimmers, and that these asymmetries are most evident in the first cycles of a maximum bout. Symmetry index stood up as an influencing factor on the contribution of tethered forces over swimming performance. Thus, to some extent, a certain degree of asymmetry is not critical for short swimming performance.UBI/FCSH/Santander/2010info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Malignant paratesticular mesothelioma

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    Mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis testis (MTVT) is a rare tumor that usually affects patients after the sixth decade of life. Exposure to asbestos is a known risk factor. Enlargement of the scrotal volume is the most common initial clinical manifestation, and about 15% of cases present metastasis at diagnosis. The treatment relies on surgical resection while the role of adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy remains unclear. The prognosis for patients is generally poor, with a lethal outcome in 30% over a 24-month period. The authors report a case of a 62-year-old patient with the diagnosis of MTVT without a history of asbestos exposure. After surgical treatment, metastatic disease ensued. Chemotherapy was initiated, but could not be continued due to marked and fast clinical deterioration. The authors call attention to the difficulty of early diagnosis of MTVT due to a nonspecific clinical picture, the lack of action by the patient when the scrotal enlargement was first noticed, and the lack of tumor markers. Delayed diagnosis is definitely related to unfavorable prognosis

    Surviving cardiac arrest: what happens after admission to the intensive care unit?

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    Patients successfully resuscitated from cardiac arrest (CA) are admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) for post-resuscitation care. These patients' prognosis remains dismal, with only a minority surviving to hospital discharge. Understanding the clinical factors involved in the management of these patients is essential to improve their prognosis.Introdução: Doentes ressuscitados de uma paragem cardiorrespiratória (PCR) são admitidos em Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) para receber cuidados pós-reanimação, mas apenas uma minoria sobrevive até à alta hospitalar. Compreender os fatores clínicos envolvidos na sua abordagem é essencial para melhorar o prognóstico. Objetivos: Caracterizar a população admitida na UCI após reanimac¸ão bem-sucedida e analisar os fatores associados aos outcomes. Métodos: Realizamos um estudo retrospetivo e descritivo com doentes admitidos após PCR na UCI, de janeiro de 2014 a dezembro de 2018. Analisaram-se os fatores demográficos, caraterísticas da PCR, abordagem precoce e outcomes neurológico e de mortalidade. Resultados: Foram admitidos 187 doentes, com uma mediana de 67 anos; 39% sofreram PCR pré-hospitalar, 87% apresentavam ritmo inicial não desfibrilhável e a etiologia presumida mais frequente foi a cardíaca (31%). A mortalidade intra-hospitalar foi 63%; 31% dos sobreviventes tinha disfunc¸ão neurológica significativa à data da alta hospitalar (CPC 3 ou 4). O atraso no início do suporte básico de vida (SBV), score SAPS II mais elevado e maior durac¸ão indexada de suporte vasopressor foram preditores independentes de mortalidade intra-hospitalar. O ritmo desfibrilhável foi associado a melhoria da sobrevida. Um valor de Escala de Coma de Glasgow mais elevado na alta da UCI e menor durac¸ão de internamento na UCI foram preditores de melhor outcome neurológico. Conclusão: Este estudo salienta o impacto prognóstico do ritmo desfibrilhável e confirma a importância do início imediato de SBV e da rápida desfibrilhação, reforçando a necessidade de capacitar a população intra e extra-hospitalar.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Our aim of present study was to investigate the differences in force production between arms during front crawl tethered swimming (TS). Firstly, 14 young male swimmers (14.2 ± 1.09 yrs; 168.3 ± 2.22 cm; 59.9 ± 4.77 kg) undertook a 30 s maximum front crawl TS test. It was observed that preferred arm (P_Fmax) produces a maximum force higher than non-preferred arm (NP_Fmax). Additionally, was verified that the decrease in maximum force was higher for P_Fmax than NP_Fmax. In the second part of the study, 6 elite male swimmers (19.8 ± 2.23 yrs; 183.6 ± 3.64 cm; 77.3 ± 3.64 kg) replicated the methodology, being the individual curves assessed trough polynomial curves, which allowed identifying the unbalance between arms. This methodology may detect a limiting factor of performance being a useful tool for coaches training prescription

    Illite-smectite mixed-layer minerals in hydrothermal alteration of volcanic rocks: I. One-dimensional XRD structure analysis and characterisation of component layers.

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    International audienceFor a series of mixed-layer illite-smectite (I-S) minerals from a drill hole near the Kakkonda geothermal field, one-dimensional structure analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD) was performed using Ca-saturated specimens at both air-dried and ethylene glycol solvated states. The expandability characteristics of component layers were also examined by means of alkylammonium exchange and Li-saturation. The K content in illite layer was almost constant at 1.5-1.7/O20(OH)4 in the I-S series from 3% to 85% of I-layer content (% I). The layer charge of smectite layer varied slightly within the ranges of R1 I-S samples showed complicated expandability with alkylammonium exchange. The XRD patterns of dodecylammonium exchanged I-S samples can be interpreted by random interstratification of several types of sub-units such as layer-doublets, layer-triplets and layer-quarutets present in the crystallites. This interpretation is consistent with the variation in the occurrence probabilities of layer-multiplets calculated from the junction probabilities and the proportions of layers. Because the interpretation indicates that I-S is a stack of various types of the sub-units, the smectite illitization can be described by a systematic change in the type and proportion of the sub-units constituting crystallites

    Biomechanical and bioenergetical evaluation of swimmers using fully-tethered swimming: A qualitative review

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    It is presented a qualitative review of the specialized literature on fully-tethered swimming, with the scopes of summarizing and highlighting published knowledge, identifying its gaps and limitations, and motivate future research. The major research conclusions can be summarized as follows: (i) tethered swimming is a reliable test to evaluate force exerted in water by swimmers; (ii) higher maximum values of force are obtained in breaststroke and butterfly, while average values are higher in front crawl; (iii) tethered forces present moderate to strong relationships with swimming velocity, and associations between forces diminish as swimming distance increases; (iv) 30 s maximal tethered swimming may be used as an adaptation of Wingate test for swimming; (v) differences in stroke mechanics can occur in tethered swimming but there is no evidence to suggest that they affect swimming performance; (vi) Tethered swimming is a valid methodology to evaluate aerobic energy contribution in swimming and recent investigations concluded that it can also provide information on the anaerobic contribution. Based on and stimulated by current knowledge, further research should focus on the following topics: (i) the usefulness of tethered swimming as a valid tool to evaluate other swimming techniques; (ii) differences in force parameters induced by gender or competitive level; (iii) defining accurate variables for estimation of anaerobic power and/or capacity using tethered swimming; (iv) bilateral asymmetries in exerted forces, and corresponding influence of breathing; (v) relative contribution of arms and legs for whole-body propelling forces.This project was supported by the National Funds through FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (UID/DTP/ 04045/2013) – and the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER) allocated by European Union through the COMPETE 2020 Programme (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006969) – competitiveness and internationalization (POCI)

    Calidad de vida de los niños con enfermedad renal

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    Enquadramento: A doença renal enquanto doença crónica impede as crianças e famílias de poderem disfrutar de uma vida normal, tendo em conta as modificações que ocorrem no seu quotidiano. Objetivos: Caracterizar a qualidade de vida percebida pelas crianças com doença renal e que frequentam campos de férias. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo-correlacional e transversal, de natureza mista. A amostra é não probabilística composta por 42 crianças (29 espanholas e 13 portuguesas), entre os 7 e 17 anos e com doença renal crónica, que frequentaram campos de férias. Utilizou-se a versão portuguesa e espanhola da escala KINDL®, questões sociodemográficas, clínicas e um bloco de notas. Resultados: As crianças têm uma perceção positiva da qualidade de vida. A dimensão Autoestima foi a melhor percecionada e o Bem-Estar Emocional a pior. As crianças espanholas percecionaram melhor qualidade de vida. Da análise de conteúdo efetuada emergiram sentimentos positivos. Conclusão: Um acompanhamento individualizado da criança por uma equipa multidisciplinar, campos de férias formativos, de autonomização e libertação, de educação por pares, de socialização e lúdicos, poderão ser benéficos às crianças e sua família.Background: Chronic kidney disease prevents families and children from enjoying a normal life due to changes in their everyday life. Objectives: To characterize the quality of life perceived by children with kidney disease who attend summer camps. Methodology: Descriptive, correlational, and cross-sectional study, with a mixed-method approach. The nonprobability sample is composed of 42 children (29 Spanish and 13 Portuguese children) aged between 7 and 17 years with a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease and attending summer camps. We used the Portuguese and Spanish versions of the KINDL® scale, sociodemographic and clinical questions, and a notepad. Results: Children had a positive perception of quality of life. The Self-Esteem dimension was the best perceived, and the Emotional well-being dimension was the worst perceived. Spanish children had a better perception of quality of life. Positive feelings emerged from the content analysis. Conclusion: Individualized follow-up up by a multidisciplinary team and summer camps for educational purposes, empowerment and emancipation, peer education, socialization, and entertainment can be beneficial to children and their families.Marco contextual: La enfermedad renal, como enfermedad crónica impide que los niños y las familias puedan disfrutar de una vida normal, dadas las alteraciones que tienen lugar en su vida diaria. Objetivos: caracterizar la calidad de vida percibida por los niños con enfermedad renal que van a campamentos de vacaciones. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo-correlacional y transversal, de naturaleza mixta. La muestra es no probabilística y está compuesta por 42 niños (29 españoles y 13 portugueses) de entre 7 y 17 años con enfermedad renal crónica que estuvieron en campamentos de vacaciones. Se utilizó la versión portuguesa y española de la escala KINDL®, cuestiones sociodemográficas, clínicas y un cuaderno de notas. Resultados: Los niños tienen una percepción positiva de la calidad de vida. La dimensión Autoestima fue la que mejor se percibió y el Bienestar Emocional la que peor. Los niños españoles percibieron mejor la calidad de vida. Del análisis de contenido realizado surgieron sentimientos positivos. Conclusión: Un seguimiento individualizado del niño por un equipo multidisciplinar, así como campamentos de vacaciones formativos, de autonomía y liberación, de educación por pares, de socialización y lúdicos pueden ser beneficiosos para los niños y su familia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio